As the voice fell, crowds of people came from a group of gold armor guards, all of which exudes the cultivation base of Great Demon Immortal, among which the cultivation base is half a cent!

Normally, the gold armor guards do not have such a high cultivation base, but today is the auction, and the arowana is mixed, so Nangong proudly dispatched high-powered guards for shock.

For example, if you have such a situation in front of you, you have to face it in order to get a good job!

When the team’s gold armor came, the geel elder showed a happy color. In the previous attack, Ge Elder found that he was far from the opponent of the Qingpao.

Masters often try to find each other’s depths with a single blow. Although he is unwilling to admit it, the fact is so cruel that he has to seek help.

At this time, the Golden Armor of Heavenly Immortal City came, and he naturally was overjoyed. Wanfudongtian is the same as Heavenly Immortal City.

In Ge Elder’s thought, the Jinjia escort is definitely on his side, driving away the Qingpao people. After all, there are some interests between the major forces.

So Ge Elder didn’t wait for other people to talk, and he came with joy and a little resentment:

“Heavenly Immortal City’s gold armor guards you can count, I am Wanfudong’s Ge elder, here met a few crazy little thieves, since the street is fierce, hurt my family and less cave owners, my house owner knows I will be furious, you Heavenly Immortal City can give us an explanation for Wanfudong.”

Ge Elder’s words are his Wanfu Dongtian, full of mouths are pressing people, want to let the gold armor guards do not ask the reason to directly grab people.

Wanfudongtian is famous for its existence in several large areas nearby. It is certainly no problem to think of Gelder.

In fact, the Golden Armor of Heavenly Immortal City really thinks this way. After all, the world is the strongest, no strength, even if it is embarrassed, no one will sympathize with you.

It’s better to hold more than one thing, to ensure the orderly attitude of Heavenly Immortal City, and the gold armor guards turned around and brushed around, and a group of people in Ye Chu would have to grab it.

Ge Elder showed a cruel and smug smile, and seemed to see the scene where these people would fall into their hands.

And the one who just woke up in the Wanfu Cave, Tian Shaodong, also saw this person shouting:

“Kill the robes, the two sluts are also grabbed, I personally punish!”

His words made the gold armor guards slightly frowned, subconsciously looking at the two women standing in the distance, this time suddenly looked away, did not dare to look at the intention of offending, and eagerly respected:

“The rescue is too late, please ask the lady.”

The head of the gold armor guard is the guardian around the city lord, this time naturally knows that the daughter of the city lord is awake, where to dare.

He said that he had never seen Nangong Nianwei’s gold armor behind him, and he quickly fell.

The posture of the Golden Armor Guardian suddenly looked at the many immortals who stayed around watching the battle:

Where does this come out of the young lady? Heavenly Immortal City Isn’t there only one young master? It is said that between the previous paragraphs were killed, now how come out of a city lord?

Everyone is puzzled, that is, Wanfudong does not know, Gelder face slightly changed, said solemnly:

“Golden armor guards, even if you want to protect them, don’t use such a bad excuse? Heavenly Immortal City’s city lord, then a little respected descendant, who doesn’t know this thing? Now it’s not meant to be targeted I am in Wanfudong?”

“Forensic, I am the Lord of the Caves of Wanfudong. When my father comes, no one of you can’t walk!”

Yang Lan sees this also big shouted.

“In my Heavenly Immortal City impudent, come and catch them!”

The gold armor gaze is cold, shouted, and he also goes to Gelder, and he will take Geer Elder together!

The head of the Golden Armor had seen Ye Chu, knowing that the city lord was extremely polite to the Qingpao, he did not dare to neglect, but also pleaded guilty.

However, at this time, Ge Elder also felt bad, and the strength of the Jinjia Guard is the same as himself. Normally, he is not afraid of one-on-one.

But at this time there is still a young man who is not weaker than him. He is watching at the side, that is, he is not sure that he can escape under the attack of the two.

Seeing that both of them were in a short-lived politeness, Ge Elder thought flashed and shook his body and went straight to Nangong Nianwei in the distance!

The semi-scented atmosphere is unmistakable, and the speed is almost a fire-photostone. Obviously he is trying his best to catch Nangong Nianwei as a key.


“courting death !”

At the same time, the sound of the sound screamed, the first sentence was the head of the gold armor anger, and quickly rushed to go, to stop Ge elder.

The latter sentence was made by Ye Chu. Ye Chu moved as he spoke, faster than the gold armor.

However, in an instant Ye Chu Heavenly Dao’s eyes opened, and the time was long and the river was more magnificent, and the time was more dense.

Almost at the time of the shackles, Ye Chu performed several kinds of magical techniques. First, he used the power of time to stop Geer elder, and then accelerated his time with time, so that his magical skills could be launched almost instantly.

Then Ye Chu stepped on Qinglian, and the moment began, and the streamer went straight to Gelder. At the same time, the time erupted and a series of Ye Chu broke out along the way.

