The fairy father

Chapter 116: Destroying the Two Evils, Death of the Sword Slave [Third update丨Big Cup丨Please vote]

Li Pingan's learning ability has always been good.

He felt that if he were to directly ask Senior Xu Sheng to use the transformation technique and turn into a little bee and burrow into his cuffs, Senior Xu Sheng would probably not be happy.

Senior Xu Sheng is a dignified Golden Immortal and a master of weapon refining in Dongzhou. He is famous and has many friends. How could he do such a secret thing?

But if Li Pingan said first:

"Senior, in order to get close to the evil demon in the Blood Demon Palace, we must first transform into women."

When Senior Xu Sheng's eyes widened and he started shouting, "How unbecoming is this?", Li Ping'an asked Senior to use the transformation technique to hide in his sleeve, and Senior Xu Sheng immediately nodded in agreement.

——It’s just a few tricks I learned from my boss.

Putting Senior Xu Sheng and a Celestial Elder of his own sect into his sleeves, Li Ping'an once again disguised himself as 'Wei Yanzi', put on a brown Taoist robe, touched the mustache on his face, and looked towards Tuoba Han. Rush to the residence in Dong'an City.

On the way, Li Ping'an briefly explained the causes and consequences to Senior Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng said angrily: "The Blood Demon Palace is such a cancer! ASEAN will finally cut it off! Do you want me to call a few golden immortals over? Just go and destroy their lair!"

"If I can find the Blood Fiend Palace's home base, I can just deploy troops directly in ASEAN."

Li Ping'an smiled and sighed:

“The biggest trouble now is that the Blood Demon Palace is hidden in the darkness, watching us like a poisonous snake.

"According to the information given by Huan Gu, a group of Blood Evil Palace masters are gathering towards Dong'an City. As long as we find the adopted son of Xing Juesha, we should be able to follow the clues and find their subsequent hiding place.

"I asked you, senior, to come here for this reason.

"Our Wan Yun Sect's golden immortals have all gone into seclusion. This... the golden immortal I am closest to is you."


Xu Sheng laughed heartily:

"If you don't want to talk to outsiders, if you have something to do, can I not come? If Wan Yun Sect has something to do, then my Wei Yuan Sect has something to do, that is... Ping An, when will you come to our Wei Yuan Sect to preach?"

Li Ping'an's forehead was covered with black lines.

He said hurriedly: "I will talk to the seniors about what is going on here later. We will be near their house soon."

Xu Sheng chuckled and didn't say much.

Xu Sheng was naturally willing to help Li Ping'an. The more he could help, the better. First, he would repay the favors owed by the Xu family, and second, he would take the initiative to give favors to Li Ping'an.

Others don't understand how strong this father and son pair are, but he, Xu Sheng, understands it all too well.

Not to mention anything else, with Li Dazhi here, in just five hundred years, their Wan Yun Sect will become one of the three richest sects in Eastern Continent!

At this moment, the immortals of Wan Yun Sect have made a collective breakthrough because of Li Ping'an's preaching. Wan Yun Sect can return to the top ten sects in Dongzhou within a few decades!

This father and son are the innate spiritual treasures used by the sect!

Xu Sheng now wants to take his disciples and disciples to join the Wan Yun Sect, and directly follow the rise of the Wan Yun Sect!

Li Ping'an suddenly called out: "Senior, elder, the orb that the disciple will use next has an extraordinary origin. Please keep it a secret for the disciple."

In his sleeve, Xu Sheng and the little bee transformed into the immortal elder of Wanyun Sect looked at each other and nodded.

"Be safe and rest assured!"

The Heavenly Immortal from Wanyun Sect said firmly:

"Even if Pindao destroys his own soul, he will never let anyone know any of your secrets."

Xu Sheng smiled and said: "Oh, it's passed, it's passed, I'm here, let the master of the Blood Demon Palace come in person, I can kill him even if I hit him with a spiritual treasure!"

Li Pingan smiled.

He used his escape technique, disappeared into the corner of the alley, and quietly approached Tuoba Han's mansion from underground.

Under Xu Sheng's close gaze, Li Ping'an first took out a ball with a hollowed out center and quickly lit up the many restrictions on the ball.

