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《LL2015 Summer Finals, LGD's Road to the Championship! 》

Clicking on the video, the words"Road to the Championship" come into view, and at this time a light music plays.

《Hope.Always" roughly means eternal hope.

This is also the background music of the Shanghai World Expo promotional advertisement. It sounds very touching and narrated, just like the prelude to a wonderful story.

The video starts.

The picture appears.

The first scene is some placards held by the audience.

"Pingdie PYL"

"Wei Shen Xiao Gong"

"Imp little cutie!"


These are some of the loyal fans of the LGD team. Their support is the best motivation for this team to move forward.

Follow the first scene.

BGM is heavy and slow


"Welcome everyone to the 215 League of Legends Summer Season."

The beautiful host announced the opening of the summer season.

In the lower right corner of the screen, there is a line of words specially marked

"2015.5.22, LP Summer Season Opening"

This is the start time of this year's summer season, and the next big thing is that some of the scenes that appeared when LGD faced QG on this day

""Aishe Jiayi got a pentakill against LGD on the first match day of the league today!"

This is what Wawa said.

This is the first match between LGD and G.

"Only Hirano Aya is left"

"LGD was wiped out in this wave!"

This is the commentary of Changmao.

Later, LGD faced IG in the game, and A was still on the stage.

Wei Shen's lost face.

The helplessness in Hirano Aya's eyes wearing a mask.

The imp's shouting finger


These are the scenes from some of the games where LGD lost, as well as the players' expressions when they lost a teamfight.

They all appeared on the video screen.

"Come on, LGD!"

""LGD, come on!"

The fans cheered.

In the next video, BGM began to switch.

The second game.

In the second game against Q in the first game of the summer season, LGD chose to change players. Acorn was replaced by Cmy, the national server king introduced during the summer season transfer period.

From then on, the dynasty rose!

The video captured a key team battle.

The voice of the commentator Wawa sounded.

"Thresh hooked Gnar and pulled him into the tower. QG gathered all their firepower to kill Gnar instantly."

"Aishe Jiayi’s damage is explosive, this Bonar is going to be killed instantly!"


"Oh My God!"

"LGD's new top laner Myer used his ultimate skill when Dannar was about to die."

"Four shots happened instantly, and everyone was hit against the wall!"

"Sivir was killed instantly!"

"Weishen and imp are now madly outputting"

"This Gnar's Tathagata Palm shot at the moment of death saved the LGD team and instantly reversed the situation"


This video clip uses the very eye-catching operation of Chen Yiqiu's debut.

Netizens who clicked in to watch it.

If you have been following the LGD team and watching their games for a long time, you may have a very deep impression of it.

Even when you see this scene again, it seems like yesterday.

And then

"M3 now gathers the strength of the whole team and tries to kill Ryze instantly

"Almost there!"

"Can it be killed in seconds?"


"Ryze has summoned a shield and hasn't fallen down yet!"

"Ryze, who has activated his ultimate, is dealing mad AoE damage"


"Ryze is not dead yet! Not dead yet!"


"I don't know how many shields Ryze has created in this wave."In the regular season match against M3, Guan Zeyuan commented on the match. Chen Yiqiu's Ryze amazed countless people at that time. The various details of the operation made many netizens stunned.

There was even a feeling of being shocked.

The classic scene reappeared, still making people's blood surge.

In the video of the road to the championship,

Chen Yiqiu already had two highlights.

And similarly.

The video also edited some wonderful clips of Wei Shen and imp in the game.

Wei Shen's Clockwork and Jie Yue, imp's Vayne, Luna, Twitch, etc., of course, Taobao Quan's Lee Sin and Hirano Aya's Guardian Bull.

These are the wonderful performances that LGD players have presented to everyone in the summer season.

After that, it was the god-level performance of the LGD team in the season.

In the quarterfinals of the playoffs, facing OMG.

In the semifinals of the playoffs, facing IG.

