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"Wind girl, wind girl!"

"Kill the wind girl first!"



""Second AD, chase, chase, chase!"

Inside LGD, the players were already excited.

It was as if they were screaming.

AJ's Olaf fell, and Zz1tai's Lee Sin also fell. The rest were no longer a problem. At this time, they just needed to chase madly.

Meiko's Janna also formed a formation.

Taobao Quan's excavator charged forward, but was killed by Pawn and DET, but they couldn't escape.

Wei Shen's Kassadin harvested crazily.

EDGC also died.

This last wave of highland team battles ended in a group annihilation.


"Push it quickly!"

"Push it quickly!"


At this point, the LGD players were getting more and more excited.

However, the players didn’t immediately think about celebrating or anything else. Before they destroyed the EDG base, everything was still unsettled.

Now they were just one step away from the final shot, and the ball was only 0.5cm away from the goal.


"That's too late!"

"The two front towers were demolished, and the resurrected Zz1tai Lee Sin and AJ Olaf could not stop LGD's advance."

When seeing this scene

, the audience in the stadium was already boiling.

"LD played very beautifully in this game!"

"The champion of our new League of Legends professional league is about to be born."

The commentator's voice was much louder.

The replay of the last team battle was no longer important.

The LGD players on the field were desperately attacking the base. The blind monk of the factory manager and AJ's Olaf were resurrected and were still struggling desperately.

But it was useless.

The two could not stop LGD's advance.

The 50,000 spectators at the scene were already making a thunderous roar that resounded throughout the Huanglong Sports Center.

"LGD failed to qualify from the city competition, including the first LPL."

"But today, they are at the top of the LPL!"

Even Miller was shouting.

The birth of every champion is always so exciting.

"The base exploded!"

"We congratulate LGD!

"Congratulations to LGD!"

"Congratulations to LGD for winning the championship of this summer season!"


The three people in the commentary booth all began to congratulate sincerely.

The bullet screen area of the live broadcast room of the game was also filled with congratulations to LGD. Many LGD fans really realized their dreams tonight.

And on the field.

At this time, Hirano Aya and Taobao Quan had already stood up from their seats, hugging and celebrating together.

However... there was a weirdo among the five.

He was still in a daze after winning the championship.

Chen Yiqiu looked at the victory words displayed on the computer screen and didn't react for a long time.

Won the championship?

LGD won the championship?

Chen Yiqiu was still a little confused!

No one could understand his feelings, only Chen Yiqiu himself knew it best, from traveling through time to this era to the crazy rush for points in the passerby game.

Then it was the trial training of LGD after throwing a sieve.

Then it was... a confused debut.

Confused carry confused win the game.

Confused win many games.

And now, won the championship of the summer season.

Everything was so incredible. Along the way, Chen Yiqiu always felt that he had almost used up all the luck in the world. The goddess of luck might have been drained of all her luck by Chen Yiqiu.

On the court, his teammates were about to lift Chen Yiqiu up.

If he didn't get up to celebrate now, I'm afraid Hirano Aya, Taobao Quan and others would just lift him up to celebrate.

In fact,

Chen Yiqiu himself was very happy to win the championship.

But at this moment, he couldn't recover. He always felt that the cheers of the audience and the crazy celebrations of his teammates seemed so dreamy, even a little unreal.

Under the live camera, everyone in LGD was celebrating, only Chen Yiqiu stood up slowly.

Then, he smiled at his teammates and clapped his hands.

"Damn, God Qiu, he is so calm even after winning the championship!"

"This is the true style of a great general!"

"I'm really impressed. He carried the game in various ways and won the championship like nothing happened."

"God Qiu, please don’t be like this, otherwise I don’t know what to say to you!"


Seeing Chen Yiqiu's series of"moves", the audience in the live broadcast room was also amused.

They were madly teasing.

On the other hand.

Although the EDG players lost the finals, and even lost with such a huge score of 0-3, for this strong LL team, the players did not feel particularly uncomfortable.

