The fairy father

Chapter 118 The great secret of the Mu family

"Master Dazhi! Why are you here?"

"Uncle Dazhi!"

"Oh? Dazhi, why are you here?"

The beach suddenly became lively.

Li Dazhi walked forward with a smile and greeted Senior Xu Sheng and his two elders respectively.

Li Ping'an went forward and bowed to Elder Xiao Yue and Deacon Wang Xinhui. Xiao Yue rushed to Qing Su's side with a smile and continued to work hard to make friends with Immortal Qing Su.

Qing Su still didn't know how to communicate with Xiao Yue. At the moment, she just listened with a smile and nodded from time to time.

Li Pingan saw how Xiao Yue was dressed today.

She wore a simple and elegant light green dress, with her long hair tied up on her temples. She looked Luo Luo and generous, not as overly beautiful as before.

In this way, Li Pingan can also judge that the relationship between Aunt Yue and his father is steadily warming up.

Li Dazhi laughed and said, "You guys keep drinking, don't worry about me, I have something to do to find peace!"

Senior Xu Sheng waved his hand: "Dazhi, go quickly. If you tell Master Qi, you will know what your son is like! Remember to come over for a drink later!"

"No problem! Xinhui come over and have a drink with Mr. Xu!"

Li Dazhi greeted, turned around and walked to Li Pingan, pulling Li Pingan aside.

"Okay," Li Dazhi chuckled, "I'm busy in the mountain gate, and you're having a barbecue here with blue sky and white clouds. Are you going to get some oysters, scallops, and squid later?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "I was about to go, but you came here...Dad, why did you come here suddenly? Aren't you not allowed to go out until you are in heaven?"


Li Dazhi raised his eyebrows:

"Half-step to become an immortal, wouldn't it still be considered an immortal if you round it off?

"The three golden immortals and the head master have all gone into seclusion, and no one can control me anymore.

"Don't worry. When I came out, I explained all aspects of the matter. There are two pretty good deputy heads and so many elders watching inside the door, so there won't be any trouble."

Li Ping'an sighed: "You have great luck, it's not a trivial matter to go out... Did you pick up any treasures on the road?"

"I didn't pick up treasures, but I did encounter something good."

Li Dazhi turned his hand and handed a spirit storage bag to Li Ping'an, which contained the white tiger egg (ancient mythical beasts all lay eggs).

He smiled and said:

"I have fed this egg a lot of good things before, and it is about to be born. You can take care of it later.

"Not long after I left the mountain today, I was sneaking underground with your Aunt Yue and Wang Xinhui. As we were walking, we suddenly got lost underground and followed the earth's veins to a cave.

"No one has lived in that cave for many years. There is a spiritual spring behind the cave. This egg kept beating on its own, so I put it in the spiritual spring. After a while, the entire spiritual spring was covered by this egg. sucked away.

"I took a look and found that the spiritual power of this white tiger egg is more than twice as strong as before.

"Other than that, there are no other opportunities."

Li Ping'an:...


Is it really possible to encounter abandoned caves while walking?

Li Pingan pursed his lips tightly and reached into the spirit storage bag. When his fingertips touched the eggshell, he could feel the faint emotions coming from inside.

Joy, closeness, and a little dependence.

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "Dad, are you here to give it to me?"

"of course not."

Li Dazhi coughed. On the way here, he had discussed it carefully with Xiao Yue and Wang Xinhui, and it was Xiao Yue who gave him the idea.

Li Dazhi said: "Actually, that's what happened. Didn't you mention before that you wanted to visit Ningning's parents at her home?"


"I thought, if it didn't work, I would take her parents to the mountain gate, and then sent Wang Xinhui to have a look. It turned out that... her mother seemed to be seriously ill, so I thought, I would take you to visit her first."

Li Ping'an was stunned for a moment and immediately asked: "Does Ning Ning know about this?"

"She doesn't know," Li Dazhi said sternly, "What I mean is, don't let Ning Ning come over yet. Let's cure her mother's disease and then take her mother back to the mountain."

