The fairy father

Chapter 111 Lin Donghai, Ping An wants to explore the devil [Additional update]

Wei Yanzi is both happy and sad now.

Worryingly, Li Ping'an was preaching at Wanyun Sect, and he was busy looking at shops on the coast of the East China Sea, so he didn't make it.

I heard from Elder Yan Sheng, who just arrived today, that the innate power of Yunzhi Dao came to preach this sermon. For Ping An's sake, he told Wanyun Sect about Yunzhi Dao.

Almost every immortal who listens to the Tao can break through one or two small realms.

Wei Yanzi missed this opportunity because he worked too seriously.

But what Wei Yanzi is happy about is——

Come safely!

‘Who can I talk to to reason with this? Ha ha ha ha! ’

Wei Yanzi laughed heartily and paced back and forth in an alley.

Looking to the left and right of this alley, you can see tall wooden buildings surrounded by fairy lights. Although this alley looks a bit narrow, this is the best area in the Dafang town called "Dongan".

Half an hour ago, Wei Yanzi had just welcomed Elder Yan Sheng, who had come to the coast of the East China Sea to preside over the situation.

Although Elder Yan Sheng has recently become a Celestial Immortal, he has served as the master of the Fanshi Hall in the outer sect for many years. He has deep qualifications and prestige, and his prestige is still higher than that of Elder Xiao Yue.

Therefore, there will be no problem if the sect sends Elder Yan Sheng to temporarily take Xiao Yue's place.

Not to mention, Elder Yan Sheng also brought Xiao Yue's tokens and several letters. Xiao Yue's many confidants, as well as the more than 1,500 named disciples, will naturally obey Elder Yan Sheng's orders.

This saved Wei Yanzi a lot of worry.

After a simple handover ceremony, Elder Yan Sheng sat on the top floor of the 'Yunxian Tower', the highest place in the area, and started working with his head down.

——The top floor of Yunxian Tower is Xiao Yue’s residence, and it is inconvenient for Elder Yan Sheng to enter.

The first thing Elder Yan Sheng did was to summon Wei Yanzi alone. He pulled Wei Yanzi aside and said mysteriously:

"Weiyan, guess who is here?"

Wei Yanzi smiled and said: "Elder, looking at your posture, could it be that Master Dazhi is here in person?"

"Uncle Dazhi is spending time with Elder Xiao, ahem, recuperating from his injuries."

Elder Yan Sheng said in a low voice:

"We got here safely!"

"Ah? Will Ping An go out?"

Wei Yanzi was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood the key here.

Although Elder Yan Sheng has a high reputation and is an immortal, he is not very good at marketing. With Ping An taking charge here, he will be more stable.

Yan Sheng added: "Ping'an is sneaking in secret at the moment. You also know his reputation. Everyone knows about the quasi-immortal Dawu. If his whereabouts are exposed, it will definitely cause endless trouble!"

"Yes, yes, yes," Wei Yanzi nodded repeatedly, "Now everyone in Fang Town is saying that Ping An preached and inspired thousands of immortals inside the door."

"It's an exaggeration. There are thousands of immortals."

Elder Yan Sheng shook his head and took a puff of dry smoke:

"It's just that more than 1,200 immortals are in retreat, and more than 2,000 immortals have broken through the realm."

Wei Yanzi's feet slipped and she tried not to cry.

Elder Yan Sheng asked again: "How many properties do we have in Dong'an City?"

"Half of the land belongs to us," Wei Yanzi said, "This is our base camp on the coast of the East China Sea."

Elder Yan Sheng said slowly: "Well, look for the best courtyard. It needs to be one with a complete array. On the left and right are the residences of the immortals of our Wan Yun Sect. Arrange my residence nearby, so that Ping An can use it as a place to stay and practice. land."


Wei Yanzi smiled and said:

"When I was preparing the courtyard for you earlier, I thought there might be other immortals coming through the door, so I prepared an extra set. The two sets are just next to each other. You can open the window and look down to see it."

"That's good."

Elder Yan Sheng stuffed some spiritual root leaves into the dry tobacco pot and said slowly:

"After Ping An comes, you should stop other matters and just listen to Ping An's instructions... Also, don't lose your rules. Ping An is now the elder of the inner sect. Remember to call him elder when you see him."

"What?" Wei Yanzi glared, "Elder of the inner sect of Ping'an?"

"If you can preach so that all the golden immortals in the sect can go into seclusion and break through, let more than 2,000 immortals in the sect break through, and also sublimate the sect's inheritance, it won't be a problem to give you an honorary leader!"

