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Can Olaf use dual axes?

This is a very interesting question in itself.

Normally, according to the hero's settings, it should not be possible, but this is also a small bug of Olaf.

Although Shenchao is mainly a top laner.

But in his previous career, he rarely used Olaf, and even now, Olaf is actually a jungler in RAN.

In the high-end ranks of the Korean server, Olaf is very strong in the jungle.

The jungle is fast and efficient.

Moreover, Olaf's ability to single out in the jungle is not inferior to any jungle hero, especially in the early and mid-term.

For the jungle position, the only thing Olaf lacks is that he has no displacement skills.

But this cannot cover up his advantages!

In this game, Chen Yiqiu chose the top laner Olaf. The equipment and playing styles of the jungler and the top laner are very different.

Jungle Olaf basically does not do black cutting.

With only one jungle equipment and three DPS equipment, Olaf is already fully DPS, and the rest is tank equipment for attacking the back row.

It is very different for Olaf to make Black Cleaver in the top lane.

The Black Cleaver has a 20% CD reduction, which is very special.

This is also the most important reason why Olaf can play double axes.

Even Shenchao guessed that Chen Yiqiu's Olaf rune talent should also have D reduction, and combined with the blue buff CD reduction when he was in the bottom lane.

It almost reached the full CD reduction.

For a player like him, it is not strange to be able to play double axes.

Shenchao also tried it himself.

After throwing the first axe, wait for the skill CD. At this time, you should walk to the side of the previously thrown axe.

Don't pick it up!

Then when the Q skill CD is ready for the second axe, you will find that the first axe is still on the ground. Pick up the first axe while throwing it out. The skill CD is reset, and another Q is used, and a magical scene appears.

Two axes on the ground!

Speaking of which.

Olaf, the hero, holds two axes in his hands. I don't know if it was intentional by Riot.

The double-axe operation can be said to be a bug of Olaf, but it is also a little trick of Olaf. Since Riot has not corrected it, it can be treated as Olaf's operation. What

Shenchao really admires is that.

In such a complex team battle environment, Chen Yiqiu can still perform the double-axe operation. How calm a mind and extremely strong execution does it take?


"Is Qiu Shen cheating? I tried it, but my Olaf can't even do dual axe with 45% CD reduction!"

On Weibo.

After the first game of the finals, some people started to make such remarks. They even released GIFs as evidence.

And they are people in the e-sports circle.

In this game, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf has already caused a lot of controversy, and the barrage area directly amplified this controversy.

And it has been led to Weibo.

"I feel like Olaf's axes are really outrageous"

"Bench, front row, eating melons, waiting for the follow-up"

"You're cheating!"

"If cheating was really the case, the official would have suspended the game long ago, what the hell!"


Some people doubted it, some believed it.

The debate about this matter has already caused some heated discussions.


Shen Chao also posted on Weibo

"After trying it, it seems that Olaf's double axes can indeed do it."

In fact, when this matter caused a hot discussion on Weibo in a short period of time, some enthusiastic netizens tagged Shen Chao, who had just retired as a professional top laner, and asked him to explain.

Then, Shen Chao answered.

His response was truly on Chen Yiqiu's side.

Others followed suit and also participated in this topic at this time.

As a result, the official live broadcast of the game is now full of discussions on this matter. The various arguments in the barrage area are relentless.


"What happened to my wave?"

"Triple kill?"

At the finals,

Chen Yiqiu returned to the backstage after the first game. At this moment, his mind was still full of the scene of the team fight in the bottom lane of the game that just ended. Until now, he still hasn't figured out how he did it.

It's amazing!

But... such a surprise!

And in the other waves of team fights that followed, Chen Yiqiu thought he played pretty well, although he didn't know exactly where he was good.

In short, one very important point.

His Olaf always pressed Deft's Jinx to the ground, and this alone was enough.

Think about the hero Olaf again.

Just have hands!

Fight if you don't agree!

Can be tanky and fight!

If you think about it this way?

