The fairy father

Chapter 103: Pressuring Guanhaimen!

"This is the list of people who took action from the Blood Demon Palace this time!"

Xu Xuntian put a jade talisman into Li Ping'an's hand and said quickly: "Ping'an, you will never guess who released this news!"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Other blood evil spirits in the Blood Evil Palace?"

"Not bad! I really can't help you! Hahahaha! They are fighting among themselves!"

Xu Xuntian smiled and said:

"ASEAN issued an extermination order, and the people in the Blood Demon Palace were panicked. They fled to overseas desert islands to escape, but they did not dare to go too far away from Dongzhou, lest the news would not reach them.

"The deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace wanted to survive by cutting off his arm, and deliberately released one of the eighteen evil spirits who caused this disaster. I have also verified it, and several unrelated sources can confirm each other.

"Among the thirty-six names on the list, there are six great demons, who should be spies who came from Xizhou. This blood demon is called Poison Dragon Demon. The strength of a second-grade immortal is really not easy to deal with.

"It's a good thing he didn't do it himself last time, otherwise Wanyun Sect would have suffered heavy casualties!"

Poison dragon evil?

Li Ping'an weighed the jade talisman and had conceived the overall plan for several days, and it was now fully formed.


This is the role of connections!

Without Xu Xuntian's 'handhold', it would be difficult for Li Ping'an to accurately hit these demonic cultivators no matter how much momentum he gathered.

"Thank you, Brother Xu. I have a favor."

"Despite Ping An's orders," Xu Xuntian said, "However, after finishing this matter, I will concentrate on going back to the south to get incense. It is really not suitable for me to walk much in the past hundred years. Moreover, for the consideration of Wei Yuanzong, I must remain anonymous in the future. I cannot Then I will travel everywhere as Mo Wentian."

"Thank you, Brother Xu!"

Li Ping'an bowed, and Xu Xuntian quickly returned the salute.

"Brother Xu, please help me keep an eye on this group of demon cultivators for a few days. I need to mobilize some troops! I'm afraid these thieves will escape!"

"It's just a small matter. I'll just ask a few brothers and sisters to keep an eye on them."

Xu Xuntian smiled and said:

"Although this world is huge, there are not many hiding places for them. Most of them are on overseas fairy islands."

"Well, thank you, Brother Xu. I'll go back to the mountain gate right away to arrange it!"

Li Pingan turned around and ran away.

Xu Xuntian said hurriedly: "Hey! Ping An! The treasures you gave me are too much, and I can't even use them all!"

"Tell you next time!"

When Li Ping'an's voice came to his ears, Xu Xuntian laughed dumbly and hurriedly left this small town.

Xu Xuntian is not worried about his wife and daughter's incense temple, which is secretly protected by the elders of Wei Yuanzong.

Being able to repay Li Ping'an's favor would make Xu Xun's heart less burdensome.

"Apprentice, what are we going to do when we go back to the mountain gate?"

Qing Su's voice came, and the pendant hanging on Li Ping'an's chest floated up and transformed into Qing Su's figure.

"Just go to the sea to find those demonic cultivators!"

"Master, don't worry," Li Ping'an was in a good mood and joked, "We used to just deliver food to the demon cultivators."

Qing Su asked softly: "What kind of food should I give you? Do you want to eat with them first and then kill them?"

"I just can't defeat them by delivering food."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"Master, don't forget, we dealt with the Blood Demon Palace just to catch their collusion with Guanhaimen.

"I will ask you to come forward later and use your identity as a fifth-grade martial envoy to mobilize troops to ASEAN."


Qing Su's eyes were full of doubts: "Why deploy troops?"

"Here, cut your losses,"

Li Ping'an handed over a jade talisman with written content and asked the master to use the power of the gods to send it to Aunt Wenrou.

Qingsu did as she was told and didn't ask more about what was written inside.

This was always the case when exterminating demons before.

As long as she follows her apprentice's instructions, first like this, then like that, she will always be able to find some monsters, and she can get a lot of merit by killing them casually.

It should be the same this time.

Qingsu took Li Ping'an back to Wanyun Sect's mountain gate first.

Li Ping'an held his old father's voice for a moment, saying so, so, so, so, and his lips became dry as he spoke.

Li Dazhi thought for a long time, and finally nodded slowly, and repeatedly told Li Ping'an to be careful and not to take any risks.

This plan requires the father and son to cooperate with each other and act at the right time.

Another day passed.

Qingsu received a reply from Tianxian Wenrou, and the master and apprentice immediately rushed to the south of Dongzhou and met Wenrou and Zisang smoothly.