Elder Yan Sheng hummed:

"Master Dazhi suppressed this forcefully. At first, he wanted to give Ping An the title of deputy head, but Ping An doesn't care about it now.

"Our Wan Yun Sect will be the cornerstone behind Ping An from now on. The world in Ping An's eyes will cover Dongzhou!"

Elder Yan Sheng's sighs of emotion were still ringing in Wei Yanzi's ears.

Wei Yanzi sighed softly.

Two pictures emerged in his mind:

The young man in the long gown, with sweat on his face, rolled up his sleeves and trousers, climbed up the mountain road in front of Liuyun Temple, with a longing for the immortal way in his eyes.

The scene changes.

The young man's appearance did not change, but his temperament became ethereal. He landed on the clouds in front of the statue of the Holy Mother in Liuyun Temple, facing the immortals of the Yunzong, and preached with a smile.

‘How many years have it been? ’

Wei Yanzi was filled with emotion in the alley.

Suddenly I heard an old female voice calling: "Is this Wei Yanzi?"

Wei Yanzi turned around and saw an old woman, a casual cultivator who was not in the Void Refining Realm, walking towards her with a cane.

After hanging out with Li Ping'an a lot and wandering around in the town for a while, Wei Yanzi's vigilance has become very sensitive.

Wei Yanzi put his left hand behind his back, holding a few immortal explosive cloud pills in his palm. He held his right hand in front of him, with two talismans for creating cloud phantoms in his palm, and said with a smile:

"Does the old man know Pindao?"

"Meet the deacon," the woman saluted with a trembling voice, "an elder said that the deacon arranged a courtyard for me, and I came to take charge of it."

The old woman's body was missing a thin layer of fairy light. Wei Yanzi took a closer look and saw through this person's disguise.

This is not an old woman. She is just a girl with a cute face and a small figure. She has two hair buns on her head. She has cute almond eyes and cherry lips. The magic power in her body also comes from "Wanyun Jue".

Wei Yanzi smiled and cupped his hands, made an inviting gesture to the side, and pushed the courtyard door open.

The old woman ducked inside, and Wei Yanzi closed the courtyard door from behind, opened several major formations here, blocked outside exploration, and sealed the world here.

The old woman breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and heard a loud sound, returning to her original appearance of Wen Ling'er.

Wen Linger sweetly shouted:

"Greetings to Deacon Weiyan! I am Wen Ling'er, serving Little Ancestor Ping'an!"

"Where's peace?"

"Here," Wen Ling'er lifted the cuffs of her short skirt, and a little bee flew out. With a little bit of colored light, it transformed into a young Taoist priest wearing a black Taoist robe.

Wei Yanzi took a closer look and grinned.

Here is a song in his praise:

He was originally a wealthy businessman from the ordinary world, but he became a quasi-immortal as soon as he entered the clouds.

The virtue of great enlightenment shocked the Eastern Continent, and his reputation for eliminating demons spread throughout the Western Realm.

The sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes are insignificant, and the red lips and white teeth are extraordinary.

Yuxu was able to preach the Dharma and was hired as a third-grade official by ASEAN.

Who is it if it's not Li Ping'an?

Wei Yanzi laughed loudly and bowed his hands forward: "Deacon Wan Yun Wei Yanzi, pay your respects to the young elder Ping An!"

Li Ping'an had several black lines hanging on his forehead and cursed: "Deacon, don't make fun of me!"

The pendant around Wen Ling'er's neck turned into a ray of fairy light and shot straight into the small building in the courtyard.

A clear voice came: "Apprentice, which room do you want?"

"Master, you choose!" Li Ping'an said, "The disciple will dig a few secret rooms underground later, you can choose whatever you want!"

Qing Su responded: "Okay."

Wen Ling'er said hurriedly: "I'll clean up the house, you can chat slowly."

Li Pingan and Wei Yanzi smiled together.

The two looked at each other, made their respective invitations, and went to the rockery pavilion in the corner of the courtyard.

Li Ping'an didn't hesitate and said directly: "I have to trouble the deacon in the next period of time. I came to Fang Town to do some errands and check on the magic cultivator."

"Cha Moxiu?"

Wei Yanzi is a little unclear, so:

"Why do you want to check the demon cultivator? But because of the incident at the Blood Demon Palace? The Blood Demon Palace has all gone into hiding. They just lost two demon cultivators some time ago. Their eighteen demons became sixteen demons. In a short period of time, , it should be impossible to be active again.”


