The fairy father

Chapter 105 The elder kills himself!

As soon as the twelve ASEAN generals in battle armor appeared, Wanyun Sect and Guanhaimen, as well as the large number of Lezixian who had just heard the news, all bowed and saluted.

This is the rule of Dongzhou.

The twelve generals clasped their fists in return and did not reply.

Taoist Zisang lowered his head and put his hands in front of his body, putting them in his sleeves to give himself a sense of maturity.

His face today looks like that of a young male cultivator in his early twenties. He is only a few hundred years old. In the Dongzhou True Immortal Circle, he is indeed a young man.

The head of the Guanhai Sect reacted much faster. He cupped his hands and said, "I wonder where your honor comes from?"

"Pindao Zisang is the seventh-grade ASEAN border envoy."

Taoist Zisang smiled and said:

"I came here today for no other reason than to ask which fellow Taoist is... Nan Bowang?"


Immortal Guanhaimen was slightly disturbed.

Isn't that their third elder?

Nanbo Wang of Guanhaimen is a second-grade heavenly immortal. Together with several other high-ranking elders, he presides over the daily affairs of the sect. He can be regarded as one of the people in charge of Guanhaimen in the past few hundred years and has made numerous contributions to Guanhaimen.

The immortals were looking around.

The third elder sighed and slowly flew up from the crowd. With a smile on his lips, he raised his hands to the generals who fell in the air.

"I am a poor Taoist named Nanbo Wang. I wonder what you fellow Taoists do for you?"

Zisang nodded: "Take it."

The figures of the two immortal generals suddenly disappeared.

Nan Bowang looked shocked, and a group of Guanhaimen immortals retreated subconsciously.

On the contrary, several elders who often "suggested dissent" against Nanbowang hurriedly rushed to the side of the elder Nanbowang.

——This Nanbo Wang was the elder who crushed the bloody jade talisman in his hand two months ago; and these elders who stood up to protect Nanbo Wang were the elders who persuaded him to "forget it" that day.

Several Guanhaimen elders hurriedly said:

"Immortal official! Is there some misunderstanding?"

"Please tell me from the Immortal Official! Why do you want to capture me, the elder of Guanhai Sect?"

"Immortal official, stop!"

The two immortal generals stopped their heads and put their hands behind their backs, still not answering.

Taoist Zisang sighed: "Fellow Taoists, please stay away from Nanbowang for now. Let us capture him today. Don't ask any more questions, so as to save your Guanhaimen's face."

"You descendant!"

The great elder of Guanhaimen wiped the blood from his mouth, frowned and scolded:

"They want to arrest my sect elder for no reason, and they also say they want to save the face of my Guanhai Sect!"

Nan Bowang turned to look at his senior brother and hesitated to speak, but in the end he just sighed: "I'll just go, senior brother, don't say anything more!"

"No!" said the Great Elder, "Once this case is made, it will be a big deal!"

Li Dazhi shouted from a distance: "Fellow immortal officials! If they don't let you arrest him, just tell him what he did!"

Taoist Zisang immediately changed his expression, smiled and cupped his hands towards Li Dazhi, and said loudly: "I've met Uncle Li! I'm busy with business today, so it's inconvenient to meet with my uncle. I will pay him a visit that day! Brother Ping'an and I are on good terms! "

The hearts of all the immortals in Guanhai Sect suddenly trembled.

Most of them are already ‘enlightened’.

These ASEAN generals and immortal officials are here to cooperate with Wanyun Sect today!

At that moment, more immortals from Guanhaimen rushed to the side of the third elder.

Seeing that something was wrong, the third elder was about to take off to confess his crime; it was indeed good for the sect to save the face of the sect by being taken away directly like this.

But the third elder did not know that there was actually someone behind the words of Taoist Zisang; and the person behind the advice had already calculated the reaction of the immortals of Guanhai Sect.

Just as the third elder was about to fly into the sky on the clouds, several big hands pulled him down.

