Three turns and half a sensation is so powerful that it is awesome and envious, and Ye Chu has already seen a lot of half-million shots, and it is not surprising, but it does not care.

He stared at the dragon and the tiger who wanted to choose someone. Ye Chu’s mood was peaceful, and Heavenly Dao’s eyes were open, and he was going to start.

However, at this time, there was a sudden burst of screaming in the void, and the sound of the thunder was smashed.

“Yang Chengtian, in my Heavenly Immortal City, I don’t want to put this seat in my eyes?”

This voice with the power of the horror of the half fairy, directly bombarded on the one dragon and one tiger, when the dragon and the tiger bombarded into a powder, turned into a black mist to dissipate.

Immediately after the purple sky, a purple mang flashed, Nangong Ao wearing a purple robe appeared in the field, staring at the Wanfudong Tianfu master Yang Chengtian.

“See city lord, the end will protect the young lady, but also blame.” The head of the gold armor guard said.

“Hey.” Nangong Nianwei called forward and then told Nangong Ao about the cause and effect of the incident.

Nangong proudly waved his hand to the half-central gold armor, and then handed it to Ye Chu:

“This time it’s still a big thanks to Ye’s brother’s shot, otherwise Weier will fall into the hands of the monks.”

“It’s just a matter of hand, not to mention Luo Luo, and the next thing is handed over to the Nangong city lord.”

Ye Chu shook his head.

Nangong Ao naturally nodded, then he looked at Yang Chengtian not far away, the voice was slightly cold:

“This thing you have to give me a confession.”

Knowing the cause and effect, Nangong arrogantly speaks more enthusiasm, the voice is cold and indifferent.

At this time, Yang Tiancheng also knew the passing of the matter. As for the truth of the matter, he really did not doubt that his son’s urine was clear to him.

This kind of thing is definitely done by his own son. After all, he only has this one seedling, and normally is a favorite.

As for the son who likes to play with a woman, he naturally knows, but he will never take care of it. The woman’s most in the world is that she wants to play and play. With his status, he can naturally press everything down.

In addition, he still wants his son to play more, it is best to play a slap, but for the past few years there is no slightest movement, he gradually let go.

Now it is kicked to the iron plate, even to tease the young lady of Heavenly Immortal City, which makes Yang Tiancheng’s heart surprised and angry, and can’t wait to fan his son.

But my heart is reluctant, after all, I only have this one.

What made him even more angry was that his son’s life was cut off, which made Yang Chengtian black in front of him.

This is absolutely necessary!

The anger of Yang Chengtian’s heart is already stunned. At this time, he has already refused to know who is right and who is wrong.

His son was abolished, the bloodline has not stayed, and even a loss of one turn and a half!

How can he swallow it with such a big loss, how can he swallow it?

Even if he swallowed it, once he spread it out, his face of Wanfu Dongtian was also lost by him. Even the position of his housekeeper can be said to be stable. This is something he can’t stand anyway.

It’s just that the power of Heavenly Immortal City is not worse than that of his Wanfu Cave. It’s impossible to find the face of Nangong’s old man. It’s impossible for him to look back.

“Interpretation? My child has this thing in your Heavenly Immortal City. Shouldn’t you give me an explanation for Wanfudong? And I am an elder inexplicably fallen here, you will not give me an account? When I am Wan Is Fudong a good bully?”

“Jokes, your son is in a bad mood, and he is going to hit my daughter. What do you want to tell now? As for your elder who wants to take my daughter, it’s death cannot wipe out the crimes !”

Nangong proudly sneered, his voice was extremely cold, and there was a murderous murder in the scorpion of Yang Lan.

Apparently, Yang Lan touched Nangong Nianwei and touched his counter-scale, and he was already on his blacklist.

“No matter who is right or wrong, you should be fair. If you only teach me, Yang naturally has nothing to say, but if you abolish me, this is too much, and Ge Elder is just trying to catch you. The woman did not kill the heart, but you did directly kill Geer elder, which is obviously a bully!”

Yang Chengtian is also icy, and he has suffered a big loss in his words.

“Strong words, today’s auction will be held. There is no time for you to talk with you. Your son made a mistake first. Now it is a lesson. If you stop here, this seat will not be ruined. If you still have to entangle, then this seat will accompany you. Battle last!”

Nangong eager to see Yang Tiancheng not to be indomitable, and he has something in his body, and his daughter does not seem to suffer, and the heart is not willing to entangle, the current cold channel.

“Namong Laofufu, really when I am in Wanfudong is not a clay sculpture?”

Yang Chengtian heard the words immediately irritated, his face was gloomy terrifying, it was almost dripping out of the water, and shouted.

Immediately after he stepped forward, the breath of three turns and a half of the body was unreservedly released, like a storm.

In an instant, the entire Heavenly Immortal City is dark, giving a feeling of darkness and destiny.

