The fairy father

Chapter 112 Money can make the devil push the devil

"Master, no matter what happens later, please try to stay calm."

Li Ping'an warned, looking up at the inconspicuous wooden building in front of him.

Dong'an City is a standard Dongzhou Dafang Town.

In the city, there are not only four major cities in the southeast, northwest, and southeast, for Qi practitioners of various cultivation levels to buy and sell goods, but there is also a fairy street in the sky for immortals to go shopping.

The core area of ​​the city is where the 'service industry' gathers. Restaurants, brothels, inns, enlightenment centers and other service establishments are all available, and most of these conspicuous buildings have their own independent protective arrays.

But Li Ping'an looked all the way and saw that the wooden building in front of him had the heaviest formation among all the buildings in the city.

Qingsu sent a message: "If you encounter a cruel demon cultivator, you can call me to take action at any time."

Li Ping'an spoke to the pendant on his chest: "Master, don't worry, I also have the identity tag of Xu Xuntian's fake identity Mo Wentian. This should be the venue of the fourth largest magic cultivator's happy valley. We are here to gather information, not Get into trouble with them.”

"That's good."

Qingsu responded and urged:

"Just go ahead, I'm a little curious about this kind of demon cultivator."

Li Pingan nodded and was about to step forward.

Oh, yes, at this moment he is a 'Mi Yanzi'.

Li Ping'an put his hands on his back, slumped his shoulders, stretched his neck slightly forward, hummed a tune he heard in the restaurant, and walked to the unpopular wooden building.

The formation made shallow ripples, but the defenders opened the passage and let Li Ping'an in.

As soon as he entered, Li Ping'an discovered that the scenery in front of him had changed. The originally inconspicuous wooden building had become much more spacious and bright, with plain curtains hanging all over the wooden building.

A shadow wall appeared in front of the main entrance, and four strong women from Yuanxian Realm stood in front of the wall with their hands behind their backs.

While he was standing, ripples appeared continuously on the large array of light walls behind him.

A middle-aged man in brocade clothes came in with a smile, holding some fairy fruits in his hand;

There is a young man who enters with a beautiful woman in his arms, his movements are intimate and his eyes are ambiguous.

Li Ping'an tried to expand his spiritual consciousness, but found that there were barriers everywhere, and the privacy here was very good.

The four strong women looked at Wei Yanzi with some doubts, and one of them said: "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Li Ping'an didn't say anything and stepped forward.

Deep down he was still wondering.

Li Ping'an expected that when Deacon Wei Yanzi arrived at a place like this, there should be a few madam-like figures coming forward and shouting, "Uncle, you are here";

But looking at it at this moment, he clearly underestimated the style of Qi Lianshi Brothel.

Calmly turned around the wall behind the shadow, stepped into the thin barrier, and heard the melodious music.

Li Ping'an and Qing Su looked forward at the same time.

What you enter is a bright lobby with a gurgling stream flowing around it. Clouds and mist are rising inside. Seven women wearing long-sleeved colorful dresses are dancing gracefully, and there are musicians arranged on all sides.

In the corridor surrounding the lobby, many men and women stopped.

You can see talented men and beautiful women reciting poems and writing poems, you can see bold and unrestrained fairies drinking from large bowls, and you can also see a few beautiful women playing and laughing.

Qing Su said: "It's not a dirty place."

Li Ping'an also secretly thought that this was different from ordinary brothels.

Suddenly I heard a chuckle: "Master Yan, why are you in a daze here?"

Li Ping'an turned around and saw a female Yuanxian wearing a tube top dress coming from the side.

His face is dignified and beautiful, his forehead is decorated with lotus flowers, and his mouth is full of smiles. He has a noble demeanor in his movements, and his own Taoist charm is also pure and warm.

Li Ping'an nodded calmly and said, "Just follow the old rules."

The female Yuanxian held a palace fan in her hand. She raised the fan to cover her mouth and said with a chuckle: "What troubles have you encountered? You can't even raise your eyebrows."

After saying that, she turned and walked towards the wall on the left. The wooden wall trembled slightly, and a small portal appeared.

Li Ping'an stepped forward to keep up, but his heart was full of vigilance.

There should be no golden immortals here.

‘I can’t say for sure. ’

Li Ping'an placed three things in the most conspicuous place in his personal storage of magic weapons. One was the jade talisman given by Elder Xiao Yue, the second was the identity jade plaque of 'Mo Wentian', and the third was the ASEAN patrol order.

