
At the moment when the screams sounded, there was a horrible palm print flying in the void, emitting the horrible Immortal Spirit gas fluctuations.

The visitor is a half fairy!

The people around the watched the power of this palm, and all of them were stunned and retreated, fearing the shackles of the fish pond.

In the face of half-sex surprised and angry, Nangong Nianwei did not have a trace of panic, her look was condensed, and the kind of gaze clearly reflected a shocking hand.

Then Nangong Nianwei continued to smash, and the jade hand flew, and a mysterious breath of the mystery overflowed, and the power of the half fairy could not be dispelled!

In an instant, Nangong Nianwei shot, and tens of hundreds of palms in an instant, each palm contains the power of mysterious destiny, grand and embarrassing.


At that time, hundreds of palm prints were in contact with the half-celestial palm, and the mysterious power of destiny actually gave birth to the half-million giant palm, and there were even signs of extinction!


It was also at that moment that the giant palm glow and the countless palm prints broke out at the same time, and the roar of the roar was endless, and the violent turbulence spread everywhere.

Nangong Nianwei quickly retreats to withstand the horrific forces of terror.


In an instant, Yang Hao had an old man next to him. He first examined the body of Yang Lan, and then the color of the surprised and angry in the scorpion almost turned into a thin spray.

Old man first fed Yang Lan, a Ling Dan, and then helped Yang to stop the blood, which turned to Nangong Nianwei and Luo Luo.

At first, I saw the first two women, that is, the old man also flashed a touch of stunning in the scorpion. He knew that Yang Hao’s character immediately passed the guess of the seven seven eight eight.

But how is this? Who told them to be so beautiful? Who told them to be seen by Yang Lan? Being looked at by Yang Lan is that their life is not good, they have to accept their fate.

The world of the weak are prey to the strong is like this.

The problem now is that Yang Lan has fallen, and the man’s life is gone.

Yang Lan is the only bloodline of the owner. This will inevitably cause a great disaster. He can’t afford this crime. Someone must go to sin!

Old man stunned in the scorpion, he said coldly:

“No matter what happened to you, since you have provoked such a big sin, you will be shackled to avoid unnecessary suffering.”

“The reason for the good hegemony, really here is your Wanfudongtian?”

Nangong Nianwei sneered, her Nascent Soul is strong, but Nascent Soul can’t keep up, and can’t compete with the half.

The previous blow has already tempered her. If it wasn’t for her guarding the body with Nascent Soul, the Demon Immortal cultivation base had already turned into blood.

Luo Luo is also on the side, bright and bright in the scorpion, bursting with heavy smashing power at any time, and the eight-pole door of her wrist is also shining, ready to attack.

Old man sees it all in his eyes, he didn’t take it to heart, a Great Demon Immortal, a Demon Immortal, can this lineup shake the half?

Old man is naturally unbelief, half a fairy and Great Demon Immortal’s sky is too big, there is no possibility of crossing!

Old man The reason why I said those words just because the power that had resisted him before was very mysterious. Even his hands could not see his feet. This is what he said.

But since neither of them wants to squat, he will not be polite, and immediately waved, and the two smashing Fire Dragons burned with flaming flames and went straight to Luo Luo and Nangong Nianwei.

Although it is an old man’s random blow, but after all, it is a semi-fair, using the Immortal Spirit force, the power is great.

When the Fire Dragon came out, the burning voids were broken, and the hot temperature swept through. Many of the onlookers, Demon Immortal, spontaneously ignited and fired the next time with the help of their companions.

Let everyone be jealous, far away, not afraid to get close.

The Fire Dragon roar is like a real dragon, the shocking person Nascent Soul, the cultivation base weak Nascent Soul is directly broken and dying.

Both Luo Luo and Nangong Nianwei are not customary. Nascent Soul is extremely strong and naturally will not be afraid of this dragon.

But it didn’t take it lightly. It was all looking at the flying Fire Dragon, looking for a glimpse of it.

At the same time, Nangong Nianwei also shredded a letter to inform her father, which has already involved half a cent, which is not something she can resist.

After all, she is not a full victory. If Nascent Soul and the cultivation base can keep up, Nangong Nianwei naturally has a means of resisting, but at this time it is not.

Feeling that the burning scent is getting closer and closer, and feeling the more and more obvious power of the horrible Fire Dragon, Luo Luo and Nangong Nianwei are almost simultaneously exploding, and the power of Nascent Soul is surging.

However, at this time, their hearts stopped and stopped at the same time. Luo Luo showed a pleasant look, and Nangong Nianwei showed a sigh of relief.

It was also at the moment when they chose to stop, the screaming Fire Dragon suddenly stunned and heard it in the void.

This change made the old man’s heart feel faint, and his thoughts turned. The Fire Dragon in the void suddenly burst into flames, and the power of violent turmoil.

However, even if it does not break out of the invisible bondage, one inch in the void can not advance.

Immediately after waiting for the old man to have any action, a young Qingpao was revealed in the air.