The great elder of Guanhaimen threw the third elder behind him and said angrily: "Why are you so weak!"

The third elder hurriedly said: "Senior brother! This is not because I am weak, just let me confess my sins!"

Taoist Zisang suddenly said: "Do you, Guanhaimen, want to protect this person?"

"How can you defend me?"

An immortal from Guanhaimen said angrily:

"On the contrary, everyone in ASEAN, you are supposed to protect Dongzhou and enforce the law impartially. Why are you colluding with the Wan Yun Sect? But because the Wan Yun Sect has gained wealth? I Guanhaimen still lacks treasure!"

As soon as these words came out, the twelve immortal generals showed angry expressions on their faces.

Li Dazhi in the distance turned his head and glanced at the immortals of Wanyun Sect, and he suddenly wanted to laugh.

Before he could fan the flames, the immortal from Guanhaimen rushed forward and blew himself up?

"That's it!"

Taoist Zisang looked unhappy and his voice spread for hundreds of miles:

"Guanhaimen Celestial Immortal Nanbo Wang! Colludes with demons and harms living beings! He has close contact with the notorious Blood Evil Palace. He is suspected to be the ghost-faced evil spirit of the Eighteen Blood Evils of the Blood Evil Palace! There is a personal witness here from the soul of the Eighteen Blood Evils and Poisonous Dragon Evils! "

One of the immortal generals raised his left hand high, and an experienced Yuanshen figure floated in his palm.

This little soul turned into a human-sized shadow in the wind, and was kicked by the immortal general into the clouds.

The general rounded his right palm and slapped the old Taoist's cheek hard. The old Taoist's ghostly soul twitched all over and spewed out bits of golden light from his mouth.

All the Qi practitioners here can read some of the memories of this poisonous dragon evil as long as they use their immortal and spiritual senses to detect these golden lights.

All they saw was:

‘Brothers, come to life. ’

‘Oh, this ghost-faced evil man has climbed to the position of the third elder of his sect by relying on these unforeseen tricks. He has a great time calling the wind and rain every day, but we have to do this dirty work. ’

‘This is actually a bit of a bad rule. The Eighteen Blood Demons are not supposed to communicate with each other, but the Ghost Faced Demon and I were old friends back then, and the price offered was appropriate. The one we wanted to get rid of was just a Jurchen Fairy. ’

‘Who is the Ghost Face Sha? Don't ask this, but it doesn't matter if I tell you, the beauty. You are the treasure in a poor man's sleeve and can never be separated from me. He is Nanbowang of Guanhaimen. Hehe, just because I know his identity, he sends several gifts every hundred years. He gave me a treasure, but he still wants to sever ties with me? Absolutely impossible. ’

There was silence between heaven and earth.

The faces of Wan Yun Sect's immortals became angry;

The immortals of Guanhai Sect rushed in the direction away from the third elder;

The expressions of Le Zixian who was watching the excitement from the outside also changed drastically, and they all began to run away, fearing that they would be silenced by Guanhaimen today.

They just come to watch the fun, but they don’t want to become the fun themselves.

Li Dazhi suddenly said: "This matter has something to do with my Wan Yun Sect, but it has nothing to do with my Wan Yun Sect! It turns out that this elder is secretly ruining the reputation of Guan Hai Sect. Our Tao Guan Hai Sect is also an authentic sect of immortality. Why do we act so wantonly? It turns out that in this way!"

After saying this, Li Dazhi raised his left hand:

"The Immortal of Ten Thousand Clouds has retreated a hundred miles. The matter has become clear. There are fellow Taoists and ASEAN generals here. Let's wait for Guanhaimen to give an explanation!"

The immortals of Wanyun Sect yelled:

"This thief must be killed!"

"Master Dazhi! We can't let them go easily!"

"Master! We can't retreat!"

"Listen to me!" Li Dazhi turned around and shouted, "Go back to the moving formation first!"

All the immortals took their orders and fled together towards the way they came.