Li Ping'an couldn't say that his father would be in trouble in the future, so he could only say:

"I want to completely destroy the Blood Demon Palace, and I won't do it myself.

"I am now the patrolling envoy of ASEAN, and I can act accordingly. ASEAN's strength is extremely powerful, but it was not used in East Continent before, resulting in the chaos of demon cultivators all over East Continent now.

"It is also because now that the human race has no strong enemies outside, it has begun to corrupt internally. Demonic cultivators have colluded with demons, and organizations like the Blood Demon Palace have emerged. They must be eradicated as soon as possible."

Wei Yanzi blinked: "I've never noticed that you have this kind of awareness before?"

"That's not it," Li Ping'an made a gesture, "the pattern has opened up."


Wei Yanzi raised his eyebrows:

"But did this Blood Demon Palace offend you? Oh, yes, they attacked and killed Elder Xiao Yue, but they didn't offend you!"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Our grievances and debts have their own owners. The attack and death of Aunt Yue must be attributed to Guanhaimen. I checked the Blood Evil Palace and estimated that the relationship between Guanhaimen and Blood Evil Palace should be more than That was exposed before.”


"Stop it, without further ado, once my master is settled, we will start taking action!"

Li Pingan said seriously:

"I will change my appearance later... Deacon, what grade are you in now?"

"Seventh-grade Yuan Immortal, my cultivation speed is already extremely fast!"

Wei Yanzi hurriedly said:

"I can't compare with you two!"

Li Ping'an groaned for a few times, then he stretched out his right hand, covering his own magic power with the palm of his hand: "Let's compare our strength."

Comparing strength is the simplest way to test the strength of both parties.

Wei Yanzi didn't know why, but he did as he was told.

For a moment, the two of them held each other's hands. Wei Yanzi was confident one moment, allowing Li Pingan to do his best, but the next moment, he was directly pulled away by Li Pingan...


Wei Yanzi stood up and glared at Li Pingan:

"You haven't become an immortal either, how could you!"

Li Ping'an thought secretly in his heart.

Although he is currently stuck in the Tao realm, the mana from his father's previous teachings has not disappeared.

To put it simply, the magic power in his body is infinitely close to the immortal power, and the same is true for his fighting skills. The only disadvantage is that he cannot entrust his own way between heaven and earth.

If there was a true battle of magic, without relying on spiritual treasures, formations, magical arts, etc., he and Wei Yanzi should be on par with each other now.

‘The way of heaven, the way of heaven. ’

"Ping An, what's going on with you?"

"Ahem," Li Ping'an simply explained, "I am following a completely different path of cultivation. In ancient times, when the sages of the human race began to explore cultivation, there was no theory of becoming an immortal."


Wei Yanzi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sighed dejectedly: "Okay, it's normal to be compared with you, but I really didn't expect that the day would come so early."

"Drink tea, drink tea."

Li Ping'an took out two teacups: "Deacon, tell me carefully what kind of demon cultivators are hidden in this city and how to contact them."

"Hey, okay, I only know the two old women from Zuiyue Tower, and they deliver letters for Elder Xiao."

Wei Yanzi coughed:

"I'm not looking for flowers and flowers! I'm still very principled!"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Why hasn't Deacon been anxious to find a Taoist companion in the past two years?"

"Just concentrate on cultivating Taoism."

"I believe it," Li Ping'an muttered for a few times, "Deacon, please tell me all the details of your contact with the demon cultivator. I plan to use your identity, that is, to transform into you, and walk around the town. A trip to that Zuiyue Tower."

Wei Yanzi's feet softened and he almost knelt down to Li Ping'an.

"No! Ping An, that's not necessary! Whatever you want to do, I can just go find them."

"Hey, there's no need to worry, Deacon."

Li Ping'an held back his smile:

"I'm just going to get some information. Your identity is more useful. Don't worry, I won't be looking for flowers. I am still very principled."

Wei Yanzi:...


Southeast of Xizhou, in a hidden peach blossom forest.

In the newly changed cave of the fox demon Hu Niang, the battle has subsided, and gentle whispers seem to be floating in the cave.

On the big bed wrapped in pink curtains, Niu Benben, the King of Kuangshan, casually took a thin quilt to cover the spring light in the pool.

They, the masters of hundreds of races, just want to be carefree and carefree, and they don't pay much attention to etiquette. As long as they don't mess with other people's spouses, they won't be reviled by others.

