What? His old illness has relapsed. Now take me to see him. Mu Qianxi said.

You know you are nervous? Don't think about how many people were nervous about you before? Don't worry! Your ghost doctor is still very powerful, and the elixir left behind is very effective. The military advisor said angrily.

But in order to stabilize my adoptive father's condition, I have already sent the news to my adoptive father that you are still alive and kicking. He added.

You...how did you become a military advisor in the Zhenbei army camp? Mu Qianxi asked.

I always have been! Do you think I'm just a mercenary from the Twilight Mercenary Group? How is that possible? the military advisor replied.

This military advisor is Yun Ji's partner, Yin Sizhan.

You are really powerful. No wonder even that stingy Xuanwu guy can't beat you.

One has strength, the other has brains, a perfect partner.

The miser only has money, and the ghost is just a little naive. The disparity in strength is quite big.

That's natural. If I hadn't killed you halfway, my boss would have definitely won. Now there are some more variables. Yin Sizhan said.

What is your mission? Do you need help? Mu Qianxi asked.

It's not necessary to help, but I suggest you stay. After all, if you suddenly disappear after just arriving, I will be suspected. I have been lurking for ten years before I reached my current status in the Donghuang Dynasty. I don't want to be You destroy it. Secondly, the safest place is the place they least expect. Even if you run to Beigong Dynasty, you will inevitably be targeted by them. Yin Sizhan stared at Mu Qianxi and said.

Actually, that's what I meant. Mu Qianxi smiled.

So Donghuang sent people all over the world to look for Mu Qianxi, but they never thought that Mu Qianxi was staying in the military camp of their Donghuang Dynasty?

She followed Yin Sizhan, the first think tank of the Zhenbei Army, and lived a good life, enjoying hot and spicy food.

Yin Sizhan has a very high status in the military camp of Zhenbei Army, second only to

To that general, and seems to be more prestigious than that general.

Although the Xuantian world is a world where the strong are respected, literary examinations still exist.

I heard that this man became the number one scholar in the Donghuang Dynasty and the most talented man before he was twenty years old, and he once served in the court.

This time, he was asked to come to Zhenbei Army as a military advisor, with the intention of waiting for him to make great achievements and then return to the Donghuang Dynasty to become a high official.

It's amazing. Everyone else has taken a wild path, but you actually got into the officialdom of the Donghuang Dynasty, and you're doing well. Mu Qianxi praised.

That's natural. You don't even know who trained me. Yin Sizhan said proudly.

What is your mission? To rise through the ranks, become the number one civil servant in the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, and be a super powerful internal agent? Mu Qianxi asked.

Of course this must be done, to destroy the Donghuang Dynasty from within and win over some capable ministers in the court. But what I have to do now are the two tasks assigned to me by my adoptive father. The first task is to win over the town. General He Lianran of Peking University, even if he is not allowed to join us, we must keep him neutral. Yin Sizhan replied.

What about the second mission?

I'll tell you about the second mission when the time comes. I won't tell you now.

It's not that Yin Sizhan doesn't believe Mu Qianxi, but he deliberately makes Mu Qianxi confused and makes her think hard to get there.

Who asked her to worry her adoptive father for so long!

Because of Yin Sizhan's mission, Mu Qianxi was also observing the Zhenbei General.

She frowned slightly and said: This is a loyal minister and good general, but he is not so easy to win!

His loyalty is to the East

The Imperial Dynasty, not the Eastern Emperor. I can always wait for the opportunity, and I have always been very patient. Yin Sizhan's lips curled up into a slight smile.

He didn't expect that the opportunity would come so quickly.

Because the eldest prince was dead, General Helian's only daughter Helian Yue, who was married to the eldest prince, returned to the northern border.

He Lianran couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his daughter's current appearance.

Is this haggard and thin woman really her daughter?

Mu Qianxi was also a little stunned, That means I killed General Zhenbei's son-in-law.

Don't worry, maybe people think you're good at killing him, Yin Sizhan said.

Helian Yue fell seriously ill after she came back, and the royal family even sent an alchemist to treat her.

They all shook their heads and said: I can only hang on to the life of the eldest princess, but there is no way to completely cure it.

This is the alchemist in the palace, and none of them can do this.

He Lianran felt sorry for his daughter and even asked the world's famous doctors, but they still couldn't do anything.

Yin Sizhan knew that the most powerful alchemist was beside him. Mu Qianxi said jokingly: Some people swear that they don't need my help! So I'll quietly be a salted fish cultivating beside you. The interest rate is better.”

Yin Sizhan's mouth twitched slightly and said: He Lianran loves his only daughter. Before, I didn't get much information because she had been in the eldest prince's mansion, so I couldn't start from this aspect. Now because the eldest prince died, she was sent back. When we encounter something like this, it is indeed a good way to make a breakthrough in this aspect and make General Helian owe me a favor!

Please ask the ghost doctor to help me. I said too much before. Yin Sizhan was very polite.

He knew this was the fastest and most effective way, so he chose to do it even if his face hurt a little.

r\u003e He is a master who is good at calculation, knows how to weigh the pros and cons, and is able to bend and stretch.

Seeing that you took me in and really need me, I will agree to this. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

Military advisor, you said your cousin knows medical skills? General Helian said in shock.

Yes! I heard that Miss Yue is ill. I hope I can help the general to solve his problem.

Since Helian Yue came back, General Helian has asked her to no longer call her the eldest princess, but Miss Yue.

Can this kid do it? Many alchemists are helpless!

Don't you believe my judgment, General?

The general also knew how powerful Yin Sizhan was and would never do anything he was unsure of.

He said: Okay! All the alchemists in the palace have gone back, and they said they would send people to deliver medicine regularly. Yue'er should be able to live for another five or six years.

Even so, he felt distressed that he would live another five or six years with a weak body.

If his daughter hadn't missed her, he was really afraid that her daughter wouldn't even have any idea of ​​living.

The famous doctors invited were surprised when they learned that the person who was coming to treat Helian Yue was a little baby.

They said: I have always heard that Master Military Advisor is a great talent and extremely intelligent, but I never thought that I would invite such a child to treat Miss Yue.

This kid is not even a fraction of my age. He has probably only studied alchemy for a few years. How can he have this ability?

Master Military Advisor misjudged the wrong person this time.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: A group of guys who rely on their old skills and show off their skills but are not very good? I am young and have only studied alchemy for a few years, but what! I can guarantee that when it comes to alchemy alchemy, Prince Beigong is not as good as me. Is there anything wrong with my ability to treat Miss Yue like this?

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