Several black figures flew between the trees, appearing around Mu Qianxi like ghosts.

Her pupils shrank sharply, it seemed that these guys were targeting her.

Mu Qianxi, Your Highness invites you. A strong voice came out.

Bei Gong Jue? Mu Qianxi felt unusual power fluctuations from their soul fluctuations, which were very similar to the power that rescued Bei Gong Jue in the Nine Revolutions Medicine Domain.

The other party did not answer, but directly attacked Mu Qianxi.

They were so powerful that they couldn't compete or hide away. Mu Qianxi took out the Black Wing Shield.

Boom! The Black Wing Shield was damaged before, but now it can't hold on for long.

Qian Xi! Yin Sizhan's expression changed drastically.



Thousands of people formed a formation and surrounded them, with a mighty momentum, and launched an attack under the command of Yin Sizhan.

The people who had not taken down Mu Qianxi looked at the army with cold eyes, as if they were looking at ants.

Mu Qianxi's expression changed drastically and she said, Azhan, be careful! It's a soul power attack.

Mu Qianxi's soul power poured out, blocking most of their soul attacks. Otherwise, the souls of thousands of people would be shattered in an instant. The methods of these guys are very ruthless.

Their attacks were easily blocked by Mu Qianxi, her face darkened, and the burst of spiritual power sent Yin Sizhan and the others flying away. At the same time, the power also threw Mu Qianxi away.

A strong soul, very good! The gloomy eyes were fixed on Mu Qianxi, as if he was looking at a satisfactory piece of goods.

They used soul power to deal with Yin Sizhan, but they obviously chose to use spiritual power to deal with Mu Qianxi.

They knew very well that Mu Qianxi's soul power could not even do anything to Bei Gong Jue before, and all their soul attacks were in vain in front of her.

Under the overwhelming force of terror, the Black Wing Shield persisted in defense.

Yin Sizhanca

The blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. These people were invincible, but he absolutely couldn't let anything happen to Qian Xi. This was the person whom his adoptive father ordered them to protect to the death!

Qian Xi! Release those tens of thousands of your puppets. He had devoted all his life's learning to protect her.


Mu Qianxi released tens of thousands of puppets, and the number of troops reached tens of thousands.

The expressions of these people still remain unchanged. I am afraid that to them, tens of thousands of ants are still ants that can be easily crushed to death.

Xiao Hong, Wudi, Xiao Momo!

Facing a powerful enemy, Yin Sizhan will use all his strength, and so will she.

Tens of thousands of troops changed their formations, gathering a strong fighting spirit.

Coupled with Xiaohong and the three of them attacking with all their strength, terrifying power exploded in this forest.

Boom! A loud noise came out.

Bang, bang, bang! Countless puppets shattered, and thousands of the puppets that Mu Qianxi finally repaired were lost.

Bang! What they did was not without effect. The men in black surrounding Mu Qianxi also took dozens of steps back.

The army in charge of Yin Sizhan was responsible for dealing with their spiritual attacks, and Mu Qianxi was responsible for dealing with their soul attacks under the protection of the black wing shield.

Their souls were hurt when they suffered a strong counterattack from Mu Qianxi's soul power.

Boohoo! Countless medicine needles rained towards them.

She succeeded, even if it only hurt one person, even if it only caused a small wound, under such a disparity in strength, it was considered a success for them.

Poof! The person injured by Mu Qianxi's medicine needle spat out a mouthful of blood.


Even though they were poisoned, their expressions remained unchanged, with zombie faces, but their eyes became a little colder.

Yin Sizhan and others were still seriously injured, and all their strength was used in that blow.

Mu Qianxi condensed the wind elements and shot them out. It was better to divert these dangerous guys away first.

Their only goal was Mu Qianxi, so they ignored Yin Sizhan and the others and quickly pursued Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi, you...


Yin Sizhan was so angry with Mu Qianxi that she diverted the enemy away all by herself.

As the commander-in-chief, he was the most seriously injured. His face was pale, but he still insisted on catching up.

You... you hurry up and inform the coach.

Yin Sizhan whispered: Don't let anything happen to you. If something happens to you, my adoptive father will never let me go.

Kacha! The disparity in strength was too great. Even Mu Qianxi's fastest speed was not faster than theirs, and the defense of the Black Wing Shield also collapsed under their strong attack.

Bang! Mu Qianxi was sent flying backwards by a force of force.


The ghost-like figure flashed, approaching Mu Qianxi again, and the brutal attack struck again.

They didn't care whether Mu Qianxi was disabled or useless, as long as her soul was intact, that was enough.

Yin Sizhan came over and saw this scene, his face changed drastically, and at this moment, a light blue light burst out.

The force of their attack on Mu Qianxi was bounced back, and the zombie faces finally changed a little, and they dodged hastily.

Bang bang bang! Jing Yingying's rebounded power made them walk around unable to eat.

Poof! She thought she would be able to escape while they were severely injured.

However, she thought things too simply

A little more, the person Bei Gongjue sent this time was not simple, but also very strange.

After they activated their soul power, all the heavy injuries that greatly damaged their strength were repaired.

Mu Qianxi was slightly startled, what kind of secret method is this? They are even more effective than her most powerful special medicine. It seems that as long as the soul power is strong enough, any injury can be recovered.

Unscathed and full of strength, they attacked again.

Just when Mu Qianxi was about to use her second absolute defense ability, a whistling sound came.

Roar! A huge white tiger came through the air, and sitting on its body was a domineering man in white.

Xuantian Beast King blocked the opponent's attack, Yunji said: Azhan, Qianxi, are you okay?

Yin Sizhan smiled and said: Boss, fortunately you came in time, otherwise we would be in misery.

Yun Ji had brought his people to pick them up, but suddenly he felt an extremely powerful battle breaking out in front of him.

The power fluctuations even made Xuantian Beast King feel a sense of crisis, and he used the power he had accumulated for a long time to reach its peak state and ran with Yun Ji.

Sure enough, something happened!

The appearance of Xuantian Beast King made them feel even more pressure. Yun Ji said: Leave this to me.

Boom! Then a more terrifying battle broke out, and Xuantian Beast King showed a solemn look on his face.

These guys are difficult to deal with, and there are many of them. It would be okay if they were one or two.

It roared angrily: This is my king's territory, get out of the Xilian Mountains.

Roar! Its roar called the surrounding mythical beasts to come over and help it fight.

Mu Qianxi helped them share each other's soul power sneak attacks. Even so, the current situation is only about the same.

Mu Qianxi muttered, I didn't expect Bei Gongjue to have such a powerful trump card. It's really tricky.

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