Li Pingan smelled something unusual.

If he was really seriously ill, a fairy healing pill would cure the illness, but his father went out in person, bringing only Xiao Yue and Wang Xinhui with him.

Wang Xinhui must have brought some bad news back to the pastor's sister's hometown, and his father must be afraid of the negative impact...

At this juncture, he had just defeated the two evil spirits of the Blood Evil Palace when his father came looking for him.

Could it be...

"Dad, is it possible that the Mu family is related to the Blood Demon Palace?"


Li Dazhi's eyes were filled with confusion:

"No, how did you connect the Blood Demon Palace with the Mu family?

“What the Mu family is most proud of is that they have three generations of outer disciples of the Wanyun Sect, and then Ning Ning joined the inner sect. It is a small family and courtyard on the edge of the world.

"Ping An, don't make random assumptions!"

"That's good, that's good."

Li Pingan breathed a sigh of relief:

"It won't be too late. Let's set off right now. Can we invite Senior Xu Sheng to accompany us?"

"It's best like this," Li Dazhi said. "With Senior Jinxian walking together, the safety factor can be greatly improved."

Li Ping'an said decisively: "I'm going to invite Senior Xu Sheng. Let's not waste time. Let's rush there while the fighting here has just stopped!"

Li Dazhi also said: "Okay! If Ning Ning needs to go there, I can send a letter to the door at any time and ask a familiar elder to send Ning Ning."

Father and son quickly reached a consensus.

Li Ping'an hurried to Xu Sheng's side and muttered a few words.

Not long after, Xu Sheng, Qing Su, and Li Ping'an, together with Li Dazhi, Xiao Yue, and Wang Xinhui, together with a total of one golden immortal, one heavenly immortal, three true immortals, and one heavenly and earthly bridge qi master, drove towards the south of Dongzhou in the clouds .

Li Ping'an was worried about Mu Ningning's mother's 'illness' and urged his father to drive faster.

After hearing this, Senior Xu Sheng took out a small Yunzhou from his sleeve and asked several people to sit inside.

Subsequently, Xu Sheng used the golden immortal power to activate the cloud boat. Li Ping'an was almost knocked unconscious by the sudden burst of speed. Wang Xinhui, who had just entered the realm of true immortality, also turned pale.

Outside the cloud boat, there is a phantom of light.

Within an hour, the six people had arrived near Mu's house.

Senior Xu Sheng asked Yun Zhou to hide his whereabouts, hiding in a white cloud, floating towards the continuous forest peaks ahead.

Li Pingan's spiritual consciousness swept over and said: "The scenery here is quite good."

Wang Xinhui introduced: "This place is located at the intersection of the boundaries of several small immortal dynasties. It looks like mountains and wilderness from the outside, but there are many ordinary villages inside."

White clouds floated into the sky over the mountains and forests, and indeed there were some villages and towns dotted on the mountainside of the river valley ahead.

"This is really a place of escape."

Li Dazhi touched his bald head and said with a smile:

"The surrounding high mountains have isolated internal and external communication. There should be many mortals who fled the war and moved in."

Xiao Yue looked at the scenery outside Yunzhou, and most of her eyes were An Ran.

Qingsu urged: "Aren't we going to save people? We'd better move faster, don't go late."

Li Ping'an said: "Disciple has found the Mu family. Father, master, and seniors, you just need to wait on the Yunzhou. I can go by myself."

Li Dazhi and Wang Xinhui looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy.

Qing Su said: "Go, apprentice, there is no aura of master here."

Li Dazhi could only hold back the words that came to his lips.

As a father, how can a master be of any use to him?

Li Ping'an raised his hand and groped around his face, then took off a thin mask.

Although doubts abounded in his heart, this was after all a visit to Mu Ningning's parents, and Li Ping'an did not want to use disguises. It was the first visit of his prospective son-in-law.

Li Ping'an adjusted his Taoist robe and spread his long hair back into a Taoist bun.

"Father, I will come back as soon as I go."

