Let's go! After guessing Jiuye's identity, they were scared to death.

Even though they have become the top experts in Xuantian Realm, they clearly know that they are completely powerless in front of this powerful man.

Escape and survive.

If you don't escape, you will die and your soul will be scattered.

Bang bang bang! They ran away, but were suppressed by a tyrannical force.

The invisible force pushed them hard to the ground, and each of them looked pale.

Jiuye Lord, we...we really don't know...we don't know that Mu Qianxi is the person you are protecting. If we knew...we would never dare to do anything. Those who don't know are not guilty... ??

Jiuye said coldly: I don't know anything. Those who don't know are not guilty. I only know that anyone who dares to hurt Xi will die!

Jiuye hugged Mu Qianxi tightly. Her face was a little pale because her spiritual power was exhausted, her clothes were in tatters, and she had many wounds.

How can Jiuye not feel distressed by this? How can you not kill them all in anger?

Begging for mercy is useless!

Under the high-level spiritual master, there is only one head left that has not turned into bones;

The high-level spiritual master still has half his body left;

The ninth-level spiritual master's legs were already bone-white.

The bodies of these peak spiritual masters were still intact, and they were trembling non-stop.

Because they know very well that it will be their turn soon.

The Lord of Nine Nights in the Prison Realm is really as cold-blooded, cruel, and devoid of humanity as rumored.

The eldest prince of the Eastern Emperor, Jiuye did not move.

He is now only seriously injured and unable to move, but has not turned into bones.

He felt like he was in Shura Hell and was so frightened that he fainted twice.

Every time he woke up, he had to face such a terrifying fact.

Miss Mu, we were also forced

Yes, I am acting on orders. If you beg the Lord of Nine Nights to spare us today, we will definitely not attack you again, and we will work for you as cows and horses.

Knowing that it is useless to ask for the hard-hearted Lord of Nine Nights, they can only ask for someone in the arms of Lord Nine Nights.

The guy who had always looked up to Mu Qianxi like an ant was now begging her in a low voice.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: I don't dare to use Donghuang's people! It's better for you to be dead.

They thought wrong. Mu Qianxi would never be merciful to those who wanted to kill her.

In an instant, Jiuye's power strengthened again, and the power of endless darkness crazily devoured their flesh and blood.

Ah! The eldest prince Donghuang cried out in horror.

He saw with his own eyes that someone's body completely turned into bones and disappeared completely.

At this time, the same goes for those peak spiritual masters.

I...I don't want to die!

I have been practicing for thousands of years, and I am not willing to die like this!

Ahhh! Spare us!

One after another they turned into bones and disappeared, leaving those who were left behind with fear until they collapsed.

Jiuye seemed not to hear anything and stared at Mu Qianxi with great concentration, asking Mu Qianxi to concentrate on healing.

After Mu Qianxi's injuries were almost recovered, apart from the two of them, the only one left here was the eldest prince of the East Emperor.

Disappeared, turned into bones and disappeared.

This was definitely the most terrifying thing he had ever experienced in his life, and it was also the first time he knew that there were people with such terrifying power in this world.

I...my father is the leader of the five-star Donghuang Dynasty.

If you kill me, my father will never let you go. The eldest prince Donghuang said while shaking.

I have never paid much attention to the Donghuang Dynasty. Jiuye said indifferently.

I have the soul mark left by my father. If you dare to kill me, he...he will definitely protect me. He said calmly.

In his knowledge, his father is the strongest.

Even if the man in front of him is terrifying and has killed so many spiritual masters, he cannot be his father's opponent.

Mu Qianxi said: Jiuye, let me do it!

A crimson light flashed, and Mu Qianxi stabbed the eldest prince Dong Huang's heart with his sword.

He wanted to hide, he wanted to block, but he couldn't do anything?

His face was as pale as paper, and he could only watch helplessly as the bloodthirsty and life-threatening sword approached.

Poof! Mu Qianxi's sword only penetrated an inch of his flesh, and silver light burst out and rushed towards Mu Qianxi.

This fatal attack turned into nothingness with a wave of Jiuye's hand, and then an uncle who looked to be in his early thirties appeared in front of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi looked at the man in front of her. He had three-dimensional facial features and was quite handsome. Of course, that was compared to the eldest prince Donghuang.

Compared with Jiuye, it is naturally far behind.

Who are you? Donghuang saw the most dangerous existence here at first glance.

It's just a split soul. I can easily crush you to death. You'd better dissipate on your own!

What an arrogant guy, looking for death! Donghuang, who has always been used to being self-centered, saw someone with such an arrogant tone for the first time.

The terrifying power swept over and was instantly enveloped by the power of darkness.

Ahhh! A scream came out, and this split soul was struck by the power of darkness.

Just tear it into pieces and disappear completely.

Bang! Donghuang stood up suddenly in the study.

A trace of the soul left in the boss was awakened, and then...then was killed? Who is it? He said with a gloomy face.

It's just a pursuit of a spiritual saint. Why would the boss be pushed to this point? And her soul was destroyed. Who is behind her? Beigong Dynasty, or... Mu Fengyun!

The split soul was torn apart so completely that Donghuang could only feel the endless power of darkness, not even the person who killed the split soul could feel it.

Send someone to the Xilian Mountains immediately, go! Don't fight if you encounter Mu Qianxi, observe secretly first.

His heart was bleeding after losing so many people, and even though he was filled with rage, he did not dare to act rashly and let his own people die.

Yes, Your Majesty!

The power of darkness dissipated, and the eldest prince Donghuang's strongest life-saving trump card disappeared completely.

The blood had stained his clothes red, and Mu Qianxi's sword entered another inch!

Ah! He screamed in pain.

Don't kill me. My father will definitely see you if you kill me. When the time comes, the Donghuang Dynasty will definitely hunt you down and kill you! the eldest prince Donghuang said tremblingly.

Even if I don't kill you, I will pursue you endlessly. The result will be the same, it's better to let you disappear completely!

Poof! The sharp sword penetrated the heart, blood spurted out, and the soul was completely devoured.

At the moment when Mu Qianxi killed the eldest prince Donghuang, Donghuang saw the scene before his son died and also saw the appearance of the person who killed him.

It was an extremely familiar face. Only when I saw it with my own eyes did I know how much this woman looked like Linlang, no...

He actually saw the shadows of those two people on this face.

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