This may seem anticlimactic, but it is actually the result of Li Dazhi's mastery.

In the darkness, Li Pingan smiled and shook his head when he saw this.

Qingsu was a little puzzled: "At this moment, we should press the Guanhaimen and ask them to apologize."

"Master," Li Ping'an whispered, "this immortal elder is no longer alive."

Even Wenrou asked: "Why?"

Before Li Ping'an had time to explain, a strong pressure emerged from the gate of Haimen Mountain.

Vast expanse of blue waves seemed to appear between heaven and earth, and the hearts of all the Qi Refiners were trembling.

An old man in gray clothes appeared in mid-air at some unknown time, looking down at the third elder of Guanhaimen below.

The old man in gray just stared silently;

But there seems to be an extra mountain between heaven and earth.

The Great Golden Immortal at Guanhaimen!

The old man in gray robe closed his eyes and never said a word.

The third elder's beard trembled slightly. He looked up at the figure, his Adam's apple swaying up and down, and he was timid about speaking.

"It's me...hahaha, it's me who was obsessed for a moment...hahahaha!"

The third elder stood up slowly, as if he had put in a lot of effort, smiling and crying, his white hair trembling.

He trembled:

"These have nothing to do with the sect. I wanted to climb higher in the sect, secretly made friends with evil cultivators, and made many big mistakes.

“This is all my fault!


The third elder bent his legs and knelt down:

"Disciple, I have high expectations from you... I am willing to do things for myself and be responsible for myself..."


There was a soft sound, and a translucent dagger was held by the third elder in his right hand. In an instant, it pierced the chest of the third elder, and the dagger penetrated his spiritual soul.

The old man's eyes widened.

Maybe he didn't expect that it would be so painful to cut off his soul. His old eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, a wisp of blood came out of his mouth, and he slowly fell forward.

The immortal power in his body suddenly collapsed, and streams of spiritual energy escaped to the heaven and earth, making his Taoist robe swell, causing his long hair to dance wildly, and causing his true spirit to escape.

The third elder was lying on the clouds.

There was silence everywhere again, and no one came forward to rescue.

The Great Golden Immortal of Guanhai Gate closed his eyes for a moment, raised his hands upward, and then looked at the heads of the Immortals of Wanyun Sect:

"Kong Ming, is this explanation enough?"

The old Taoist Kong Ming appeared from above the immortals of Wanyun Sect and said calmly: "This is not an explanation for the poor Taoist, but an explanation for the Qi Refiners of Dongzhou."

The Great Golden Immortal of Guanhai Sect said coldly: "Is your Wanyun Sect really that clean?"

"Whether Wanyun Sect is clean or not, no one has done evil in the past ten thousand years," Kong Ming, the old Taoist, said with lightning eyes, "I told you 30,000 years ago that the devil is untouchable. If you condone such a thing, you will only It was a big mistake, and you are just reaping the consequences today."

The Great Golden Immortal of Guanhai Sect said: "Oh, that's nice to say. You killed your disciples back then, you were really majestic."

Kong Ming said coldly: "I am just cleaning up the house."

The Great Golden Immortal of Guanhaimen stopped talking to the sky, turned his head and raised his hands in the air, and said slowly:

"The poor Taoist priest has brought out some people who are greedy for profit, so you immortal officials should worry about it.

"Next, I will close the mountain at Guanhaimen for a hundred years, investigate this matter strictly, and invite the immortal officials to come in and rest."

"No, senior can just handle it."

Taoist Zisang raised his hands and bowed:

"Since the ghost-faced evil committed suicide in fear of his crime, I won't be able to stay for long, so I should report this matter to the deputy alliance.

"Now, ASEAN has just issued an order to exterminate them. I would also like to ask all fellow Taoists to tell each sect that if you see a demon cultivator in the Blood Fiend Palace, you can destroy them on the spot and you can receive a reward with your head."

After saying this, Taoist Zisang turned around and flew towards the sky, followed by the twelve immortal generals.

