Actually... Yue Shengliang became more and more embarrassed as he spoke.

Mu Qianxi also roughly understood the situation. Above the elixir trading center was a seventh-level sect, the Xuandan Sect.

The chief alchemist of Xuan Dan Sect is a woman, and she was the first to discover Yuesheng Liang's special physique.

It's a pity that Ah Liang's cultivation is too slow. No matter how she forces him, he still won't hurt others in order to improve his strength.

After repeated failures, she even tried to make herself pregnant with Aliang's heir. After all, such a physique might be passed on to the next generation.

Even if the odds were slim, she wanted to try.

However, Ah Liang still refused to cooperate and did not hesitate to drug himself, causing the chief alchemist's plan to fail.

In a fit of rage, she casually sent someone to an elixir trading center to work as an alchemist, at the bottom.

Let him be bullied and looked down upon by others, trying to temper his temper and make him regret, maybe he will change his attention, give up his kindness, improve his strength and even accept her. ??

The reason why she did this was because she had poisoned Ah Liang and felt that he could not escape her grasp.

However, even though he was bullied in the refining medicine trading center and had no future, he still did not compromise.

The alchemist never thought that someone would take a look at Yuesheng Liang and see his physique and buy him away.

That adult was furious when he found out that Yue Shengliang had been bought by someone. All the money had gone into the elixir trading center. They didn't want to spend money to buy it back, so they came directly to kidnap the person.

No wonder you had a weird attitude when I bought you back. It turned out that you were afraid that I would have the same idea as that person! Mu Qianxi teased.

Yue Shengliang just wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into, Sect Master, I judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, you are the alchemist worthy of admiration, you are different from others.

Don't worry! I already have someone, and he is more beautiful and powerful than any man in the God Realm.

Mu Qianxi smiled.

Her pair of eyes that were as bright as stars became even more dazzling. I wonder where her Jiuye is now? doing what?

At least, they are now under the sky of the God Realm.

She will become powerful as soon as possible, make her power stronger and get the news about him.

Others were shocked. The sect leader, an omnipotent and heaven-defying being, actually had someone in his heart.

How much trouble must that person have had, and how outstanding must he be to be favored by their clan leader!

Yue Shengliang said: Sect Master, they will not give up, I...

I found a good prospect, and he is already a member of my sect. Do you think I will return it? Mu Qianxi raised an eyebrow.

Xuandan Sect is not only a seventh-level sect, but also the number one alchemy sect in the Bright Domain. Its power is very strong. Yue Shengliang said with a sad look on his face.

The immature Prison Emperor Sect was too weak in front of the Xuan Dan Sect.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Mu Qianxi's lips, Is it the number one alchemy sect in the Bright Realm? Then you just need to grow up quickly. Naturally, the Xuan Dan Sect will no longer be the number one alchemy sect in the Bright Realm soon.

Yue Shengliang was stunned by the domineering words of the sect leader. The sect master actually had so much confidence in him.

Mu Qianxi said: Your mission is to improve the strength of refining medicine. As for the rest, the people in our Prison Emperor Sect are not vegetarians. If they dare to come and steal people from me, they will naturally be left with nothing to eat.

Yes! Yue Shengliang nodded.

Knowing that someone was eyeing the chief alchemist of their Prison Emperor Sect, Mu Qianxi also made some arrangements.

Formations and hidden weapons were arranged around the Prison Emperor Sect to prevent outsiders from

People can enter their prison at will.

She refined the hidden weapons herself and arranged the formations.

My formation skills are still a bit behind, but I don't want to disturb Ah Huan's cultivation, so I'll make do with it. I'll just strengthen it after Ah Huan wakes up. Mu Qianxi's soul force sensed the external defense of the Prison Emperor Sect, and she muttered .

The master is proficient in alchemy, weapon refining, and array formation.

Even though their abilities in refining weapons and formations are extraordinary, Yan Luo and the others just want to ask, are there any sect leaders who can't do it?

The elixir trading center learned that no one was kidnapped by Yue Shengliang, and those who dared to kill them from the Prison Emperor Sect came with a large number of masters.

Because of Mu Qianxi's plan, this large group of people encountered a lot of trouble before they even got close to the Prison Emperor Sect.

Damn it, they even arranged formations and mechanisms. They guessed that we would come.

You know we will send people here but you still don't wait outside. How dare you deliberately plot against us? Damn it! Do they want to destroy the sect?

We must let them die badly!

The elixir trading center is backed by the seventh-level sect Xuandan Sect. There is no need for them to take the ordinary eighth-level sects seriously and destroy them at will.

A sect that had only been established for less than a month, they naturally didn't need to take it seriously.


It's a hidden weapon!


The hidden weapons of the formation were linked one by one, making it difficult for them to guard against, and they were tricked one after another.

Take the detoxification pill quickly!

I thought that the detoxification pill could be easily detoxified, but it had no effect and everyone turned blue.

How is it possible? This Prison Emperor Sect actually has poisons that cannot be cured by the Xuan Dan Sect's detoxifying pills.

If you get it

If you offer this poison to the adults above for research, you will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Each one's eyes were shining. In addition to catching the useless alchemist to complete the task, they could also get more benefits. How could they not be excited?

The Prison Emperor Sect was not that easy to break into. When they reached the gate of the Prison Emperor Sect, only about twenty people were intact.

You're finally here. It's too slow. It's a waste of our training time. A cold and arrogant voice came.

It was an unparalleled purple-clothed girl standing in front of the Prison Emperor Sect.

That awe-inspiring arrogance let them know that this was the leader of the Prison Emperor Sect without her having to explain her identity.

They all came to kill her, but this woman was still arrogant and arrogant, which made the leader, an old man, very angry.

Yue Shengliang is a person who is valued by that adult. We must take him away today. Let him go if he has some sense!

A mocking smile appeared on Mu Qianxi's lips, I was at the elixir trading center, handing over money and handing over people, but the contract is still there? You guys want to regret it.

Even if you regret it, you still have to pay ten times the liquidated damages! If you want to lead people away empty-handed, I think you are just daydreaming!

After listening to Mu Qianxi's words, the old guy went even further.

A mere eighth-level sect dares to challenge us! If you are asked to surrender, you must surrender. Now surrender, and take out all the treasures, elixirs, and poisons of your sect. Everyone will destroy their strength, and I will save you from extermination. disaster, otherwise...

Before he could finish his words, the terrifying bloody evil aura attacked them overwhelmingly.

They were surrounded by a group of terrifying guys, with hundreds of people on the other side.

Then you try and see if our Prison Emperor Sect dares to challenge you? Mu Qianxi glanced at them with cold eyes.

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