The fairy father

Chapter 148 Great wealth shakes Dongzhou! 【10,000 more votes please! 】

Thousands of weapon refiners from hundreds of weapon refining sects gathered in front of the memorial archway of Wanyun Sect's mountain gate.

A gap opened in front of the Wanyun Sect's mountain-protecting formation.

Thousands of outer disciples marched outward in order, forming formations on the left and right of the mountain gate;

The immortals on the thirty-six peaks escaped from the sky and were arranged in several layers: upper, middle and lower.

Not long after, seven or eight thousand disciples of the Wan Yun Sect stood in front of the mountain gate, forming a huge human wall, glaring at the 'enemy' coming in front.

The two sides seem to get into a fight if they disagree.

But the possibility of such action is really low.

Li Ping'an, Qing Su, and Wen Rou were hiding among the casual cultivators who were watching. The three of them found a good angle at high altitude and had a panoramic view of the whole situation.

He took out a jade note-taking talisman and hung it in his hand, and began to observe the expressions of the outer disciples of Wan Yun Sect.

This is a good opportunity to find an ‘internal agent’.

The two sides faced off for a moment, and then heard a shout from within the hundred sects:

"Where is Li Dazhi, the wealthy Immortal of Wanyun Sect!"

What followed immediately was a flurry of yelling and cursing:

"You have harmed our small sects! It's time to give us an explanation today!"

"Wan Yunzong! You really want to cut off our way of survival!"

"Li Dazhi! You are a man of great luck in the human race, but you use your luck to do things that make us unable to live! Are you still hiding and not daring to see people? Come out!"

An elder from the Wan Yun Sect could not help but shout loudly: "Shut up!"

Its heavenly pressure spread far away, causing many monks who came to cause trouble to feel frightened.

The elder flicked his sleeves, spread out his beard and hair, took five steps forward, and said angrily:

"This place is the gate of my Wan Yun Sect! According to the rules of Dongzhou, attacking the mountain gate is a life-and-death feud! Today you have gathered a crowd to attack, but you will fight to the death with my Wan Yun Sect!"

Such a roar really silenced the group of weapon refiners in the venue.

Suddenly, a sneer was heard from the crowd:

"Oh, Elder Wan Yun Sect is so majestic! Wan Yun Sect has made it impossible for us to live any longer. Even if we were killed today, it would be better for us to die in depression in our own sect!

"Fellow Taoists! I came here today just to get an explanation from Wan Yun Sect!

"Now we are all here, let them fight!"

Immediately afterwards, a group of old Yuanxian and Laozhenxian with white beards and hair and declining Qi and blood rushed out from the group of weapon refiners, and they opened their mouths and shouted emotionally.

There weren't many foul words, but some words were indeed unpleasant to hear.

The elders of Wanyun Sect each frowned.

They can only try to scare these people. If they really attack these weapon refiners, the sect's reputation will be completely ruined.

Even the Wan Yun Sect didn't need to take action. They just had to show off, and these old men and women threw themselves to the ground and pretended to be seriously injured;

With so many casual cultivators around, their reputation as a bully of the Wan Yun Sect was confirmed.

The other party's purely rogue move made the elders of Wan Yun Sect who had been practicing in seclusion for a long time not sure how to resist.

The group of old men from the weapon refining sect were still cursing, and the more they cursed, the worse they got.

On the awning boat in the sky, Li Ping'an looked at this situation and suddenly laughed out loud.

Wenrou hurriedly asked: "Does Nephew Ping'an have any way to solve this dilemma?"

Li Ping'an turned his head and glanced at the master who was sitting quietly in the canopy of the boat, and said with a smile: "I'm not very good at dealing with this situation. I don't have a good way yet."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"I'm just laughing. The top weapon refiner in Tiantianmen has such rogue methods."

Li Ping'an smiled and sighed:

“This kind of enemy is really difficult to deal with.

"Generally, it is extremely difficult for large sects to put down their dignity. They have to hold on to it and care about the dignity of the sect.

"But this Tiantian Clan doesn't care at all. It uses both overt and covert tactics. It's really a shameless enemy."

