The fairy father

Chapter 104: Using one to scold everyone

When Li Dazhi led the immortals of Wan Yun Sect to arrive at Guanhaimen, Li Ping'an had actually arrived, but he hid in the dark and did not show up.

The capture operation in the depths of the East China Sea went very smoothly.

The demon cultivators from Happy Valley are good at hiding and spying on information.

As Mo Wentian, Xu Xuntian led more than a dozen elite spies from Huangu to locate the hiding place of Dulongsha and his men in advance.

After Li Ping'an contacted Xu Xuntian, he secretly observed several small details.

First, the dozen or so Happy Valley elites are all masked women wearing slim-fitting soft armor. They are slim and very good at hiding. Most of their cultivations are between the third-grade Yuan Immortal to the sixth-grade True Immortal.

Li Ping'an secretly observed the two of them and found that the exercises and spells they practiced allowed them to blend perfectly with the surrounding environment.

After confirming with his eyes, it was the technique Li Ping'an wanted to obtain.

Secondly, there is no obvious murderous aura among these Happy Valley Demonic Cultivators.

They should be doing some work of reselling information and following and peeping.

Thirdly, the Mo Wentian transformed by Xu Xuntian should have a very high prestige among the demon cultivators in Happy Valley.

This made Li Pingan have other thoughts.

Compared to Li Ping'an's curiosity about the demon cultivators, 'Mo Wentian' and his sisters, who had witnessed the entire process of slaying demons in the East China Sea, were extremely shocked.

What 'Mo Wentian' originally said to these dozen Happy Valley elites was that he was entrusted by a friend who wanted to put an end to the poisonous dragon evil spirit. Today they would just keep an eye on them and do nothing else.

‘Mo Wentian’ gave them half of the reward in advance and half after the work was completed.

These Huangu elites were naturally happy to earn spiritual stones and favors, but they really didn’t expect that the friend that their eldest brother Mo said was...

ASEAN’s Five Thousand Immortal Soldiers!

These five thousand immortal soldiers are not what the mortal dynasty of East China calls immortal soldiers. A group of Qi-training and God-gathering soldiers can be called immortal soldiers and horses.

These are actual five thousand immortals!

Among the five thousand immortal soldiers, there are also fifty 'centurions' from the true immortal realm and twelve immortal generals!

At that time, Li Pingan just sent a message to Xu Xuntian and said:

"Brother Xu, I'm here. Let your people continue to sneak in place. They will not be affected later."

‘Mo Wentian’ immediately sent a message to his dozen sisters:

"You just hide where you are. Don't panic when you see anything. I have passed your location to my friends. Just hide."

As soon as the sound was heard, rays of light appeared on the sea.

A piece of golden light fell from the sky, covering the sea area with a radius of hundreds of miles of the deserted island. All the fish and shrimps in the sea were immobilized, and the thirty-six Blood Evil Palace demon cultivators hiding on the island and at the bottom of the sea were unable to escape.

Twelve immortal generals appeared at the same time!

Four appeared above the desert island, four appeared in all directions, and four appeared under the sea.

The leading general threw out the pagoda in his hand. The pagoda was strong in the wind. In an instant, it became a hundred feet high. Countless fairy lights shot out from it, completely surrounding the island!

Immortal soldiers are deployed and immortal generals control the field!

Accompanied by the immortal general's shout of "The troops are coming", five thousand immortal soldiers shouted at the same time, the sound shook the sky and was unstoppable!

The immortal armor on the immortal soldiers burst out with rich immortal light, and a hundred-mile radius was completely enveloped by the heaven-sealing formation formed by the immortal soldiers!

The more than thirty demon cultivators on the island were stunned to see it.

The demon cultivator named Poison Dragon Evil and his men failed to put up any decent resistance at all. Thousands of immortal lights fell down and the island was flattened.

There is no need to interrogate, explain, or take photos.

When these twelve ASEAN generals discovered that there were six great monsters with true fairyland strength lurking on the island, the Poisonous Dragon Demon cultivators were able to kill them directly.

Killing monsters and wiping out spies in this way is not a big achievement in itself;

The twelve generals were in a very happy mood.

The generals did not forget the instructions of the young patrol envoy and left behind the souls of Poison Dragon Evil and several stronger demon cultivators.

Afterwards, the five thousand immortal soldiers returned to the pagoda again, and the twelve generals fled towards the north.