After saying that, Li Ping'an turned around and jumped out of the cloud boat. He first flew towards a river valley. When he approached the river valley, he rode on the clouds, held his head high and fell into the peach blossom forest deep in the river valley.

On the cloud boat, Li Dazhi smiled and said: "My family is getting more and more handsome, Ping An!"

Xiao Yue smiled and said, "Are you really not going to tell him about the situation of the Mu family?"

"Well," Li Dazhi said, "Ping'an is smart and must have guessed that there is a problem here. Let him ask it himself. What he has seen with his own eyes is much simpler than our explanation. Maybe there will be new discoveries."

Qingsu asked: "What's wrong?"

Senior Xu Sheng also looked over with confusion.

Li Dazhi looked at Wang Xinhui, who cupped his hands and began to slowly talk about his previous investigations.

"What a rich vitality."

Near the peach blossom forest in the river valley, Li Ping'an exclaimed in admiration.

His spiritual consciousness covers a radius of hundreds of miles, and he vaguely feels that the surrounding river valley and the mountains and forests everywhere form a "slightly related" natural formation, making the spiritual energy in this river valley a bit richer than other areas.

Compared to other areas in the mundane world, this is a good place for practice.

Li Ping'an noticed the formation covering the peach blossom forest.

This formation is not difficult to break. It seems that it is just to tell the outside world that there are Qi Refiners living here.

Looking from the clouds, there are dozens of houses dotted throughout the peach blossom forest, including rows of bamboo houses and exquisite attics. Two small rivers intersect in the peach blossom forest, and several children can be seen practicing martial arts and meditating on the grass beside the river. .

In the distant mountains and forests, there are hunters chasing animals;

In the fertile fields on the edge of the peach blossom forest, large areas of millet grains grow naturally, and there are more than ten figures cleaning the weeds in the millet grains.

Li Ping'an released his own aura, revealing the Taoist rhyme derived from Wan Yun Jue, and said loudly from the clouds:

"Li Ping'an, a disciple of Wanyun Sect, came to visit the Mu family!"

Then, he rode the clouds to the outside of the peach blossom forest and stood in front of the stone tablet with the word "Mujia" written on it.

He shouted this, and the peach blossom forest immediately became lively.

Not long after, four women came walking on peach blossoms.

The woman at the head looked quite young, with long hair disheveled and a wide robe. She seemed to have woken up from meditation. She had cultivated in the Void Refining Realm, and her Tao Yun was in the same line as the outer sect of Wan Yun Sect.

The remaining three should be the maids of the Mu family. They are wearing long silk skirts and uniform double-ring buns. They are almost all of the strength of the God Converging Realm.

The woman looked Li Ping'an up and down several times, mostly surprised:

"Are you...Senior Brother Ping An? Oh, no, you are Ping An? It's exactly the same as the portrait Ning Ning gave you."

Li Ping'an blinked and said with a smile: "I have met my senior, Li Ping'an, and I have a close relationship with the priest sister. I took the liberty of visiting today. I wonder if it will disturb the purity of the precious land."

"Don't bother, don't bother!"

The woman suddenly smiled, looking at Li Ping'an's handsome face with red face and white teeth, feeling the Taoist charm of Li Ping'an that she could not see through at all, and she was overjoyed for a moment.

The woman hurriedly said: "You can't call me senior, I am an outer disciple of our Wan Yun Sect. According to the rules, I should call you senior brother!"

"You belong to Ningning..."

"Aunt! I am Ning Ning's aunt, my name is Lin Fei!"

The woman turned sideways to greet him:

"Don't talk here anymore, please come inside! Ning Ning has sent several letters to her family over the years, and there is your portrait in them.

"We are all a family, so there is no need to be too polite...

"By the way, where is my Ningning? Hasn't she come back?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "I was out tracking the traces of several evil spirits. I happened to pass by here. I thought that Ning Ning had always talked about the peach blossom forest at home before, so I thought I would take this opportunity to come and visit."