At the same time, Ye Chu’s Celestial Emperor’s Sacred Fist was also displayed. The Platinum Mans is almost as strong as a platinum white sun rising here, making Nascent Soul feel a short-lived blindness!

Only in an instant, Ge elder felt the ultimate bad, a horror to the extreme death of the shroud, he never encountered such a terrible threat!

At this time, his thoughts were too late to turn, and the horror of the old face just emerged, and a platinum fist had already shrouded it.

“pū! ”

Without any struggle, even if it is struggling, it can’t be resisted. It is really a horror of Ye Chu’s punch. Combining all kinds of power, the power has soared to an incredible level.

A punch in the past, a one-turned half-small has been turned into the end of the blood to dissipate, that is, Nascent Soul did not escape, was annihilated.

After gently, it is only a moment’s cultivation technique. In the eyes of everyone, after Ye Chu moves, the figure has already come to Gelder, and Gelder has fallen!

It’s really that Ye Chu’s speed is too fast, and it’s almost the speed at which they turn their heads. If they don’t see it, they are already dead.

Masters are often able to divide and die in an instant, this sentence is absolutely good.

The one who barely saw it in the field was the half-sweet gold armor who had just arrived. He swallowed his subconsciously, and looked at Ye Chu with awe and incredulity.

The punch was just that he couldn’t resist it. Is such a punch that Great Demon Immortal can send out? Half-scented gold armor was surprised in the heart.

In addition, there are two people who can barely see it. That is Luo Luo and Nangong Nianwei. One of them is heavy, and the other is the power of destiny. It is not a common custom.

Luo Luo smashed the scorpion, and the radiance in her eyes was dissipating. She was obviously relieved, patted the plump chest and made it tremble:

“Good insurance, fortunately, Ye Ye brother arrived in time.”

Nangong Nianwei, who is on the side, is also relieved. Although it is not obvious that Gelder will succeed in the previous situation, she has to pay some price.

Ye Chu chuckles and wants to talk. At this moment, a violent anger is blasting in the void, and the voice is deafening:

“Who? I dare to hurt my child, the head of the house must inevitably smash your soul!”

The voice is still echoing. A middle-aged man wearing a black gown and jade belt has already come to Yang Lan, and the invisible air squirts. The golden armor guards who want to hold Yang Yu around will immediately explode and turn into a blood mist!

“Father, it is them, they are, killing the Qingpao people, grabbing the two sluts, I am gone, no more!”

Yang Lan saw the arrival of the people crying and crying, pointing to Ye Chu, the three of them, the resentful resentment in the look, and finally said in horror.


The middle-aged man is also the head of Wanfudongtian. He heard the face change immediately, Immortal Spirit explored, surprised and angry, and looked at Ye Chu three people, the cold is like a nine-secret pass. Words coming out:

“You all damn it!”

As the words of middle-aged men fell, the winds and the clouds between the heavens and the earth were rising, and the temperature dropped. I don’t know how much, like a moment, I came to the cold winter, and there was frost condensed in the void.

At the same time, the heavens and the earth Nascent Soul rewinded, and they were surrounded by middle-aged men. The voids all produced fine ripples, which were constantly broken and coincident, and the atmosphere of destruction was unmasked.

This has not yet been done. It is only because of the breath that it has such power. It is simply unimaginable for the people who cultivate the immortals. They are fleeing in the area, and they are afraid of being caught in the fish pond.

Three turn and half a fairy!

Ye Chu felt the power and his face was slightly condensed. This kind of existence really has to live and die. Ye Chu is not afraid, but he is not too sure.

But the end result is that it will be clear after a war!

Ye Chu’s momentum is not obvious, but it will invisibly resist the horror of Luo Luo and Nangong Nianwei, otherwise it is difficult to resist the existence of these levels by virtue of their current strength.

At the same time, Ye Chu handed the sick cat in the arms to Luo Luo, and turned to look at the owner of the Wanfudongtian, ready to fight!

At this time, only Ye Chu was able to fight. As for the half-central gold armor guard, one of them was reluctant to defend against this power, and the power of self-protection was insufficient.

Ye Chu’s gesture falls in the eyes of the Wanfudong Tianfu Lord. It is undoubtedly a great provocation. He is extremely angry and laughs:

“How is a Great Demon Immortal still wanting to challenge the Lord? It seems that there is no activity, and the world thinks that the position of my house is awkward.”

Wanfudong Tianfu said that in the end, the tone suddenly changed, turning into an endless cold, a wave of sleeves, suddenly a dragon and a roaring tiger appeared.

During the roaring of the dragon and the tiger, the fierce air directly spread out. The general Great Demon Immortal can’t resist this fierce temper, and will directly lose it and become a fierce thing for the tiger.

During the dragon and tiger dance, the void cracked through the long and narrow cracks, and with the horrible fierceness, went straight to Ye Chu, and the two big mouths opened, and Ye Chu swallowed it in one fell swoop!

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