Xu Sheng, the master of human weapon refining, took a closer look and couldn't help but admire it from the bottom of his heart.

After this old man became a golden immortal, he didn't like to mutter in his heart what he was thinking, so he directly said it to the two people around him:

"Some of the restrictions on this are things I have never seen before. Where did you learn them, Ping An?"

Li Ping'an whispered: "I learned it from a senior who cannot be told. Please keep this matter confidential."

After saying that, Li Ping'an's palm was filled with fairy light, and he directly took out the Cang Yue Pearl and stuffed it into the middle of the ball. The ball's magic weapon trembled slightly and floated to the top of Li Ping'an's head, spreading soft light.

Li Ping'an, disguised as 'Wei Yanzi', moved forward slowly, approaching the underground light wall of Tuoba Mansion's formation, as if he had penetrated a curtain of water, and quietly blended into it.

After doing this, Li Ping'an put away the Cang Yuezhu, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

Cangyue is like a brick, it can be moved wherever it is needed.

"Peace, peace!"

Senior Xu Sheng's voice suddenly trembled, and he transformed into a little bee and pricked Li Pingan's arm.

Fortunately, this golden immortal didn't use any of his immortal power, otherwise Li Ping'an's arm would have been crippled.

"What's wrong, senior?"

"Is it really that orb? That Cang Yue?"

"Senior, don't talk too much."

"I see!"

Xu Sheng swallowed and suddenly started to feel silly and happy.

The Wan Yunzong Celestial Immortal didn't know the reason for this, but as soon as the old Celestial Immortal thought of the legends of the cultivation of the Great Fortune Immortal and the Great Enlightenment Quasi Immortal, he no longer felt any surprise.

Even if Ping An directly took out a Xuanyuan Sword today, the immortal would be able to accept it within a moment.

An immortal banquet is being held in Tuoba Han's mansion.

Li Pingan quietly swam to the middle of the mansion, and just as he was about to release a ray of spiritual consciousness, a palm-sized mirror appeared in his sleeve.

Xu Sheng said: "Ping An, even if you use this detection method, the Golden Immortal won't be able to find it. I just refined it last month and gave it to you."

"Thank you, senior!"

Li Ping'an said thank you, picked up the mirror and took a look, and the scene of the fairy banquet above came into view.

The two 'young' Yuanxian who had appeared at the pavilion banquet before, as well as three or four young casual cultivators who had not become immortals, were drinking and playing with Tuoba Han.

Each person was accompanied by a beauty summoned from the brothel, and several of them moved their hands unceremoniously.

On the dance floor in the distance, singers and dancers danced gracefully.

Xu Sheng frowned and said, "The Tuoba family doesn't have much property. Where did Tuoba Han get such financial resources? There are two hundred casual cultivators in this mansion."

"Senior, please pay attention to that second-grade true immortal."

"It's okay," Xu Sheng said, "I'll put the immortal consciousness all over the city, and you can look for it in the mirror wherever you want to see it."

After saying that, the picture in the mirror quickly moved up.

Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows slightly, took this precious mirror and began to observe everywhere in the city.

In order to prepare for the attack by the Blood Fiend Palace, the immortals of the Wan Yun Sect were secretly mobilizing at this moment. Li Ping'an quickly found a few familiar immortals of the Wan Yun Sect.

The other two sects that manage Dong'an City together and the immortals stationed in Dong'an City have also begun to take action, but they have no idea that a vicious demon will attack tonight.

‘Will this alert others? ’

Li Ping'an thought like this, and now he could only place his hope in the fact that Xuesha Palace didn't know that Wan Yun Sect had obtained relevant information from Huan Gu.

Will Huangu sell one piece of news to two places?

This is really hard to say.

After waiting for about an hour and a half, the immortal banquet at Shangfang came to an end. Several young casual cultivators walked out of several guest rooms and said goodbye to Tuoba Han.

There is a small detail here.

Tuoba Han had previously taken away two women he had recruited from a brothel, but in fact, he just tried to have a cup of tea, then there was no movement, and he simply stayed in the room and did not come out.

Although Li Ping'an was puzzled in his heart, wondering whether a true immortal would be bad at it, it was not easy to ask such a question directly.

He is a serious person.

