Mu Qianxi said calmly: It's just a casual rescue. You are so weak.

The stronger you are, the more arrogant you are, and they can understand that.

So these people were not angry at all, but instead laughed.

It's because we're not good at our studies. We're ashamed! We're ashamed!

After saying that, Mu Qianxi and the others turned around and left indifferently.


Sir, wait for us!

They hurriedly chased after them, and Mu Qianxi and the others were very fast.

They had to catch up with the wounded, but it took a lot of effort.

What are you doing with us? Don't you have any mission? Mu Qianxi said coldly.

The terrifying ferocious beast before was disguised by the grandmother, and she deliberately rescued her. In fact, it was to break into the inner circle of the curse master clan.

They know too little about the curse master clan, so the more indifferent and arrogant they are and the less they talk, the harder it is for their flaws to be seen.

Even if she wanted to act with them, they would have to take the initiative, and she wouldn't speak.

With so many casualties, we have given up the mission this time. With the strength of a few of us, if we rush in and encounter such a powerful beast, we will definitely die. Can we act together with the adults? They begged humbly.

Our mission is not easy. You are too weak and will only hold us back. Mu Qianxi's disgust was clear.

Bang bang bang! Instead of being angry, they knelt down.

Sir! The boss we are following is dead. You asked us to follow you. We will definitely obey your orders and will never disobey. We will be loyal to you.

The first reason they were like this was because Mu Qianxi had saved their lives.

The second reason is that if they want to do well here, they must follow the strong.

They have seen her strength before, she is much stronger than those who followed her before.

If you follow them, you will definitely have a bright future.


At this time, Mu Fengyun spoke: Xi'er, since they have said so, let's accept it! They are all members of the curse master clan, we cannot let them die outside in danger.

The gentle voice made them feel warm in their hearts.

It seems that this man is much easier to get along with than this arrogant genius girl.

Okay! Then listen to daddy. Mu Qianxi said.

Dad, this girl's spell is so powerful.

Then as her father, he must be stronger.

Each of them had expressions of ecstasy on their faces. It seemed that they made the right choice and hugged her!

How do they know? Among them, only Mu Qianxi knew the spell.

Mu Fengyun and the others were just packaged by Mu Qianxi with spells to look like spell masters, but in fact they didn't know how to use any spells.

After Mu Fengyun gained a good impression on them, he quietly dug out all the information they knew from their mouths.

The bottom was hollowed out, but they didn't notice it at all.

The clan of curse masters sent to the Qilin Realm this time are also divided into several major factions. Among them are four giants, all of whom are from the direct lineage.

In addition to these four giants, there are two factions that are more powerful than them. They are led by the two young masters of the curse master clan.

One of the two young masters is the son of the clan leader, and the other is the direct disciple of the clan leader. The two of them are extremely talented. They also made a bet. If anyone does not find any remaining unicorn eggs in this Qilin world, then whoever will give up the young master's Chance.

This is tantamount to giving up the position of the heir to the clan leader! These noble people are really playing a big role. They sighed.

As for these people, they are all from the collateral lineage, and they belong to a young master from the collateral lineage, but that person is no longer a braid.

They were also curious about which faction Mu Qianxi and the others belonged to?

After all, with Mu Qianxi's skills, they knew they were no worse than those direct ladies and gentlemen.

You are not qualified to know this yet. As long as you know, when you meet other people, just report the identity of your previous followers. I don't want to be too high-profile. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

Could it be that he is a new member of their clan who wants to keep a low profile and strive for credit? This is not impossible.

They nodded and said, We understand.

The more they inquired, the better they became able to disguise themselves as members of the curse master clan.

Next, let them lead the way to a gathering place of the curse master clan.

Any spell master who comes here can come here to receive tasks and explore some areas.

The temporary living place is very simple. Please don't find it objectionable, Miss. they said sheepishly.

Well! You can go away! Go see if there are any challenging tasks.


After the others left, Mu Qianxi shrouded the surroundings and cast another spell.

After making sure that no one was eavesdropping, the indifferent eldest lady immediately smiled and said, Dad, how was my performance? You all acted in your true colors, but I had to keep a straight face. It's so uncomfortable.

Do you feel uncomfortable? Let me give you a squeeze. Jiuye stretched out his hand.

Let go of your claws! Mu Fengyun was furious.

Feng Qi'er turned into a little one and came out of Mu Yan's arms. With murderous intent burning in his eyes, he said, There are so many spell masters here. I really want to kill them all!

Mu Yan quickly calmed down and said, Madam, calm down! Calm down, it's important.


Now that the map of the Qilin Realm has been deceived by Mu Fengyun, Mu Fengyun unfolded the map and said: Mother said that we have to go to the altar of the Qilin King's Palace to perform the ritual of fully awakening the bloodline, but there are several powerful spell masters stationed there.

No one can disturb the awakening bloodline. There are so many miscellaneous fish here, which is very troublesome. If the ceremony is to be carried out smoothly, they must be cleaned up. Feng Qi'er's murderous intent continued unabated.

This group of spell masters were just wreaking havoc in the Qilin world, but they were also preventing her sons from awakening their bloodline. It was simply abominable.

There are too many people and they are scattered. It is not that easy to kill them all. Mu Qianxi said.

Mu Fengyun nodded and said, Yes! I think the most important thing is to get among them and get their important information. We are not in a hurry to revive the bloodline. The most important thing is not to let them find and destroy the Qilin clan's chance of survival.

The people in this area are all from the sidelines, and they don’t have much information.

After squatting for a few days, when Mu Qianxi was about to try out a dangerous mission, a piece of news reached everyone's ears.

There is accurate news and the place has been found. I didn't expect it! Those unicorns really left a glimmer of hope.

Everyone, follow me and set off together.

We, the curse master clan, have wasted so much energy in the Qilin Realm, and it seems that it is not without gain.

All the spell masters stationed in this area became excited and rushed to the south as quickly as possible.

Mu Qianxi and the others' hearts jumped suddenly, feeling both happy and excited.

As long as the Qilin tribe really has a glimmer of hope, that's fine.

Even if they are discovered by the people of the curse master clan, they will do their best to prevent the curse master clan from destroying this life.

Even if they need to kill all the spell masters here, they must do it.

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