Wenrou whispered: "Father also said that the Tiantian Clan is extremely difficult to deal with, and its background is very deep... Why haven't you shown up yet?"

"Father should be suppressed by the ancestor, I guess."

Li Ping'an shook his head gently:

“If there is no perfect way to deal with this situation, it would be better for my father not to show up.


"I don't know if this Heavenly Training Sect will really cause these old men who are half buried in the ground to bleed. If it is really blood-stained with the Wanyun Sect, it will be really disgusting for his grandma to open the door for the sick. It's so disgusting."

Wenrou Tianxian Tankou chuckled: "Don't always learn these witticisms from your father. Your father is always talking about things."

Li Ping'an sneered and continued to observe the expressions of the outer disciples.

He had already found two or three people with strange looks, wrote down their names on the jade talisman, and later asked Elder Yan Sheng to arrange an investigation.

At this moment, something unexpected happened below.

An old man cursed Wan Yunzong, suddenly clutched his chest, trembled all over, couldn't breathe, and fell backwards.

The fellow traveler next to him quickly dodged, letting the old man fall onto the cloud.

The spiritual energy around the old man's body was rapidly disintegrating. His outgoing breath was long and his incoming breath was short. It seemed that his Tao body was about to decay and die naturally!

Li Ping'an had several black lines hanging on his forehead.

He smiled bitterly and said, "I'm really afraid of what will happen."

"Alas," Wenrou Tianxian said in a low voice, "Although it is inappropriate to say this, these Qi refiners are dying and still come out to do such things, and they will risk their own reputation throughout their lives. Forging Tianmen is really too Too much."


Li Ping'an responded and lowered his head to think about the solution to the matter.

Before he could come up with an idea, several beautiful figures flew out of Wan Yun Sect.

True Immortal Qingxu and three ordinary middle-aged fairies from Caiyun Peak protected a figure that Li Pingan was very familiar with and fell directly beside the dying old man.

Li Ping'an took a closer look, who was it if it wasn't Mu Ningning?

He subconsciously wanted to send a message to remind Mu Ningning to be careful. ——The weapon refiners of the Hundred Sects would not allow them to get close to the old Qi Refiner, because the other party wanted someone to die in front of the gate of Wanyun Sect.

But the True Immortal of Caiyun Peak beside Mu Ningning already shouted:

"Li Mu's daughter is here, who dares to stop her!"

The hundred sects of weapon refiners couldn't help but look at each other in confusion, but many of them remembered the previous rumors that it seemed that the daughter of Limu had been resurrected.

For a time, no one among the thousands of weapon refiners dared to stop Mu Ningning.

Limu, a divine general and one of the two prime ministers of the Yellow Emperor, led his army to fight Chi You to the death and was a major contributor to the battle of Zhulu.

Even when the founder of the Tiantian Sect comes, he must bow his head to Mu Ningning in a polite manner and say "Your Majesty".

When the four Caiyun Peak True Immortals stood still, Mu Ningning had already arrived beside the old man.

She sighed softly and didn't say anything more. She just followed her inner thoughts, spread her skirt and knelt down next to the old man. A catkin took the initiative to hold the old man's hand.

A soft ballad hummed from the tip of Mu Ningning's nose, and the notes turned into wisps of fairy light and merged into the old man's forehead.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at Mu Ningning, his lifeless eyes filled with confusion.

The old man suddenly saw it.

He saw the figures of his parents appearing on the clouds, saw several masters who had led him to practice weapon refining, and saw a person who had been by his side but left first.

The old man murmured: "Thank you..."

Mu Ningning didn't say much, and the ancient ballad became more and more gentle.

A faint golden light spread from the old man's body and floated towards the clouds.

The old man slowly closed his eyes, with a calm smile on his lips.

The soul returns to the wilds.

The heart can be at peace.

Someone next to me suddenly said out loud: "It's the return of our clan's soul in ancient times!"

Mu Ningning looked down at the old man's face, put the old man's palms back in front of him and folded them, slowly stood up, and made a gesture with his head down.

A ray of fairy light fell, and the old man's flesh and blood filled again.

Mu Ningning asked softly: "Doesn't he have any disciples here?"

"Yes! Here it is! It's Pindao!"

