The fairy father

Chapter 147 Hundreds of sects fight against the Wanyun Sect!

The two sects are fighting fiercely, and a grandma group comes from ASEAN.

These dozens of wives of ASEAN officials may not be able to suppress the Tiantian Clan;

But those two concubines of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor came at the right time!

Li Ping'an's first reaction when he heard the news was that Old Man Tianli had arranged for the 'True Heavenly Soldiers' to 'protect' the Wei Yuanzong production line, but then he thought about it and felt something was wrong.

Old Man Tianli is just the third deputy leader of ASEAN, and compared to the entire human race, he is just an ordinary bearded general;

In the entire ASEAN, only the leader is qualified to be among the ministers of Emperor Xuanyuan Huang, and he is still the last;

How could the old man attract the Yellow Emperor's concubines with his natural power alone?

Although the Yellow Emperor's concubines were numerous in number, they were rarely heard traveling between heaven and earth.

‘Is there something going on here? ’

Although Li Ping'an had doubts in his heart, he did not dare to neglect the spouses of the Overlord of Heaven and Earth.

He rushed to Elder Yan Sheng to give him a few words. If there were casual cultivators gathering to cause trouble later on, he would just abandon the store and take photos from multiple angles and multiple cameras to record the riotous cultivators. This would be of great use later.

If a shop is smashed, it can be repaired, and it will cost you some spiritual stones at most;

As long as there are no casualties among the handyman disciples in the store, it is not a big deal.

Then, Li Ping'an asked Master to accompany him and went outside the city to greet him.

A huge cloud boat hangs over the river valley.

The cloud boat is more than a hundred feet long and is a common style of building boat in Dongzhou. Large white clouds have gathered below due to the formation.

There were two teams of immortal soldiers on the left and right of Yunzhou, numbering a thousand, and the leaders were two silver-armored generals from the Celestial Realm.

Li Ping'an was still wondering in his heart. The emperor's concubines and so many officials' wives were traveling together, and there were no golden-armored generals from the Golden Fairyland accompanying them to protect them?

When he got close to Yunzhou and entered a thin barrier, the questions in his heart were immediately answered.

Cang Yuezhu's weapon spirit reminded that there are seven golden immortal auras and forty-two heavenly immortal auras hidden in Yun Zhou!

And they all gathered in the flower hall on the top floor of Yunzhou!

The corners of Li Pingan's mouth twitched slightly.

This group of young grannies were almost walking sideways in Dongzhou. If they encountered some big monster sneak attack, they would just say hello, raise their swords and slap them on the ass, and they would need some golden immortal guards!

——Most of the real wives of these ASEAN officials have been fighting since ancient times, and they are Taoist companions with these officials. Some of them should be the generals who retired back home to support their husbands and children.

"Sister Qingsu, my nephew is safe!"

A familiar voice came to my ears, and Wenrou, the fairy, arrived on the clouds to welcome me.

Yun Zhou came up with some immortal knowledge and locked it on Li Ping'an;

Li Ping'an subconsciously held his head high, fearing that he would lose face to Wan Yunzong and his father.

Wenrou hugged Qingsu affectionately and asked how she was doing;

Qing Su didn't have any emotional changes, and expressed her good impression of her 'eating friend' with a smile on her lips.

Just when Li Ping'an was about to ask, Wenrou took the initiative to remind her:

"Nephew Ping'an, the two concubines of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor are included. Please remember to bow to me later. His Majesty the Yellow Emperor doesn't like people to kneel down.

"Also, you are a man, so don't keep staring at the two adults.

"Today there is a banquet at our daughter's house in Xuanyuan Palace. An adult is my mentor. I mentioned your Wanyun Sect's method of refining weapons. They were very interested, so I invited them to come. How to watch and appreciate the assembly line.

"The magic weapon needed by ASEAN cannot be lost. You also need to inform Wei Yuanzong to make preparations and ask a few female immortals to receive you. It is inconvenient for the two adults to see foreign guests."

Li Ping'an immediately held up his hands and thanked him.

Today's round was actually organized by Aunt Wenrou!

Wenrou smiled and blinked, pulling Qingsu in first, leaving Li Ping'an behind.

