The fairy father

Chapter 117 Ambition to find a son in the East China Sea

"piece of cake?"

Li Dazhi put down the message jade talisman in his hand. He was reading the battle report of Dong'an City last night and couldn't help but frown.

Such a battle broke out in Dong'an City last night.

Jinxian Xu Sheng took action to suppress the evil demon, and more than a million Yunxian worked together to fight against the two demons in the Blood Demon Palace. This matter was planned and directed by Ping An.

Li Dazhi touched his smooth head and suddenly felt... was it because he kept lending luck to Ping An, causing Ping An to suffer a lot?

What benefits can this war bring to Ping An?


Wang Xinhui just asked cautiously.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something." Li Dazhi came back to his senses and smiled apologetically, asking gently, "What's the problem with the Mu family?"

Wang Xinhui groaned for a few times and began to communicate face to face.

After a while, Li Dazhi's eyes widened: "What the hell? Mu Ningning is a fucking virgin? But she is indeed the one who gave birth to Mu Ningning? Xinhui, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"This," Wang Xinhui took out a jade bottle from his sleeve, placed it on the table, and whispered, "You must not drink this. One sip can make you pregnant, and so can men."

Li Dazhi:......

Why? The Zimu River in "Journey to the West"?

He pondered for a few times and said seriously: "Sit down, don't worry, tell me in detail."

"Yes, I first went to the Fanshi Hall and carefully checked the address and birthplace provided by disciple Mu Ningning, and found two female disciples who came from the same place as her.

"The first is called Mu Xin'an, the second is called Mu Cilin, and the third is Mu Ningning.

"Mu Xin'an came here eighty years ago. After three years of practicing in Liuyun Temple, he was not selected to accept a disciple and entered the outer sect to practice. After twenty years of practicing in the outer sect, he received a sum of spiritual stones and left the sect to return to his hometown to eliminate demons and defend the Tao. .

“These are all within the rules.

"Then, Mu Cilin claimed to be the daughter of Mu Xin'an. She entered the outer sect to practice forty years ago. She followed the same path as her mother, Mu Xin'an. After practicing in the outer sect for twenty years, she returned to her hometown to eliminate demons and defend the Tao."

Wang Xinhui took a sip of the tea handed by Li Dazhi and continued:

"That shepherd's family is not difficult to find. The southeast direction of our mountain gate is near the border of several mortal and immortal dynasties, but it is really far away from our side.

“So, what happened to the third generation of the Mu family’s outer sect is not a lie.

"Mu Ningning didn't lie at all...because her mother and aunt said so.

"But that's the strange thing!"

Li Dazhi asked: "Where?"

"Mu Ningning's grandmother passed away more than 40 years ago. Mu Ningning's mother is only fifty-two years old this year. She is already old and has gray hair.

"Mu Ningning's aunt is not Mu Ningning's biological aunt. She is also an outer disciple of our Wan Yun Sect. Her name is Lin Fei. She has a close relationship with Mu Ningning's mother, Mu Cilin. The two of them are very pure. A close friend.”

Wang Xinhui said a little excitedly:

"Lin Fei now looks like a twenty-five-year-old mortal. This is the face of a normal Qi Refiner Shou Yuan in the Void Refining Realm!

"As for Mu Ningning's mother, she doesn't have much vitality in her body. Moreover, she still has a spiritual power in her body. Her strength is comparable to that of ordinary Qi Refiners in the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm, or even the Yuanxian Realm."

"Just wait a moment!"

Li Dazhi scratched his smooth head, made a pause gesture, and frowned:

"You mean, Mu Ningning's mother is weird?

"I gave birth to a baby girl as a virgin. She should have been a Qi Refiner in the Void Refining Realm for hundreds of years, but now she is very old... Where is Mu Ningning's father?"

Wang Xinhui said firmly: "Mu Ningning has no father!"


"To be precise, Mu Ningning has no real father."

Wang Xinhui said quickly:

"Mu Ningning herself doesn't know this. From Mu Ningning's point of view, she was born in a family of Qigong practitioners. Her parents were chivalrous and righteous, protecting mortals for hundreds of miles around, and they were also extremely kind to her.

“This is everything Mu Ningning was exposed to when she was a child.

"I visited and investigated in secret, so I secretly got a glimpse of the real scene... Mu Ningning's father is actually a general of the Mu family. He calls Mu Ningning's mother his mistress, and this general secretly has his own wife. Son.

"This family deliberately pretended to be Mu Ningning's father and gave Mu Ningning a complete childhood.

"Then, I also heard that when Mu Cilin was talking to this family general, he said, Well, let me imitate it for you... The tormenting inheritance of the Mu family should be stopped in my generation. Ning Ning has already He successfully entered the inner gate of Wanyun Sect and followed the immortals to practice.

"But that family general said...have you forgotten that after your death, the power of inheritance will follow Ning Ning, leaving you with nothing but the protection of this place.

"Then Mu Cilin said again... There are no vicious monsters here now. I will end all this before I die and let everyone move to the Mortal Immortal Dynasty. I have bought a small town there, and the spring, It must never be turned on again.”