Niu Benben, who had a slight soreness in his lower back, put his big hands on the smooth shoulders of the old vixen. Sometimes he felt the soft fox hair, and sometimes he felt the smooth skin.

That taste...

The sisters of the Niu tribe can't learn it even if they study for ten thousand years.

The thin quilt fluttered, and a fox head slowly emerged, transforming into a beautiful face, nestled in Niu Benben's arms, and traced the outline of Niu Benben's chest muscles with his fingers.

"Your Majesty, you are so powerful today."

"Can we talk about business now?"

"Didn't you just say everything?"

Hu Niangjiao smiled:

“In that Ten Thousand Clouds Sect, the Great Fortune Immortal is the great fortune-teller of the contemporary human race, and there is an ancient power behind the Dawu Quasi-Immortal, who is most likely Yun Zhongzi from Yuxu Palace.

"Not only did you say this, you also memorized several recipes and said they were delicious."

The corner of Niu Benben's mouth twitched: "I have found this out in the past three years."

"That's quite a lot," Madam Hu said with a smile, "As long as your incarnation continues to practice there, Wanyun Sect will definitely be the center of the next whirlpool. Those with great luck will definitely cause many disasters if they want to rise. , getting that opportunity is their shortcut."

Niu Benben muttered a few times: "How dare you offend that Yun Zhongzi? I don't dare."

"Why should we offend Yun Zhongzi?"

There was a bit of fierceness in Hu Niangfeng's eyes, but her voice became softer and softer:

"My lord, have you forgotten that I have several enemies? That little snake took my cave and killed my relatives and friends. I must settle this account with her."

"Well, let me tell you something, your hatred has been going on for 20,000 years."

Niu Benben sighed:

"I'm not speaking for the snake demon, I just feel that if you continue to fight with her like this, you will definitely suffer losses in the end.

"We are all living beings from hundreds of tribes. Now that the tribes are declining, it is really not good to continue to fight among themselves."

"Hmph, you don't want to listen to others. Your Majesty, you favor outsiders!"

"Oh, how could it be possible? I feel sorry for you, my beauty!"

Madam Hu put her jade arms around Niu Benben's neck, her body swayed slightly, and Niu Benben screamed that she would kill the old cow.

"Then, Your Majesty, can you help me?"

"Help, help, please speak up, I can't stand it anymore!" Niu Ben said hurriedly, "Tell me what you want to do first?"

Madam Hu said with a smile: "The one the snake demon hates most is Emperor Xuanyuan. If we let him out a little bit, the snake demon will take the bait, just like last time."

Niu Benben muttered: "Wan Yun Sect has the blood of Emperor Xuanyuan?"

"Your Majesty, why are you so afraid to think about it?"

Madam Hu groaned and pressed her forehead against Niu Benben's. Her charming eyes were full of sternness:

"Three people become tigers by spreading rumors. The nature of human race is to follow the herd. What the casual cultivator loves most is to talk about other people's affairs.

"Let's just say that Li Ping'an is the illegitimate son of Emperor Xuanyuan Huang, right?

"Do you think the Cai Lin King will deal with Li Ping'an?

"I just want this little snake to hit her head and bleed her. Such a powerful disciple must have a backhand left by Da Neng. If she dares to kill Li Ping'an, Da Neng can crush her like an earthworm. she.

"We just need to be more secretive. Who can know who spread the rumors?"

"Ah this..."

Niu Benben wanted to say something more, but his big mouth was already sealed.

His two big hands gripped the fairy bedsheets hard, and veins popped out in his arms.

‘What a sin! This king should not have come here! ’

'well! Now the plan is to just go along with it. ’

'hey-hey! ’

Let’s talk about Dong’an City on the coast of the East China Sea.

Li Ping'an had already put on several disguises, transforming into the face and figure of Wei Yanzi;

Not only the eyes and hands, but also the immortal light and Tao Yun are imitated vividly.

A ray of fairy light flew from the wooden building and turned into the familiar ice blue pendant, which was attached to Li Ping'an's chest to protect him personally.

Li Ping'an cupped his hands towards Wei Yanzi: "Deacon, please wait here. It's best not to go out. It would be bad if two Wei Yanzi were discovered."

"Hey,'s safe..."

Wei Yanzi wanted to say something else, but Li Ping'an had already escaped from the formation.

Wei Yanzi took a deep breath and slumped down in the pavilion, her eyes gradually losing light.

It's over.

His decent image was completely ruined.

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