Mu Qianxi's face also showed a solemn look, The Eastern Emperor also worked hard to destroy your army, and he also brought out such a level of flame.

Yin Sizhan said: Let's see if there is a turnaround. If not, after the flames spread, we will go out to put out the fire and then find a way to escape.

But with more than a thousand soldiers and about 10,000 puppets, it would be very dangerous to face a coalition of two major armies.

Light the fire! Outside, General Xiong ordered coldly.

The flames spread from around the oasis, and at this moment, the sky became turbid.

General Helian's expression changed drastically and he said: General Xiong, no, a sandstorm is about to break out. Let's run quickly!

General Xiong said: I don't think anything has happened yet? Where are the sandstorms? Even if there are, let's wait until this place is burned down and those turtles are found.

General Helian was too lazy to persuade him, Okay! If you don't retreat, I will retreat first! I don't want my soldiers to take risks with you. By then it will be too late.

You stand still and let me support you, but you don't do anything.

If you want me to do something, you have to let me see the enemy at least! I didn't see the enemy. I only saw you here seeking death. I won't accompany you. I'm not your subordinate, and you have no right to order me. Let's go! General Helian walked faster.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, which is not good.

The sky fire has already burned.

Mu Qianxi was about to let the puppets kill her, but was stopped by Yin Sizhan.

No need to do anything, it seems we are very lucky.

Hoo ho ho! The wind blew, blowing the flames in the opposite direction and smashing into General Xiong's army.

Ahhh! Help!


Someone accidentally bumped into this flame. This was no ordinary flame. It couldn't be extinguished no matter how hard it was put out.

Damn! Why is there such a strong wind?

General Xiong's expression changed drastically, and when he raised his eyes, he saw rolling yellow sand coming from ahead.

Damn! It's a sandstorm coming.

There's really a sandstorm!

When they saw Sandstorm's expression changed drastically, they discovered that General Helian had already run away.

Damn it! This old guy actually left us and ran away.

General, let's run quickly! This sandstorm looks very dangerous!

General Xiong really wanted to dig out the enemy that made him hate him so much, but in this situation, saving his life was more important.


Get out quickly! Quick!

Soon they were reduced to a race against the terrifying sandstorm, and hurriedly disappeared from the sight of Mu Qianxi and the others.

Can you stop such a huge sandstorm? Mu Qianxi asked.

The King of Poison Ivy said: You underestimate us too much. We have survived in the desert for so long and have seen even bigger sandstorms that are rare in a century. We naturally have a way.

All the desert poison ivy on the periphery moved into action, forming a solid circular fortress around it, preventing any sand from flying in.

Ghost doctor, if it weren't for us, you would have been easily buried in the sand. Seeing how hard we work, please give us some medicine!

Mu Qianxi said: No problem! You all have worked hard to stop the wind and sand. I'll give you some medicine!

Things went very smoothly, and Mu Qianxi was in a good mood.

Anyway, it’s okay now, I’m preparing the medicine and feeding it at the same time.

Compared to Mu Qianxi's leisurely side, General Xiong's side was a bit miserable.

Some of his men have been buried in the desert

, even General Xiong ate a mouthful of sand.

Damn it! This hellish place. He used his spiritual power and ran forward quickly, but the speed of the storm was not much slower than them.

Now he regrets a little, why didn't he listen to General Helian?

General Helian, this sandstorm has been rare for decades. General Xiong and the others may...

I have already mentioned it, but he refuses to listen. Death is inevitable, and some suffering is inevitable. Leave them alone, let's retreat to a safe place first. General Helian said.

Mu Qianxi asked: Have you guessed that there was a sandstorm?

Yin Sizhan replied: My adoptive father said that the weather in the northwest recently showed that sandstorms are prone to break out. I also observed after entering the desert and found some signs. I didn't expect that I came in time.

Yes! You're lucky. Mu Qianxi smiled.

The sandstorm has stopped. General Xiong doesn't know where to go to eat sand? This is a great opportunity for them to leave. .??.

When Mu Qianxi left, these Desert Poison Ivy people were all a little stuffed.

She said: The rest will be left to you to enjoy slowly. We have other things to do, so we should leave first.

They did not encounter the enemy in the desert. After that, a thousand of them dispersed and entered the Serian Mountains disguised as mercenaries, but they were still not discovered.

At this time, Mu Qianxi led a team of 300 people deep into the Xilian Mountains. Naturally, they would encounter patrolling soldiers for investigation.

He directly took out the medal of the mercenary group and said, We are from the Guiye mercenary group, and we are here to perform a mission.

Is the Guiye Mercenary Group a newly emerged four-star mercenary group?


No problem with identity verification, let's go!

Their number is also small, only a few hundred people. It is impossible for an army of hundreds of thousands to become so small.


Coupled with the cover of the mercenary group, they easily passed the test.

The same goes for Yin Sizhan. After all, the Twilight Mercenary Group is quite famous. It is the first mercenary group commanded by the Mercenary King.

Mu Qianxi went to the depths of the Xilian Mountains to meet Yin Sizhan.

Boom! When they arrived at the meeting point, they heard the sound of fighting ahead.

Yin Sizhan was asking the soldiers to form a formation and gather their strongest strength to attack a divine beast. Mu Qianxi said, Do you need help?

No need! This transfer is not as fierce as expected. They are busy and want to stretch their muscles. When they get here, the spies from the Donghuang Dynasty will not come over, so they can practice.

Okay! You guys should go over and join your comrades! Mu Qianxi said.

Mu Qianxi led these 300 people to join the large army. The army of 1,000 people was reduced to pieces, and the black and white chess pieces in Yin Sizhan's hand also exploded.


The strength of this ferocious beast should not be underestimated. The human sea tactic had little effect on it and could only hold it back. Soon they were knocked over one by one.

Yin Sizhan struggled with it alone, slowly began to struggle, and then said: It seems that I need your help.

Mu Qianxi said: Wudi, Xiaohong, Xiao Momo, let's go!

Boom! There is no doubt that this beast was completely tortured.

Yin Sizhan looked at the others and said: It seems that training against spirit beasts will be on the task list. After you are completely settled this time, this will be your main training content in the future.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Is the military counselor going to give them devil training?

Suddenly, Mu Qianxi felt several tyrannical forces coming towards her.

Mu Qianxi said with a solemn expression: Azhan, it seems that our luck has run out in the desert, and we have encountered a big problem this time.

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