After saying this, Wang Xinhui looked at Li Dazhi and breathed out softly.

Li Dazhi was stunned.

He sat there and thought carefully for a while, with Mu Ningning's figure constantly crossing his eyes.

More than ten years have passed since she entered Liuyun Temple and became a disciple of Zhenxian Qingxu. Now, Mu Ningning can be regarded as Li Ping'an's childhood sweetheart...

"Master," Wang Xinhui asked, "do you want to tell Mu Ningning about this? I'm afraid her mother may not have much left to live, or she may be able to see her for the last time."

"How do you say this? That she has no father and that her mother gave birth to her? What will this child think?"

Li Dazhi sighed:

"For safety reasons, I observed Ning Ning for a long time. This child is actually very delicate and can easily be moved by the situation.

"There must be a big problem with that shepherd's family and that spring water that makes you pregnant after drinking it. Maybe it's some treasure left over from ancient times.

"This matter is beyond our control, but you don't care. Her mother passed away, and the spiritual power might spread to Ning Ning. Ning Ning might have some problems... What should we do?"

Wang Xinhui's eyes flashed with fierceness: "Master, I'm asking two immortal elders to go and carry their Mu family back to the top of the mountain! If there is any problem, we can solve it directly face to face. Anyway, it won't affect peace! "

"Isn't that just using one's strength to bully others?"

Li Dazhi waved his hand:

"Don't tell anyone about this, let me think about it... No! I want to go there myself!

"This is the biggest issue in my old Li family right now!

"Well, I'll take Ping'an to the Mu family secretly. That's fine. While Senior Xu Sheng is still in Dong'an City, I'll ask Senior Xu Sheng to escort him!"

Wang Xinhui said hurriedly: "Master! The master is in retreat. The three Golden Immortal Patriarchs are in retreat. How can you go out?"

Li Dazhi asked: "Who has the final say on the mountain gate now?"

"You! The headmaster said that if I am unsure about anything, I will ask you."

"Then it's over, I've given the order."

Li Dazhi patted his thigh and stood up:

"It won't be too late. Let's finish it early. I'll go secretly and you come with me."

"Master, please don't be secretive, your safety is the most important thing!"

"Hi!" Li Dazhi grinned, "I'm only half a step away from reaching the Heavenly Immortal. If I go out for a walk, I might break through. My master's ban on me is to go to the Heavenly Immortal. Besides, my son, a third-grade officer, is in Dongzhou. Who can bully me?"

Wang Xinhui tried to persuade her again, but Li Dazhi had already made up his mind and went straight to the back hall to find Xiao Yue who was still 'recuperating'.

After a while.

Li Dazhi went to several major peaks and found a few familiar peak masters to give them some advice;

Then he went to Wanyun Palace and found some of the oldest immortal elders, who said that they would stay in seclusion for a period of time.

In less than an hour, Li Dazhi took Wang Xinhui and Xiao Yue and quietly left the Wanyun Sect's mountain gate and took the way to the coast of the East China Sea.

Li Ping'an, who knew nothing about his old father's whereabouts, was looking at the blue sky and white clouds on the beach with disappointment.


There are no bikinis in the world of immortality.

Blue sky and white clouds, clear sky.

Li Ping'an lay comfortably on the beach. He put on a loose shirt, sucked the homemade 'happy water' in his mouth, rested his arms on his head and watched the light streaking across the horizon.

The barbecue grill is not far away.

Qingsu moved a small mat and sat next to the barbecue grill, still dressed in a plain white dress;

Wen Ling'er changed into a cool short skirt and skewered the meat quickly. From time to time, Qing Su picked out the remaining skewers and brought them to the low table not far away.

At the low table, senior Xu Sheng was laughing and drinking. Wei Yanzi and two Tianxian elders of Wanyun Sect were accompanying him, drinking and eating skewers, which was very pleasant.

This place was completely surrounded by the barrier arranged by Xu Sheng, which blocked other people's exploration.

Li Ping'an was feeling emotional in his heart.

So, what is the use of his hard work in cultivation?

No matter how many insights you have and how powerful your magic power is, if the Tao realm is suppressed by the way of heaven, there will be no improvement at all!

It would be great to just lie down, enjoy life, be in a daze when nothing happens, and not be in a hurry to improve yourself.

If he wants to fight, he will ask his master to fight, and if he makes money, he will rely on his father. Once his master reaches a few more realms, he should be the best fighting immortal in Dongzhou.

When the master enters the golden fairyland...tsk, tsk, tsk, Li Ping'an can't even imagine how beautiful that picture is!

‘How to become enlightened, why to ask immortals! ’

Li Pingan sucked the soft straw, and the cool juice flowed into the tips of his teeth. Wisps of spiritual energy escaped from his mouth, making him hum twice in comfort.

"Apprentice, do you want to eat this skewer?"

Qingsu asked from the side:

"This string is the best quality!"

