The fairy father

Chapter 146 Unexpected reinforcement

At midnight.

In Li Ping'an's study.

A little bee buzzed behind the desk and turned into Li Ping'an's figure with a buzzing sound.

He coughed and dissipated the smell of alcohol surrounding him. The fairy light flying out of his chest turned into the figure of a fairy in white, sitting aside and continuing to comprehend the scriptures in his hands.

Li Pingan swallowed a hangover pill and raised his hand to rub his forehead.

"Master, do you think what Sun Yingying told us is false?"

"It's up to you to judge for yourself," Qing Su said warmly, "I'm not very good at analyzing these."

Li Ping'an smiled and closed his eyes to see the constantly rotating neon skirt. Dao's heart couldn't help but feel a little hot, and he quickly suppressed it.

It’s better not to look for Sun Yingying in the future.

She is not as shy as her junior sister.

If 'Mo Wenqing' were not determined today and nodded and agreed to stay there, then Sun Yingying would probably be able to eat him directly!

Not long after, Elder Yan Sheng and Deacon Wei Yanzi came in a hurry, followed by Deacon Gao Xu who had just arrived from the mountain gate.

"Peace, a personal letter from Master Dazhi!"

"Working butler."

Li Ping'an took the jade talisman and looked at it for a few times, his expression a little solemn.

"Deacon Gao Xu," Li Ping'an asked, "How is my father doing now?"

"Situation?" Gao Xu didn't know what was going on, so he tried his best to hold back a few words, "Is he sure of winning? Planning a thousand-mile plan? Looking majestic and full of youth?"

Li Ping'an blinked: "I'm asking, is my father under any pressure now?"

"This should be there."

Gao Xu detailed what he had just reported to Li Dazhi in the middle of the night.

Li Ping'an's expression suddenly became serious, he leaned back on the chair and murmured: "No wonder."

Elder Yan Sheng asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"My father asked me if he could break through to the Celestial Immortal Realm," Li Ping'an explained. "Before, I suggested that my father wait a little longer at the peak of the True Immortal Realm to consolidate his realm. My father now takes the initiative to ask me about this. I think he is eager to do so." Gain greater strength.”

The immortals in the room fell silent immediately, looking at Li Pingan with something a little wrong.

Qingsu asked: "Can I break through at will?"

Li Ping'an hurriedly said: "Father has been trying his best to suppress the realm. Otherwise, the last time when the great power lent my body to preach for the Wan Yun Sect, my father would have been able to rush into the Celestial Immortal at will. He got the most benefits at that time. Last time I When I helped my father spiritually transform, I also spent a lot of effort to suppress my father's spiritual realm, otherwise my father's spiritual realm would have already risen."

Wei Yanzi stroked his mustache and said, "I always feel like my heart has been stabbed by you and my son."

Yan Sheng said with a smile: "If Uncle Master can break through to the level of Heavenly Immortal in such a short period of time, I dare not say that there will be no one like him after him, but he will definitely be unprecedented in the world of Dongzhou cultivation!"

Li Ping'an shook his head with a smile: "The first generation of humans were born with the strength of immortals. The ancient witch clan can fight immortals when they reach adulthood, not to mention the two clans of dragon and phoenix. They are born into a true fairyland."

Yan Sheng corrected: "You can't compare like that!"

"This is just a trivial matter," Li Ping'an waved his hand, "The problem now is that Tiantianmen has taken action, and we can only passively be beaten for the time being. Father feels pressured by this."

The four immortals thought quietly.

Qingsu also put away the scriptures and tried hard to think of ways to break the situation.

Forging Tianmen gathers momentum to launch an attack, and this situation is indeed difficult to solve.

Without him, the rapid development of Wanyun Sect Zhuyuntang has squeezed the living space of these small weapon refining sects.

If it were in a purely commercial environment, a handicraft workshop would never be able to withstand the torrent of assembly line refinery;

In particular, under the urging of ASEAN, Zhuyuntang came up with an assembly line of high-quality magic weapons in advance. As long as there are treasure mines, it can continuously produce high-quality magic weapons.