Li Ping'an thought for a while, and simply bowed to the big ship outside, and then said loudly:

"Li Ping'an, the ASEAN patrol envoy, is here to pay homage to all of you! Wei Yuanzong is in the north, and I will guide you in front of Yunqian!"

I heard a gentle female voice coming from the flower hall on the top floor: "Dawu Quasi Immortal, please come in and rest. We are all grandmothers, why are you so mean-spirited? I don't know, we can make a breakthrough today."

Then I heard an old woman laugh and say:

"My lord, the patrol envoy has a long way to go. Foreign ministers cannot meet you two casually, so let him lead the way."

The gentle female voice said with a smile: "That's right, then I'll bother you, Sir Inspector."

Li Ping'an bowed to the flower hall again, turned around and fell in front of the immortal soldiers, standing with a silver-armored immortal general.

"Meet the inspector."

Silver Armor Fairy cupped Li Ping'an's fists in his hands and quietly gave a thumbs up.

When people in the world heard about Huang Emperor's concubines, most of them couldn't help but take a look, but Li Ping'an simply refused to enter the flower hall.

Li Ping'an smiled and handed over his hand, quietly activated a precious communication jade talisman, wrote a few lines of handwriting in it, and simultaneously passed it on to his father.

Two immortal generals, one on the left and one on the right, simultaneously activated the formation at the bottom of the Yunzhou. The Yunzhou enveloped several layers of immortal light, and then carried the clouds through the air to the north. Its speed was comparable to the speed of a true immortal.

Standing in this heavy fairy light, you can't feel any bumps, and the entire acceleration process is quite smooth.

"Inspector," the immortal general leaned forward and spoke, "Brother Ye asked me to bring you a message. He is busy retreating to break through and cannot come to help this time."

"Oh?" Li Ping'an narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The general said: "Forging Tianmen has earned a lot of spiritual stones in ASEAN over the past few years. More than half of ASEAN's deputy alliances are very dissatisfied with them."

Li Ping'an nodded slowly, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, general. Please come to Dong'an City to sit down and have a nice drink later."

"Easy to say, easy to say," the Celestial Immortal General said with a smile, "If I can say a few more words to Dawu Quasi-immortal, my bottleneck might be loosened!"

Li Ping'an:...

Then silence is golden.

He calculated Yunzhou's speed and it would take almost two and a half hours to reach the gate of Weiyuan Sect and start practicing with his eyes closed.

The role of this 'Women Can Worth Half the Sky Sunset Red Tour Group' is only to protect the production line of Wei Yuan Sect and will not support Wan Yun Sect.

These old ladies, who should be very young in appearance, are not stupid or stupid people, especially the two concubines of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor. They may have been performing "palace scheming" for tens of thousands of years in the Yellow Emperor's harem, and they are definitely not easy to fool.

How to solve the current predicament of Wanyun Sect?

Li Ping'an kept thinking in his mind, but couldn't find any brilliant strategy for a while, so he could only follow Yunzhou all the way north.

When they were about to arrive at Weiyuanzong, a large number of female fairies from Weiyuanzong took the initiative to welcome them out of Baili. Under the leadership of several immortal old women, they went forward to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor's concubines.

——But it was the messenger jade talisman that Li Ping'an used before that worked.

Seeing this, Li Ping'an whispered to his master, then stood outside the cloud and watched the Yunzhou fall into the Wei Yuan Sect.

After a while, Qing Su and Wen Rou left Kai Yuanzong and picked up Li Pingan.

The two immortals set up a rainbow and headed straight to the southwest. Li Ping'an turned into a little bee and hid in his master's sleeves, and scattered a few jade charms to convey messages.

After walking for less than half an hour, Wanyun Sect's mountain gate was already on the edge of the immortal's consciousness.


Wenrou reminded aloud: "There are many people in front of us, and they seem to be heading towards Wanyun Sect."

Li Ping'an said: "Master, Auntie, let's go above these people."


Qing Su agreed, a ray of fairy light hooked Wenrou's waist, and then used all her strength to activate the Escape Immortal Technique, faster than before.