A middle-aged Taoist rushed out and cupped his hands toward Mu Ningning with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Mu Ningning didn't say anything more. She nodded slightly to the man and took two steps back. She looked at the strange faces everywhere without any hint of timidity.

She said: "Everyone is making trouble, just make trouble. This is just a little dispute over spiritual stones. Don't let the old people of our race who should enjoy their old age come forward. This is too despicable. It is the virtue of our race to provide for the elderly."

After saying this, Mu Ningning bowed and saluted, and was taken by the four Caiyun Peak True Immortals and flew back to the mountain gate.

All the Qi refiners in the sky and on the ground looked at each other in shock.

The body of the deceased old man was lifted up by his disciples, and he got up and flew to the back of the crowd.

At that moment, the elders of the Hundred Sects who were yelling the most loudly all lost their voices.

One reason is that someone is really dead now, but after the death, everything here is extremely peaceful and has no effect.

Whether it was the many casual cultivators who were watching or the hundreds of weapon refiners who participated in the matter, they even felt that the old man did not suffer any injustice when he died here. Instead, he took advantage of him by dying here.

The second reason is that Li Mu's daughter has already said something.

The young and strong qi-refiners of each weapon-refining sect are sending reminders, hoping that their elders will not die again, otherwise their own reputation will be ruined.

No one would care whether the old man died from the Wanyun Sect just now;

Later, the matter spread, and what the casual cultivators discussed was the hospice care for Li Mu's daughter.

Several elders from the Forging Heaven Sect hiding in the dark secretly said "Brilliant".

On the black awning boat in the sky, Li Ping'an tilted his head and looked at his junior sister, his expression a little difficult to explain.

Immortal Wenrou praised: "Li Mu's daughter is really in Wan Yun Sect."

Li Pingan frowned and said: "It stands to reason that Ning Ning should not be disturbed by the memory of Li Mu's daughter, but why..."

Immortal Wenrou thought about it and knew what Li Ping'an was worried about.

She smiled and said: "Those who can play "The Return of the Soul" must be people with a pure and kind mind. In this case, how can the daughter of Li Mu embarrass this Mu Ningning?"

"You're right, I'm just worried."

Li Ping'an looked at Mu Ningning's beautiful figure, and felt a little fondness in his heart, mixed with a little doubt.

You still have to have a good talk with her later, and you can't always hug her when you meet her.

This first wave, which should have been the most ferocious wave of attacks by the hundred sects of weapon refiners, was quietly resolved by Mu Ningning's song "The Ballad of Soul Returning".

However, there was no waiting for the Wan Yun Sect immortals to relax.

Changes begin again below.

"Sigh! The daughter of Li Mu resurrected her life and chose a sect with a cruel nature!"

A burly old man rose into the sky from behind the Hundred Sect's weapon refiners, bowed his hands to the immortals of Wanyun Sect, and his voice spread for hundreds of miles:

"Pindao is the head of the Great Lian Lost Sect. He has been practicing Taoism for more than 20,000 years. Thanks to the support of all my colleagues, I call Pindao a lost individual!

"Wan Yunzong, I came here today for no other reason than you. You wantonly lowered the selling price of magic weapons. My sect has not sold a single magic weapon for several years. We can only survive by selling a few magic weapons occasionally. live!

"The poor Taoist was shameless and asked the disciples in the sect to wait for the opportunity, but the opportunity did not come. Why, I heard that the Wan Yun Sect has developed a magic weapon for refining magic weapons?

"Do you, Wan Yun Sect, want us, the weapon refining sects, to die?"

"I'm afraid you may have misunderstood!"

Deacon Gao Xu couldn't help but sneered:

“First, we did not sell magic weapons in large quantities.

“Second, Grandmaster Dazhi has already set rules for Zhuyuntang. There are only a few fixed types of magical artifacts produced by Zhuyuntang.

"Third, in the so-called buying and selling matter, shouldn't the buyers be able to judge which magic weapon is of high quality and low price and then which one to buy? Did we smash your weapon refining furnace, or did we in your magic weapon shop Have you arranged for people to guard you in front of you to prevent people from buying your magic weapons?

