The fairy father

Chapter 113 Why not use it if there is a hook?

"The Blood Fiend's cronies from the Blood Fiend Palace are in the city?"

Underground of Li Ping'an's new home, in a newly dug secret room.

Elder Yan Sheng, Wei Yanzi, Li Pingan, and Qing Su took their seats.

After hearing what Li Ping'an said about what happened to Zuiyue Tower and his party this time, Wei Yanzi and Elder Yan Sheng's expressions changed.

Wei Yanzi blushed with embarrassment.

Elder Yan Sheng glared at Wei Yanzi, and then with a fierce look on his face, he stood up and said: "Sign up the whole city and check every house! This is our territory, and we must not let go of the evil demons of the Blood Demon Palace!"

"Hey," Li Ping'an said seriously, "Elder, don't be anxious."

Elder Yan Sheng sat back in his seat and said, "Ping An, please tell me."

At this moment, in the secret room, Li Ping'an occupies the main seat, Elder Yan Sheng and Wei Yanzi sit on the left and right, and Qing Su sits in the corner drinking tea and eating snacks.

"Surprising the snake in this way will only scare the big fish."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

“The top priority is to secretly invite a few more experts over.

"Not counting my master, there are four of us Celestial Immortals, eighteen True Immortals, one hundred Yuan Immortals, and hundreds of casual cultivators hired by us to patrol, but it is indeed slightly insufficient to deal with the Blood Demon Palace.

"And we have to be prepared for the sudden arrival of several blood evil spirits."

Elder Yan Sheng nodded slowly: "That's true."

Li Ping'an added: "Grandma Yin Lin said a lot and hid a lot. Obviously they didn't want to offend the Blood Demon Palace and the forces behind the Blood Demon Palace, so they deliberately said something specious. The news about Happy Valley cannot be We have full faith, but we cannot disbelieve it. We must do everything with two hands... and be prepared with more hands."

Qingsu asked: "How to prepare?"

"Master," Li Ping'an took out his third-grade inspection token, "Send some troops over here."

Qing Su shook her head: "If I leave here, how can I keep you safe?"

Li Ping'an thought for a moment and said with a wry smile: "We can't trouble Brother Ye and his disciples again."

"Running errands?"

Wei Yanzi, who felt guilty, volunteered: "I'll go! I'll just go!"

"It's to the ASEAN barracks," Li Ping'an said, "Deacon, you can't find a place."

Elder Yan Sheng took a puff of dry smoke and said seriously:

"Ping An, this matter should not alarm ASEAN, for fear of being accused of indifference between public and private affairs.

"Furthermore, this town is divided between our Wan Yun Sect and the other two sects. If our Wan Yun Sect does not have the strength to protect this place, we might as well hand it over to others, and we won't be able to earn too many spiritual stones anyway. .

"We can only ask for support from within the sect for this matter... However, a large number of immortals within the sect are in retreat, and there is indeed a shortage of manpower at the moment."

Li Ping'an thought carefully and said decisively: "I'll ask senior Xu Sheng to come over."

"Senior Xu?"

"Well," Li Ping'an said, "Kui Yuan Zong has made a lot of spiritual stones in the past few years. Let Senior Xu Sheng come out to stretch his legs... I will write a book, and the elder will send a reliable true immortal to Wei Yuan Zong."


Elder Yan Sheng nodded in agreement.

Li Ping'an took out a jade talisman, wrote a few words and presented it to Elder Yan Sheng.

Elder Yan Sheng left in a hurry, returned a moment later, and sent the true immortals from the sect to Wei Yuan Sect to deliver a message.

Wei Yanzi asked again: "Are we really going to the wedding banquet tonight?"

Li Pingan raised his eyebrows at Wei Yanzi, who couldn't help but blush.

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. For tonight's event, you must go, deacon."


Wei Yanzi's old face turned red: "Ping'an, you exposed me when you came here. I really didn't do anything bad! I'm just being elegant! I'm just reciting poems to make things right!"

Qingsu calmly picked up the tea and took a sip.

Li Ping'an said sternly: "Deacon, don't worry, you haven't made a Taoist companion, and the sect will not pursue such trivial matters. I really want to borrow it tonight. The reputation you have earned through hard work in this town over the past few years ."

Wei Yanzi looked up at the ceiling and sighed: "I will be famous in this life."