As long as Zhuyuntang can meet the needs of ASEAN, aiming the muzzle of the assembly line at the practice world of Dongzhou will definitely have a huge impact on the entire weapon refining world.

From this perspective alone, as the current No. 1 weapon refining sect, the Tianjian Sect has united with dozens or hundreds of weapon refining sects to defeat the Wan Yun Sect...

This is in line with the customs and customs of Dongzhou’s cultivation world.

The Palm of the Forging Heaven Sect, with tens of thousands of years of skill, was aimed at the seven inches of the Wan Yun Sect.

Qingsu thought carefully for a while, picked up the scriptures again, and started to do what was best for herself.

Practice and accumulate strength for fighting.

"It's hard to bear this," Wei Yanzi breathed out slowly.

Deacon Gao Xu also said: "This matter is indeed somewhat troublesome."

Li Ping'an tapped his fingers on the table: "Looking at it now, we can only wait for the Tiantianmen to take action. After we are harmed, we can then cry to ASEAN as the victim... By the way, I just got some news from Happy Valley. ."

Yan Sheng smiled knowingly: "It is indeed rewarding."

"It's not big news."

Li Pingan raised his eyebrows:

"I just found out that Mo Yunshen has a somewhat different background. He seems to be the illegitimate son of the founder of the Tiantian Sect.

“Only a small number of elders in Forging Heaven Clan know about this matter.

"The founder of the Tiantian Clan has a Taoist companion. The Taoist couple is a golden immortal in the sect. He comes from ancient times and has a deep love for his wife. Therefore, this matter is regarded as a secret of the Tiantian Clan."

Wei Yanzi touched his chin and muttered: "Isn't Mo Yunshen only a few hundred years old?"

Gao Xu smiled and said: "Good guy, this Golden Immortal Patriarch's sword is still young!"

Li Ping'an shook his head: "This is just a matter of fun. As long as you all know it, Tiantian Clan is not a group of demon cultivators, so there is no need to make a fuss about such things."

Elder Yan Sheng suddenly asked: "Who is Mo Yunshen's biological mother?"

"Huan Gu doesn't know about this either."

Li Pingan shook his head:

"Stop studying the romantic history of their Golden Immortal Patriarch. Even if this news is released, it will only add some black material to them and will not solve the problem.

"I also found out that there is an Immortal Forging Workshop in Forging Heaven Gate, and this workshop produces one-third of the Immortal Weapon Armor in ASEAN.

"This is the biggest secret of Tiantian Clan, and it is also something that is not disclosed to the public."

"Yes," Wei Yanzi muttered, "their relationship with ASEAN is much deeper than ours."

Gao Xu stood up and said: "I will report this to Master immediately!"

"Deacon," Li Ping'an said, "if my father wants to break through, let him concentrate on his breakthrough. Please also tell my father that the breeze passes over the mountains and the bright moon shines on the river."

"The breeze blows over the mountains, and the bright moon shines on the river."

Gao Xu cupped his hands and said:

"Yes, I remembered it!"

After saying that, he turned around and left quickly. After leaving the courtyard formation, he turned into a rainbow and headed straight to the northwest.

Wei Yanzi smiled and asked, "Ping An, what do you mean?"

Li Pingan raised his eyebrows and said slowly:

"Let him be strong when he is strong, and the breeze will blow on the hills. Let him be strong when he is strong, and the bright moon will shine on the river."

Wei Yanzi and Yan Sheng thought about it carefully and felt that these words sounded ordinary, but they also contained a lot of profound meaning.

After a while, Yan Sheng stood up and bowed to Li Pingan.

"I'm going to break through first. Thank you for Ping An's enlightenment."

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Li Ping'an:...

What’s so insightful about this?

The Tiantian Clan's attack came as promised, and Wanyun Sect began to actively defend across the board.

This first wave of attacks was thunderous.

Soon, several pieces of news spread throughout Dongzhou.