"Isn't this because you can't make weapons any better than us, so you gather together to cause trouble and act mischievously?"

All the Lezixians here nodded.

What Wan Yunzong said makes sense.

The lost man said coldly:

"Isn't this a plan of your Wan Yun Sect?

"You first use cheap magic weapons to lower the price of the magic weapons, causing us weapon refining sects to collapse, and then you raise the prices arbitrarily and make a lot of spiritual stones!

"You can't hide this kind of thing from us! Wanyun Sect's plan is known to everyone on the road!"

Zhong Lezixian thought about it and realized that it was really possible.


Another deacon of Zhuyuntang couldn't help but stood up and yelled in front of him:

"Stop messing around here!

"There are currently 624 towns and 1,052 shops in the places where Zhuyuntang sells magical artifacts. Are these shops really so close to where your sect is located? !

“You people here, there are also more than ten weapon refining sects coming from the southwest and southeast of Dongzhou!

"You really go too far to deceive others! Do you think the Qigong Master of Dongzhou is blind?"

Zhong Le Zixian began to identify them carefully and found that although the hundreds of weapon refining sects were all real small weapon refining sects, half of them came from other areas of Dongzhou.

An elder from Wan Yun Sect immediately shouted: "Comrades, please comment!"

The Lost Man frowned tightly, as if losing his temper.

At this moment, another Dongzhou ‘famous scholar’ appeared on the scene, pointing at the gate of Wanyun Sect and yelling:

"You still dare to mention this!

"Initially, everyone in my sect really felt that the Wanyun Sect would not be able to affect the sales of my magical artifacts for a while, but who knew that there would be countless speculators!

"They only added one or two spiritual stones to each magic weapon, and our shop was completely deprived of business for a long time!

"Does Wan Yunzong want to swallow up the entire Dongzhou weapon refining thing?

"If it's just me and other sects that are affected, that's all. We can find other ways to make a living, but how can those casual cultivators survive!

"Do you know how many casual cultivators you have driven to death?

"Could this Dongzhou be the Dongzhou of your Wanyun Sect! Even if this matter reaches ASEAN, if your Dawu Quasi-immortal stands up to protect you, we will fight to the death!"

All the Lezixian think so.

People who are speculators are the most hated by Qigong practitioners.

——Mainly disgust, why didn’t they find this way.

The weapon refiners of the Hundred Sects shouted angrily again, and the immortals of the Wanyun Sect continued to move forward to argue with them.

However, because of the presence of Limu's daughter, those old people restrained themselves a lot.

Otherwise, if a few more elderly people who have reached their longevity die here, Wan Yun Sect will face huge pressure from public opinion.

On the awning boat.

Qing Su was also standing beside Li Pingan, and the three of them looked down together.

"Noisy," Qing Su said dissatisfiedly.

"It should be said that it is quite noisy."

Wenrou just shook her head and sighed, and then looked at Li Ping'an who was smiling at the side:

"You are in a good mood, and you can still laugh now.

"When these people flock to the Wan Yun Sect's mountain gate, if any of the Wan Yun Sect's disciples can't help but take action, things will really get into trouble."

Li Ping'an said: "Master, Auntie, look at the scolding below, it seems like it goes from round to round."

The corners of Qingsu's mouth turned up: "Indeed, it's quite interesting."


Wenrou raised her hand and patted her forehead. She was really defeated by the master and disciple.

She said:

“This place is very dangerous.

"Thankfully, Li Mu's daughter showed up to save the siege, otherwise those old people who were bribed by the Forging Heaven Sect would have died in anger, and Wan Yun Sect would have been scolded by the Qi Refiners of Dongzhou.

"You are always quick-witted. Why don't you think of some ideas now? How come... you're just watching a show here."

Qing Su said: "My apprentice doesn't like swearing very much."

Li Pingan smiled and said: "Aunt Wenrou, how about we make a bet?"

Wenrou was a little confused: "How to bet?"

"I don't need to come forward for today's matter, Wan Yun Sect can save itself."

Li Pingan said seriously:

"If this is the case, Aunt Wenrou will promise me one thing. If not, I will give Brother Ye one more opportunity."