"Hmph! Why didn't you think about today when you were looking for flowers and willows?"

Elder Yan Sheng hated him for not fighting and cursed:

"We are here today and will help you keep this secret! If it were any other elder, see if you would be punished by the sect's rules!"

Li Ping'an asked curiously: "Is there still this in the sect rules?"

"Of course we don't have this," Elder Yan Sheng said with a smile, "but our Wan Yun Sect is an upright sect of the Immortal Sect, so we can add this if two elders propose it."

Li Ping'an and Elder Yan Sheng looked at each other and both looked at Wei Yanzi.

The slightly flaming mustache kept trembling, wilting like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Li Ping'an sat behind the table and pondered slightly.

He actually had other back-ups, but now he was just hesitant to use them. He couldn't help but start to deduce the difference between using and not using this back-up, as well as the hidden dangers hidden in it.

The three immortals in the room saw that he was thinking about something and did not dare to disturb him.

Wei Yanzi was fascinated by the murals on the wall, Elder Yan Sheng lowered his head and smoked a dry cigarette, and Immortal Qing Su ate rice cakes in small bites.

‘That’s all, why not use it if it’s available? ’

For this Happy Valley, the signboard ‘Mo Wentian’ is the most useful.

Li Ping'an suddenly said: "You two, take note of my disguise."

After saying that, he took out a purse with the word "Mo" written on it from his sleeve, took out a thin spiritual animal skin mask and put it on his face, and took out a half-face armor and put it on the bridge of his nose.

"My identity is Mo Wendi."

Li Pingan said slowly:

"This is a weapon refiner who is both good and evil. He has the strength of the seventh-level Yuanxian Realm. He has a cautious temperament and has the secret method of weapon refinement.

"He has an eldest brother named Mo Wentian, who is the second-ranked weapon refiner in the Demonic Path and a guest in Happy Valley."

Elder Yan Sheng and Wei Yanzi looked at each other with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

Yan Sheng said: "Peace..."

Li Pingan took out a ring finger and hung it on his left thumb, and continued:

"Elders, remember to look at the finger in my hand. If the finger is on the left hand, it means everything is normal. If the finger is on the right hand, just call someone to prepare for action.

"I will probably appear at tonight's wedding banquet as Mo Wentian's younger brother, Mo Wendi, to look for that bloody crony."

Elder Yan Sheng: "Peace..."

"Elder, there is no need to say more," Li Ping'an said slowly, "I have made up my mind, and Master will protect me personally. I came to the East China Sea only to do one thing, and that is to find an opportunity to destroy the Blood Demon Palace. Such a good opportunity is ahead of me. How can we hold back?"

Elder Yan Sheng stood up, frowned and said, "No, Ping An, please let me finish my words."

"You say."

Li Pingan sighed secretly in his heart.

Elder Yan Sheng is his teacher in the formation, and he has always taken great care of him. I took the initiative to tell him these things today because of my trust in this elder.

No matter what Elder Yan Sheng tried to persuade him, he had to give it a try. The worst he could do was to spend two Guizong coins...

"I have heard of the name Mo Wentian," Elder Yan Sheng said. "You are the most dazzling magic weapon refiner in the past thousand years. Although I don't know how you got in touch with Mo Wentian, but this... Mo Wendi's name It's too unpleasant to listen to, and it sounds like you are imitating Mo Wentian."

Qing Su nodded seriously: "Yes, in the world of weapon refining, your name is the most important."

Wei Yanzi hummed, "In my opinion, Ping'an, you are a hundred times, a thousand times more powerful than that Mo Wentian, who is one of the top three weapon refiners in the magic world, and can't even compare to one of your fingers!"

Li Ping'an's forehead was covered with black lines.

No, why are the three of you focusing on so strange!

Shouldn't he be worried that his life is in danger?

Elder Yan Sheng said: "Why don't you call me Mo Tianxing!"

Qingsu held her chin and thought carefully: "No, Mo Wenqing sounds comfortable."

Wei Yanzi said: "Do you have to worry about your last name?"

"Okay, okay!"

Li Pingan gritted his teeth and said firmly:

"Master, follow me. Let's go to the Zuiyue Tower for a walk around the city! Elder Yan Sheng, please erase the memory of my identity at the altar of Deacon Wei Yanzi!"


