On the way, Mu Fengyun had figured out their destination.

Devil's Nest Forest!

Feng Qier was also surprised when he heard the news.

She sent a message: The Devil's Nest Forest is the most dangerous place in our Qilin world. The elders don't allow any clan members to enter. Will our Qilin clan's slim chance of survival really be in such a place?

She had never been there. When she was very young, she heard her elders say that it was a place where there was no return.

Mu Fengyun replied: Because it is a dangerous place, it is not easily discovered by the Curse Master Clan. And now that everyone from the Curse Master Clan has gone, we naturally have to go and investigate.

Feng Qi'er was a little anxious. She didn't want her family to take risks, but now she had no choice.

Because neither her husband nor her son or granddaughter would let her take risks alone.

Mu Qianxi saw her grandmother's worry and said, Don't worry, grandma. There are so many spell masters together. If there is danger, they will be there to block us. As for us, we will be blocked by soldiers and covered by water and earth.

Feng Qi'er said: I know, after you enter the Demon's Nest Forest, remember to pay attention to your steps. The ground in the Demon's Nest Forest is not the most dangerous. What is dangerous is that there are countless caves under your feet.

Father said that falling into a cave is equivalent to being dragged away by the dark devil, and you will be eaten without even the bones.

Yeah! they nodded.

Because of this news that inspired the entire curse master clan, all the curse masters arrived at the Demon Cave Forest as quickly as possible.

Regarding the Demon's Nest Forest, they only knew that the ferocious beasts here were relatively fierce.

After all, they are not from the Qilin clan and do not know the terrifying legends here.

This forest is the forest with the most ferocious beasts of the Qilin clan. You'd better act according to your ability. The leader, a man who was strong enough and had a good status, warned.

Even with the warning, he still wanted everyone inside.

This forest is very large. If there are many people, you can search carefully and not miss any place.

Once someone is lucky enough to find the blind cat and the dead mouse, then they can achieve the purpose of coming to the Qilin World.

Countless figures flew past the Devil's Nest Forest. Mu Qianxi and the others were keenly aware of the strangeness and danger of this forest. The vegetation here was all dark gray.

Someone saw that there were more than ten people in their group, and they came over and said: You guys, if you just take a few steps in this magic cave forest, you will probably feed the ferocious beasts. Our boss asked you if you want to follow us. Let’s move together?”

It is naturally best to be able to join a group to keep warm. The Curse Master clan is united to the outside world, but naturally there are many internal disputes.

The adults never cared about the lives of their lower-level descendants, they just sacrificed them.

But they were not the ones making the decision. They looked at Mu Qianxi.

After following them for several days, they still haven't figured out who they are? They are so mysterious.

They only knew that the proud eldest lady was the one who made the decision. Even if the gentle and amiable man was the eldest lady's father, they still had to listen to her.

As for the other three people, their identities are unclear, but they are probably the escorts of the eldest lady.

Mu Qianxi replied: No need!

The more spell masters around you, the easier it is for you to reveal your flaws, and these few people are enough to cover you now.

The other party was very angry when he was rejected and said: You are really ignorant!

They were all members of the tribe, so naturally they would not take action over such a thing, so they gave them a cold look and left.

Mu Qianxi said: From now on, you will be responsible for these matters.

Just reject it because it’s not necessary.

Yes! they replied.

It seems that this young lady has absolute confidence in her own strength.

The further into the forest, the quieter it becomes.

The next moment, terrifying branches and vines launched an attack across the entire area, very fiercely.

All the spell masters in this area are trapped, including Mu Qianxi and the others!

Boom! one by one responded.

Some people use spiritual power, while more people use spells.

Bang bang bang! Countless rocks danced wildly.

What surprised them was that even though so many people fought desperately, they were still unable to deal with these devil-like plants.

Even if part of it was blown off, more would come out.

They were trapped to death, fighting non-stop like this, and there would always be a time when their spiritual power and soul power would be exhausted.

You must know that using spells consumes a lot of soul power.

Once they run out of power, they will only die.

What surprised them was that Mu Qianxi didn't make a move from beginning to end.

Anyone who came close to them in danger would be cut off mercilessly by the man in black clothes with his heavy sword.

Mu Qianxi didn't want to waste time on this thing.

The next moment, they felt an astonishing burst of soul power.

A series of curse lines wrapped around the vines with infinite curse power, followed by a terrifying explosion.

Boom! Many people were blown away, but they were very happy.

Because the danger was lifted, they were saved!

Someone said in surprise: I didn't expect that there are such masters in our camp.

I wonder who is so powerful that he can take care of this strange tree with one move?

The team approaching Mu Qianxi naturally knew who was responsible.

They were surprised, She is so powerful, no wonder she refused the boss's invitation.

This one person is worth a hundred people! They are all curse masters. The difference in destructive power is huge.

The purple figure flashed, and Mu Qianxi passed over some sawdust and picked up a dark green bud on the ground.

This bud carries an extremely attractive power that makes everyone's eyes light up.

They came to the Kirin Realm to find Kirin eggs and make great achievements.

However, people like them with mediocre qualifications naturally know that they cannot compete with those powerful masters, and they dare not dream of great achievements.

They just want to get some rare treasures in the unicorn world.

At this moment, the girl was holding a very good treasure in her hand.

Mu Qianxi muttered: After such a weird thing was blown up, it could explode into such a good thing. This is very helpful for my great-grandfather to restore his soul. What an unexpected bonus!

Now that you've got something good, you can't keep it all to yourself. Everyone who sees it has a share, right?

Although it is not clear what this is, everyone feels that it is very helpful for improving the soul power.

For a spell master, the strength of the soul is very important. Only when the soul is strong can he practice stronger spells and become stronger.

Yes! Divided together.

Don't try to keep it all to yourself!


People kept coming forward to echo, staring at Mu Qianxi with eager eyes.

Those who knew who was behind the attack hurriedly retreated, saying that they would not go along with them.

Looking at the guys who stood up and clamored, I cursed inwardly, idiots!

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