Master Wenrou led Li Pingan and Qingsu to a fairy island on the coast of the East China Sea. After entering the formation here, there was actually another universe inside, a small world of its own.

Li Ping'an and Qing Su stopped to look at it, with a bit of shock in their eyes.

There are continuous pavilions and fairy palaces in front, as well as endless plains and river valleys.

Inside and outside the Immortal Palace, countless figures were meditating and practicing, surrounded by immortal light;

Looking at the plain, there are several square cities that are crowded with people. Most of them are Qigong practitioners who can fly to the sky and escape from the earth. There are at least millions of them.

These are the soldiers and horses of the human race!

Taoist Zisang stood aside with his arms folded, admiring Li Ping'an's expression with a smile, feeling satisfied.

"Brother Li, how are you?"

Taoist Zisang smiled and said:

"This is our ASEAN barracks in the East China Sea. There are 360,000 immortal soldiers stationed here. The people living in those cities are all the family members and friends of the immortal soldiers."

Li Ping'an praised: "ASEAN's heritage is so profound."

Taoist Zisang said with a smile: "The demon clan has not been destroyed, so the military preparedness must not be relaxed in the slightest. ASEAN just doesn't want to take care of the sect's affairs, but it doesn't mean it can't."

"Oh?" Li Ping'an smiled, "Brother Ye, are you trying to hit me?"

"I don't dare, I don't dare! Brother Li is trying to offend me. How dare I compare myself to you? I just said it casually without any deep meaning!"

Taoist Zisang repeatedly handed over his hand.

Wenrou Tianxian smiled softly and said softly: "You two just mobilize your troops. I will take Qingsu girl to drink tea and enjoy the flowers. I have already sent a message to the leader of this place to say hello. You can take it later if you are safe." Show your identity card and you can mobilize your troops."

She added: "Actually, Ping An, you don't have to come to me. The highest general here is the second rank, and you are the third rank."

Li Ping'an bowed and said, "Thank you Aunt Rou for your guidance."

"You have to call me senior!"

Wenrou covered her mouth and smiled softly, bowing to Qingsu to greet her. Qingsu returned the gift and left with Wenrou in the clouds.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

Taoist Zisang took Li Ping'an's arm and whispered:

"I never dared to ask, Brother Li, why are you deploying your troops? To destroy Guanhaimen?

"I have inquired about Wan Yun Sect and Guan Hai Sect. Guan Hai Sect's behavior is indeed very bad, but it is not enough to destroy the sect. They also have four golden immortals.

"ASEAN cannot act like this."

Li Ping'an looked at Zi Sang helplessly and sighed: "How can I use the ASEAN immortal soldiers to deal with Guanhaimen? I mobilized my troops to exterminate the big monsters lurking on the edge of my human land, and to eliminate some of the monsters that are related to the big monsters. The evil cultivator who colludes with others!"

Taoist Zisang's eyes lit up: "Oh! What a great feeling! Thank you so much, Brother Li, for coming all the way here to help me perform meritorious deeds!"

The two of them put their arms around each other and headed towards the main hall ahead.

Li Ping'an put Old Man Tianli's token on his sleeve for the second time, and it would fall out accidentally with just a slight stumble.

Halfway through, the two brothers kept saying:

"Brother Li, how many troops do you want to mobilize this time? The general here is a good friend of my great-grandfather. If it is not convenient for you to speak later, I will tell you directly."

"Brother Ye, do you still have such a background?"

"Otherwise, how could I worship my master as my master? In fact, it is because my master saved my mother back then. My family has always wanted to repay the favor. It is equivalent to adopting me to the master. I am his son's disciple...Brother Li, how many soldiers are we going to use?" Ma, tell me the number, so I know it well."

"It shouldn't take many soldiers and horses, right?"

"Thirty thousand? Fifty thousand? Eighty thousand is the limit. If you exceed 80,000, you will have to report to the deputy leader."

"There are a total of...thirty-six demon cultivators and great demons that I want to destroy."

"Ah? Then why are you here? Let's take the ASEAN order, find a few big sects and call some immortals, and deal with them directly."

"Don't be careless. These demonic cultivators are very cunning. We will mobilize five thousand immortal soldiers later to set up the Heaven Sealing Formation! The main thing is to invite more experts to avoid casualties."

"Okay, then Brother Li, you can say it yourself and mobilize five thousand soldiers and horses to annihilate thirty-six enemies. I am ashamed to hear it!"

"That's because your Dao mind is not cultivated enough."

Li Pingan smiled leisurely.

After a while, he and Taoist Zisang entered the main hall together.