[Hundreds of weapon-refining sects gathered at the Tiantianmen, denounced the Wanyun Sect for deliberately lowering the price of magic weapons, making it difficult for many sects to survive, and implored the Tiantianmen to come forward and uphold justice. 】

[The weapon-refining master of Tiantianmen said: Wanyun Sect uses weapons to refine weapons and loses human nature, which is the way to become a demon. 】

[Tie Tian Sect summons Wan Yun Sect’s Great Fortune Immortal, who must arrive at the second mountain gate of Tie Tian Sect within three days to give an explanation to his colleagues, otherwise Tie Tian Sect will lead all the sects to rush to Wan Yun Sect. 】

Li Ping'an discovered that this Tiantian Sect was also well versed in the method of building momentum.

These messages appeared in hundreds of Dafang towns in Dongzhou almost at the same time, and they specifically mentioned the names of the Immortal of Great Fortune and the Quasi-immortal of Great Enlightenment.

It can be said to be in full bloom.

Li Ping'an concluded that Bihai Pavilion should be behind this.

Without him, Bihai Pavilion also has a news business. Although the contact points in various parts of Dongzhou are not as spectacular as the 6,000 brothels in Happy Valley, there are definitely many in number.

To spread the same message to such a large area within half a day requires huge manpower and material resources.

How to deal with this?

Li Pingan was also a little helpless.

No matter how loud Wanyun Sect shouts now, it can only change the 'monk public opinion' on the coast of the East China Sea.

In other areas, Wan Yun Sect has now been criticized for suppressing other weapon refining sects.

Wan Yunzong quickly responded.

[The magical instruments sold by Wanyun Sect are only 10% of the main categories of magical instruments.

[The Wan Yun Sect lowers the price of magical weapons just to give profits to the majority of casual cultivators. It’s okay for our Wan Yun Sect to earn less spiritual stones. We want the magical weapons to benefit all the cultivators who are just starting out. 】

[The weapon-refining master of Wei Yuanzong said: Magical weapons are nothing more than foreign objects. How can they be relied upon to become possessed by demons? How to retain human nature? Using weapons to refine weapons, the weapons are originally made by human hands, so the words of Tianzhuang Clan are nothing but fallacies. 】

[The Great Fortune Immortal has recently been in seclusion to attack the Celestial Immortal Realm, and it is inconvenient to go out. If the attack is successful, he should be the fastest human Qi Refiner to reach the Celestial Immortal Realm in the past 30,000 years! 】

The news spread rapidly from Zhufang Town on the coast of the East China Sea and in the middle part of Dongzhou, and then slowly sent out to all parts of Dongzhou.

After Wanyun Sect gave the reply, the entire Lezixian community on the East China Sea coast quickly became excited. Many casual cultivators called their friends and came to the East China Sea coast to watch the confrontation between the old and new weapon refiner sects.

Le Zixian also has something to say.

After the casual cultivators reach the realm limited by their own talents, it is extremely difficult to break through. But now Dongzhou has an overall peaceful atmosphere. There are not so many dangers, and there are not so many opportunities;

The monastic life is dry and lonely, the rest of the life is long, the singing and dancing are expensive, and the brothels are ruined.

It costs nothing to just watch the fun.

Many Le Zixian watched the excitement, but got involved in the scolding, either supporting the Tiantian Clan to attack the Wan Yun Sect, or supporting the Wan Yun Sect to challenge the Tian Tian Clan, causing a lot of trouble.

Of course, more fun people still stick to their true intentions and watch for fun, and they are overjoyed.

The coast of the East China Sea has been bustling for two and a half days. With less than half a day left before the three-day period designated by the Tiantianmen, the atmosphere everywhere suddenly became tense.

Especially in Dong'an City, a large number of Qi Refiners have poured in in recent days, hanging around the Wanyun Sect's magic weapon shop every day.

A 'war' may start at any time.

Li Ping'an's residence.

The blue sky and white clouds are long and clear, and there is no need to worry about the clear waves thousands of miles away.

Li Ping'an sat calmly in the recliner, raised his head to pick up the tea, took a slight sip, lowered his head and closed his eyes in concentration, enjoying Wen Ling'er's shoulder-beating service.

Wei Yanzi came in a hurry and said: "Safe! My little ancestor! Are you still drinking tea here? There are six to seven hundred people in Dong'an City who are suspicious of casual cultivators! If they really try to destroy the shop, I'm afraid... Someone is going to die!"

"Calm down," Li Ping'an asked, "Have all the precious things in the store been put away?"