After the beauties received the rewards and left through the back door, Tuoba Han's smiling face gradually turned gloomy.

He violently kicked the immortal banquet table away, frightening the servants around him and quickly fell to their knees.

Then, Tuoba Han rushed to the backyard wrapped in the barrier, with a whip covered with barbs in his hand, and kicked open two wooden doors.

"Why did you stop me today!"

Tuoba Han scolded angrily.

Behind the wooden door was a narrow quiet hall. The old sword slave wearing a bronze mask sat cross-legged there, just lowering his head and sighing, without answering.


Tuoba Han threw out the fairy whip in his hand.

Blood and flesh were flying all over the old sword slave's back.

"Bastard! Why did you stop me today! Let me be embarrassed in front of everyone!"

The old sword slave didn't say anything.

The whip in Tuoba Han's hand kept swinging, smashing the old sword slave's back and robe into pieces.

Li Ping'an and the other three watched this scene and really didn't know what to say.

Xu Sheng let out a light sigh: "I seem to have seen this sword slave before...his aura, maybe I met him somewhere thousands of years ago. Let me think about it..."

Xu Sheng started to calculate with his fingers.

Li Pingan also had doubts in his heart.

Elder Yan Sheng also said before that he had an impression of the aura of this old sword slave who was a second-grade true immortal, but he could not recognize who it was.

Xu Sheng suddenly said: "Isn't he in the heavenly realm?"

Then, Xu Sheng sighed, looked at Tuoba Han who was constantly breaking his whip, cursed "bastard" and said nothing more.

Just as Li Ping'an was about to ask, Xu Sheng suddenly called out:

"Ping'an, there is a ray of demonic energy suddenly appearing in the northeast. Are there many demon masters in the Blood Demon Palace?"

"Yes," Li Ping'an nodded and controlled the mirror to look northeast.

After a while.

Li Ping'an saw a dozen black shadows crossing the ground.

These black shadows stayed for a while in the corner of the city defense formation, then melted into a gap in the city defense formation and quietly merged into it.

Obviously, the art of forming formations is by no means unique.

Li Ping'an said: "Senior, send a message to warn Elder Yan! The demons have entered the city... They are heading towards the house here."


Xu Sheng agreed and immediately started transmitting.

With this golden immortal master here, everything becomes very convenient.

Li Ping'an held the precious mirror to observe. He hid all his breath under the mansion, and his breathing became extremely slow.

The group of demon cultivators used escape techniques and gathered from underground to the backyard of Tuoba Mansion.

Tuoba Han must have heard the sound, stopped the torture at hand, snorted coldly at the old sword slave in front of him who had been silent from beginning to end, and whose back was bloody, turned around and left in a hurry.

After a while, Tuoba Han appeared next to an ancient well, holding a jade talisman to control the formation and shaking it quickly. Two more layers of isolation formations were added to the entire house.

Tuoba Han knelt down on one knee in front of Gujing and said:

"My child welcomes his adoptive father!"

Li Ping'an was in great spirits.

Is Hungry Juesha, one of the Eighteen Evils, really here?

However, Tuoba Han is the ‘adopted son’?

This answer is too simple.

Dozens of black shadows flew out of the ancient well and transformed into more than a dozen figures of different heights, fatness and thinness. Wisps of evil, evil and demonic aura spread out, and all the slaves in the entire mansion were unconscious at the same time.

In the middle was a skinny old man, with his waist bent and his hands behind his back, looking forward. He glanced at Tuoba Han and smiled a little:

"You're doing well here, dear son. It's all thanks to you to kill Wan Yunxian tonight."

Tuoba Han said hurriedly: "It is Han'er's blessing to be able to serve my adoptive father! I don't dare to take credit! Please rest in the inner hall, please."

"Well, a group of masters will be here soon. I have released the Xunzong Incense. When they arrive, they will destroy this city and kill more people."

The rickety old man sneered:

"This Wan Yun Sect doesn't know how to live or die. The deputy palace master personally gave the order. If this matter is messed up, we will all be miserable."

The responses from the dozen or so figures behind were different. Some were indifferent, some just sneered, and some nodded with a smile.

Deputy Palace Master?