Half an hour later, more than a dozen middle-aged generals wearing armor jumped into the sky.

A general offered sacrifices to the bronze spiritual baby pagoda, which burst into celestial light;

Five thousand elite immortal soldiers turned into streams of light and merged into the collection of immortal light. Their figures appeared on all levels of the pagoda, sitting cross-legged in formation, ready to go.

The general turned his head and saluted Li Pingan:

"Inspection envoy! The last general has ordered all his troops!"

Li Ping'an crushed the purple jade talisman in his sleeve, stepped forward and bowed in return, and said sternly: "Without further delay, I would like to invite you generals to go with us to the East China Sea to destroy demons and monsters!"

All the generals agreed in unison!

Wenrou and Qingsu came from the side and left the secret place where the troops were stationed together in the clouds.

Li Pingan asked around on the way.

ASEAN has established seven secret garrison locations in various parts of the East Continent, such as the East China Sea. They are not related to the various sects in the East Continent and have their own traditions and systems.

More than 2.4 million immortal soldiers guard the entire East Continent, protecting the foundation of the human race.

These are the soldiers of Emperor Xuanyuan.

Today is the safest trip Li Ping'an has taken in recent years.

Let’s not mention for the moment that Li Ping’an led five thousand immortal soldiers to the East China Sea to do the “big cannon attack on mosquitoes”.

Let's say that after Li Ping'an crushed the first jade talisman, the purple jade talisman in Li Dazhi's sleeve shattered directly.

Li Dazhi, who was talking to Xiao Yue, suddenly stood up.

Xiao Yue was still a little weak and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong?"

"Safe to Xin'er," Li Dazhi said, "You can rest in peace and recuperate, I'll be back soon!"

Xiao Yue said hurriedly: "Where are you going? Don't take risks. The Blood Demon Palace is too fierce, and you are only a true immortal..."

A big hand pressed on Xiao Yue's shoulder.

Li Dazhi helped her lie down slowly and whispered: "Xiaoyue, Ping An will not act willfully, just don't worry, I have been staying here with you these past few days and let this child run around. Now we need to I came forward and had a good talk with them, Guanhaimen! Don’t worry, I won’t curse or anything like that, I’m very elegant.”

Xiao Yue sighed: "How can this matter cause such a big fuss? This will affect the sect's business!"

"How can we not make a big fuss!"

Li Dazhi stood with his head held high, his figure exuding the pressure of the true fairyland.

He said:

“If you are bullied to the point of being bullied and you don’t know how to fight back, the disaster of destroying your family is just around the corner!

"You don't have to think too much, even if Guanhaimen didn't hurt you, I will go to them to seek justice!

"The sect protects me, and I must protect the sect!"

After saying that, Li Dazhi cupped his hands towards Xiao Yue, turned around and walked away.

Xiao Yue struggled to get up, with a pair of phoenix eyes that were full of splendor. At this moment, she was extremely weak due to her injuries, and somehow her heart felt more stable than she had ever felt before.

"Uncle Master! Don't act out of anger!"

"Men should be angry!"

Li Dazhi shouted softly, and his figure had already left Zhuyuntang and shot straight at the mountain gate.

The headmaster Yun Mo, who had just returned to the main hall, could only smile bitterly when he saw this. He waved his sleeves and had a sheathed sword in his hand. He flashed out of the hall door and stood on the main peak.

"Where is Wan Yunxian!"

Whoosh whoosh!

There are many more figures on the thirty-six peaks!

The group of immortals showed off their fairy lights, and the mountain guarding formation was filled with fairy lights.

The leader, Taoist Yunmo, said firmly: "Leave an immortal on each peak to guard the mountain gate! The rest of you, follow me to Guanhai Gate!"

In an instant, celestial lights flew toward the mountain gate.

Bamboo forest in the back mountain.

Taoist Kong Ming pressed down the figure of Granny Linghua next to him and said with a smile: "I will go this time. You are good at the Qiankun Escape Technique, so you can come to help at any time."

Kong Ming asked again: "Tingyun?"

Deep in the bamboo forest, a few green bamboos shook gently, and a thin, middle-aged Taoist stepped forward and saluted to the sky.

"Master, do you need your disciple to take action?"

"Follow me to Guanhaimen," Kong Ming said. "If your junior brother can't control the situation, come and show up today."

"Junior Brother Dazhi will definitely be able to calm him down," the Taoist said with a smile, "How about you let Senior Brother and the others come back? They were just deceived back then and didn't make any big mistakes."


Taoist Kong Ming glared at the middle-aged man, who could only lower his head and sigh.