On the other side, the immortals of Wanyun Sect have begun to escape into the moving formation.

Li Dazhi put away his sword and stared at the mountain gate of Guanhaimen with his hands behind his back, not knowing what he was thinking.

The sky above Guanhaimen is gloomy and gloomy.

The old Golden Immortal Taoist fell next to the body of the third elder, lowered his head and stared for a while, then said to the head of Guanhai Sect:

"A generous burial."

"Yes, Master."

Half an hour later.

On a beach somewhere on the coast of the East China Sea.

Twelve immortal generals were waiting in the clouds, while Qingsu and Li Ping'an were bidding farewell to Master Wenrou and Zisang.

The two immortal masters were whispering something, seemingly discussing the delicacies from various places in Dongzhou.

The two apprentices were muttering beside each other, but they were discussing business matters.

Taoist Zisang sighed: "How ruthless, these old golden immortals."

"They are all those who survived in ancient times. Those who are not ruthless cannot stand." Li Ping'an sighed, "These golden immortals are sitting in the sect. The sect is actually an extension of their will. We, Wan Yun Sect, are all harmonious because of Master Yin Kongming." Ancestor behaves upright, Guanhaimen... tsk."

Taoist Zisang sighed: "Brother Li, it is better to be careful. I always feel that Guanhai Sect will not let it go."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "The matter here is over. At least in the next ten or twenty years, Guanhaimen will not make any moves. This is enough."

"What's enough?"

"Enough for my father to reach the heavenly realm."

Li Ping'an approached Taoist Zi Sang, took out a ring and handed it to Zi Sang.

Zi Sang's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Brother Li, what are you doing? I don't need you to bribe me. If you are talking about filial piety, I should be the one to thank you. You have led me around for two years, and you just let me live here." The meritorious service that has not been achieved in the previous hundreds of years has been graded within ASEAN!"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Just take it. It's not a thank you, it's just some practice expenses. I have something to ask of you."

"I knew it!"

Taoist Zisang clicked his tongue:

"That's right, but you want to target Guanhaimen? I can only help you so much."

"Brother Ye cannot participate in the friction between sects."

Li Ping'an whispered:

"Brother Ye always praises my father in ASEAN when he is fine. My father still yearns for the title of 'immortal official'."

"Haha, it's such a small matter, do you still need to give special instructions?"

Ye Zisang smiled and said:

"I'll brag a lot when I get back! Speaking of which, uncle is too scolding!"

Li Pingan gave a stiff smile.

"Disciple," Immortal Wenrou called, "I'm going back. I still have a lot of official duties to do."

"Brother Li, take care, Immortal Qingsu, take care! Come to Tianzhixu often when you have time!"

Taoist Zisang raised his hands and made a bow.

Li Ping'an bowed in return and watched Taoist Zisang and Wenrou ascend into the sky in the clouds. They joined the twelve immortal generals and rushed towards the East China Sea Barracks of ASEAN.

Qing Su said: "Apprentice, we are also going back."

Just as Li Ping'an was about to perform the magic trick, he turned into a little bee and burrowed into his master's sleeve, but unexpectedly Qing Su moved faster.


Qing Su turned into a light blue pendant and hung it around Li Ping'an's neck.

Qing Su said dissatisfied: "This time I was just on the road, and I couldn't slay the demons. It was quite lonely."

"Master, that's not how loneliness is used. We are plotting this time, and we can only plot. The relationship between the East China Sea sects is complicated. The Jinxian old Taoist appeared today, and he is obviously acquainted with our Jinxian Patriarch."

Li Ping'an used Earth Escape and rushed towards the town he had agreed with Xu Xuntian.

Along the way, he and Qing Su explained in detail why the immortal Taoist killed himself.

This is exactly:

The ghosts are obsessed with plotting secret things, and the blood, poison, and smoke hurt Yunxian.

Dazhi raised his sword and scolded Guanhai, and Ping An took advantage of the situation to gain temporary peace.