Wenrou Tianxian smiled and nodded: "Then I want to take a closer look and see where you get your confidence."

"Auntie, please look."

Li Ping'an raised his hand and pointed to the immortals of Wanyun Sect below, and said with a smile:

"My father will probably appear on the stage in a few moments."


Wenrou Tianxian looked down carefully, but could not find Li Dazhi's whereabouts.

Qing Su asked in a voice: "Do you want me to remind Master Dazhi? Don't let you lose face in front of Sister Rou."

Li Pingan winked at the master.

Didn't Master hear that he was trying his best to show off his old father?

Master, don’t misunderstand anything.

At this moment, a bell suddenly rang below, suppressing the curses of the cultivators.

The elder of the inner sect of Wanyun Sect raised his hands forward, softened his tone at this moment, showed a smile, and said loudly:

"Fellow Taoists!

"Our Wan Yun Sect has nearly 70,000 members since it was founded. The founder of the sect has always taught us, and all the leaders of the past generations have given instructions to punish the strong, help the weak, and rescue the distressed. Our Wan Yun Sect has a reputation outside the country, and all Taoist friends should have it. Hear.

"Now, fellow Taoists have come to my mountain gate, saying they want justice.

"Although I, the Wan Yun Sect, do not know what it means, I am willing to listen to what you have to say. If I, the Wan Yun Sect, do something unethical or dishonest, I, the Wan Yun Sect, will not evade responsibility.

"But please don't make any noise, and please calm down!

"Can you please recommend a few people who are in charge and come in to talk with us in detail?"

Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows slightly.

My father became involved.

He was actually looking forward to what method his father would use next.

Upon hearing this, the weapon refiners from all the sects went crazy again.

Many veterans shouted angrily:

"This can't be done!"

"Fellow Taoists, you must not fall into the trap!"

"They want us to go in, use their treasures to corrupt us, make us have differences of opinion, and then defeat them one by one!"

"If we want to enter your mountain gate, let's enter together!"

The emotions of the hundreds of weapon refiners suddenly became high.

The elder of the inner sect of Wan Yun Sect looked embarrassed, looking left and right. He was used to practicing hard in the mountains and enjoying the purity, and he was really at a loss.

Suddenly listen!

"What are you arguing about?"

A trace of heavenly Taoist charm slowly spread out from behind the mountain-protecting formation.

Then, the golden immortal Taoist rhyme of Kong Ming Lao Tao suddenly appeared, and there was silence in the sky and the earth.

The Wanyun Sect's mountain-protecting formation once again opened a gap, and a white cloud slowly floated out. The fat Taoist on it stretched out, and his Taoist robes were a little messy.

He has indeed just woken up from practicing meditation, and his own Taoism is not strict.

Li Ping'an was half happy and half worried when he saw this scene.

Obviously, my father has become a god!

Li Dazhi yawned and shook his sleeves, revealing a pair of bamboo chopsticks in his right hand.

He licked his lips, looked at the confused weapon refiners below, and snapped his fingers with his left hand.

Several streams of light flew over and transformed into several high-level deacons of the Yuanxian Realm of Wanyun Sect. They skillfully arranged... low tables in all directions, hot copper pots, fresh animal meat, and secret sauce.

Li Dazhi's white cloud floated to the center of the Wanyun Sect's immortals, and he calmly picked up a thin piece of meat, rinsed it in a magic copper pot, dipped it in the sauce, and chewed it.

"Don't be offended."

Li Dazhi wiped his mouth and said with a smile:

"I have a hobby. I always have to eat something after a breakthrough, otherwise my Taoist mind will not be happy enough.

"Gao Xu, how long will it take for me to get started?"

Deacon Gao Xu hurriedly said: "Master, you suddenly asked me this question, and I don't know how to answer it. It's only been more than ten years."

Li Dazhi asked: "Is there any immortal faster than me?"

Gao Xu smiled and said: "It may have happened in ancient times, but it has been unheard of in the past tens of thousands of years."

"So that's what it is," Li Dazhi waved his hand, "I have made the decision. To celebrate this event, a running banquet will be set up inside the door for three months, and all the delicacies from the mountains and seas will be brought to me!"

"Yes! Master!"