Qingsu turned into a ray of fairy light and used the transformation method to return to Li Pingan's side. This time, it turned into a 'red rope jade bead' and tied to Li Pingan's wrist.

Wei Yanzi's tiger body trembled: "No! Ping An, why do you want to erase my memory?"

Li Ping'an said sternly: "Deacon, you can't even defeat me now. What if you are caught by the demon cultivator and they search your soul?"

Wei Yanzi blinked: "What you said makes sense...but could you have just kept me away before so that I wouldn't listen?"

"That would be too much for you."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands and used Earth Escape to escape from the barrier formation here.

Wei Yanzi opened his mouth and was speechless, feeling a little moved in his heart and feeling that something was not right.

There is murderous intent behind it!

Wei Yanzi's beard trembled, and he turned his head tremblingly.

Elder Yan Sheng's skinny body was actually extremely tall at this moment, with his beard and hair spread out, his robes billowing, and his pair of inverted triangular eyes bursting with intense light.

"Wei Yanzi! I asked you to come to the East China Sea to do something, but you go looking for flowers and willows every day! You don't want to make progress!"

"Elder, I was wrong! I will never go again! Ah——"

Underground in Dong'an City, the miserable howl was swallowed up by the formation barrier.

In the small building above, Wen Ling'er, who was jumping back and forth to decorate her new home, heard some movement and leaned forward to look outside.

Nothing unusual.

‘In just two hours, I returned to my old place again. ’

Wearing a mask and a black robe, Li Ping'an stood in the room on the bottom floor of Zuiyue Tower with his head held high.

In front of him was a small window. Outside the window was a courtyard dug into the ground. Inside the courtyard were more than a dozen slim girls playing in the water.


There was the sound of the sliding wooden door coming from behind, and two old women jumped in with their skirts in hand, followed by eight elite Huangu elites.

These Happy Valley elites are all in the realm of Yuanxian. They maintain the appearance of slender girls, walking barefoot and wearing silver bells on their ankles.

Wearing silver bells means that they did not use secret escape techniques.

Li Ping'an turned around, his eye color had changed, and he looked really a bit arrogant at the moment.

He said: "Are you two the people in charge of this place?"

"Meet the adults!"

That day, Granny Yin Lin, the Immortal, bowed her head in salute with the True Immortal old woman, and respectfully handed back the black jade plaque.

Generally speaking, to hand something like this, you only need to wrap it with a ray of immortal power and push it over from a distance, but this old fairy woman took the initiative to push it forward.

This is a deliberate test.

Li Pingan reached out his hand calmly, took the jade talisman back, and nodded slightly: "Have you finished checking it?"

His aura is not only disguised by himself, but also with the cooperation of his master. There is no problem in pretending to be a Yuanxian or a true immortal.

The only shortcoming is that the evil spirit of blood that comes from killing many lives cannot be imitated by the master using the Heavenly Immortal Dao Yun.

This is not a big problem. Most of the people in the demonic path are practicing immortality.

Granny Yin Lin understood immediately.

Immortal Tao Yun, Yuan Xian Realm cultivation level, is not a master.

"Look what you said," Granny Yin Lin said with a smile, "Commander Mo only has this one identity card, and it is refined with my secret method of Happy Valley. It can't be wrong. Please sit down."

Li Ping'an said: "You two should also sit down, I want to ask for something from you."

Grandma Tianxian asked: "Is Commander Mo okay?"

"Well," Li Pingan nodded, "my brother recently had something to do, so he called me out."

"I don't know what to call you?"

"Don't ask questions," Li Ping'an calmly reported the pseudonym given by his master.

The jade ring on his wrist tightened slightly.

Li Ping'an couldn't help but imagine his master's expression of a proud chuckle at this moment.

Grandma Tianxian smiled and said, "I don't know what Commander Mo's orders are?"

Li Ping'an groaned for a few times and looked around. The Heavenly Immortal Mother-in-Law raised her hand and waved it gently. The True Immortal old woman stood up and left, not forgetting to open the door when she left.

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "I don't want to break Happy Valley's rules, I just want to ask for a clue. Senior should know what my brother did in the East China Sea before."

"This," Granny Yin Lin looked embarrassed, "Although Commander Mo told the sisters not to talk nonsense, this matter has spread among us, but very few people know about it!"