Stepping into the door, a staircase winds down, and the wall next to the staircase is hung with warm-colored curtains.

Li Ping'an behaved very naturally, raised his hand to touch the 'eight-sided beard' on his face, and followed the woman with his hands behind his back.

There are three underground floors, each with its own unique cave.

The first floor is mostly filled with the music of Mi Mi. There is a main hall in the middle. The color of the hall is dim, with green plants and screens covering more than a dozen seats. Inside, you can see people drinking wine and drinking wine, men and women being intimate, and the sound is blocked by the barrier.

Most of the women here are under the Void Refining Realm.

The second floor is mostly filled with booths, and women in neon clothes accompany guests everywhere. Men and women can be seen entering the partitions hand in hand, showing affection.

Most of the women here are in the Void Refining Realm, a few are in the Hezhen Realm, and there are also a few handsome men accompanying the guests.

Obviously, Zuiyuelou's service industry serves a wide range of customers.

The third level is awesome.

There are only seven or eight suites here, and outside each suite there are two women in long skirts sitting on their knees. It is impossible to see what is going on inside.

The female Yuanxian who led 'Wei Yanzi' in was obviously of high status. Wherever she passed, the women all bowed their heads and saluted.

Li Ping'an was taken into the suite with the word "peach blossom" written on it.

Female Yuanxian knelt down beside the low table and raised her hand to greet Li Ping'an: "Master Yan, are you still looking for Fang'er and Lin'er today?"

Li Pingan's spirit couldn't help but stare.

Good guy, brother Wei Yanzi calls you two at once?

Don’t be ashamed!

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt his chest being pierced by the pendant. He raised his hand and coughed dryly.

"I won't be looking for them today."

"Oh?" Female Yuanxian covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, "That's right, it's been them for the past six months, at least thirteen or four times. It's time for you to change. I'll get the sign."

Li Ping'an sat cross-legged on the side of the low table and watched the female Yuanxian walking towards the corner.

Qingsu sent a message and asked: "Apprentice, why don't you let Wei Yanzi come over by himself?"

"Master, you don't know something," Li Ping'an said. "Disciples must at least know how Deacon Wei Yanzi and Elder Xiao Yue behave in daily life, and how deeply they are related to these demonic cultivators."

Qingsu asked: "Didn't you say before that sometimes the sect needs to use the hands of demon cultivators to do inconvenient things?"

"Although that's the case, I still want to know more about the two of them."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"Master, as long as you are watching over me, this disciple will not be afraid of being eaten by the female devil here."

Qing Su replied seriously: "If they want to belittle you, I will protect you and kill them."

"Master, don't worry, master, don't worry, my disciple can handle it, just watch it."

Li Pingan was really sweating.

If the master said he would kill him, he might actually kill him.

The female Yuanxian came back with a tray. Li Ping'an saw the word 'Yingying' embroidered on her palace fan, but he didn't dare to address her rashly.

After a while, eighteen jade talismans were placed in front of Li Ping'an, and eighteen beautiful figures rose above them, all of them were of national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

Li Ping'an looked carefully and saw that these jade talismans were also marked with their birth dates and their level of cultivation.

Hezhenjing, Tiandi Bridge?

It seems that the escort girls in Zuiyue Tower are also classified according to their level of cultivation.

Li Ping'an sighed, waved his hand and shook his head.

"Hey," the female Yuanxian smiled sweetly, "You are posing a problem for the slave family, wait a minute."

The female Yuanxian walked quickly to the corner, and soon came back with a tray. The jade talisman in the tray no longer showed the portrait of the woman, but instead wrote entries one after another.

[The upright little chivalrous girl];

[Childhood sweetheart and junior sister];

[The charming and poisonous female leader];

[Passionate female senior sister];

[Looking back is the Demon Girl Kishi];

[Holy Lotus Heart to Save All Living Beings]...and so on.

He only needs to pick up the jade talismans with pictures of beauties on the tray in front of them and place them on the jade talismans at the back, and the corresponding women will appear after a moment.

‘As expected of Happy Valley! ’

Li Ping'an leaned back slightly, but shook his head again.

The female Yuanxian wondered: "Master Yan, what happened to you today?"

"Oh," Li Ping'an sighed, "I'm bothered, just talk to me."

"You know my rules here," Female Yuanxian said softly, "I'm just a waiter, and I don't dare to pick up guests randomly, otherwise the two mothers-in-law will beat me."

Without saying much, Li Pingan took out a high-grade spiritual stone from his sleeve and placed it on the corner of the table.