Li Ping'an murmured secretly in his heart, wondering if the deputy palace master would show up.

Do these people really not take ASEAN seriously? Or do you want to finish this job and escape to a place where ASEAN can't find it?

Li Ping'an didn't think any further.

Because Senior Xu Sheng reminded that the second batch of blood evil demons had appeared outside the city.

"There are experts at the peak level of immortals," Xu Sheng muttered, "Don't worry, I can kill them all."

Li Ping'an held a communication jade talisman.

On the contrary, he has a back-up plan.

Zhen Wei Yanzi was pretending to be relaxed at the moment, walking around the fairy street above the city with his hands behind his back.

This Immortal Street is a place specifically for Qi Refiners above Immortal level to exchange for things.

The reinforcements coming from Wan Yun Sect are all hiding here at the moment. Here they can overlook the whole city and can launch a surprise attack on Tuoba Mansion in the shortest possible time.

A voice came from Wei Yanzi's sleeve:

"The second batch of evil spirits has entered the mansion, so everyone is ready to take action!"

Elder Yan Sheng seemed to like the environment in his sleeves.

When Wei Yanzi heard this, he became energetic, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Cheer up when you patrol! There are so many treasures here!"

This is the code previously agreed upon.

Hundreds of figures hiding everywhere looked at Wei Yanzi.

Next, as long as they wait for the word "do it", they will immediately jump down the fairy street and go to the city to slay the evil spirits.

As for where exactly they were going, they didn't know at the moment.

Not only here, there are a group of immortals ambushing in four directions outside the city.

Although the immortals ambush there are only at the True Immortal Realm at their highest level, it shouldn't be a problem to stop the fleeing enemies during a fierce battle.

In Tuoba Han's mansion.

Li Ping'an is already preparing to take action.

In this situation, there is little room for him to display his fighting skills, but he can produce all the mysterious and poisonous pills that Wanyun Sect Yaochen Peak has produced in the past ten years!

——Actually, several elders from Yaochen Peak specially opened a furnace to refine it for him.

Li Ping'an calculated the dosage of the elixir.

His main purpose is to incapacitate the Yuanxian and the evil demons in the True Immortal Realm here. Three or four percent of his total inventory is enough.

To be on the safe side, Li Ping'an took out 10% of the total inventory and the corresponding poisoned puppets.

Xu Sheng's eyes widened when he saw Li Ping'an secretly making more than a dozen little puppets.

‘Did this guy learn the puppet secret technique that their Wei Yuan Sect is proud of for the convenience of poisoning? ’

At this moment, Xu Sheng always felt that Li Ping'an had a few more fox tails behind his back, the kind of pure blood from ancient times.

"We'll take action when they get together," Li Ping'an said in a low voice, "Senior, you choose the opportunity to act."


Xu Sheng said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the two groups of demons from the Blood Demon Palace who had just met were looking at each other warily.

The hungry little old man raised his hand to a charming female cultivator and said with a smile: "This is the first time we meet, is this Taoist friend Mie Fengsha?"

"It's me," the female cultivator sneered, "Hungry Juesha is indeed worthy of its reputation. They are so hungry that they are all skin and bones. Do you only have a dozen of your subordinates?"

Hungry Juesha narrowed his eyes and smiled: "The soldiers are more refined than numerous. I never thought that my Taoist friend, who is not from my human race and transformed from a black panther, could sit in the position of the eighteenth blood evil in my blood evil palace."

"Why, don't you accept it? The position of blood evil must be based on one's ability."

"How come fellow Taoist you are so angry?"

Hungry Juesha cupped his hands and said with a smile:

"Come here, let me introduce some fun to fellow Taoists."

"Oh?" The black panther spirit, whose strength is comparable to that of the peak qi refiner in the human race's Celestial Realm, had a bit of a sneer on his lips, "What kind of fun can you have here?"

Xing Juesha turned to look at Tuoba Han, who was standing with his head bowed, and said with a smile: "Go and get your dog out."

"Yes, foster father!"

Tuoba Han turned around and rushed towards Jingtang.

Not long after, Tuoba Han held the fairy whip covered with barbs in his hand, tied up the old sword slave, dragged him over, and threw him in front of Xing Juesha.