Li Ping'an nodded and sighed: "My elder brother can't help it. What he told me is that he owes someone a big favor, so he can only do this person a favor. When he surrounded and killed the Poison Dragon Evil, he didn't Take action, just hide in the dark and watch.”

Granny Yin Lin no longer had any doubts in her heart.

Mo Wentian had previously used his personal connections to invite more than a dozen elite Huangu elites who were good at tracking to follow the Blood Demon Palace in the East China Sea and assist ASEAN in destroying the Poisonous Dragon Demon.

This is a secret that only a small number of senior executives in Happy Valley know.

Instead of seeing this as troublesome, the elders of Huangu paid more attention to Commander Mo.

Without him, what Huangu fears most is ASEAN.

They, Huangu, were originally reselling news, and they fully knew the origin of ASEAN and how strong ASEAN was.

Rogue cultivators and small sects always feel that ASEAN has little influence;

But Huangu knew that the person standing behind ASEAN was the elite of the human race who overthrew Tianque, killed Chi You, and suppressed hundreds of tribes. It was His Majesty the Human Emperor.

That is the heaven of the human race!

Granny Yin Lin smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Looking at ASEAN's wishes, the Blood Demon Palace can no longer stay."

Li Ping'an breathed out, and there was some doubt in his eyes:

"This is what my brother said, but he doesn't want Huan Gu to be involved, otherwise Huan Gu will suffer disaster.

"Brother said that the forces behind the Blood Fiend Palace are not something Huangu can afford to offend."

"Hey, we are all our own people, don't say such things."

Granny Yin Lin sighed:

"It's good for Commander Mo to consider this, but how can you two brothers fight against the vicious gods and evil spirits in the Blood Evil Palace?"

"Mother-in-law, don't worry," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "Brother just asked me to collect some information. He didn't return the favor by fighting, he just sent this information to the adults in ASEAN."


Grandma Yin Lin looked thoughtful and said slowly:

"If that's the case, I can really help you here."

Li Ping'an had some doubts in his eyes: "The Blood Demon Palace is really targeting Dong'an City of Wan Yun Sect?"

"Well," Granny Yin Lin nodded slowly, "It's strange to say that the Blood Demon Palace had obviously gone overseas before. After the incident with the Poison Dragon Demon and the Ghost Face Demon, a few Blood Demons secretly came back. Maybe they couldn't swallow it. With this tone, he wants to take revenge on Wanyun Sect.”

Li Ping'an didn't ask any more questions: "Then I'll report it to my brother like this."

"Hey! Don't rush!"

Granny Yin Lin smiled and said:

"This kind of news is too general. When Commander Mo saw it, he had to blame me.

"Tonight in Zuiyue Tower, if a daughter of the Zhuo tribe comes out of the pavilion, there should be an adopted son of the Xuesha Palace's Hungry Sha.

"However, it is difficult for me to directly identify who is the evil demon in the Blood Demon Palace. This will indeed break the rules. One of Huangu's rules is to protect the identity of the buyer.


Li Ping'an smiled and asked: "You mean, I should also join in the fun?"

Granny Yin Lin took out a storage jade bracelet from her sleeve, raised her hand and patted Li Pingan's arm, and whispered:

"How could I watch that poor daughter serve the devil?

"Little brother, you must be young, these expenses are enough to win the top spot.

"But don't let Jia'er feel wronged. Jia'er's elders will also give her good advice. She is also the most beautiful woman that our Zuiyue Tower has cultivated in a hundred years.

"Don't refuse. If you treat me as an outsider, I will be unhappy."

Li Ping'an smiled and shook his head, took the storage jade bracelet and took a look.

Good guy, it contains half of the spiritual stones he spent here to buy news!

Granny Yin Lin gave Li Ping'an a meaningful look, then stood up and left.

Li Ping'an:...

No, is there such a good thing?

If he doesn't bid for the wedding banquet later, wouldn't it mean that he just got four pieces of news from their Happy Valley in vain!

There was a sudden pain in his wrist, and Li Ping'an almost made a sound.

"Apprentice, Tao Xin."

"Master, don't worry, master, don't worry!"

"Well," Qing Su said, "most of the women here are in misery. If we can save them, we still have to save them."

Li Pingan laughed sarcastically.

Tell people to be good and ignore them. Let's wait until he has finished his business.

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