Li Ping'an took out his disciple's jade plaque and said with a smile: "This is a greeting. I wonder if Ning Ning's mother is okay?"

"What a coincidence," Aunt Lin Fei sighed, "Ning Ning's parents went out on a heroic mission and were not at home... Please, please come quickly, come over for tea, you have to talk to me nicely, Ning Ning Do you practice seriously after becoming a disciple?"

Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling more doubtful in his heart.

The father said that Ning Ning’s mother was seriously ill.

But this Aunt Lin Fei said that Ning Ning's parents were out.

Could it be...that something happened at home?

Li Pingan began to explore everywhere more carefully.

He stepped into the peach blossom forest and found that there were some ingenious formations hidden in the peach blossom forest, which was wider.

Most of these formations are integrated with nature. Perhaps they are too old and have no traces of their construction.

Lin Fei led him into a secluded bamboo house.

The bamboo building is transparent from front to back, and the breeze in the hall blows up the gauze curtains by the windows, bringing with it the refreshing fragrance of flowers.

"Peace, you sit down and drink tea first, and I'll prepare some food for you."

Lin Fei smiled and said:

"I will arrange for a few more people to go find Ning Ning's parents. Now that they are here, you can stay for a few more days!"

"Don't bother me."

Li Pingan said seriously:

"The order from the master's sect is with me, so I can't stay for a long time. I just wanted to pick a peach blossom and bring it back to my junior sister, and then bring some letters from home for my junior sister.

"Cultivation in the mountains is often lonely. She also misses home very much. She always said she wanted to come back to visit, but she never made the trip."

"Hey! OK! The food still needs to be prepared!"

Lin Fei smiled and sighed:

"This child can worship the immortal master. It is a blessing that has been cultivated for many generations. How can he do it when he is always worried about his family?

"Everything is fine and safe at home, as you can see. The Mu family is well off, and her parents are in good health, so why worry?

"You drink tea while I cook some good food for you!"

"Hey! Auntie, you're not busy!"

"Be busy, be busy!"

Lin Fei's eyes were full of emotion, she smiled from ear to ear, and flew directly towards the attic next door.

Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking in his heart.

The three maids came in with the tea. After setting it up, they bowed their heads and left. They each secretly looked at Li Ping'an's face.

There were many figures in the peach blossom forest, and they were all looking this way. One said, "That's Senior Brother Ping An," and the other said, "Our husband, Ning Ning, is so handsome."

Li Ping'an thought to himself: 'It's strange, there is no trace of blood here. The herders are all so peaceful. There should be no killings on weekdays. ’

Then why did Aunt Lin Fei lie?

Aunt Lin Fei was originally an outer disciple of the Wan Yun Sect, and was a close friend of Ning Ning's mother. She followed Ning Ning's mother back to live in the herdsman's house.


It stands to reason that she should be called aunt. Why call her aunt?

Li Ping'an was thinking this, and his spiritual sense suddenly caught Aunt Lin Fei quietly leaving the attic and rushing to the bamboo house not far away.

The bamboo house was shrouded in a simple formation.

Li Ping'an felt offended in his heart, his spiritual sense penetrated into it, and his brows twitched slightly.

An old woman was getting up from the bed... No, this shouldn't be the old woman.

Her face is very young, but her hair is gray, her vitality is weak, and there are many wrinkles on the back of her hands, but there are no obvious wrinkles on her neck or face.

It always felt like, like the vitality in her body, like the leaves that wither and turn yellow in summer, leaving her one by one.

Her appearance is similar to Ningning...

Aunt Lin Fei sighed: "Don't get up."

"No," the 'old woman' said with a gentle smile on her lips, "Ning Ning's senior brother Ping An comes here in person, how can I not meet him? Just say, I am Ning Ning's grandma, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

She was about to stand up tremblingly, and Lin Fei quickly stepped forward to help her.

"Alas," Lin Fei said, "Ning Ning always praises her senior brother in her letters for how smart she is. If he finds out..."

"If he can see through it, then I will feel more confident about leaving Ning Ning in his care."