The blood on the old sword slave's back was almost dry, and his Taoist body was quite tyrannical.

Just as he was about to get up, Hungry Juesha kicked him randomly. The old sword slave flew several feet away and fell to the ground.

The old sword slave didn't say a word, but stood up slowly.

Tuoba Han scolded sternly: "Climb over here on your knees."

The old sword slave lowered his head and slowly knelt down, crawling towards Hung Jue Sha, but Hung Jue Sha stepped on his neck.

Xing Juesha said with a smile: "Come and see, this is the immortal who was famous back then."

The fierce demons on both sides, who were originally facing each other faintly, began to gradually narrow the distance between them.

Li Ping'an secretly thought that it was good, and he was waiting for the opportunity to take action, but he overheard Xing Juesha talking about the origin of the old sword slave.

Hungry Juesha smiled and said:

"At the beginning, I was interested in his little family property and wanted to find a place to live as a place for my brothers to cultivate themselves.

"But this guy not only doesn't know how to behave, but he also tried to explode his soul when he was caught by me.

"My favorite pleasure is to make such a tough guy bow his head. Look, does he look like a dog now? Han'er, what do you think?"

"It's a dog, it's a dog," Tuoba Han bowed and smiled, "It's still a good dog that doesn't bark."

The old sword slave trembled a few times and continued to crawl forward.

The black panther spirit asked: "Oh? How did fellow Taoist tame it?"

Hungry Juesha smiled and said:

"It's too easy to deal with this kind of qigong master. I just captured his family, planted a demon seed in the souls of his family, young and old, and let the men and women in his family continue to have children.

"Tsk, almost a hundred years later, their family has begun to prosper, and it has provided me with a lot of conveniences over the years.

"And he, the head of the family, put on this mask and became this sword slave, following his son's butt and being whipped a hundred times a day by his son, hahahaha!

"How can he be angry and arrogant?"

The old sword slave had climbed to Hung Juesha's feet and was kicked down by Tuoba Ye who was standing next to Hung Juesha.

Underground, Li Ping'an's eyes widened.

The son of this old sword slave?

Xu Sheng let out a long sigh and said: "This sword slave wearing a bronze mask is the head of the Tuoba family. I didn't expect that he would experience such an experience and fall into the realm of immortals."

Li Ping'an:...

He silently took out an additional 30% of his inventory of Poison Pill and Midan.

Above, a group of ferocious demons had surrounded the old sword slave, kicking him at will and constantly making him get up.

There are a few more unruly laughters everywhere.

Li Ping'an didn't wait any longer. He raised his sword fingers and pointed them upward slightly.

"Senior please take action!"


Xu Sheng took a sharp breath, and the little bee he transformed into was wrapped in golden light.

The next moment!

With a few soft popping sounds, a dozen one-foot-tall puppets jumped out from the four corners of the courtyard.

Half of the fierce demons in the Blood Demon Palace were extremely alert and immediately turned their heads to look everywhere, with a bit of confusion in their eyes.

These puppets moved forward very stiffly, holding a pair of small gongs in each hand. As they continued to move, they began to beat the gongs.


The Black Panther smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, is this a trick arranged by you?"


Tuo Bahan said blankly: "Father, the child has not..."

Bang, bang bang!

More than a dozen little puppets were exploded at the same time, and more than a dozen bright lights were directed at these evil demons of the Blood Demon Palace. Where these bright lights passed, patches of white mist appeared in the air!

In an instant, the entire backyard of the mansion was filled with white clouds that suddenly appeared!

Dozens of streams of light rose into the sky, and they chose to flee upward almost at the same time, but half of the weak demons had already begun to fall asleep.

At this time!

There is golden light shining from the sky!

A giant net suddenly appeared and covered the entire mansion!

Under the giant net, Xu Sheng waved his sleeves, and more than a dozen spiritual lights flew out of his sleeves. He grabbed a sledgehammer in his right hand, his beard and hair fluttering, and he shouted angrily:

"You sons of bitches!"


The sledgehammer hit hard, but it hit the egg with a stone!

In the sky above this mansion, more than a hundred streams of light shot out at the same time;

Dozens of streams of light flew from all sides of the mansion!