The third elder of Guanhaimen is actually one of the eighteen blood evil spirits in the blood evil palace. This fact is really unbelievable. It will definitely set off huge waves in Dongzhou and give the Qi Refiners more talk in the teahouse.

Just when the storm at Guanhaimen Mountain Gate was about to subside.

Wanyun Sect, the back hall of Zhuyuntang.

Boom, boom, boom.

The real immortal Xiao Yue, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating on the bed, heard a knock on the door.

She felt the familiar aura and hurriedly said:

"Master, have you left seclusion?"

"Well, it's me."

There was a chuckle from outside the door, the door was pushed open, and the somewhat thin Taoist Tingyun strolled in.

The Taoist figure flickered slightly, sat down in the wooden chair by the window, and said with a smile:

"How is your disciple's injury? I expect that with Junior Brother Dazhi taking good care of him, he should be fine."

Xiao Yue stood up to salute, but Taoist Tingyun held her down from a distance with his magical power.

Xiao Yue sighed: "It's no longer serious. My disciple often walks by the river, but sometimes the soles of his shoes get wet."

"You have worked hard to take care of the sect's property," Taoist Tingyun said with a smile, "They have come forward for you, don't worry, Jinxian won't be able to fight against Jinxian. At most, it's just a matter of Jinxian against one palm... ...By the way, disciple, are you and my junior brother Dazhi really getting along?"

"Master please punish me."

Xiao Yue, however, was not as embarrassed as a young disciple, and admitted it openly:

"He likes me, and I like him from the bottom of my heart. It's just that this generation is a little confused."

"Hey~ How come we, the Qi Refiners, have so much restraint!"

Taoist Tingyun raised his eyebrows slightly:

"If you really like him, express your feelings to him as soon as possible. If the sect refuses, I will stand up for you!

"That's right, disciple, there's something I want to ask you for help with."

Xiao Yue said hurriedly: "Master, it's just what you ordered."

"Alas," Taoist Tingyun sighed dejectedly, "before, several of your uncles and uncles came to me and wanted me to intercede for them and ask your master to allow them to come back. They were all under the leadership of Wan Yun Clan. Big, I have deep feelings for this place.”

Xiao Yue frowned slightly and said softly: "But Master, have you forgotten the disaster ten thousand years ago?"

"They already repented... That's what they said. It has nothing to do with me. I just want to be free and at ease."

Taoist Taoist Master Yun muttered a few times:

"Your master said that when Junior Brother Dazhi becomes Jinxian, he will let them return to the sect to practice.

"What this actually means is that their return now will affect Junior Brother Dazhi's prestige and be detrimental to the development of the sect, so I was thinking about whether I could help Junior Brother Dazhi become a Golden Immortal as soon as possible."

Xiao Yue didn't know why: "How can I help?"

"This is for you."

Taoist Tingyun was a little embarrassed and put a few fairy silks on the table nearby.

"The ancient human secret method is said to be very effective... As long as it can help Junior Brother Dazhi reach the first and second-grade heavenly immortals as soon as possible, there will be great potential for this matter.

"I still have to guard the mountain gate, so I'm leaving now. You take good care of me."

After saying this, Taoist Tingyun turned into a wisp of cloud and dissipated directly.

Xiao Yue had already thought of something, and with a move of her bare hands, several pieces of cloth fell into her hands, and she opened them to take a look.

The ancient human race’s dual cultivation method.

She knew it was like this!

My master had an honest character and a simple mind. He didn't like to get involved in worldly affairs, but he still missed old friendships. He was deeply influenced by the uncles and uncles who drove him away.

"Thank you Master for giving me the Dharma!"

Xiao Yue pursed her lips slightly, lowered her head and thought about something. The funny-looking back seemed to appear in front of her eyes, with a slight smile on her lips.

‘A man should be angry. ’

She slowly lay down, closed her eyes and rested, then couldn't help but turn over, smiling with her lips pursed.

It feels really good to be protected.

There is an extra update today~

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