"Master, just eat. I will prepare some seafood later and show you my skills."

"Then I'll eat less now."

Qing Su's voice suddenly became much more cheerful.

Senior Xu Sheng next to him kept looking this way.

Xu Sheng actually wanted to find an opportunity to chat with Li Pingan alone, play with the moon pearl, and ask how Li Pingan met 'that senior'.

Unfortunately, just as Xu Sheng was about to find a suitable opportunity, before he could get up, Yan Sheng led an ASEAN immortal general in silver armor and descended towards the barrier.

Li Ping'an instantly put away his happy suit, stood up and meditated, pretending to be practicing hard.

After a while, Elder Yan Sheng led the generals forward to pay their respects.

"Safe, the interrogation is almost over."

Li Ping'an stood up, bowed, and said with a smile, "Thank you, elder."

Yan Sheng waved his hand and pointed at the middle-aged man next to him with the dry tobacco bag: "General Du is the one who is interrogating. Pindao is just watching."

"General Du Kui! Meet the inspector!"

"How polite, General!"

The strong man cupped his fists and saluted, and Li Pingan returned the salute again.

"Inspector," General Du Kui handed over a jade talisman, "This is a question of the remnant souls of the two evil spirits. The harm of this blood evil palace is much greater than we thought before."

Li Ping'an did not take it, but just said: "Please ask General Du to submit it to ASEAN."

Du Kui had a smile in his eyes and said, "Thank you very much, Inspector."

"Alas," Li Ping'an sighed, "when I think that there are still Fourteen Evils, as well as the Master, Vice-President and Elders of the Blood Demon Palace, who are still doing evil in this world, I really have trouble sleeping and eating."

Du Kui pondered for a few times, considered his words, and said slowly:

“ASEAN leaders are also paying attention to this matter.

"General Mo has heard some discussions here. Some people are saying that ASEAN should not interfere with the development of the Dongzhou sect, but more people are saying that ASEAN should prune the branches of Dongzhou and should not deal with such a wanton evil demon. Xiu sat back and ignored.

"Actually, cultivating immortals and cultivating demons are just different techniques. In ancient times, our ancestors of the human race also relied on the methods of cultivating demons to fight against hundreds of evil spirits.

"It's just that we don't have to be so eager to gain strength now, and cultivating demons can easily lead to self-control, so we advocate cultivating immortals.

"A very senior senior recently said that this Blood Evil Palace is different from demonic cultivation and should be called evil cultivation. It should be distinguished by the righteous path and the evil path, rather than by the cultivation method."

"Yes, that's right."

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "Thank you, General Du, for telling me this."

"You're welcome, Inspector! Young talents like you who are young and promising and are valued by adults are the hope of ASEAN's future."

Du Kui raised his hand and asked:

"Does the inspector have any other instructions?"

"I heard that ASEAN is going to station a troop of troops just outside Dong'an City?"

"That's it," Du Kui said, "As a deterrent to the Blood Evil Palace, several adults are worried about your safety and asked me to wait here to garrison. There are thousands of people here at the moment, and two more will be dispatched later. Thousands of soldiers and horses will come here, and the barracks here will also serve as a training ground."

Li Ping'an took out the "stolen money" that Qing Su seized from Tuoba's family and gave the ring to Du Kui.

He said sternly: "This is the treasure collected by the branches of the Blood Demon Palace. The construction of the camp also requires the consumption of spiritual stones and precious materials. General, please don't refuse."


Du Kui sighed: "The inspector took too good care of us."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "It's just a matter of duty, no extra care... Elder, our Wan Yun Sect should also express our gratitude to ASEAN for sending troops to protect us, and don't let others say that we give gifts to ASEAN officers and soldiers. We don't usually have fairy fruits and fine wine. Just cut it off."

Elder Yan Sheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you."

"So, on behalf of the brothers, I would like to thank the inspector! Thank you very much, Elder Yan!"

Du Kui's eyes lit up.

Yes, you can drink outside!

In the military camp, you can only drink a few days a year, but when you are stationed abroad, you can drink once a month. How wonderful!

Not long after, Elder Yan Sheng sent General Du away.

Li Pingan breathed out lightly.

For him, the best news is that the number of troops stationed in ASEAN has increased from 1,000 to 3,000.

Of course, the thousand immortal soldiers left last night were all elites from the ASEAN. The two thousand immortal soldiers who came later should not have become immortals and came here to practice.

Li Ping'an thought carefully.

ASEAN's move should be intended to strengthen local supervision over Dongzhou, and they want to take this opportunity to start a targeted 'trial' to see the reaction of each sect.

That's about it.

Li Ping'an suddenly heard a very familiar call: "Ping An, Ping An?"

Li Ping'an was startled.


Li Ping'an blinked. He just heard his old father's call. Shouldn't his father be in the mountains now to attack the fairyland and enjoy the joy of being 'molested by Aunt Xiao Yue' every day...?

"Peace, here, here!"

Li Pingan turned around and looked.

There is light, shine!

"Dad! Haha! Why are you here!"

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