"Damn, this is a hero for a rookie like me."After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yiqiu suddenly felt that Olaf was tailor-made for him, and it really allowed a rookie to kill everyone on the field.



"In the past, people called you the Oscar of e-sports, the Zhuge Liang of e-sports, but I didn't believe it. But after watching this game, I can see that Yiqiu is really amazing. You gave away the first blood and made your opponent think that you were not in good shape."

"Let EDG be fooled and then counterattack fiercely!"

""You played so well!"

In the backstage lounge.

At this time, the female boss of the LGD team looked at Chen Yiqiu and said with a smile when welcoming the players back.

After winning the first game of the finals and seeing that the LGD players played very well, it was obvious that the female boss was also very happy.

This summer final itself is very important for LGD. It is related to a great honor for the club. Before this, LGD has never won the championship of a top event.

It refers to the LOL division.

This summer game is a great opportunity for them.

And if they can win the championship, they can directly get a place in the world championship without having to play the next bubble game. This is very important.

Now that LGD has won a game first, the female boss is obviously very happy.

"When I first saw Qiu Shen being killed, I thought there was something wrong with his health."

"Why did it suddenly become so lame?"

"I didn't expect it to be the ultimate calculation. Even I was fooled!"

Hirano Aya came over and said.

During the game.

He could have reminded him at that time, but it was not only Hirano Aya, but even Taobao Quan felt that Chen Yiqiu could not make such a low-level mistake.

As a result, he was really killed and lost the first blood.

At that time, their heads were buzzing.

You have to know that this is the finals. A slight mistake may pay a bloody price. The wave of kills in the bottom lane really scared the teammates.

Chen Yiqiu was still in a daze just now, and he recovered after listening to the words of several people.

He was a little embarrassed at this moment.

Being surrounded and attacked by three EDG players, that was not the ultimate seduction at all, it was purely a lack of consciousness and giving away heads.

The boss and Hirano Aya actually forced an explanation.

Chen Yiqiu had no choice.

But now he has long been accustomed to this situation. No matter how he forces an explanation or makes up for it, he can't wash it off no matter what he says.

Get used to it!


Chen Yiqiu shrugged and smiled slightly

"Boss, if I said that my wave was not seduction, then I was really bad."

"Do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

""I don't believe it!"

It's true! It's fine if Hirano Aya doesn't believe it, now even the female boss doesn't believe it.

What else can I say!

But now, after winning the first final, Chen Yiqiu is in a good mood.

A member has been added to the pool of output-type top lane heroes, and he is the mad dog Olaf.

Chen Yiqiu feels that as long as the version is not so targeted at Olaf and he will not be defeated in the game, he can definitely use this hero to play in the next period of time.

Thinking of this, Chen Yiqiu even became more confident.

Facing the various revisions of Riot, it is really not easy to find an output-type top laner that you can play.


"Hello everyone, welcome back!"

"This is the ongoing 2015 LPL Summer Finals."

"In the last game, LGD took the lead, let's see how EDG responds!"

At the scene.

At this time, the director has already started to switch the camera back to the commentary seat.

After the first game, the second game of the final will start immediately.

"In the second game, let's see how EDG adjusts."

"Regarding LGD's top laner Qiu Shen, I feel that EDG should not target him easily. Maybe they can open up gaps in other lanes and rely on the overall rhythm."

"Maybe the effect will be much better."

Commentator Miller is also giving advice to EDG. In the first game,

EDG's Chen Yiqiu's Olaf was beaten too badly.

Moreover, in the last game, the final MVP was given to Chen Yiqiu's Olaf. Even though he died twice in the early stage, he really played the role of Olaf in the subsequent games and was recognized by the official.

"Now I feel that in the next game, EDG's most difficult problem is how to BP."

"Gangplank, Olaf, Yasuo, it's so hard to target LGD"

"And EDG also needs to lock down some of Wei Shen's mid-lane heroes."

Su Xiaoyan mentioned this.

EG is indeed in a bit of a dilemma after playing the finals until now.

"There is another hero, have you forgotten it?" At this time

, the doll smiled and kept it a secret.

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