Yue Shengliang got the poisonous blood and sent it to Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi said to him: Half an hour, you try it!

I... I'm afraid I can't do it. Yue Shengliang thought that the sect was going to take action, but he didn't expect to ask him to do it.

If you feel you can't do it, then try your best. Mu Qianxi said without hesitation.

Yes... Yue Shengliang said in a deep voice.

But... Sect Master, you asked the shopkeeper to wait for half an hour, half an hour, if I fail...

This is not a problem. Mu Qianxi said calmly. .??.

For half an hour, he thought independently. Jiuzhuan Lingding did not give any advice. He studied what poison was in this blood?

The research has some clues, but how to detoxify? But it's a big problem.

There were big beads of sweat on his forehead. This was an unprecedented test.

He didn't want to admit defeat and didn't want to disappoint the sect master.

Half an hour later, a half-finished detoxification pill came out.

Mu Qianxi glanced at the elixir and said, Not only can this elixir not cure the poison, it can also kill people!

Yue Shengliang lowered his head in annoyance and said, Sect Master, it's all my fault for being too incompetent.

No, such a result has exceeded my expectations. You are very good. Mu Qianxi praised it.

He was very excited in his heart, Half an hour has come, do you want to let that person wait a little longer?

No need, just make an antidote. It won't take long. Mu Qianxi raised the corners of her mouth slightly, picked up the elixir, and used the spiritual power of water and fire elements.

She was preparing the potion, and her movements were as fast as clouds and flowing water, which made Yue Shengliang look distracted.

Such a sect master is really super charming, as if he is standing at the top of the alchemy world and looks arrogant to everything.

When he came to his senses, she had already prepared a bottle of transparent potion.

This potion smells colorless and odorless to ordinary people, but it makes Yuesheng's eyes cold.

There was a flash of light, and he probably knew part of the formula.

So that's it, the sect master is so powerful. He admired Mu Qianxi endlessly.

It's been half an hour and I haven't seen anyone yet. It seems that the alchemist from the Prison Emperor Sect can't prepare an antidote based on blood alone. Mr. Hong, I think we'd better invite someone over. If Their alchemist is incompetent, so don't blame us for being rude. The attendant beside Shopkeeper Hong said angrily.

Shopkeeper Hong also frowned slightly. Did he really see the wrong person? The other party is a person who likes to talk nonsense and bluff people.

He said solemnly: I want to see your sect master.

Yan Ling said: After the medicine is finished, the sect master will come over naturally.

The attendant said: We agreed for half an hour, but now it's timed out...

It only lasts a few breaths, so it's not too much! You came to ask for medicine, don't you have any patience? came a clear and arrogant voice.

They looked over and saw that the unparalleled leader of the Prison Emperor Sect had arrived.

With a movement of her slender hand, a bottle of transparent potion was thrown out.

Shopkeeper Hong's heart trembled slightly, he took it carefully and said, Can this detoxify?

Did you, the Prison Emperor Sect, deliberately bring water to deceive us? said the angry follower.

They are not alchemists, and they can't smell any smell at all. In their eyes, this potion is really the same as water.

If you don't believe it, then give it back to me! Mu Qianxi walked closer.

Sect Master Mu misunderstood, we don't believe it. Thank you to the alchemist of your sect for taking the initiative. I didn't know the price.

That's all the selling fee, plus a favor from the poisoned person. Mu Qianxi took out a piece of paper.

What is written above is a highly valuable and extremely rare elixir.

You might as well go and rob it. The follower said again.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: Whether it's worth it or not, you will know when the time comes.

They have to be lucky that her ghost doctor is not famous in the world of gods. If her ghost doctor takes action, the price is cheap for them, right?

Even if I have doubts in my heart, the woman in front of me has an extraordinary bearing and is not something that can be found in a pool.

As a smart person, Shopkeeper Hong will certainly not be stupid.

As long as the poison can be detoxified, Master Mu's reward is not much. Of course, if the poison cannot be detoxified and something happens to our elders, an eighth-level sect, the Prison Emperor Sect, may not be able to bear the cost of tricking and deceiving us. I have to speak first. a.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: If you can't cure the poison, this kind of thing will never happen.

Shopkeeper Hong looked at the beautiful and confident smile on her face, as if she was at the peak of admiration in the fields of medicine refining and detoxification.

This person is really amazing.

Then I'll take my leave now. I'll thank you again after the elder has detoxified. Taking the strange antidote, Manager Hong quickly withdrew.

Yan Ling asked: Master is not afraid that they will default on their debts.

Anyone in this world who dares to rely on my medical bills will not get any good results. I don't think smart people will be so stupid. The corners of Mu Qianxi's mouth curled up slightly.

Yan Ling was slightly startled. It seemed that this was not the first time that she heard her master call himself a ghost doctor.

The world of gods she knew was too small, and she had never heard of the ghost doctor.

But she was sure that somewhere she didn't know, the master's identity was probably very important.

Mu Qianxi showed her hand and stimulated Yue Shengliang, the genius alchemist, hard, and then he worked even harder.

As an alchemist, you also need to know how to collect medicines

He went out to collect medicinal materials in the mountains of the Prison Emperor Sect.

At noon, the sect leader was having a meal, when a distress signal flare came from the other side of the mountain.

Yan Luo said with an evil spirit all over his body: Who dares to attack our people in the Prison Emperor Sect?

Mu Qianxi's soul power dispersed, and she instantly understood everything that happened within the Prison Emperor Sect.

No, someone touched Ah Liang! Her face darkened.

Little Momo...

She summoned Xiao Momo and disappeared instantly.

Sect Master... Yan Luo and his men chased after him.

The sect master ran too fast. If the opponent was too strong, the sect master would be in danger.

Yue Shengliang was being chased by a group of people, and he was running with all his strength.

After entering the Prison Emperor Sect, his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds, from the first level of spiritual god to the third level.

I thought this kid would be stubborn, but I didn't expect that I finally figured it out! In less than a month, he has advanced to two levels.

Tsk! This kid was pretending to be noble before, but in the end he didn't compromise for the sake of strength.

They thought that if Yue Shengliang could improve so quickly, he must have done something evil.

It's only the third level, and it's still no match for these people.

Boom! One of his shields blocked their blow.

It turns out to be a defensive artifact. The Prison Emperor Sect treats him well! He will also give it to him.

Pfft... Then he sprinkled a handful of poison.

He used to disdain refining poison, but Teacher Yaoding said that poison does not necessarily have to be used to harm people.

As alchemists, their combat effectiveness is weaker, and refining poison can help them protect themselves better, so he also learned it.

You brat, you're looking for death and you dare to poison us. They stared at him fiercely.

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