Lezixian, who was watching, could no longer be happy at this moment.

Many casual cultivators were itching with hatred. This Wan Yun Sect was too extravagant, and this Immortal of Fortune deserved a beating.

"Li Dazhi!"

The lost man said angrily: "What the hell are you doing here! You didn't notice that we are still hungry! No, I am really mad at you!"

"I came here to seek an explanation from your Wan Yun Sect!"

"A majestic Immortal of great wealth, with such a natural talent, does not want to contribute to the human race, but only does such things as oppressing small sects and being like flies and dogs!"

"You bullied me so badly!"

Li Dazhi was unmoved, and drove forward some distance on the cloud, continuing to wash his own.

As soon as he showed up, the firepower of these thousands of weapon refiners naturally focused on Li Dazhi. However, no matter how they shouted, Li Dazhi just cooked meat and ate his own meal, responding to their words without realizing it.

In the air, on a awning boat.

Li Pingan narrowed his eyes with a smile, and Qing Su bit her lip.

Immortal Wenrou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At this moment, she just sighed in admiration. The Taoist Taoist Daoist is so determined.

Just like that, the weapon refiners below cursed for a full stick of incense.

Not only was Li Dazhi not angry, the low table in front of him was filled with all kinds of delicacies. Two Yuanxians rolled up their sleeves and worked very hard to kill the birds, remove their feathers, and beat the meatballs.

Although Immortal Wan Yun was a little annoyed, he was really happy to watch this scene.

Finally, Yuan Xian, the master of the Hundred Sects, couldn't help it any longer. He roared and rushed forward. With a big hand, he was about to overturn Li Dazhi's low table.


The sound of the fairy sword being unsheathed suddenly sounded, and two fingers were thrown upward.

The figure of the Yuanxian fell backward, and blood spurted from his broken fingers.

The immortals were frightened.

The Yuanxian covered his right hand and shouted: "It hurts someone! Wanyun Sect hurts someone!"

The immortals of Wanyun Sect simultaneously released their own pressure, and seven or eight thousand disciples glared at the weapon refiners.

But among the hundreds of weapon refiners, you looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't dare to move forward.

Looking at Li Dazhi again, he held the Lingbao sword in his left hand, and grabbed the chopsticks in his right hand. He took out two fish intestines from the soup pot, put them in his mouth and chewed them a few times.

His mutterings clearly reached the ears of tens of thousands of Qi Refiners in the sky and on earth.

"I still have a seat here. If you want to come and eat together, I welcome you. If anyone comes to lift my table, I will cut off his hand.

"What kind of clown, not even a god, dares to assassinate me?"

After speaking, Li Dazhi wiped his mouth and looked up at the weapon refiners in front.

Before he knew it, no one here dared to look at him.

Li Dazhi smiled and said: "I don't know what benefits the Tiantian Sect has given you, and I don't care, but you might as well listen to what I can bring to the Dongzhou weapon refining world."

This is the first time Li Ping'an has seen his father fight with someone.

In Li Pingan's impression, his father was not good at fighting, but he was good at making breakthroughs in practice as simple as drinking cold water.

When the two severed fingers were thrown up far away, Li Pingan's heart was slightly touched.

He suddenly decided to tell his father about his magical powers and the disasters he saw through his magical powers.

Below, Li Dazhi had already stood up, with his hands in his sleeves and a naive smile.

Li Ping'an glanced at Wenrou Tianxian and found that her eyes were bright and she was staring down without blinking, laughing secretly in her heart.


Just listen to Li Dazhi's voice spread everywhere:

“The Tiantian Gate did something like this today, but it’s just my fault that I didn’t report to the Tiantian Gate within three days.

"But why doesn't the Tianjin Clan think about it? I am an immortal of the Wanyun Sect, and my master is the Patriarch of the Golden Immortal. The sect of my Wanyun Sect is not as big as the Tianjin Clan, and there are not as many immortals as there are in the Tianjin Clan. But why should they summon me? ?

"Just because they have become the number one weapon refining sect?

"But as far as I know, neither the No. 1 weapon refining master of the Immortal Path nor the No. 1 weapon refining master of the Demonic Path is in their Tiantian Sect, right?

