Mu Fengyun and her...

She was Mu Fengyun's daughter. Even though there was only a 50% to 60% chance of this, Donghuang's spirits were lifted.

At this time, he was no longer angry because of the loss of his son, but he was thinking about the possibility of attracting Mu Fengyun after capturing Mu Qianxi alive.


Send another group of people over and do whatever it takes to capture Mu Qianxi alive! Even if you accidentally kill her, you have to extract her soul. I will be of great use.

Even though Mu Fengyun has become a waste without any cultivation, as long as he is alive for one day and the life tablet placed in the East Emperor's Ancestral Hall is not broken, he will feel like a lump in his throat and cannot sleep or eat well.

If you want to deal with that man, you must grasp his weakness.

He couldn't move the two in the Holy Realm, but he had to catch the one in the Xuantian Realm.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The order to kill had changed, and Donghuang whispered: I see, no wonder she can block your way. Linlang, let her live for a while first, and after catching Mu Fengyun, send them to the father and daughter. Let’s go on the road together. From now on, no one will block your way to heaven.”

This wave of pursuers was cleared away at once, and Mu Qianxi continued to walk to the north of the Xilian Mountains according to the original plan.

Without the fierce pursuers, Mu Qianxi and Jiuye naturally slowed down and enjoyed the time when they were alone in this world.

A few days after the pursuit, Jiuye's eyes darkened slightly and his breath became cold.

Mu Qianxi was slightly startled, and her soul power dispersed, Are the pursuers coming again?


The gods are coming. Jiuye whispered.

There are very few powerful people in the entire Xuantian Realm who have surpassed the peak spiritual masters, but before Jiuye, he killed so many spiritual masters instantly with strength far beyond that of the peak spiritual masters.

Such aura that does not belong to the Xuantian Realm will naturally be discovered by interested people. Jiuye doesn't want those damn guys to pay attention.

To Xi.

He whispered: You missed me, so call me over! I'll go and get rid of them first.

Yeah! You should also be careful. Mu Qianxi whispered.

The black figure disappeared like a ghost. In the void outside Xuantian Realm, Jiuye suddenly appeared, causing the expressions of those gods to change drastically.

Sure enough, it is your aura, Your Highness Jiuye. You have conquered so many worlds but still not satisfied your ambition? You are actually targeting the Xuantian Realm. The face of the leader sank slightly.

Xuantian Realm may not be the strongest or the largest compared to other major planes, but it is a plane that gathers great fortune, and His Majesty also attaches great importance to it.

His Majesty will not take those other shabby worlds occupied by His Highness Jiuye, and Xuantian Realm will definitely not!

You talk too much! Jiuye said coldly.

Endless terrifying power instantly enveloped them, Boom! There was a loud noise, and the void shattered!

Mu Qianxi didn't know what kind of battle was going on between Jiuye and the Gods who suddenly appeared?

She speeded up and swept past the Xilian Mountains.

here we go again!

After the last batch of pursuers were dealt with, Donghuang didn't seem to feel any distress at all when he sent so many people.

Unlike the previous group of people, these people were more restrained in their murderous intent. They probably would not rush up to her and yell to kill her, but would choose to observe in secret.

Donghuang is not stupid. It would take hundreds or thousands of years for such a master to be trained even by a five-star force. It would hurt his body to death if he gave his head to someone casually.

They hadn't discovered Mu Qianxi yet, but Mu Qianxi's unique and powerful soul power discovered them.

Mu Qianxi's face darkened, Even if they don't come with the intention of killing me, we can't be targeted by them and get rid of them.

Swish, swish, swish! The wind element circulated, and Mu Qianxi accelerated her speed, and soon reached the northern edge of the Xilian Mountains.

Those group of spiritual masters were not vegetarians. They were getting closer and closer. After a while, she wouldn't be able to get rid of them.

Mu Qianxi swallowed some of the potion that concealed her aura and changed her aura, and her appearance and aura changed, turning into an ordinary young man.

This disguise is very powerful, but those are also masters among masters and are not easy to fool.

There are people in front of us, and there are many people! Mu Qianxi's eyes widened and she moved in that direction.

She blended into the crowd, and because she had changed her appearance and changed her aura, no matter how sharp their eyes were and how powerful their noses were, they would not be able to find her for a while.

Who are you? What are you doing sneakily here? The pursuers were about to arrive, and Mu Qianxi ran into another group of people.

Looking at the clothes these talents were wearing, Mu Qianxi knew that they were soldiers from the Donghuang Dynasty;

In the valley below, at least 200,000 soldiers were doing morning exercises.

The masters who had not yet escaped from the Donghuang Dynasty were now trapped in the Donghuang Dynasty's army.

Obviously, this group of people is not easy to fool. They can't stop her if they rush over directly, but the next moment, some spiritual masters will immediately find her...

You're finally here, kid. Why don't you come here quickly? You're so frightened that you want to follow me. A man in white clothes walked over slowly.

The man's appearance looked as ordinary as Mu Qianxi's disguised face, but he had a personality charm that even an ordinary appearance could not conceal.

military adviser!

It turns out that this is someone the military advisor knows!

\u003e This Donghuang Dynasty patrol team hurriedly got out of the way, and Mu Qianxi met those wise eyes, and their eyes met.

Mu Qianxi said: Cousin, as long as I practice hard, I will definitely not hold you back.

She strode forward and grabbed his sleeve.

Don't just talk but can't do it, come with me! He grabbed Mu Qianxi and strode into the military camp.

His status was extremely high in this military camp, and even though Mu Qianxi was an unfamiliar face, no one questioned him.

Those experts who were tracking Mu Qianxi were completely defeated. In front is the military camp of His Majesty's Zhenbei Army, and Mu Qianxi's aura was not found. If Mu Qianxi dared to rush through here, he would have been caught by the army long ago. Go and find out if they have caught anyone of unknown origin.”


After asking around, of course there was no such thing.

It seems that Mu Qianxi didn't run this way, let's go in the other direction and chase him!


Mu Qianxi followed the military advisor and was assigned a small position. General Zhenbei also believed the military advisor's words.

He himself is the young master of a noble family, and his cousin has a similar status.

He is now in a rebellious stage and has run away from home to follow his cousin to the border for training.

Commander, you have to accept this kid and take care of it yourself. If this thin-skinned and tender guy can't bear the hardship, it would be better for you to kick him as soon as possible.

Well! If she fails to meet my requirements, I will definitely send someone to kidnap her home. The military advisor said with a smile.

All the dangerous auras were gone. Mu Qianxi breathed a sigh of relief and said, Finally, we are all free. Then let me fly as high as the sky.

I still let you fly. You don't know that your adoptive father is worried that you will have a relapse of your old disease. The person in front of him looked at Mu Qianxi angrily and said.

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