Female Yuanxian hurriedly said: "Master Yan, I didn't mean that. How could you..."

Two high-grade spiritual stones are arranged neatly.

"Master Yan, I'm really just a waiter. A younger sister happens to be out of court tonight. Why don't you go and win the prize?"

Li Ping'an took out ten high-grade spiritual stones and placed them neatly.

There was a little struggle in the eyes of the female Yuanxian, and she said softly: "Master Yan, we have our own rules. This little girl is not from the Zhuangbu. You should know that."

There was a bit more impatience in her eyes.

Li Ping'an sighed: "I'm not here for fun today. You should understand what I mean."

Immortal Nu Yuan's eyes flashed with realization, and she smiled and said, "Master Yan, why don't I understand what you're talking about?"

"Tsk," Li Ping'an looked impatient and added ten high-grade spiritual stones to spread on top.

Female Yuanxian sighed: "Master Yan, you want to ask, who bought the information about Elder Xiao's traces? You also know our rules. No matter how many spiritual stones are given, you cannot tell such a thing."

Li Pingan secretly raised his eyebrows.

Is there such an unexpected gain?

From what this means, the information about Xiao Yue's outing that day was also bought in Happy Valley?

There is something about this Happy Valley.

"Make a price," Li Ping'an whispered.

"This," Female Yuanxian smiled and shook her head, "This is a matter of price. We in Happy Valley rely on our credibility. This is not the first day you have dealt with us. The few pieces of information you bought before, but no one can I don’t know, no one knows.”

Of course, Li Ping'an would not stupidly ask what those messages were.

Later, when I go back and beat Weiyanzi, I will know everything.

He whispered: "As you know, our Wan Yun Sect has just suppressed the Guanhai Sect. An elder in our sect has received some information. I heard that someone is coming to make trouble for us. Who that family is, I don't need to say more."

Female Yuanxian chuckled and said: "If you want to inquire about such information, I have some information here, but..."

Li Ping'an placed an ordinary storage purse on top of the spirit stone.

The female Yuanxian wanted to reach out to take it, but Li Pingan raised her hand to stop her.

"Hey! Wait! It's not easy for me to save some spiritual stones. I just want to make some merit in front of the elders."

"Don't worry, little lady," Female Yuanxian said softly, "Master Yan, please wait a moment while I go get the jade talisman."

Li Ping'an said: "You won't trick me, right?"

"Look what you said, this is East Bank City, this is the territory of your Wanyun Sect, and we sisters are counting on your care."

Female Yuanxian bowed, bowed, and left with her skirt in tow.

Li Ping'an thought to himself and briefly chatted with his master.

According to the information given by Aunt Yue, the mother-in-law mentioned by the female Yuanxian should be Yin Lin and Wen Xiang. The former is a seventh-grade heavenly immortal, and the latter is a second-grade true immortal.

Dong'an City is the largest town within a thousand miles, and it has also become an important 'stronghold' of Happy Valley. It is not surprising that there is an immortal in charge.

While Li Ping'an was waiting, Qing Su suddenly said: "A heavenly being is here."

As soon as the master finished speaking, a brisk silver bell sounded outside the door. Two barefoot women in tight black skirts came quickly. The bells on their ankles were particularly eye-catching.

Li Ping'an suddenly thought of the dozen "sisters" invited by Xu Xuntian when he surrounded the East China Sea to kill the Poison Dragon Evil.

These two people are naturally the elites of Happy Valley.

Two barefoot women sat on their knees behind the door, bowing their heads to Li Pingan's disguise as Wei Yanzi.

Two figures came outside the door. The female Yuanxian supported a silver-haired, thin old woman and stepped inside.

Suddenly everywhere was filled with purple fairy power enchantment.

Happy Valley Fairy, Granny Yin Lin?

Li Ping'an stood up and held his hands in his hands, smiling and saying, "Why did I alarm your old man?"

"Fellow Daoist Yan wants to do business, so I have to come in person," Granny Yin Lin raised her hand, "Yingying, go down, don't let anyone disturb this place."


The female Yuanxian bowed and resigned.

Granny Yin Lin sighed and slowly sat down at the low table.

The two barefoot women closed their eyes, like two sculptures.

"Fellow Taoist, sit down."

"Hey," Li Ping'an sat down cross-legged and said with a smile, "Have you heard all my invitations?"