Li Ping'an sent a message to express his thanks to Xu Xuntian, and after setting up a meeting place, he rushed to the northwest with Zi Sang and the two immortal masters.

From beginning to end, the two pairs of masters and disciples did not show up at all.

Wait until the ASEAN generals and fairy soldiers withdraw;

Xu Xuntian, wearing a mask and black robe, said hello from the bottom of the sea and fled quickly with more than a dozen of his sisters.

On the way, these dozen Happy Valley elites seemed to be greatly frightened, and they did not dare to speak to each other for half an hour.

'Mo Wentian' Xu Xuntian warned: "Remember, this matter must be kept confidential."

"Brother Mo, don't worry, we don't dare to say anything more."

"Brother Mo, does this friend of yours have great hands and eyes? He can actually summon so many ASEAN immortal soldiers."

"This is the first time I've seen immortal soldiers destroy demons. Is ASEAN really going to destroy us demon cultivators? We didn't do anything bad, we just made a living."

Xu Xuntian said hurriedly: "Don't worry, this is a private grudge between my brothers and the Blood Demon Palace. You come and receive your reward first, and then go back to practice."

"Thank you, brother Mo."

"Brother Mo, can I change my reward? If I don't want the spirit stone, can you give it to me?"

"Oh! Don't say such misleading words. I'll give you a fairy treasure. Go back and practice!"

"Huh, it's true. You can come and go as soon as you call for it. They still need your immortal treasure."

The demon cultivators were amusing each other, and their voices became more lively.

On the other side, Li Ping'an had gathered with the twelve generals and interrogated the souls of the demon cultivators of the Blood Fiend Palace.

A general pinched the spirit of the poisonous dragon evil spirit and used some secret method. The veteran, who did not look at all sinister, explained how he arranged the sneak attack on the Wanyun Sect Immortal.

Li Ping'an also thought that such 'bastards' were moral, and that 'professional killers' also had their own principles and would not easily betray their employer's information.


The general squeezed Poison Dragon Evil's soul again, and the veteran shook it out without reservation.

What Du Longsha said not only made the two young men Li Ping'an and Zi Sang look at each other in confusion, but also the twelve generals found it incredible after hearing it.

At this point, Li Ping'an didn't hesitate anymore and crushed the second jade talisman in his sleeve.

Li Dazhi got the news and started the moving formation.

Li Ping'an is certain that as long as the immortals of Wan Yun Sect arrive at Guanhaimen and make a big enough noise, Wan Yun Sect will not be able to lose this time!

If you don't plan to win, plan first and then later.

Li Ping'an and the ASEAN immortals were hiding in the clouds, overlooking the mountain gate of Guanhaimen. They had already begun to think and deduce what kind of situation Guanhaimen would be in after today, and how they would take revenge on Wanyun Sect.

Guanhaimen is one of the ten sects of the Immortal Way with four golden immortals as its commanders.

It is obviously impossible for such a sect to fall apart with just one sinful third elder.

Today's situation is also helpless.

Guanhaimen has begun to attack and kill the immortals of Wanyun Sect. If Wanyun Sect cannot fight back, it will not be able to gain a foothold in Dongzhou.

Li Ping'an and the others waited for a moment, and the Qiankun Avenue suddenly trembled.

More than two thousand immortals from Wanyun Sect rushed through the large moving formation, overwhelming Guanhai Gate with great momentum and force!

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Senior Wenrou, the one with short hair at the front is my father. He is known for his great luck and wealth."

Wenrou Tianxian smiled and said: "I have seen his portrait in ASEAN."

A general smiled and said: "Your Majesty is also a talented person."

Qingsu asked: "Are we going to show up?"

"Master, don't worry," Li Ping'an smiled at his master, "I will invite a few generals to come on stage later to handle ASEAN's official affairs. Let's say that ASEAN has captured a group of monster spies. This can also avoid conflicts among the sects. ."

Several generals nodded their heads. This kind of thing can not only show off the limelight, but also show prestige, and also gain the gratitude of the inspection envoy. Why not do it?

Wen Rou thought for a moment, but finally understood the deep meaning of Li Ping'an's words.

She smiled and said: "The thoughts of peace are really amazing."

"I can't take it seriously," Li Ping'an said sternly, "Senior, please see, my strategy is not even half as good as my father's."