You know, in 2014, they won the LPL Spring and Summer Championships. Even this year, they won the Spring Championship and the MI Mid-Season Invitational Championship.

Although this EDG lost in the summer season, their foundation is there.

They lost the summer season finals, but there is still a great chance to get a place in the S5 World Championship. For EDG, that is what they need to fight for the most.


When the game ended, the players were relieved.

Especially AJ.

In the third game of this final, he thought he would have a chance to save the team, but now it seems that everything is just a beautiful imagination.

Reality shattered all his ideas.

Chen Yiqiu's personal strength is so strong that they simply can't overcome such a hurdle.

It's normal to lose the game.

The same is true for EDG's fans.

They have been looking forward to the birth of a miracle, but after watching the game, they know that the strength gap between the top laners on both sides is really a bit big.

Even Koro, who was able to show his prowess in SKT at MSI, was still so vulnerable when facing the God of Qiu. The roles of the top laners on both sides are infinitely different.

From the god of war Olaf in the first game, to the straight man Titan in the second game, to the troll who killed the game with one skill in the last game.

You have to accept it even if you don't accept it!

No matter if Cmy is not an e-Oscar or an e-sports Zhuge Liang.

In the finals, as a top laner, he did everything he could to the extreme, and it was very normal to win the game.

EDG's deserved,

LGD's well-deserved


The five LGD players were standing at the center of the stage. They all raised the championship trophy high.

The others came running.

Chen Yiqiu was the last one to come over with a smile.

"At this moment, the new LPL was born!"

"Tonight, the glory belongs to them."

Wawa was still talking.

But now, the scene was already drowned in cheers, and the shocking championship music was stimulating the ears of countless people.


When the LGD team raised the silver trophy, the lights focused, and white smoke rose around the stage, symbolizing the celebration of the championship.

The LPL championship at this time is very different from the championship celebrations in later periods.

It is not so grand, nor so gorgeous.

But none of this matters.

When the LGD team raised the Mang trophy, they had already proved themselves. The glory of the championship is the most important, and the rest is just a formality.

At this moment.

The LGD team bowed to the audience to thank them.

Next, the award ceremony for the summer championship will begin.


"We congratulate LGD for becoming the champion of the 2015 League of Legends LPL Summer Season!"

"Congratulations to them!"

At this time, the host baby, still wearing a white short skirt, came out. She was the real goddess in the minds of many domestic players, but unfortunately she was taken away by the baby.

"Please ask our team members to take a step forward so that the audience can see you more."

"It’s not easy!"

"They have just won the highest trophy in our summer season. At this moment, I believe that three months of hard work and sweat have condensed into this moment."

"This is their honor, let us give them cheers and applause again."

Led by the baby, the 50,000 spectators at the scene also applauded or shouted and cheered.

"Actually, when we LD just lifted the trophy, our summer season was also coming to an end."

"Three months of schedule, a total of 311 games, this summer LPL gave us so much, and we witnessed the birth of the 1,000th game on this stage."

"I have witnessed the continuous efforts of the new team and the unremitting persistence of our old team!"

"I really want to thank every player for their efforts, thank every worker behind the scenes for their contributions, and thank everyone who loves League of Legends."

""Thank you!"

The host, Bao Bao, said emotionally on the stage.

Many audiences also gave her warm applause.

"Today we will also commend our champion team LGD. Next, we will hold our summer championship award ceremony."

"At the same time, we will also let our players accept interviews about winning the championship."

Winning the championship is a ceremony.

But after the moment of glory, many people have gradually calmed down.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room can still stay in the live broadcast room at this time, basically waiting for the post-match interview with the players, which is the highlight after winning the championship in everyone's mind.

Especially the guy who is known as the Zhuge Liang of e-sports and the Oscar of e-sports.

He must be allowed to say a few more words in the interview._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do in reading - collection,

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