"I heard," Granny Yin Lin sighed, "We are quite uneasy about what happened to Elder Xiao. Although I, Huan Gu, got the news, we didn't know why such news was bought. , in our industry, you also know that we can only be based on credibility, news comes and news goes, we are just making a hard living to feed hundreds of thousands of mouths."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "You are serious. I understand the rules. Elder Xiao ordered me to come this time."

After saying that, Li Ping'an took out another storage ring and pushed the ring and the spiritual stones in front of the old woman.

"Look at how much these are worth, and how much information you can give me."

The old woman glanced at the ring, then narrowed her eyes and smiled.

She suddenly said: "Who are you, Your Excellency?"

Li Ping'an remained calm and looked at the old woman with some doubts.

"However, this is not what I should ask," the old woman said slowly, "The real Taoist Priest Wei Yanzi would not be so generous. The ring is full of things, which is definitely not his character. The storage method he gave The utensil, everything inside is missing a few corners."

Li Ping'an chuckled, raised his hand and touched his face, and calmly pulled off a thin mask, revealing...

The face of Elder Yan Sheng.

The old woman smiled and said, "It's actually Elder Yan."

"Oh?" Li Ping'an imitated Yan Sheng's voice, Qingsu exuding some Taoist rhyme of the Immortal Taoist realm, "Do you know Pindao?"

"Elder Yan is here today. He came here without even thinking about it."

The old woman bowed her hands and said warmly:

"Since Elder Yan is here in person, I, Huan Gu, can tell you three pieces of news, plus one more piece of news."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much. I'd like to hear the details."

The old woman said slowly:

"First, several groups of demonic cultivators have recently come to Dong'an City and are about to do bad things in Dong'an City, aiming to target the Wan Yun Sect, and the main messenger behind them is coming from the north.

"Secondly, there are still sixteen blood demons in the Blood Demon Palace, and six of them have secretly appeared. Although ASEAN is tracking them, they are still contacting their tribes to displease Wan Yun Sect.

"Thirdly, a close associate of the Blood Fiend has come to Dong'an City. Tonight, our Zhuo Department has a daughter who will leave the court tonight. She is both talented and beautiful. She has already sent out greeting invitations. The close associate of the Blood Fiend may attend the exit banquet tonight. "

Li Ping'an leaned back: "What's your accompanying message?"

There was a little more light in the old woman's eyes, and she put away all the spiritual stones and precious materials.

"The fourth message is, you can read these three together."

After saying that, the old woman stood up slowly, cupped her hands towards Li Ping'an, and left with a smile.

Li Ping'an calmly put on the mask, touched his face a few times, and his face returned to a slightly flaming face.

This trip is worthwhile.

The cronies of the Blood Fiend should also be in the middle level of the Blood Fiend Palace?

Tonight, he had to come to the so-called fairy's banquet.

Well, let Elder Yan Sheng summon a few more Celestial Elders. If that doesn't work, just arrest them all and interrogate them one by one!

Li Ping'an kept thinking in his heart.

He stood up and left, and no one stopped him, except for a few beautiful women with dark eyes, who complained slightly about his back.

Within Wanyun Sect.

Li Dazhi looked at the curls of green smoke rising from the table, and felt much more at ease.

He raised his hand and patted his bald head, grinning.

Good luck and good luck to my family.

A few greetings came from outside the door: "Master, are you looking for me?"

"Xinhui, come in."

Senior deacon Wang Xinhui stepped inside with a smile on his face.

Li Dazhi asked: "A breakthrough?"

"Nine-grade True Immortal," Wang Xinhui sighed with a smile, "Ping An's sermon has benefited me a lot, and it's hard to repay it in this life."

"We are all members of our own family, don't say such outspoken words," Li Dazhi said with a smile, "I want to entrust you with something, Xin Hui... Don't worry, it's not something difficult, it just needs to be kept strictly confidential."

"Don't worry, just follow your orders."

"Well," Li Dazhi said, "My son Ping'an is on good terms with Mu Ningning, a disciple of Caiyun Peak. You should know that I heard that three generations of Mu Ningning's family are disciples of the outer sect. I was wondering if I could ask you to go. Take a look secretly to see if the family tradition is upright."

Wang Xinhui was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Is it just that?"

"That's right," Li Dazhi sighed, "these young people only care about me and me, I have to take care of them."

Wang Xinhui smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, I will go to the Fanshi Palace to retrieve Mu Ningning's birthplace today, and I will be back in about two days."

"Thank you, let's see if Ning Ning's family is on the right track."


Wang Xinhui cupped his hands, turned around and hurried away.

Li Dazhi patted his head, thought about it carefully, and began to think about the betrothal gift.

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