"ASEAN has never granted the Forging Heaven Sect the title of the No. 1 Weapon Refining Sect, nor has it given the Forging Sky Sect the power to govern other sects, right?

"That's what I remember."

Then, Li Dazhi sighed softly, and the smile on his lips became stronger.

"Of course, we have no evidence and cannot make random accusations against You Zong. Although You Zong's behavior is extremely despicable and shameless, we, the Wan Yun Sect, cannot be the same as them.

“I don’t know if their weapon refining method originated from Senior Yun Zhongzi of Yuxu Palace, but our Wan Yun Sect is the inheritance passed down by Senior Yun Zhongzi, and we are indeed not as knowledgeable as them.

“Everyone is gathered here today just to ask our Wan Yun Sect to give you an explanation.

"We, the deacons of Zhuyuntang, have told you all about various reasons.

"We at Wan Yun Sect have lowered the price of magical instruments mainly because our costs are really not high, and we have already made a lot of money at the current selling price of magical instruments.

"But today!

"Everyone, watch and bear witness to our Wan Yun Sect!

"Today, all of our comrades and colleagues are threatening each other with death. We, the Wan Yun Sect, have to make a decision. From now on, in our Casting Cloud Hall, the price of each magical weapon will be increased by two spiritual stones!"

As soon as these words came out, all the cultivators were in an uproar.

The fun fairies never expected that they were just watching for fun, but in the end they were affected.

If the price of magic weapons increases, aren't they the ones who lose?

Many of the weapon refiners from the weapon refining sect felt that something was not right, but they could not tell what was wrong.

Wan Yunzong's price has increased, which is indeed a good thing for them.

The main reason why hundreds of sects came here today was because the Forging Heaven Sect was behind the scenes and promised many benefits. Secondly, it was also because the Zhuyun Hall of the Wan Yun Sect affected their financial path.

Although it is not serious to cut off the financial path, it will also affect a little bit of livelihood every year.

In particular, the current Zhuyuntang only sells magic weapons. Zhuantianmen has proven that Zhuyuntang can produce various magic weapons in large quantities and has reduced the price of magic weapons to half of the current price.

That is to touch their lifeblood!

Li Dazhi clicked his tongue: "We have learned a lesson and learned a lesson. From now on, the prices of magic weapons and magic weapons will only be 10% or 20% lower than those of our peers. It cannot be too low. If it is too low, people will come here to threaten us with death." "

"Great Fortune Immortal, think twice!"

Some casual cultivators shouted: "We must not raise prices!"

"Yes, Immortal Wealth! Wan Yun Sect's merits are immeasurable! Don't listen to these weapon refiners! They are all doing it to enrich their own pockets!"

"that is!"

Loose cultivators everywhere began to denounce these weapon refiners.

Li Dazhi raised his hand and waved, and shouted: "Everyone, listen to Pindao! My colleagues, please listen too. Anyone who interrupts me will bear the consequences."

After saying this, Li Dazhi shook his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and turned half a circle on the cloud.

"While there are many people here, I will announce three things directly. Please take this news with you everywhere."

Li Dazhi said loudly:

"Each piece of our Wan Yun Sect's magic weapon will increase by two spiritual stones. This matter has been decided, but our Wan Yun Sect will launch a 'reveal and reward' event.

"Starting from half a month later, when you purchase magical artifacts, there will be a piece of paper under each piece of cloth to isolate spiritual sense detection. On this note, it will be written A, B, C, and D. A will receive a magical artifact of the same style, and B will receive a magical artifact of the same type. Waiting for you will be rewarded with a 30% off purchase coupon for the next magical weapon. Class C will be rewarded with two spiritual stones. Waiting for Ding will be rewarded. Thank you for your patronage!

"Why does my Wan Yun Sect need so many spiritual stones?

"We just want more casual cultivators to be able to afford and use magic weapons, so that they can better utilize their magic power when killing demons!"


Some of the cultivators shouted loudly, and then there were bursts of loud shouts.

Li Ping'an, who acted as a 'trustee', quickly ducked down to avoid being seen.

At this point, the thousands of weapon refiners have lost their temper.

