He had just been rescued from danger, and now he was seeking his own death.

Didn't you first figure out who had done it to save them from the fire?

These people naturally knew that they had been saved by a powerful person just now.

However, they would never have imagined that the person who saved them was a woman who was less than twenty years old.

Of course, he wanted to snatch the treasure from Mu Qianxi's hands without any scruples.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: Get out of the way!

You are young, but you are very arrogant. Take action and show her some color.

After preheating and releasing the power of the spell, someone released their spiritual power and swept towards Mu Qianxi.

Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling were angry, these guys were looking for death.

Only Mu Yan and Jiuye did not take action.

Mu Yan's main task is to appease Feng Qi'er, he is not needed to do anything.

As for Jiuye, Jiuye is the ultimate killer, and he has always been in a state of extremely low presence.

And Jiuye felt that it would be easy for Xi to deal with these ants.

Mu Qianxi burst out with a spell stronger than all of them combined.

She... They all looked at Mu Qianxi in disbelief.

The next moment they were stunned, the person who cast the spell was not only backlashed, but also entangled in a dangerous spell.

As for the spiritual attacks, they were of course blocked by Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling.

Mu Fengyun understood that the Qilin Realm had been severely damaged, and the Qilin clan had been wiped out. The Qilin Realm was almost the same as the Xuantian Realm.

The strongest power it can contain is only the peak of the ninth level of the Spiritual God.

Boom! There were broken trees everywhere, and they had joined forces to quickly get rid of these guys.

The group of young followers were stunned, We... we didn't even have time to do anything. The eldest lady and the others have already taken care of them.

so amazing!


br\u003e Those who were seriously injured grimaced in pain, and they all finally came to their senses.

She...she is the one who saved us just now.

Such a terrifying curse power, really!

Sir, have mercy! We are blind, we are blinded by lard.

Mu Qianxi's move deterred them.

The curse master clan all respects powerful curse masters. The stronger the curse, the higher the status.

Although they were wondering why such a powerful spell master would act with them, there was no doubt about her power.

Seeing Mu Qianxi's power, some even plucked up the courage to say, Sir, please let us follow you.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: No need, get out!

They swept out at extremely fast speeds, and only her original team dared to follow.

They were all envious and jealous of the younger brothers Mu Qianxi had taken in before.

These guys don't seem to have anything special, but they actually have the opportunity to follow such an adult.

They're very lucky.

They were very excited to be envied by so many people and receive treatment they had never experienced before as a small person.

Of course, he was even more determined to hug the eldest lady's thigh tightly.

The Demon's Nest Forest is very large. Mu Qianxi and his party encountered all kinds of troubles, big and small, but they were easily solved, but there were no clues.

At this time, a spell wave appeared in the sky.

The younger brother accompanying him said: It's a distress signal. It's very close to us. Miss, do you want to take action? The person who can send out such a signal is at least a high-status associate, and may be able to find out something.

People with low status like them, even if they send out distress calls, no one will pay attention to them.

In their perception, the eldest lady is still so powerful that she can do anything.

No matter what trouble the other party encounters? That can be solved with a wave of your hand.

Mu Qianxi also asked them to get information along the way. She didn't want to care about the life and death of the curse master clan.

But she didn't want to miss any useful clues.

Go and see!

At this time, a group of people tried their best to stop the siege of a large group of giant pythons.

They can only defend and struggle to support themselves.

Once the defense is broken, they will be eaten alive by these ferocious pythons.

Hold on, we have already sent out a signal. As long as someone comes, we will definitely be rescued.

These guys are too strong. If the people who come are not very powerful, it might be useless.


At the moment of life and death, each of them was so anxious that smoke was coming out of their throats.

At this moment, a purple figure passed over.

Her appearance was not stunning, but her cold and aloof temperament made people think she was extremely noble.

Here comes a little girl, alone. These spell masters were almost desperate.

Are you here to die? Run quickly.

Mu Qianxi's soul power exploded, and the terrifying power of the curse was like a big net, confining these crazy pythons.

In the blink of an eye, they were able to contain so many giant pythons, and they were stunned.

I seem to have seen the patriarch use this spell.

How old is she! She can actually use this level of spells.


The next moment, two tall

The figure fell down and in an instant, cut off the heads of countless giant pythons.

At this time, even though some giant pythons had broken free from the shackles of the spell, they did not dare to fight anymore. They left immediately in panic.

After narrowly escaping from death, they also lowered their defenses and said respectfully: I wonder which branch this girl belongs to? We are very grateful that you can save our lives.

Mu Qianxi looked indifferent, and communication matters were naturally her younger brother's task.

Our eldest lady doesn't want to reveal her identity. Anyway, it's enough for you to know that our eldest lady is very powerful.

Very powerful, of course I know that, at least no one in their side branch can do that spell.

The younger brother said again: Although we are all members of the clan, it is right for us to help each other out of righteousness, but you should also show your gratitude!

Along the way, almost no one doubted Mu Qianxi's identity.

The first is that the Kirin Realm is controlled by the curse master clan, making it difficult for outsiders to find a place.

The second is that their curse master clan has always believed that only members of their clan can use spells.

From the past, every time people from the curse master clan saw her using spells, they recognized her as a member of their clan.

Little brother, we don't have any treasures with us. I'm afraid this young lady won't like some worthless trinkets.

Who said you want a treasure? Our eldest daughter is interested in unicorn eggs. Do you have any gossip?

This... this does exist. We were following my young master to search for it in an area, and we seemed to have sensed the unicorn egg. However, we were attacked by powerful enemies and separated. We were also cornered by this group of giant pythons. This is still a story. They still told the important secret.

The first is to sell the favor of this extremely talented young lady.

Second, in such a dangerous place, if there is no strong escort, they will definitely die without a burial place.

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