The 'old woman' had a look of peace in her eyes as she sat in front of the dressing table and looked at herself in the dressing table.

He took out a brocade box from his sleeve and opened it. There were two pills inside.

She took out a pill and put it in her mouth, frowning and swallowing.

A trace of life appeared in the 'old woman''s body. She sighed softly, her movements became much more vigorous, she picked up the eyebrow pencil and began to trace her eyebrows carefully.

She murmured:

"Her grandma and I are neither blessed enough to be a Taoist couple, so Ning Ning finally has such an opportunity.

"Our shepherd family no longer has to bear this burden for the human race.

"Fei, tell me, can Ning Ning have a child?"

Lin Fei pursed her lips slightly, lowered her head and sighed: "If you can, you can."

"I'm still afraid," the 'old woman' sighed, "Forget it, just leave her alone. She has already joined the inner sect. She can become an immortal even if we are not a Taoist couple. She is much better than me."

After saying that, the old woman took out some waxy powder and applied it carefully on her face, making herself look more aged.

After a while, Lin Fei supported the old woman and came towards the bamboo building where Li Ping'an was.

Li Ping'an stopped thinking. Although he had many doubts in his heart, he could only suppress them temporarily and got up to wait at the door.

He didn't go around too much. He bowed first, then took the initiative to move forward and supported the old woman's other arm.

He smiled and said: "Auntie, if it is inconvenient for you to travel, I will just go to your door to see you. Why do you have to walk these hundred steps?"

Lin Fei's smile froze on his face.

The old woman raised her head and looked at Li Ping'an, without much confusion in her eyes, and said with a smile: "You are really smart."

"It's not that I'm smart," Li Ping'an sighed, "I just made a spiritual mark on Aunt Lin Fei."

"Oh?" the old woman said with a smile, "You have such a level of cultivation?"

"It's faster than Ning Ning. She's a bit lazy on weekdays. She always likes to be lazy in my place and doesn't want to be locked up for too long."

Li Ping'an helped the old woman sit down and sat beside him.

Li Ping'an raised his head and looked at the old woman, and said seriously: "I'm not showing off my cultivation, it's just because Ning Ning and I are in love, and I need to let you know that I can help you. I don't want to let Ning Ning do anything that I can't do. What regrets will Ning leave behind in his life?"

The old woman shook her head gently: "My child, this matter has nothing to do with you or Ning Ning. It is because of my ancestors."

"You are Ning Ning's closest relative, but now your body is withered and your breath is dying. How come you have nothing to do with me?"

"Oh," the old woman said, "I can solve this matter for Ning Ning, so don't worry about it."

"Auntie, you don't believe me?"

Li Ping'an took out a jade talisman from his sleeve and pushed it in front of the old woman.

Wanyun Sect inner sect elder card.

The old woman frowned slightly: "This? How come you have grown old?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "I am now an elder of the inner sect of Wanyun Sect. This is due to some chance, and I have not yet become an immortal."

Lin Fei whispered: "How is this possible?"

The old woman had many thoughts in her eyes.

Li Ping'an took out another jade medal from his sleeve.

ASEAN third-level inspection envoy.

"Auntie, please tell your nephew your difficulties. I will do my best to help!"

Li Pingan's eyes are mostly sincere.

The old woman smiled bitterly and said: "This is a problem that cannot be solved by any amount of power or cultivation. This is... that's all. I am very happy that you can come as a guest. Don't say such things. You are a good boy, and I am too." I can feel your feelings for Ning Ning, so I have nothing to worry about."

Li Pingan frowned slightly.

Suddenly I heard a laugh coming from outside:

"Hahahaha! My mother-in-law! If you have any trouble, just tell me! If my son can't help, I'll help!"

Three figures landed directly outside the bamboo house.

Li Dazhi moved forward with his hands raised, while Xu Sheng, the old immortal, moved forward with his hands behind his back.

Wang Xinhui stood at the door with a smile, emitting true immortal power and forming a barrier to cover the place.

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