"Take it, the door is still closed."

"Then let them smash it," Li Ping'an said with a slow smile. "The trouble here is just to put pressure on us. Now we are competing to see who can lose our composure first."

Two more Yuanxian hurriedly came from outside the courtyard, holding jade messengers in their hands.

Wei Yanzi took the jade talisman forward, glanced at it hastily, changed his expression slightly, and handed it to Li Ping'an.

"Ping'an, look around! There are some old Yuanxian whose lifespan is almost exhausted soon. They come from several weapon-refining families and they are going to commit suicide in front of our Wanyun Sect Mountain Gate! They will arrive at the mountain gate in almost half a day!"

"And this, a group of demon cultivators with a good reputation on the demon path have said that if Wan Yun Sect doesn't give small sects and small workshops some way to survive, they will make it impossible for Wan Yun Sect to open even a store!"

Li Ping'an took the jade talisman and looked at it for a few times, then lowered his head and chanted softly.

The window on the side was pushed open, Qing Su looked at it with concern, and there was half a squirrel mandarin fish on the table behind her.

Li Ping'an asked: "What was the reaction inside the door?"

"The Patriarch has been released from seclusion!"

Wei Yanzi cupped his hands toward the mountain gate and said quickly:

"Most of the elders have come out of seclusion. At first, they all had breakthroughs and were very happy. However, when the Tiantian Sect caused trouble, everyone's good mood disappeared.

"However, it seems that the head of the sect did not show up at the critical moment of breaking through to the Golden Immortal. All affairs within the sect are presided over by Master Dazhi, and Master Kongming is beside Master Dazhi.

"The Patriarch said that Master Dazhi is not allowed to go anywhere. He will concentrate on breaking through the Celestial Immortal inside the mountain gate."

Li Ping'an said with emotion: "My ancestor treated my father like my grandfather."

Wei Yanzi said smoothly: "It rhymes quite well."

Li Pingan raised his head and glared at Wei Yanzi, who quickly lowered his head.

At this time, two immortal soldiers in armor came from the outside of the city with rainbow lights and landed outside the courtyard gate to ask for a meeting.

As a third-grade inspector, Li Ping'an didn't have to stand up to greet him.

The immortal soldiers clasped their fists forward and saluted.

One person said: "I have been told by the Third Vice-President of ASEAN that if the inspector has nothing to do recently, he can come and sit down at the ASEAN headquarters. The deputy leader can introduce seniors to the inspector."

Li Pingan nodded with a smile.

Senior Tianli was saying that he could not directly suppress the Tiantian Clan and needed Wanyun Sect to survive the current disaster on its own.

This seems to be asking Li Ping'an to go to Tianzhixu to avoid the limelight, but in fact, it is reminding Li Ping'an.

As the saying goes, listen to the sound.

Why did old man Tianli let Li Ping'an go to ASEAN to escape?

Obviously, it is the Tiantian Sect and the big shots behind it who may want to use force against the Wan Yun Sect.

The implication is that Tiantian Sect may go to Weiyuan Sect to destroy the assembly line of high-quality magic weapons, so that Wanyun Sect can prepare early.

Li Ping'an glanced at the glow of his spiritual platform and carefully identified it before taking out his spiritual consciousness.

My father's calamity has not changed at all.

The Tiantian Clan made things so big, so it was naturally impossible for them to directly lead a group of monsters to attack Wanyun Sect;

The father's disaster may be related to this conflict, but it is not directly responsible for it.

Moreover, my father is really breaking through to the heavenly realm now.

This means that disaster may occur at any time...

Another immortal soldier asked in a low voice: "Sir, can I speak?"

"Ah good."

Li Ping'an came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. What's the news you brought?"

The immortal soldier clasped his fists and said: "The fairy Wenrou asked you to go to the forest a hundred miles away to respond. She invited dozens of... ASEAN female fairies and two concubines of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor. They said they were going to Wei Yuanzong to visit the assembly line. The method of the magic weapon.”

Huang Di’s concubines!

The family members of dozens of ASEAN officials!

Li Pingan stood up immediately.

Good guy, Aunt Wenrou is so awesome!

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