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At this time, LGD didn't even bother to start a team fight.

They just forcibly protected the soldiers with the Baron buff and kept grinding the health of the highland tower. This alone was enough to make EDG uncomfortable, not to mention that Chen Yiqiu also secretly took down the highland tower on the top lane.

Finally, the Baron buff time was over.

The EDG people gave it a bite.

On this side.

LGD continued to take the third dragon, and then cleared out the resources in the wild area, continuing to expand its advantage


"Don’t even push the top lane crystal!"

"Is it still the LGD team I know?"

Wawa was a little stunned when he saw the LGD team retreat.

Actually, it was.

When he saw that the duration of the dragon buff had not yet ended, the iron-headed captain Hirano Aya was already shouting in the team voice to retreat, retreat, retreat.

Up to now, the more critical the later stage is.

Hirano Aya is a little afraid to play.

The unknown game in the competition!

In fact, sometimes it is like this.

With a huge advantage, it is obviously just the last step, but you don’t dare to take risks.

From the current situation of LGD, the probability of forcing a win is 80%, while the probability of playing slowly and steadily, continuing to take jungle resources and finally winning can be more than 95%.

In addition, the LGD formation itself is not weak in the late stage.

The mid-lane Kassadin and the bottom lane wheel mother.

It is based on this situation that even the stubborn Hirano Aya will bow her head for the final honor at this time and choose to stabilize temporarily.

Update another round of equipment.

LGD just gathered five players and prepared to push EDG's top lane highland crystal.

This style of play is very stable.

Many LGD fans were stunned, and never expected that such a reckless team would choose such a stable way to play at this time.

LGD tonight is very different!


"Is EDG going to start this wave?"

"I think this is their last chance."

"If we still can't fight back a little bit through teamfights, then if GD controls another Baron, it will be even more hopeless."

LGD's next plan is exactly as Miller said.

After taking down the third dragon, they will have a 15% damage bonus to wild monsters, and they will be able to kill the Baron even faster. Maybe EDG didn't have enough vision.

The Baron is gone!

On the field.

At this time, the five LGD players advanced to the highland crystal.

The focus of the whole field was on Zz1tai's Lee Sin.

At this moment.

EDG has his Lee Sin to force a teamfight.

AJ's Olaf rushed forward, and as long as the troll gave him a big move and took another bite, Olaf would instantly become a sick man, not to mention that AJ's Olaf was not developing very well now. It would be even more impossible for others.

"Director, it’s up to you to perform a miracle!"

"Use your blind man to save the world!"

"Whether EDG can still have a game depends on your blind man."

"The hope of the whole village!"



Even many viewers in the live broadcast room can clearly know this at this time.

The factory manager himself is also very clear.

Although his flash CD has been turned on, with LGD's lineup.

Who can he kick?

Wei Shen?

A hero like Kassadin, plus Wei Shen's reaction, it is basically impossible to succeed, and even if he kicks back, Kassadin may be able to run away with R at the first time.

Imp's Wheel Mother?

How to kick with a shield?

This is even more impossible!

Taobao Quan's excavator?

This hero is completely a rhythm in the early stage in LGD's lineup. The excavator in team battles is actually very useless and can't do anything at all in many cases.

As a jungler, the factory manager is very clear about this.

As for Hirano Aya's Braum, it is even more impossible. Kicking it back is equivalent to pitting teammates.

So. What about the troll?

The factory manager thought about it, and it seems that there is really only one troll left that is easier to kick.

And at present, the equipment of this abominable troll is all armor-oriented, cloth shoes, and ice heart, basically no magic resistance.

Paw's Viktor can completely deal very powerful magic damage.

Thinking in this way, it seems that there really is a chance to kill him in one second.

Originally, in this game, Chen Yiqiu's Troll really caused all kinds of troubles to Clearlove's Lee Sin.

When ganking Wei Shen and Kassadin in the middle lane, Clearlove's Lee Sin finally reached a very beautiful cooperation with Pawn, and Clearlove himself had already completed a very coherent eye-touching, flashing, and roundhouse kick.

It should have been a top operation this week.

But the Troll's icicle destroyed everything!

Five minutes ago. In this wave of the Baron, if it weren't for the fear of the Troll's pillar and he directly used the second stage of Q in instead of using flash and then the second stage of Q, then the Baron could have been snatched away. Clearlove kept every account in mind.


"The blind monk kicked Taobao Quan's excavator!"

"Do you want to team up with EDG this time?"

EDG is on the high ground tower.

