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Because most teams don't rely on bonus income to maintain the operation of the club.

After all, the prize money of the competition is really not much, and many times you need to win the championship, but not every team can win the championship.

Some rely on the investment of the boss.

Some earn some funds for activities, and some additional income from advertising, sponsorship, team signings with live broadcast platforms, etc.

The award ceremony for the champion.

Similarly, it is also very simple.

The players hold a sign with a prize of 80,000, and the silver trophy in their hands, which is almost enough.

This championship award ceremony.

Up to now, the audience has just watched a festive occasion.



"Now let's move on to our next part. Tonight, the GD team won the championship. I think everyone must want to know what the champion is thinking at this moment."

"And what they want to say about winning the championship this summer."

After the championship award ceremony, the host Bao Bao drew everyone's attention to the interview after the finals.

But obviously, the time for this kind of interview after the finals is quite limited, and it is impossible to ask too many questions.

"Let’s first interview our Xiaoping, Hirano Aya!"

"After winning the summer season and qualifying for this year's S5 World Championship, what do you want to say to everyone?" Hirano Aya took the microphone.

"This is my first top-level championship in LPL."

"very excited!"

"I am very grateful to my teammates for their support, including Wei Shen, Imp, A Quan, Qiu Shen who joined the team this summer, and coach Feng Ge."

"Of course, thank you to all the fans who support the LGD team"

"Also, we will do our best to play in S5 this year."

Perhaps because she was too excited, Hirano Aya's interview answer seemed very official, but it didn't matter anymore. Many viewers just wanted to hear a result.

"OK, all right!"

"Then let's interview Wei Shen"

"In the final of this summer season, Wei Shen was very brave to use heroes in each of the three games against Fat General, and also played a very crry performance.

"What does Wei Shen want to say about this?" The host Bao Bao asked the second question.

Many netizens are actually quite interested in Wei Shen's interview answers, because most of the time, Wei Shen's words are really interesting.

"I think my performance in the summer finals was not that good. It may have something to do with my recent poor form."

"But by the time the World Championship comes, I will get myself back in shape."

God, the answer to the interview was very calm.

It was indeed as some netizens had guessed.

Wei Shen, as always, was very cool.

But from what he said, you can feel his confidence.

In fact, in this summer finals, Wei Shen's performance was remarkable.

Heroes like Yasuo and Kassadin could deal decent damage, and they were not at all weak when facing Pawn, which was already very awesome.

"Still the same inflated godv"

"This guy has always been so arrogant"

"LGD is a very interesting team. Wei is extremely confident and Qiu is extremely humble."


After listening to Wei Shen's interview, many netizens were talking in the barrage area.


Taobao Quan and imp were also interviewed by the host Bao Bao.

Finally, it was finally time to interview Chen Yi Qiu.

Many of Chen Yi Qiu's fans had already been madly complaining about Bao Bao in the live broadcast room. This order of arrangement is simply extremely annoying.

"Come on!"

"It's our Qiu Shen's turn to be interviewed"

"I left it until the end, I wonder if the audience will blame me."

When he said this, the host Bao Bao also smiled.

The audience at the scene immediately booed in protest.

After joining the LGD team, Chen Yiqiu played more and more games, and his number of fans also gradually increased.

"OK, OK, I already feel your anger."

"Let's ask Qiu Shen, many people call you the e-sports Zhuge Liang and the e-sports Oscar. In this summer finals, many netizens also watched your various calculations and acting skills."

"What do you think about this?"

As soon as the host Bao Bao asked this question, netizens were immediately excited.

Good question!

I like this kind of interesting question.

Many people were even surprised by Bao Bao's interview questions. It was rare to ask such"quality" questions.

After listening to Bao Bao's words, Chen Yi Qiu was a little embarrassed.

At this time, he took the microphone.

Everyone's eyes were on him at this time.

"I know you won't believe me if I say I'm not strong enough."