Elder Yan Sheng's loud shout shook Baili: "Do it! Destroy the demon!"

Li Ping'an had been planning a strategy for a long time, and now he closed the net perfectly!

The pressure of the Golden Immortal shocked the entire Dong'an City. The ground began to shake continuously, and the huge roar lingered for a long time.

Half an hour later.

In total, more than fifty bodies lay on the ground.

More than twenty of them transformed into their true bodies after death, and were piled together by Immortal Wan Yun.

Only a body as thin as paper was left of the Hungry Juesha, and most of his soul was shattered, leaving a remnant soul for later interrogation.

After the death of the Black Panther spirit, he had transformed into his true body, with penetrating wounds all over his body, leaving only the remnants of his soul for interrogation.

Li Ping'an stood behind Elder Yan Sheng and Senior Xu Sheng with a dark face and a slightly arrogant face.

The real Wei Yanzi put on a mask at this moment, and followed a group of Yuanxian to search around the mansion, rescued the casual cultivator slaves, and searched their memories one by one to see if there were any accomplices of the evil demon.

Elder Yan Sheng murmured: "Now there are only fourteen evil spirits left in the Blood Evil Palace."


Li Pingan said in a deep voice:

"It should be said that they still have fourteen evil spirits."

Xu Sheng frowned and asked, "Ping An, how should we deal with this father and son?"

In front of him, the burly sword slave sat there with lifeless eyes. He had been drugged by an overdose and was unable to stand up at this moment, but he still managed to hold on and protected the sleeping Tuoba Han behind him. .

Li Ping'an popped out a pill and put it into the sword slave's mouth. The old sword slave soon began to slowly raise his head.

Elder Yan Sheng took a step forward and protected Li Pingan behind him.

The mouth of the old sword slave behind the bronze mask was trembling constantly. He looked at Xu Sheng and whispered: "Thank you...senior..."

Xu Sheng sighed: "Why don't you ask for help?"

"A moment...a moment of weakness...there is no chance of turning around..."

The sword slave trembled:

"When the soul of Hung Jue Sha dies, our clan will be wiped out... Can you please, senior, please spare my son's life... He was just bewitched by evil spirits...

"In these years, I have killed many people for them... I don't regret dying... It's just my son... he didn't handle everything... I did it..."

Xu Sheng and Yan Sheng looked at Li Pingan at the same time.

The sword slave also looked over.

Li Pingan nodded and said: "Senior, don't worry, I will spare his life."

"You are...heh, forget it...thank you..."

The sword slave showed a little smile and whispered:

"Can you, can you help me? My soul is restricted...I can't commit suicide..."

Elder Yan Sheng was so angry that he was trembling all over: "These evil demons are so heartless! I wish I could kill them all tonight! Kill them all!"

Xu Sheng showed unbearable expression, raised his hand and waved a palm, which shattered the sword slave's spirit.

Blood oozed from the corners of the old sword slave's mouth.

He used his last bit of energy to turn his head and look behind him, with a somewhat peaceful smile on his lips, and slowly closed his eyes.

"I wish I could have been more decisive and killed my whole family..."

His rough left hand slowly passed it over, trying to wipe away the dirt on Tuoba Han's face, but in the end it fell down weakly.

He lowered his head and became silent.

Li Ping'an asked: "Is his soul completely gone?"

"It has dissipated," Xu Sheng said in a deep voice.

Li Ping'an nodded, and with a long sword in his hand, he strolled up to the sleeping Tuoba Han, and without any hesitation, stabbed towards Tuoba Han's spiritual platform.

"Peace," Elder Yan Sheng asked, "Didn't you promise the Tuoba family?"

"Well, I broke my promise."

Li Ping'an pulled out the long sword, and Tuoba Han Yuanshen had been pulled out, and was thrown into the hands of Elder Yan Sheng by Li Ping'an.

Li Ping'an said: "Excuse me, elder. After searching the memory, I will destroy it... it will dirty my sword."

"Alas," Elder Yan Sheng sighed, "Xuesha Palace really deserves to die!"

An icy blue fairy light flashed outside the city.

However, it was Qing Su who led more than ten immortal generals and quickly headed towards Dong'an City to reinforce them.

The next day, just after early morning.