The LGD players are carefully looking for an opportunity to attack the crystal. They can already see that the blind monk standing on the flank has kicked the excavator with his sound wave.

And Chen Yiqiu's troll is right next to the excavator.

The opportunity has come!

The factory manager marked the troll and signaled his teammates to follow up later.

At this moment, there was a light in the factory manager's eyes.

Chen Yiqiu's troll pillar blocked AJ's Olaf, his own blind monk, pawn's Viktor and dft's Vayne.

It even blocked his teammate Wei Shen's Kassadin.

The factory manager didn't believe it!

Could he think of blocking his own troll?

Left hand, Q button.


The factory manager pressed the blind monk's Q skill fiercely and quickly flashed behind Chen Yiqiu's troll.

"I use my hands to make your dream come true!"

At this moment, he even thought of this classic line from Lee Sin.

The dragon swings its tail!

Immediately afterwards, the factory manager pressed his ultimate move.

Then... the troll really stuck himself.

By the way, the factory manager's Lee Sin was also stuck.

The factory manager was desperate!

It seemed that he had made LGD's dream come true with his own hands.


"This time, the factory manager’s target is actually the troll of the God of Autumn!"

"But Qiu Shen reacted too quickly and erected a pillar to trap himself and the factory manager's blind monk."

"The two sides started fighting!"

You can see it on the live broadcast.

When Zz1tai's Lee Sin made his move, the other EDG players followed suit. AJ's Olaf threw an axe, then flashed and rushed into the crowd.


In the first game of the finals, EG's back row was chopped up by Chen Yiqiu's Olaf.

In this game,

AJ also wanted to follow suit.

Reckless Olaf, create a miracle!


Seeing his health dropping,

Chen Yiqiu panicked!


When he saw the factory manager coming, Chen Yiqiu was so scared that he immediately pressed the E skill Frost Pillar. He wanted to block the factory manager's blind monk, but he never expected that

Chen Yiqiu would block himself.

What a lousy operation!

Now it has come to the most critical stage. I am afraid that millions of viewers are watching this final. It is embarrassing to press such an E skill.

The key is at this time.

Chen Yiqiu began to bear the damage from Pawn Ktor and DET Vayne. These two guys are too scary. They hit Chen Yiqiu's troll half of his health in a few hits.

They are just like beasts.

Chen Yiqiu was scared and pressed his ultimate move.

I don't know if it was for the factory manager's blind monk or AJ's Olaf.

In a panic, Chen Yiqiu couldn't tell.

Being stuck by the pillar he put up and being beaten in vain, it was so showy that his scalp was numb. Chen Yiqiu wanted to find a crack to get in at this moment.

The pillars in front were very powerful, but the pillars placed this time were embarrassing.


AJ was already dumbfounded.

He flashed to distance himself from the troll, not wanting the troll's ultimate to suck his Olaf, so that he could have real power when rushing to LGD's back row.

AJ didn't understand how the troll gave him the ultimate at this moment.

Now AJ felt like crying but couldn't cry when he saw his Olaf, who was still covered in blood, had lost weight after flashing and using his ultimate to rush into LGD's back row!


"This time, Zz1tai's Lee Sin didn't kick the Troll back, and AJ Olaf was already injured before he did much damage. After being sucked in by the Troll's ultimate move"

"A's Olaf is a bit fragile!"

What you can see is that

Chen Yiqiu's troll relied on his ultimate to absorb Olaf's health and instantly recovered a lot, and the absorbed double resistance can make him more resistant to attacks.

Def's Vayne and Paw's Viktor can't kill the troll at all.

Imp's mother started the ultimate.

EDG team failed, which means they have to pay the price for it.

Wei Shen's Kassadin and Taobao Quan's excavator.

Seeing Olaf rushing to their faces, they turned around and cooperated with Imp to output.

AJ Olaf, whose double resistance was absorbed by the troll, was quickly killed in the situation of being surrounded and beaten by LGD.

And the factory manager, the blind monk, also couldn't escape.

Def's Vayne wanted to carry. But he and Pawn's Viktor didn't kill the Troll in the first place. Instead, LGD's front row was very fast.

God of War Olaf became a corpse.

Taobao Quan's excavator flashed over.

One person stood in the front, forcibly preventing Pawndeft from hitting GD's back row.

And now.

Zz1tai's Lee Sin also fell!

PK with the low-health Troll, but still couldn't kill the Troll. Instead, Zz1tai's own Lee Sin was quickly melted.


"Gone! Gone!"

"It feels like it's over!" When she saw this, Wawa was saying.

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