The ultimate suppression of precipitation in the Heavenly Immortal City, so that many of the city’s cents have turned to look at the field, I do not know why a big battle.

Many people who watched the lively cultivators retreat and retreat, and they are afraid of it. Once there are three revolutions and half a sensation, they will not be spared.

“Afraid you can’t!”

Nangong arrogantly did not fear, the same step, the breath of the body’s breath of three turns and a half of the fairy also bloomed, like a round of sun rising here.

A breath of yanghe is like a raging dragon rising from the sky, directly dispelling the darkness of the city, and the extreme repression is also dissipated invisible.

The heavy fears in the heart dissipated together, and people unconsciously shouted Heavenly Immortal City!

“Well, I haven’t seen it for hundreds of years. The cultivation base has increased greatly. Today, my child is not right. Since your daughter has scrapped me, then I have nothing to say, but Gedel’s death is to give you a Explain, call out the murderer, otherwise I will never be willing to take care of it!”

Feel the cultivation base of the Nangong Ao Banxian three-turn period, Yang Chengtian’s heart is blocked, and the ups and downs are unwilling. If you really fight, he is really not an opponent with his cultivation base at the beginning of his half-three.

When the thoughts are turned, I can’t help but retreat. I want to open my private affairs and put the official business up.

If this is not the case, he will firmly pull all the elders of Wanfudongtian into the water. After all, Heavenly Immortal City is not a small force. If it is to fight with Heavenly Immortal City, there will be elder opposition in the door.

But at this time, Ge elder will be launched, and things will be lifted from the face of Wanfu Dongtian on his face. Naturally, the old guy in the door will be dragged into the water, and the Nangong will be abhorrent.

After all, although Wanfudongtian is his town, Yang Chengtian is not his, but in the end it is just a manager!

When Yang Chengtian’s words came out, Nangong’s face was slightly changed, apparently knowing the meaning of Yang Tiancheng’s discourse and thinking without thinking.

In the distance, Ye Chu can naturally hear the meaning of Yang Chengtian, and his look remains unchanged. Nascent Soul is secretly warned to guard against Nangong’s arrogance.

After all, Ye Chu has no friendship with Nangong.

Luo Luo is also extremely intelligent, next to Ye Chu, with bright eyes glanced at Nangong Pride and Yang Chengtian.

And Nangong Nianwei knows Ye Chu’s out of the ordinary, especially in the days of endless time and space, let her know Ye Chu deeply, know Ye Chu’s terrifying, but Ye Chu saved her life.

Worried that Nangong is proud of his face, Nangong Nianwei is also not screaming at the clothes corner of Lala Nangong.

These are the things that happen in an instant and reflect, in fact, the moment that Yang Chengtian said back to the present, but now it is only a time to go.

Nangong is proud to think that there is a break in his heart. In addition to his daughter’s attitude, he loves Nangong Nianwei and he is more determined about his own ideas.

“There is no need to talk about this matter. Since it is your Wanfudong, it’s not right. If you don’t win, you will come big. Now the big one is killed by the small one. You are so arrogant about the house of Wanfudongtian? Going out is not afraid of the entire Super Immortal Domain jokes!”

“If you want to explain, then come, this seat will accompany you!”

Nangong proudly looked at Ye Chu and nodded to Ye Chu, indicating that Ye Chu was relieved. Then he looked at Yang Chengtian again and said something.

“Well, Nangong Laofufu, since you are so tough, if the Lord does not agree, it seems that the Lord is afraid of you, fight!”

Yang Chengtian heard the words, but also took a deep breath, since there is nothing to talk about, then a battle, in general, can not be seen in the audience, or his face will be lost.

Determined, Yang Chengtian’s horrible atmosphere blooms, space cracks are scattered around it, but all the things that come into contact are all involved, turned into nothingness!

The surrounding immortals have seen a lot of screams, and the dawn is set up, and the rush of life is gone. I dare not have the slightest luck!


Just when Nangong was proud to shoot, Ye Chu stopped Nangong Pride and then said to Yang Chengtian:

“There are hundreds of millions of creatures in this Heavenly Immortal City, and you will be able to go back to Heavenly Immortal City and make infinite killings.”

“But this is because of me. It is my kill for elder, so if you are looking for me to settle accounts, I will definitely not stop, Yemou is waiting for you in Heavenly Immortal City! If you have The ability to kill me, I have no regrets, but if the people are killed by me, I hope you can accept it calmly.”

“But if you want to bully and send half a fairy to trouble me, Heavenly Immortal City is not a vegetarian. Then how do you solve it in your way?”

Ye Chu’s look is dull. There is a compromise between the words, so that both sides are thinking about it. If they don’t fight, they will not fight.

After all, the Super Immortal Domain is extremely competitive. If they fight for you, then it will be cheaper, not the other side.

Finally, Yang Chengtian’s eyes nodded coldly, saying:

“brat, just wash your neck and wait for the slaughter!”

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