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"Life is so lonely like snow!"

What else can Chen Yiqiu say at this moment?

At this moment, he really sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, the post-match interview session is over.

Finally, this difficult short time has passed.

There is no need to say some strange words, and there is no need to torture oneself.

On the stage.

The LGD players left their seats and celebrated with coach Feng Ge. After all, they won the championship, and happiness is inevitable.

At this time, Feng Ge also hugged the players one by one.

Even the female boss of the team showed up at this time.

Winning the championship of the summer season, the female boss smiled from ear to ear.

This championship is too important for LGD.

The honor of the club will also become brilliant because of this summer championship. This is the first top league championship since the LGD team established the League of Legends division.

It is quite difficult!

Here on the scene.

It has become a stage for the LGD team staff and players to celebrate.

This night belongs to the LD team


At this moment.

Chen Yiqiu wanted to put away his keyboard, but there were always people coming to him for high fives or hugs.

Before the game, Chen Yiqiu thought that LGD would be very happy to win the summer championship. After all, he was the one in this team who really got the results.

Chen Yiqiu found that he was not like that.

Even when the excitement of the championship glory faded a little.

The rest was only calm.

Looking at his teammates who were still celebrating wildly, Chen Yiqiu couldn't help but think of the LGD team that was sprayed silly by netizens at the S5 World Finals before its rebirth.

How excited they are now, how disappointed they will be then.

Wei Shen's arrow!

Optimistic family!

Why not pull Iron Man?


Regarding S5, whether LGD has any taunts.

Chen Yiqiu can only pray.

His arrival can change the situation of this LGD in this year's World Championship. He has been with Wei Shen, Hirano Aya and others for so long, and has played so many games together in the competition.

That kind of feeling between teammates really exists.

But whether it can change the direction of LD World Championship, Chen Yiqiu is really unsure, maybe it still depends on God's arrangement.

Huanglong Sports Center.

The audience at the scene are also gradually dispersing.

This year's summer finals have ended, just as the host Bao Bao said.

See you next season, LL!


LGD players, coaches and staff also left from here.

But this night, the players can obviously be free and easy.

The wine that you can't drink normally, but you can tonight.

You can't play too late normally, but you can tonight.

The female boss has already said that the players are free from now on, and they have two days of almost complete freedom.

Chen Yiqiu was very confused when he won the championship.

But now, when Chen Yiqiu, his teammates and coaches were enjoying beer and delicious food, he suddenly thought of something else.

At this time, there is still a month before the S5 World Championship.

In other words... a month without playing any games.

A month without being nervous.

A month without being afraid of making a fool of oneself.


"Oh shit, it’s so wonderful!"

"How come I just thought of it?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yiqiu's appetite was instantly whetted.

Everything he ate tasted delicious, and everything he drank was refreshing.

From the day he came to LGD to the end of the summer season finals, during these three months, Chen Yiqiu almost kept himself in a tense state.

He thought almost every day whether he would explode on the spot in his next game and lose face.

Then he would be sprayed by countless netizens.

Especially in the crucial games, Chen Yiqiu's situation was even more obvious.

But now.

Chen Yiqiu is relieved!

At least for the next month.

The teammates were very happy tonight, and at this time they began to shout

"On the championship night, don’t go home until you are drunk!"


On Weibo

, a hot search quickly popped up.

"LGD wins the championship!"

The final of the summer season tonight attracted many people's attention, and now the result has caused a wave of more sensation.

Many people in the e-sports circle also sent their congratulations tonight.

Miller, Wawa, Miss, Xiaoxiao, Changmao, Guan Zeyuan, etc., countless people in the e-sports circle have sent congratulations to LGD.

It is really not easy for LGD to win this championship.

Many netizens also celebrated GD's victory in their own way.

"The Moon Residents sent a congratulatory message to LGD for winning the Summer Season Championship"

"Standing at the highest point of Mount Everest, congratulations to LGD!"

"I am in the Tang Dynasty, sending a congratulatory message to the LGD team"


These netizens are really good at playing.

However, this championship tonight is indeed worthy of celebration for all fans who like LGD team.

On the other hand, in addition to celebrating LD's victory in the summer season, netizens also have some other special things on the Internet.

"Take your dreams as your horse and live up to your youth!"

"Take your dreams as your horse and live up to your youth!"

"Take your dreams as your horse and live up to your youth!"


That night.

While many people congratulated LGD on their championship, they also remembered the words that Chen Yi Qiu said during an interview.

It went viral on the entire Internet!

It's rare!

Many netizens posted this sentence on Weibo, and they also posted this sentence on other major platforms.

Some were even accompanied by corresponding pictures.

However, these pictures are basically of Chen Yi Qiu.

After winning the championship in the summer season, it seemed as if everyone became a fan of Chen Yi Qiu overnight.

There are even some anchors who specifically find official videos to review the game.

They also used this sentence.

The core content of the real review is very simple, just stare at Chen Yi Qiu's operations at the key moments, and then find countless wonderful details.

Since the last time PDD's review became popular, it seems that many people are now staring at Chen Yi Qiu's games and every move of his heroes on the court. At this time, the official has not really taken action to restrict some anchors from commercial operations on LPL game videos.

So for the anchors who review the game, it is definitely a very comfortable thing.


"Is anyone here to review Qiu Shen's game?"

"I'm really impressed. I don't even know all the skills, but I still come to play replay"

"MP, it's a mess, it's all a mess."

"It's really speechless. There are reviews everywhere. These small streamers haven't even figured out how to play the game themselves, but they're already reviewing it."


Chaos abounds.

Many small anchors have lost all their dignity in order to catch the attention of the audience.

It would be fine if the title of the live broadcast room used the words that Chen Yiqiu said in the interview after winning the championship tonight, but the key point is that the review of this game is simply rubbish.

Many netizens can't stand it.

However... one person's review has received unanimous praise.

Godlike Shenchao.

Shenchao himself is just a player who just retired not long ago, and he has always relied on his brain to play games, so his understanding of some games is very special. In this summer finals, Shenchao had already seen a lot of details when watching the game. Review of the first game of the finals.

Olaf was 1V3 in the top lane, and he killed a lot of people and forced some skills of Zz1t's Ekko and Deft's Jinx.

The angle that Shenchao saw was really different from the commentary at the time.

"This wave was actually EDG's fault!"

"If Ekko enters the game first, Olaf will basically not be able to show off and will definitely die."

"But it was precisely because of this small mistake that Cmy caught it, so his Olaf was able to show off to the three EDG players."

As a professional top laner, Shenchao had a very clear view of some situations in the game.

And then.

The most important thing in Shenchao's review came.

Olaf's double axes!

Qiu Shen was cheating!

Regarding this point, countless people had already talked about it in the game at that time, and the barrage area in the live broadcast room was arguing wildly.

Shenchao also posted on Weibo at that time.

Now when reviewing this, there are still some netizens who are not willing to believe it.

Shenchao demonstrated Olaf's double axes on the spot. It truly reproduced Chen Yiqiu's Olaf's double axes in the finals. Operation, and because of this, many netizens began to flock to Shenchao's live broadcast room.

Immediately afterwards.

Shenchao's review of Chen Yiqiu's troll made many viewers amazed again and again.

Some viewers couldn't understand the operations when watching the game, but Shenchao had a very wonderful explanation here.

The third game of the finals.

The release of the troll's four key pillars, the timing of release, etc., when watching the game, netizens were confused, but now after listening to Shenchao's analysis.

Suddenly it became clear.

Because the review is the best, it directly led to a surge in the popularity of Shenchao's live broadcast room.


And on this night,

LPL released a prepared video.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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