Rumble-- They started, even more ruthlessly.

When Mu Qianxi arrived, Yueshengliang was in a very embarrassed state.

There were no fatal injuries. It looked like the other party was trying to catch him alive.

I, the chief alchemist of the Prison Emperor Sect, can you bully rubbish? came a cold voice.

I thought that this eighth-level sect, the Prison Emperor Sect, would send powerful people to save people, but it turned out to be a young girl with world-famous looks.

Even if you want to save people, since they are here, let's capture them together. We have never seen such a beauty before, hehehe!

The next moment, they burst out with spiritual power, trying to imprison Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi drew her sword, and the sword came out with terrifying destructive flames and bloodthirsty killing intent.


The surrounding vegetation instantly turned to ashes. Even though the guys in front of them could barely block it, they couldn't help but sweat on their backs.

This move is very powerful!

However, the aura of this woman, the spiritual god... is only a sixth-level spiritual god.

After all, they were third and fourth level demigods, but they almost fell into the hands of a spiritual god, which made them angry.

Very well, a mere spiritual god dares to fight back, so don't blame us for being rude.

A strong wind came through the sky, and after seeing Mu Qianxi's fighting power, they also took action.

Sect Master, be careful! Yue Shengliang said.

He knew that the sect master's ability in refining medicine was unparalleled, and his combat prowess was unparalleled.

The master's strength is only a few levels higher than his. How could he be a demigod's opponent?

A burst of wind elemental spiritual power pushed Yue Shengliang out, and Mu Qianxi said: Stay away and watch!

The three of them surrounded Mu Qianxi. Mu Qianxi swung his sword to fight, and the red flames blasted towards them.

Immediately afterwards, the wind element followed with a chilling aura.

The wind falls, the stars break!


br\u003e “The water dragon is coming!”

There were three of them, attacking from three directions. Mu Qianxi responded with three elemental skills.

A three-series elemental spiritual master is actually a third-series elementalist! This person is not simple. Their faces showed solemn looks.

So what about a third-series elemental spiritual master? So what about high talent? She's just a sixth-level spiritual god. Take her! Destroy her! A trace of anger flashed in their eyes.

The more talented the opponent is, the stronger their murderous intention will be.

The spiritual power belonging to the semi-god level strangled Mu Qianxi, leaving no room for Mu Qianxi to dodge.

She is definitely doomed!

However, the next moment, the purple-clothed woman in front of them disappeared instantly.

Whoosh whoosh... Countless voices broke through the air.

Mu Qianxi's medicine needle was transformed from Eternal Thousand Illusions, with extremely pure light power.

The spiritual defense of a mere demigod is more fragile to it than a piece of tissue paper.

It's a hidden weapon! Get out of the way. Faced with Mu Qianxi's sneak attack, they were demigods with rich combat experience and reacted quickly.

No matter how fast you move, one person will still be hit.

A small wound is not worth mentioning to them.

Such a small hidden weapon wants to hurt us? they said disdainfully.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Mu Qianxi's lips, Don't you know that most hidden weapons are poisoned?

It's poisonous! Take the antidote pill quickly. His partner reminded him.

Poison! Haha! What we need most is antidote pills. The guy who took the antidote said confidently.

However, the next moment, his face began to turn blue.

His facial features were all twisted together, looking extremely painful.

Ahhhhh- He roared like a dying beast, already losing his mind in pain.

Detoxification Pill, you are really naive. This level of detoxification pill actually wants to detoxify me? Mu Qianxi said sarcastically.

The other two people saw their companion being poisoned in such pain, with a look of horror on their faces, and said sternly: Get her immediately and kill her quickly.

They also gave up completely on the companion who was poisoned and had no fighting ability.

He didn't even have any intention of rescuing him, he only wanted to get rid of this troublesome guy Mu Qianxi.

Rumble... The two of them started working together, and Mu Qianxi used the fourth element of darkness.

Mu Qianxi used teleportation and cooperated with the four elemental spiritual skills, but the two of them were still unable to do anything to Mu Qianxi.

They secretly cursed the monster! I thought she was a little girl who was easy to bully, but I didn't expect that she was a devil with outstanding talents.

Puff puff... Her flames are very dangerous and strong, and once they get involved, they will have nothing good to eat.

In the end, they didn't want to be entangled anymore and said: Catch that kid and get out quickly!

When someone approached Yuesheng Liang, medicine needles rained down on him.

Pfft! He was hit.

And Yue Shengliang also hurriedly sprinkled countless poisonous powder, and he screamed: Ah! My eyes.

Mu Qianxi pointed at the last remaining person with the Flame Dragon Soul Slayer Sword and said: You are the only one left, keep going!

He said: You'd better hand that kid over to me and forget about poisoning my two brothers. Otherwise, offending the forces behind me will not do you and your sect any good.

I spent a lot of money to buy this man, and he hasn't even let me get my money back yet! Why should I buy him?

Did he give it to you? As for trying to cause trouble for our Prison Emperor Sect, you can give it a try? Mu Qianxi said coldly.

You really don't know the heights of the world, you will definitely regret it! This guy said harsh words, but ran away as fast as possible.

Seeing the miserable state of his two companions who were poisoned and in agony, he also knew that the possibility of killing this evil witch was low.

He made a decisive decision to evacuate to avoid death.

After he ran away, a black figure appeared.

Master! Do you want to kill me?

Yue Shengliang was stunned and said: Deputy Sect Master Yan, you have been here a long time ago.

Yan Luo had indeed arrived early, but it seemed that the sect master was able to handle it with ease.

Without the order of the sect master, he would naturally not take action without permission.

Thinking that someone who could defeat him in the first place would naturally not have a problem dealing with these two third and fourth level demigods.

Mu Qianxi said: Let him go back and report the situation to his master! It doesn't matter, take them two away and ask about their purpose.


After this battle, Mu Qianxi returned to the sect's main peak, and then advanced to the seventh level of the Spiritual God.

Yan Luo and Yue Shengliang came over. Yue Shengliang lowered his head and said, Sect Master, I'm sorry, it was me who caused trouble for our sect.

Yan Luo said: Reporting to the sect master, it's someone from the elixir trading center.

Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows and said, The lion asked us to pay such a high price to buy Ah Liang, and now they regret it? They knew that Ah Liang became an intermediate alchemist. There is no reason why this news would come to light. Let it out!

Yue Shengliang said with a somewhat awkward expression:''s actually my special physique that someone over there has known for a long time.

Knowing your special physique and leaving you there to be bullied is a waste of resources! Mu Qianxi said in surprise.

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