"My father deliberately maintained the appearance of an ordinary businessman."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"It's just because my father received too many looks of disdain before he became an immortal. He is a middle-aged practitioner, a little tactful in his behavior, and gentle and elegant in his dealings with others. He has always been called an ordinary businessman.

"My father is not upset about this. He teaches me such things so that I can practice with peace of mind and have a peaceful mind."

Wenrou couldn't help but look up and down at the dark-faced Li Dazhi.

Taoist Zisang on the side couldn't help but raise his hand and pinch his earlobe.

In the southeast of Xizhou, he hung out with Li Pingan for two years, gained meritorious service, received awards, and also learned about Li Pingan's "terrible" side.

Taoist Zisang always felt that Li Pingan was eyeing his master, but he didn't know what Li Pingan wanted his master to do...

Suddenly listen!

"Your grandpa Li is here! Come out and answer!"

Wenrou couldn't help but sneered and turned to look at Li Ping'an: "Your Majesty is really elegant."

"Hehe, hehehe."

Li Pingan laughed dryly and retreated behind his master.

He was blinded by all the saliva.

Qingsu turned her head and glanced at him. Qingmei's face was a little more smiling, but she no longer felt depressed about "turning around in vain and failing to make a move."


The bells in Guanhaimen rang loudly, and the big bell beat out the rhythm of gongs and drums.

Hundreds of figures were the first to rush out of the mountain-protecting formation, and more figures poured out from everywhere.

Naturally, they had noticed a long time ago that there was an elder from the Yuanyuan Sect staying three hundred miles away from the mountain gate;

But up and down the Guanhai Gate, no one could have imagined that these elders of the Weiyuan Sect were only responsible for 'opening the door', and in a moment, they attracted the immortals of the Wan Yun Sect!

What's interesting is that although there are rapid bells ringing in Guanhai Gate at this moment, many immortals are just watching from the pavilion and are not in a hurry to show up.

The person who came out to call for formation was Li Dazhi. Although he was the most famous immortal of Wanyun Sect, he was not the current leader.

Therefore, the leader of Guanhai Sect is invisible.

The Celestial Elder, who ranked first in seniority and cultivation in Guanhaimen, came out from the clouds at this moment, picked up a fly whisk, pointed at Li Dazhi and shouted:

"Shu Zi! This is the Gate of Guanhai Mountain! You are not allowed to run wild! Why did Wan Yun Sect invade in such a large scale! Have you all forgotten the rules of Dongzhou!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Dazhi laughed twice, raised his head and cursed angrily, the sword in his hand flashed with golden light:

"You old man! How dare you talk about Dongzhou's rules!

"You know exactly what Guanhaimen has done, and yet you are here pretending to be crazy with me!

"How many years have it been! You Guanhai Sect has always made things difficult for me, the Wan Yun Sect, smashed up my Wan Yun Sect's magic weapon shop, and ruined the reputation of my Wan Yun Sect. Now you have hired murderers to kill people, and invited the Demon Cultivator of the Blood Fiend Palace to try to kill me Wan Yun Sect. A member of the Yun Sect!

"You Guanhai Sect still claims to be a famous sect! You are simply a shameless scum!"

The face of the great elder of Guanhaimen turned red, and he yelled angrily: "You are talking nonsense! You are so arrogant!"

Li Dazhi spat wildly: "We, the Wan Yun Sect, have been tolerant again and again, always considering the overall situation, and are not as knowledgeable as you Guanhai Sect! You have actually intensified, acted unscrupulously, and become more and more violent! We, the Wan Yun Sect, uphold the teachings of our ancestors and dare not do anything that is not good for the East. What about you? You are so wanton and reckless, and you don’t take Dongzhou seriously, you don’t take ASEAN to your heart, and you don’t keep in mind the 100,000-year hard struggle of our human race!”

"You, you're talking nonsense!"

"What am I? I can't speak clearly and yet I am still the first elder! How many scandalous things have you done in Guanhai Sect? Killing people to seize treasures, oppressing small sects, going up to pick out a spiritual vein after taking a fancy to it, what have you Guanhai Sect done? A female true immortal fell in love with a loose cultivator Yuan Xian. She thought he was handsome and unrestrained. She actually took advantage of him and destroyed his wife and children. Is it you who did this? There is no virtue, no conduct, no loyalty and no righteousness. You Guanhaimen are like this What are you trying to do! Haven't you ever thought that the foundation of Dongzhou was established by His Majesty the Human Emperor, who led all the soldiers to fight for the human race, so that the human race can thrive! You guys are dominating here with just a little bit of cultivation! Why don't you? Do you want face? I’m asking you if you want face!”