Wenrou smiled and said: "Sister, how can you still hide so much strength? You are so fast that you can almost catch up with a first- or second-level immortal."

Qing Su said: "My apprentice told me to hide some of my strength so that I can get angry when I fight someone."

"Is this, like this?"

Wenrou had three black lines hanging on her forehead. She always felt that Qingsu had too many qualities that were inconsistent with her own temperament, and the source of these qualities seemed to be her disciple.

‘Don’t let the son of Da Zhi Taoist follow the wrong path. ’

Wenrou Tianxian thought so.

After walking forward for only a moment, Qing Su stopped the rainbow light and looked towards the sky ahead with Wen Rou riding the clouds.

There is a scene of thousands of sails racing in the sky!

Li Ping'an looked around and saw thousands of cloud boats of various styles and sizes, and there were many cloud boats coming quickly from all directions.

He had seen this scene several times.

But there are really many Lezixians today.

They come from different sects, towns, and monastic families. They come here for no other reason than to watch the excitement.

Below these cloud boats, a few white clouds flew low in the sky, neither fast nor slow.

The clouds were filled with figures, at least three to four thousand people, and various flags were erected on them, with letters such as 'Great Heaven Refining Sect', 'Bao Refining Ancient Sect', 'Lian Gu', 'Forging Xia Sect', etc. wait.

Li Ping'an counted carefully and found that there were at least hundreds of flags.

The direction in which these white clouds are heading is the Wanyun Sect's mountain gate, which is not far away.

Aunt Wenrou frowned and sighed: "Forging Tian Sect is a good trick. I don't know where I found so many weapon refining sects."

Qingsu pursed her lips and held her sword.

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "It's just a bunch of rabble."

Qing Su asked: "Are you going to stop them? There are only four immortals hidden below."

"No need," Li Ping'an thought for a while, "Master, I'll set up a Yunzhou, and we'll mingle among the casual cultivators. I'm worried that there are also insiders arranged by the Tiantian Clan among the casual cultivators."

"Okay," Qing Su agreed and put away the sword.

Wenrou took the initiative and said, "I brought Yunzhou with me. Please don't show up safely. Just hide in my sister's sleeves."

"That's fine, thank you auntie."

"You're welcome."

Wen Rousu flipped her hand, and a small boat floated into the wind, turning into a ten-foot-long awning boat, and quietly blended into the group of casual cultivators.

Li Ping'an soon discovered that watching his family lively...

Quite exciting.

Within Wanyun Sect.


The melodious bells kept ringing, and flocks of spiritual birds were startled from each peak.

In the bamboo forest at the back of Caiyun Peak, Mu Ningning opened her eyes. The faint aura surrounding her body merged into all parts of her body. A shallow shock wave spread out in all directions, but was blocked by the formation here.

Mu Ningning let out a breath of turbid air, her peach blossom eyes were shining brightly, her skin became whiter and tenderer, and her pretty face seemed to be back to her teenage years.

The soul is almost ready.

If she were not disturbed by others, she would be able to completely condense her soul into seclusion for more than a month.

After condensing the soul, one can step on the bridge between heaven and earth and gaze into the realm of immortals.

Mu Ningning also didn't expect that after that long dream, her practice would be so fast. There seemed to be no bottlenecks. Inspirations were flowing continuously, insights were pouring out, and her soul and Tao body were changing almost every day.

She knew that it was the spiritual power of the daughter of Li Mu pushing her forward.

But in more than half a year, I broke through seven or eight small realms in a row. It was really...somewhat like a dream.

Just as Mu Ningning was about to stand up, she saw the jade talisman in front of her again.

She sniffed lightly with the tip of her nose, seeming to smell Li Ping'an's scent. She dropped her jade feet to the bedside, flew to the jade talisman like a lark, and held the jade talisman in her palms.

"Senior brother asked me to find him?"

Mu Ningning suddenly smiled happily.

A new round of bells came from outside the array.

Mu Ningning released her spiritual consciousness and found that the bamboo forest was empty, and all the fairies from Caiyun Peak had disappeared into the sky.

She quickly found her master. She saw him holding a scabbard sword and wearing a fairy robe used for fighting. The surrounding masters and uncles were also dressed in the same way.