But Li Dazhi was not over yet.

That was just the first thing.

"This second thing!"

Li Dazhi raised his left hand and said loudly:

"I'm not going to hide it from you, our Wan Yun Sect, Wei Yuan Sect, and Tian Yuan Sect have indeed produced the magic weapon assembly line, and are now producing hundreds of thousands of sets of magic weapons for ASEAN!

"I, Li Dazhi, am not a solitary person.

"Starting from today!

"Three years later! Wanyun Sect will select six sects to open branches of Zhuyuntang, but the number of branches of Zhuyuntang will not exceed nine!

“Ten years from now, Zhuyuntang’s production line for producing high-quality magical instruments will be open to various sects to join!

"The meaning of joining is that I will sell the assembly line technology that is one to two generations behind to various sects at a price no more than Baifang Lingshi!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion among the weapon refiners, and many experienced experts looked confused.

Zixian, the cultivator and music cultivator, was even in an uproar.

Li Dazhi smiled and said:

“Of course, there are many restrictions on joining, such as each family’s magic weapon cannot be sold across borders, and only one franchisee can be selected in a region.

"Every sect present is also eligible to apply, but before you apply, you must scold the Tiantian Sect for being shameless!"

Behind the hundred sect weapon refiners, a famous old man from Heavenly Immortal stared and wanted to curse, but Li Dazhi raised his hand and held him down.

The world was really noisy for a while.

Jade talismans flew in all directions, and the scene was truly spectacular.

Although the weapon refiners are unfamiliar with the word "franchise", they already understand the meaning after a little experience.

After Wanyun Sect has a magic weapon assembly line, it will sell its high-quality magic weapon assembly line! Choose a sect in each region and sell one copy!

If anyone can grab such a qualification, it will be like holding a cornucopia!

This is not the end.

Li Dazhi cupped his hands and continued:

"Don't worry, everyone, there is a third thing!

"In the future, our Wan Yun Sect will no longer build magic weapon shops in uninvolved towns. Starting from ten years later, our Wan Yun Sect will select a magic weapon distribution agent in each city!

“What is a distribution agent?

"That is, you open a shop, Zhuyuntang will send you the goods at a lower price, and you sell them at a standard price.

"This agent doesn't have to be a weapon-refining sect. As long as it is a sect that has strength and can protect its magic weapon shop from being smashed, he can participate in the sale of magic weapons!

"Okay, that's it."

After saying this, Li Dazhi cupped his hands, turned around and walked back to his mountain gate.

Before he left, he did not forget to mutter:

"I originally didn't want to become the number one weapon refining sect. Let's see who is the number one weapon refining sect in ten or twenty years."

The sky and the earth were quiet for a short while, and then everything suddenly became extremely noisy.

More messenger jade symbols flew in all directions.

In front of the mountain gate.

Half of the group of weapon refiners began to leave, most of them with dull expressions.

Half of them were looking at the mountain gate eagerly, thinking about how to speak to save the bad impression they had given to the immortals of Wanyun Sect today.

On the black canopy boat, Wenrou was slightly dazed facing the Wanyun Sect's mountain gate, while Qingsu had returned to the canopy and continued to meditate.

At this moment, Li Ping'an was full of emotion.

He really...

Wouldn't it be nice to wait peacefully at the mountain gate for a hundred years and become the son of the richest man in Dongzhou?

What are you doing outside?

"Aunt Wenrou? You have to promise me something."

"Well," Wenrou said with a smile, "You mean... your father, how come he has so many ideas, the Forging Heaven Sect is going to be so angry."

Just as Li Ping'an was about to speak, a few clicks suddenly came from his sleeves.

Li Ping'an glanced at his sleeves and said hurriedly: "We'll talk about this later. My horse is about to come out. Let's go back to the mountain gate first!"

After saying this, Li Pingan jumped out of the black awning boat, appeared among the immortals of Wanyun Sect, and escaped directly into the mountain gate formation.

"Dawu is back!"

An old Taoist shouted excitedly.

Then, hundreds of white-haired Wan Yunxian's eyes shone, and they turned around and rushed back to the formation, rushing towards the place where Li Ping'an's back disappeared.

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