Although two evil spirits were eliminated in one night, Li Ping'an was not too happy.

In the courtyard of his new home in Dong'an City.

Li Ping'an set up a deck chair in front of the house and held up a parasol. He lay down and let his legs bask in the sun, trying to relax himself as much as possible.

A slight breeze blew by, and Li Ping'an's loose cloth swayed slightly.

He yawned, put down the jade talisman in his hand, and considered the words to be used in this 'letter and memorial'.

A ray of fairy light fell from the sky, merged into the large array of the house, and turned into a slender shadow.

Since then, Immortal Qingsu has returned from doing business.

Li Pingan stood up and saluted, pulled out a deck chair from his sleeve, placed it on the other side of the parasol, and said with a smile: "Master, you are tired."

"Well, it's okay, it's just that it's a bit uncomfortable to fly around without any fighting skills."

Qingsu took off her cloak and put it away as a storage device. With the hem of her long skirt fluttering, she lay down comfortably.

She said: "It has been arranged. The thousand-man team left by ASEAN will be stationed near the city and will stay for ten years."

"Seniors from ASEAN are also interested."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"With this garrison here, the security here is as good as the mountain gate.

"I will be able to practice with peace of mind for a period of time later, and take care of our Wanyun Sect's shop.

"Have you finished interrogating those fierce demon souls?"

"It's still under trial," Qing Su muttered, "There's something else I need you to know. I can't make up my mind."

"Master, please speak, disciple, listen."

"What happened to the Tuoba family began to spread everywhere, and the Blood Demon Palace has aroused public outrage."

Qing Su whispered:

"Last night I took eight thousand immortal soldiers to Tuoba's house, and soon discovered that there was a lot of demonic energy in Tuoba's family, but these people were all Qi practitioners with very low strength.

"When we were about to arrest them, they suddenly died... Now we know that it was the Hungry Sha from the Blood Fiend Palace who planted the devil seeds for these people.

"We searched the Tuoba family's land and lifted up the villa they built. We found numerous bones and a large number of treasures underground."

There was a storage ring in her hand and she said seriously:

"Those treasures are all in here, I don't know what to do with them."

"Master, what do you mean, this Tuoba family is actually a devil's cave?"

"Well," Qing Su said, "I never thought before that just a hungry evil spirit could be so harmful!"

Li Ping'an said: "The Tuoba family is equivalent to a branch of the Blood Demon Palace. The Hungry Evil Demon should have come from the Tuoba family... This old evil demon was killed by Senior Xu Sheng with a hammer. It was really too much." It’s easier on him.”


Qing Su's eyes were a little bright and she said softly:

"How about we, master and disciple, work together to wipe out the evil demons in the East Continent in the future?"

Li Ping'an smiled: "The master has an order, how can the disciple disobey it?"

Qing Su said: "What if it's not the master's order?"

"That's possible. I will wait until I reach the Celestial Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm before I fight with these evil demons."

Li Pingan said seriously:

"Master, you know that this disciple is not even a Yuanxian now."

Qing Su murmured to herself: "It's strange to say that you have reached this level of enlightenment, why can't you become an immortal?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "As the saying goes, when heaven is about to entrust a great task to this person, he must first work hard on his mind and body, so that he can achieve what he wants but cannot achieve."

"What's the meaning?"

"The disciple is training himself here," Li Ping'an said sternly, "As soon as the disciple feels that he has trained enough, he will soar into the sky! Set foot on the top of the blue cloud!"

Qing Su smiled with satisfaction and held a roll of jade slips in her hand.

She said: "I read the scriptures."

"Master, after this disciple finishes writing this letter, let's go to the beach for a barbecue! Call Elder Yan Sheng and Deacon Wei Yanzi!"

"We can just have a barbecue in the yard," Qingsu asked, "Why do we have to go to the beach?"

"This disciple's little long-cherished wish!"

"Okay, I'll let Ling'er make some preparations. It's a pity that Ning Ning is not here, so there will be a lot less excitement."

at the same time.

Wanyun Sect, inside Zhuyun Hall.

Deacon Wang Xinhui, who had not had time to change his identity card as an outer elder, appeared in front of Li Dazhi covered in dust.

"Master, there is really a little problem with the Mu family."

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