The great elder was extremely angry and his breath was trembling. He actually took two steps back from the cloud, lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of immortal blood.

"Great Elder! Great Elder!"

The immortals of Guanhai Sect rushed forward to help him, and the whole cloud was in chaos.

A hidden corner above the clouds.

Li Ping'an's forehead was covered with black lines, the twelve immortal generals could hardly hold back their laughter, the immortal Wenrou had a puzzled look on her face, Qing Su looked up at the sky calmly.

Taoist Zisang cast a barrier on himself and laughed silently.

Li Dazhi office.

Deacon Gao Xu brought a cup of tea. Li Dazhi turned his head and stretched out his mouth to take a sip of tea, rinsed a few mouthfuls, raised his head and swallowed, then raised his sword and moved forward.

"Guanhaimen! You have sinned so much and have no repentance! You must give me an explanation from Wanyun Sect today! Otherwise, I will tear down your mountain gate!"


Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and the pressure of the peak of the immortals hit Li Dazhi head-on.

Then I heard the voice of Taoist Yunmo:

"Fellow Taoist, could it be that I, Wan Yun Sect, have no one?"

The pressure of the two peak immortal realms collided with each other, turning into ripples of spiritual energy and disappearing into nothingness.

Above the immortals at Guanhaimen, a white-haired old man wearing a white robe and a black veil appeared, glaring angrily at Li Dazhi.

In front of the Wan Yun Sect's immortals, Yun Mo, the leader of the Wan Yun Sect, appeared with a sheathed sword, looking at the Hai Sect's immortals.

More immortals flew out of the Guanhaimen formation.

The two sides were at war with each other from the air, and it seemed that a battle between immortals was about to break out.

Li Dazhi suddenly said: "I haven't finished scolding you yet! I'll hit you later!"

The immortals instantly lost their momentum.

Li Dazhi cleared his throat:

"You, the leader, I have three questions for you!

"First! Two of the three Mortal Immortal Dynasties of Guanhai Sect were supposed to be the places where other sects accepted disciples. Why did these two sects suddenly transfer their lifeblood to your Guanhai Sect!

"Second! This Dafang Town south of Guanhaimen should be shared by the four sects. How did you, Guanhaimen, do it? You made other sects retreat in half a year!

"The six sects I mentioned above were originally powerful sects with more than a thousand immortals. Why did they have troubles after they had conflicts with your Guanhai sect? Two of them even changed within a few hundred years. All the immortals were dismissed from the gate, and the two heads of the clan disappeared without a trace!

"Of course, it's okay if you don't tell me. I'm just asking casually. We, the Wan Yun Sect, don't do things like making excuses!"

The head of Guanhai Sect was so stunned that he almost pounced down and tore Li Dazhi to pieces.

But Li Dazhi changed the subject: "But today! Right here! You Guanhai Sect must give us an explanation! Why did you hire demon cultivators from the Blood Demon Palace to attack and kill me, the Immortal of Wan Yun Sect!"


The head of Guanhai Sect said angrily:

"If you keep messing around, I will teach you a lesson for your master!"

"Just you?" Li Dazhi said coldly, "You don't even have a Golden Immortal, and you still want to teach me a lesson for my master? Why don't you piss yourself and show who you are! Tell me! Why did you hire the Blood Demon Palace!"

"You are lying!" the head of Guanhai Sect said angrily, "If you have evidence, just show it. I, Guanhai Sect, never do anything that hides anything!"

At this moment, both sides have golden immortals present.

Li Dazhi also knew that swearing at someone would only make them vomit blood, but would not really hurt them.

This evidence...

Are we safe?

He has already ridiculed the old immortals on the opposite side, and it's time for him to appear safely and deal damage.

Suddenly hearing a chuckle coming from high in the sky, Li Dazhi was stunned for a moment because the voice did not come from Li Ping'an.

"What are you guys doing?"

Above the cloud, Taoist Zisang and twelve generals appeared at the same time.

The young True Immortal Taoist smiled innocently and bowed his hands in salute, while the immortal generals looked unkind and had cold eyes.

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