In the summer finals, facing EDG


"Is EDG going to start this wave?"

"I think this is their last chance."

"If they don't find an opportunity to fight back a little bit through teamfights, then it will be even more difficult for EDG to fight if LGD controls another Baron."


"The factory manager's blind monk kicked the excavator!"

"On it!"

"My god, this time the factory manager played a trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, his target turned out to be the troll of the God of Autumn."

"Qiu Shen’s reaction was too fast!"

"Another pillar stood up, directly blocking him in place, and also blocking the blind monk of the factory manager."


"Olaf flashes in"

"So crispy!"

"LGD was defeated immediately"

"It's over, it feels like it's over"


This is the video footage and commentary of the last team fight in the last game of the finals.

Watching it now, I am still so excited.

Immediately afterwards.

The video also released the major commentators' congratulations to LGD.

Changmao, Miller, Wawa, Su Xiaoyan, Guan Zeyuan, etc., although they are different competitions, all they want is that congratulations.

Obviously, the LGD team has been very smooth all the way in this summer season, but this"Road to the Championship" video makes people have a very difficult sense of déjà vu.

After watching these scenes, many netizens like it very much.

Although the official videos look a little rough, the overall effect is still very good.

From the initial lows to the subsequent rise.

And then to the final victory.

This is the LGD team's road to the championship.

"After watching it, this is the real Galaxy Battleship of LPL, OMG is too useless"

"Wei Shen and Imp are both very good, but I still want to say: Qiu Shen is awesome!"

"I really like watching Qiu Shen's games. It's so familiar. I don't know if it's because some of his acting skills are at a low level."

"In this game highlights, I want to watch the two gods of LGD, Qiu Shen and Wei Shen!"


Many fans started to leave comments below after watching the video.

The key is that the popularity of this Road to Championship video is very high.

Many people may only see that LGD won the championship, so it is normal for this video to explode in popularity.

Gao Zecheng, the operations manager who is specifically responsible for Chen Yiqiu's live broadcast on Douyu, found something very different in this video.

The highlights of those players in the video.

Especially Chen Yiqiu, every time he appears, many netizens will respond with barrages.

From this point, it can be seen that netizens obviously appreciate the wonderful performances of those players at that time.

So can we make some special programs?

For example

"Counting the wonderful games of the talented top laner Cmy this season."

It is not difficult to buy the copyright of the video from Tencent, and it is not even expensive, but perhaps such a live review of the game will bring a considerable number of viewers to such a special live broadcast room.

And the most important thing is.

In the next month, the LGD team is almost in the off-season.

In other words.

During this period of time, LD has almost no games to speak of. What if they play Qiu Shen's games?

Just thinking about it makes me want to explode!

Speaking of which.

Because he is responsible for Chen Yiqiu's live broadcast, Gao Zecheng is actually familiar with many of Chen Yiqiu's games in this summer season.

Gnar, Ryze, Yasuo, Olaf, Titan, etc.

And his Troll in the finals.

Gao Zecheng, the operations manager, has watched many of Chen Yiqiu’s wonderful games. Almost every time Chen Yiqiu brings out a new hero, his performance is always amazing.

If LGD’s game is not good, they can also broadcast some other players’ classic games, and the content will definitely be enough. Although those videos have been broadcast online, Gao Zecheng obviously understands this very well after working for Douyu. The barrage culture, as well as this kind of live review and highlights can also attract many viewers.


Meanwhile, the LGD team, who had been celebrating until the early morning, were too exhausted in the end.

They wanted to celebrate.

But after arriving here, they discovered that the idea was beautiful, but the reality was cruel, after tonight's finals.

Although e-sports competitions do not rely on physical strength, the mental and psychological torment on the players is also very exaggerated.

After the initial excitement, everyone felt sleepy.

Chen Yi Qiu was tired himself.

An Xin returned to the team base with his teammates.

In the car.

Chen Yi Qiu took a dazed look at the news on his phone, and he suddenly became much more awake. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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