After Mu Qianxi tried it, she succeeded.

After a steady stream of soul power was injected into it, the illusion became even larger and more real.

Successful. Yin Sizhan said in shock.

It seems that it's because my soul power is special, so the next step is left to me.

In the blink of an eye, the army in front of them suddenly became fifty times larger.

Yin Sizhan's mouth twitched wildly. He knew that Mu Qianxi's soul power was extremely strong, but the difference was too big!

Do you still need it? Double it again? Mu Qianxi asked.

Fifty million is almost enough. Asking for one million is simply unrealistic and will only increase their suspicion.

Countless desert poison ivy waved ahead, and the rolling yellow sand obscured General Xiong and the others' sight.

They finally rushed out, but were surprised by the huge and uniform army in front of them.

General...the general is not good.

what happened?

The other side, there are many people on the other side.

General Xiong rushed over and was surprised when he saw it, Good guy, the opponent has more people than us!

This is a trap. Those 10,000 people are just bait. They deliberately lured us to the desert, and then wanted to annihilate us in one fell swoop! The situation is not right, retreat first... General Xiong is also a cautious person.

Send someone to investigate! How did these people appear?

The illusion of the mirage mirror was so real that even if someone looked into it, they couldn't see anything. At this time, they found that the army was approaching.

You must know that each of the opponents is dominated by one against a hundred. Now that the opponent has hundreds of thousands of people, if they fight with them, they will be giving away food.

General Xiong said: Send a signal quickly and ask General Helian to send troops, hurry!

His army has no chance of winning against them, and the strength of the two armies

There is still a chance of winning if the quantity is added up.


General Helian, who had nothing to do in the Xilian Mountains, received 100,000 urgent messages for help, and then hurried to the desert.

Yun Ji and the others also got the news in the base, and he said: Let's go!

General Helian's people were all taken away. This place was very close to the Xilian Mountains, so Yunji led his team into the Xilian Mountains without anyone noticing.

With so many of them, they will naturally alarm the spiritual beasts here. At this time, it is time for the Xuantian Beast King to take over.

The pocket version of the little white tiger had considerable pressure and made a group of spiritual beasts get out of their way.

Yun Ji whispered: It's been extremely smooth on our side, and I hope everything goes well on A-Zhan's side.

Military advisor, General Helian's men are coming soon. Someone reported.

General Xiong, General Helian is coming soon, don't worry! General Xiong also received the same news.

Yin Sizhan said: Let's go! Let's retreat to the poison ivy forest.

General Xiong, this is bad. They must have known that our reinforcements were coming. They gave up fighting us and planned to run away again.

Monitor their actions, let's stay put for now.


General Xiong, it's bad! All that army is gone.

What? It's impossible for so many people to disappear out of thin air. They must have a secret hiding place in the desert. They are setting up an ambush waiting for us. Let me continue to explore. General Xiong's face changed drastically.

The reason why they disappeared was because Mu Qianxi took back the mirage mirror and puppet,


Thousands of people are much smaller than tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, so they can easily hide in the poison ivy forest and hide in it, so naturally they can't see it.

Report! General, I still haven't seen anyone.

Still haven't seen it. It's really a ghost.

At this time, General Helian and others came over in a mighty manner. General Helian said: General Xiong, didn't you say there are powerful enemies, as many as five hundred thousand? Where are the people? You are not afraid to let them go, right?

You are talking nonsense. They are afraid that we will join forces and hide together. We haven't seen anyone yet. General Xiong said angrily.

I find it strange that you said it was as much as five hundred thousand. How could a rebel army in the Donghuang Dynasty develop so many people without anyone noticing? Are you sure you are not mistaken? ??

Absolutely not, so many of our brothers have seen it.

General Helian, yes! We saw it with our own eyes.

General Xiong said: Since you are here too, I am not afraid of them! Find them for me, even if you dig deep in the ground, you will find them for me.


The two armies began to search every inch of the desert, and even after searching for a long time, they couldn't even see a single figure.


General, there is an oasis ahead. Maybe they are hiding in it.

They surrounded this oasis and were about to lead their men in. General Helian said: General Xiong, I advise you not to act. This is an extremely ferocious desert poison ivy in the desert. Enter there, and the whole branch will The troops will be poisoned and become their nourishment.”

General, these are exactly the same as the vines that attacked us before. I think it must be related to them. They appeared by chance.

General Helian said: This oasis is not big and cannot be hidden at all.

Five hundred thousand people, even if we hide 10,000 people, we can easily find it. Have you discovered it now?

Hmph! The enemy is very cunning and may have used special methods to hide! I will send someone to go in and take a look first.

You guys are pretty good at it, go in.

General Helian has been stationed in the northwest for a long time and knows the power of these desert poison ivy, but General Xiong doesn't know!

He couldn't persuade him, he had no choice. When they knew how powerful Desert Poison Ivy was, they wouldn't be persistent.

Sure enough, the people sent by General Xiong came out.

General, we can't feel anyone inside. These poison ivy are too scary. Several of our brothers have been dragged away. I...I feel very uncomfortable too...

Poof! He also spat out a mouthful of blood, and the military doctor judged that this person had been poisoned.

General, I have no choice! This poison is very strong. You can't save your life unless you send it to the ghost doctor's building for treatment.

Useless things! Keep looking around.

They bypassed the Poison Ivy Forest and continued searching, but found nothing. General Xiong himself was getting more and more irritable.

I suspect they are hiding in this poison ivy forest. These poison ivy are very dangerous and we can't kill them, so we can just set them on fire. General Xiong believed in his intuition.

This is not an ordinary vine, it is not easy to burn!

Your Majesty gave me this before I came here. It is a heavenly spirit fire that can burn even exotic plants. Ordinary spiritual masters can hardly resist it. This is a treasure that your Majesty gave me in order to help me win. General Xiong said coldly. The way.

Ghost doctor, no! They are going to burn this place with heavenly fire. We can still hold on, but those small ones will be completely wiped out, and our home will be completely destroyed. That human being is too bad. A Poison Ivy King said in a panic.

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