Chen Yiqiu said this with a smile just after answering.

The audience booed him crazily.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were more realistic.

"Roll, roll, roll! Qian Sheng Qiu has begun again"

"Damn it, Qiu Shen, you really deserve a beating"

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten the title Qian Sheng Qiu."

"Drag Qiu Shen out and give him a beating. He is more pretentious than Wei Shen."


In the barrage area, there are complaints


"If you really think this is the case, then I have to thank the bronze, silver and gold players in the Ionia region."

"It is because of my experience in various ranks in these ranks, combined with the high-end games, that I can perform like this."

After saying this,

Chen Yiqiu himself felt hypocritical.

People who didn't know him would think that he was really practicing his acting skills in low ranks, but they didn't know that Chen Yiqiu's strength was really not good. It was all thanks to God.

But there was nothing he could do.

Faced with this kind of question, Chen Yiqiu answered sincerely that lack of strength was just pretense, expansion, hypocrisy, etc.

If he faced���If you answer, you will win the applause immediately.

At this time, the audience listened.

There was thunderous applause!

Seeing this, Chen Yiqiu had ten thousand question marks in his mind.

Sure enough!

It's still the same!


"I am a bronze player and I am proud of it. I am also a man who has contributed to Qiu Shen's summer championship."

"Ionia's Thousand Machines 10, rank Bronze 5, congratulations to the leader for winning the summer championship"

"Ionia, you can do it, you are in Silver III, come and congratulate the leader"

"Ioniamo became an immortal, and reached the fifth rank of Gold. Congratulations to the leader for winning the championship."


After hearing Chen Yiqiu's answer.

At this moment.

Many netizens who were still watching the live broadcast began to post comments. Many bronze, silver, and gold players were deeply moved by Chen Yiqiu's words.

They never expected that they also contributed to Qiu Shen's summer championship.

It's really rare!

If Chen Yiqiu could see these comments at this time, he would probably have countless question marks in his mind, and many"wow!"



"Congratulations again to LGD for winning the championship of this year's summer season. Finally, let our LGD players say a few words."

"You have already been confirmed to advance to S5, each of you can use a short sentence or a few words to cheer for this year's S5."

The question asked by the host Bao Bao is quite interesting.

"S5, come on LGD!

Hirano Aya was the first to answer, and he even laughed after he finished speaking

"I hope LGD can achieve good results in S5.

Taobao Quan was the second to answer

"Come on!"

Wei Shen was the third one.

But this guy was shorter than anyone else.

"S5, everyone will be great!"

A magical moment.

After Imp finished the question from the translator, he started to speak in his poor Chinese. Once he said this, coupled with Imp's smile, he instantly charmed many female fans.

There's no way.

Imp's grin was too good, and he played so well in the key games. It's normal for a group of girls to be bewitched by him.

E-sports socialite, no joke


"So, what about you, Qiu Shen?"

The host Bao Bao handed the microphone to Chen Yi Qiu.

Chen Yi Qiu was the last one to speak.

To be honest, this kind of interview was really a bit torturous for Chen Yi Qiu.

On the one hand, he had to endure the psychological torture of deceiving himself, and on the other hand, he had to give an interview answer that everyone could be satisfied with.

Now this question...

Chen Yi Qiu thought about it and said casually

""Follow your dreams and live up to your youth!"

After he finished answering, the other LGD teammates all applauded Chen Yiqiu.

The audience at the scene was even more so.

As for the fans in the live broadcast room, they were already excited.

"Damn, God Qiu is so cool!"

"I fucking love Qiu Shen"

"With this literary talent and temperament, in my opinion, Qiu Shen has the potential to win the championship in this year's global finals."

"Although I still don't know what this means, I always feel that what Qiu Shen said is very awesome."


The fans in the live broadcast room were praising Chen Yiqiu crazily.

Seeing the audience cheering, Chen Yiqiu was a little skeptical about his life.

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