The youth looks calm and the breath is not obvious. When you look at it, you don’t look at the Fire Dragon in front of you. It is like a fly. With a wave of hand, there is a green whistle that screams out and directly annihilates Fire Dragon.

Then I didn’t look at the normal half aloof and remote half, and turned to look at Luo Luo behind him, showing a smile:

“Is it okay?”

“Nothing, Ye Big Brother, have been stopped by you.”

Luo Luo glared at the bright scorpion, revealing sincere joy on the delicate face.

“You are all right. I just hardened the old guy’s palm, but now I am still mad.”

On the side of Nangong Nianwei, see Luo Luo, saying that it is not faint.


Luo Luo heard the words immediately stagnation, the bright scorpion appeared worried, his face was full of sly colors, to Nangong Nianwei:

“I’m sorry to read the elder sister, I don’t know if you are hurt, you are fine, Ye Da Ge, you look at the singer eldel sister, she just got a hand with the man and was repulsed.”

Luo Luo said that the words were anxious, and they all cried.

“Nothing, she can’t die, she is amazing, I will solve the old guy and avenge you.”

Ye Chu touches Luo Luo’s head, said with a smile.

“It’s okay, elder sister makes you play.”

Nangong Nianwei can’t bear to continue to make fun of Luo Luo, said with a smile.

Although the age of Nangong Nianwei is similar to that of Luo Luo, because Luo Luo has experienced very little things, and Nangong Nianwei struggled for a long time in the endless time and space, the nature of nature is mature, and Luo Luo is naturally regarded as the younger sister.

Perhaps there are some other thoughts in the mind of Nangong Nianwei, remembering the time before she had not entered the endless time and space, as a carefree day for the city lord.

“is that true?”

“it is true.”

“Lianwei elder sister, you lied to me, Luo Luo can see.”

Luo Luo looked at Nangong Nianwei and said that she immediately took out an Immortal Spirit stone and wiped it out with a heavy force. She was transferred to Nangong Nianwei to calm her turbulent blood.

“Immortal Spirit stone.”

Nangong Nianwei saw it, and his heart was warm, then he whispered something to Luo Luo and watched Ye Chu solve the problem.

In the endless time and space, she can rely on Nascent Soul and the power of destiny to practice against the mysterious people with Ye Chu, but it is not here.

It’s not that her strength is declining, but that Nascent Soul is too dangerous, and she doesn’t want to expose the power of destiny, or she will have great trouble.

“brat, is it too long to live? To be the hero to save the United States?”

Old man The scorpion stares at Ye Chu and finds that Ye Chu is just a great cultivation base of Great Demon Immortal, not to be dismissive, said with a sneer.

Yang Lan, who was on the side of the old man, heard Luo Luo say ‘Ye Big Brother’. He was resentful in his heart and pointed to Ye Chu.

“Ge elder killed him and must kill him.”

Wen Yan, Ye Chu brows a glimpse, followed by the sudden disappearance of the body shape, only the remaining illusory Qinglian is disillusioned, this scene makes Ge elder wood shrink.

“Pā! ”

At the same time, Yang Yan’s figure was rotated directly in the void for a few laps. Later, it was directly filled with blood and fell to the ground. The force of Nascent Soul almost collapsed, and there was no strength to support the scene and fainted.

“Right! Dare!”

Ge Elder saw the anger burning from it, screaming and screaming, and the imposing and terrifying Immortal Spirit suddenly broke out, and a long, bright knife was condensed.

The long knife is like a knife in the sky, and it contains the power of terror. It is the courage that Great Demon Immortal has not resisted in front of this knife.

After being locked by this long knife, there is no other way than death.

However, in the face of such a knife, Ye Chu still has no slight expression fluctuations, still calm, just raised a hand, the platinum light blooms, directly slamming.


There was a big roar in the hustle and bustle, and then there was an endless wind blowing in it, like a storm sweeping the sky!


In the next moment, there was another crack of gold and iron, and then in the eyes of everyone, the long and horrible knife broke!

A platinum fist is like a broken bamboo, going straight to Gelder, the half-scent, and seems to kill one of the fists!


The old man saw that there was no time to be astonished. He clearly felt a threat in the platinum fist, and immediately in his hands, he continued to drink and continued to drink.

His body of Immortal Spirit broke out and displayed a wonderful technique to resist this horrible punch and annihilate the fist.


The roaring sound continued, and under the strong skill of Ge Elder, the powerful attacking power finally annihilated the platinum fist.

But at this time, Ge Elder’s face has no trace of joy, but it is full of gloom, murderously covering the entire eyelids, almost all of which must be condensed into essence, to kill with a vision.

He didn’t think of a Great Demon Immortal, and since the power was so powerful, he couldn’t help even his turn.

At the same time he was surprised and angry, he also had a guilty conscience. He secretly shredded the message and told the government to solve the problem.

Just as Ge Elder tried to delay the time, waiting for the owner to come, a sound that made him happy.

“Who is here? Don’t know that there is no private battle within Heavenly Immortal City?”

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