"Did you encounter a strong enemy inside the door?"

Mu Ningning instantly put away the jade charm left by Li Pingan, turned around and floated to the closet, pulled out the disciple's skirt, grabbed the storage magic weapon, and hurriedly flew out of her residence.

By the time she flew out of Caiyun Peak's formation, she was ready.

A hairpin is combed across the black silk, a fairy sword is sheathed while shaking hands, a cloud pendant is hung on the slender waist, and a blue skirt and white boots are hung with a hairband.

Mu Ningning's attire was very similar to that of other Caiyun Peak disciples, but as soon as she appeared, she attracted a lot of attention.

First, because she is the inheritor of the daughter of Li Mu, the sect has held several special lectures on "learning the fearless spirit of General Li Mu";

Secondly, because she is the childhood sweetheart of Dawu Quasi-immortal, she naturally attracts a lot of attention in the sect;

There is another 'three reasons', but in the past six months, her appearance has become even more outstanding.

"Ning Ning is here!"

"Ning Ning, come to the Peak Master's side!"

Mu Ningning wanted to go to the master's side, but was summoned by the two elders. She calmly rode the cloud forward and stood on the cloud next to the Grand Master.

Only now did she realize that the sky above the thirty-six peaks inside the door was full of figures.

Mu Ningning had only seen this kind of situation the last time Wanyun Sect defeated Guanhaimen.

She asked softly: "What's going on?"

The old woman on the side sighed softly, without saying anything, and explained to Mu Ningning:

"Ning Ning, you have been practicing, and you don't know what happened in recent days.

"The Tiantian Sect, the third largest sect in the Immortal Way and the number one weapon refining sect in East Continent, suddenly launched an attack on our Wan Yun Sect recently, and summoned a group of small sects to cry out, saying that their families were ruined by the low-priced magical tools of our Wan Yun Sect. , and they are creating momentum everywhere, asking Uncle Dazhi to go to their mountain gate to admit his mistake.

"I really don't have any shame."

Mu Ningning frowned and said, "Uncle, has he passed?"

"Of course we can't. Our Patriarch Jinxian left the seclusion early and asked Uncle Dazhi to forcibly retreat."

Another old woman spoke up and coldly snorted:

"Now, the puppets arranged by the Tiantian Gate have gathered a large number of casual cultivators and are about to arrive at our mountain gate.

"I want to see what kind of people they are, and how dare they come to my Wan Yun Sect to act wild!"

"That's right! In the worst case, we'll have to fight with them!"

"As long as they dare to come to our mountain gate, they are our enemies. According to Dongzhou's rules, they can kill them!"

A group of female fairies are murderous.

Mu Ningning thought for a moment and wanted to send a message to his senior brother, but then he thought again, it is impossible for his senior brother to not know about such a big matter.

‘Senior brother, I think he is worried right now. ’

Mu Ningning tightened her grip on the scabbard, a cold look in her eyes.

If someone is really unreasonable later, the worst she can do is stand up as the inheritor of the daughter of Force Mu.

The sect cannot be bullied, those who bully will be enemies to death.

She is not the least bit timid.

The bells suddenly stopped ringing, and a gap opened in front of the mountain gate. Mu Ningning was also surprised when her spiritual sense was revealed.

Just outside the mountain gate, cloud boats of different sizes were floating everywhere. There were thousands of them at least, and there were many people on them, no less than tens of thousands.

Someone from the side warned that these cloud boats were full of casual cultivators watching the excitement, and those who came to cause trouble gathered in front of the mountain gate.

Mu Ningning turned her spiritual consciousness and saw a crowd of people gathered in front of Wanyun Sect's "Xianmen Archway". At first glance, there were thousands of them, with hundreds of sect flags hanging on them.

This is exactly:

Thousands of immortals gathered in Wanyun Sect, and hundreds of sects discussed magic treasures together.

When a certain outer mountain patrolling disciple saw this scene, his eyes shone brightly and he shouted excitedly. His body, which was hiding in a volcano in the southeast of Xizhou, patted his abdominal muscles and said with a smile:


I don’t have time to finish the next big chapter. I’ll update it at 7pm~ (lower head to code)

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