"Don't plead for them. Except for your senior brother, which one of them has been wronged? Being associated with demonic cultivators is a big mistake, and they also bring trouble into the sect!

"If you hadn't discovered it in time and your uncle and I had rushed back, this Wan Yun Sect would have really become a demon sect!"

"Okay, senior brother," Granny Linghua also said, "It's all over. If they are willing to repent, it would be good to give them some opportunities."

Taoist Kong Ming said: "Let's go and compete with Guanhaimen first. When Dazhi becomes a golden immortal, we will let them come back."

"Thank you, Master!"

The middle-aged Taoist looked happy.

Granny Linghua shook her head and chuckled.

Obviously, Taoist Kong Ming was afraid that his few careless disciples would affect Li Dazhi's sect status after they returned.

Since the rise of Zhuyuntang, Li Dazhi has been chosen as the next head of Wanyun Sect.

Taoist Kongming and the middle-aged Taoist each rose up on the clouds. The master and apprentice Jinxian disappeared into the sky and hid in the sky.

In front of the mountain gate, a huge stone disc has been erected.

Move the formation!

In front of the formation, seven or eight elders of the Wei Yuan Sect cast spells at the same time, stuffing high-grade spiritual stones into various parts of the formation base.

More and more immortals from Wanyun Sect gathered, waiting quietly for the movement formation to open.

——This formation was borrowed from the Wei Yuan Sect, and the Wan Yun Sect was responsible for the loss of spiritual stones.

The Immortal of Wealth, Li Dazhi, stood alone in front of the formation, holding a sheathed sword in his hand, saying nothing and looking evil.

An elder from Yuanzong of Wei came forward and asked, "Master of Dazhi Hall, do you want to start the formation now?"

Li Dazhi looked at the second jade talisman in his sleeve and whispered: "No rush, just wait for now."

"Yes, you can call on Pindao at any time."

The elder of Yuanzong Wei bowed his head and retreated.

Li Dazhi sighed in his heart, and Li Ping'an's previous instructions came to his ears again.

‘Father, these two jade talismans. If the purple jade talisman is broken, it means that my side is progressing smoothly and has mobilized troops from ASEAN. ’

'If the golden jade talisman is broken, it means that my side has succeeded, and has captured the key figures of the Poisonous Dragon Demon of the Blood Demon Palace alive, and obtained evidence that the Guanhai Sect colluded with them. ’

'This time we are borrowing the power of ASEAN. If it doesn't work, we can only give up revenge and wait until you become a Golden Immortal to settle the accounts with them. If it works, we can also use ASEAN to deter Guanhaimen. Guanhaimen still has a deep heart. Bully the weak and fear the strong. ’

The golden jade talisman was motionless at the moment.

Li Dazhi stood there quietly.

There were more and more immortals from the Wanyun Sect behind him. Most of these immortals were silent, watching Li Dazhi's back in silence.

Taoist Yunmo, the head of the Wanyun Sect, and several of the highest-ranking immortals were hiding behind the immortals.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed.

The immortals of Wan Yun Sect did not rush, and the elders sent by Wei Yuan Sect also waited quietly.



There was a faint sound in Li Dazhi's sleeves. Li Dazhi lowered his head and looked, his eyes flashing.

The golden jade talisman has collapsed!

Li Dazhi waved his hand: "Open the formation!"

The eight elders of Wei Yuanzong raised their hands at the same time, and their rich immortal power slapped on the round stone door!


The universe trembles!

The large formation in front opened, and the golden vortex blew gusts of spiritual wind. Li Dazhi's Taoist robes rustled. He took half a step forward, wrapped himself in immortal power, and got into the vortex.


Layers of fairy light swept across, and meteors streaked across!

More than two thousand immortals from the Ten Thousand Clouds Sect poured into the formation. After taking a few breaths through the golden light, the front suddenly opened up, with the blue sky and thousands of miles of blue waves right in front of them!

Just on the coast, the rolling fairy palace pavilions are shrouded in the mountain protection formation.

View Haimen Mountain Gate!

Li Dazhi leaped into the air, unsheathed his sword, and walked on the clouds.

One step down, dozens of gray-haired old men appeared behind him;

After two steps, there were hundreds of middle-aged men and women behind him.

After three steps, the two thousand immortals from the thirty-six peaks of Wanyun Sect all released their own pressure. The white clouds under their feet merged into one, turned into billowing dark clouds, and headed towards the front of the immortal gate with pressure!


Li Dazhi shouted loudly:

"Your grandpa Li is here! Come out and answer!"

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