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Just waiting for Wawa to continue.


"You guys really didn't forget, did you?"

"DFT was so scared of that hero that he played against him in the first game."

When Wawa said that, the two of them immediately remembered.

Deep Sea Titan!

This was indeed a nightmare for Deft.

"I saw a saying before that Qiu Shen's Titan is a straight male Titan. So in this match, can we say that Olaf is a straight male?"

Miller also joked.

Netizens are still arguing about Chen Yiqiu's Olaf's double axe cheat. Now after hearing what Miller said, they immediately agreed.

Thinking about it carefully, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf is indeed a straight male in this match.

"Olaf only has Jinx in his eyes and is full of love for Jinx, but he always beats Jinx to death"

"Isn't that the fighting man among straight men?"

Wawa followed up with a sentence.

The two crosstalk commentators sang in unison, and the cooperation was quite perfect.

The audience was immediately amused.

From an analysis, it was really quite interesting.

Jokes aside, the finals now faced EDG, which was indeed a bit overwhelming. The same was true for coach Abu. In the next game, the problem of BP was difficult to solve.

Captain, Olaf, Yasuo, and Titan.

There are only three positions to be drawn, how to target them?

And in the next game.

LGD is on the blue side, and the BP is favorable.

If it is only against these heroes of Chen Yiqiu, then some of Wei Shen's strong heroes, such as Diana, who has a win rate of almost 100%, plus Imp's Lista, cannot be targeted.

In this case, it is necessary to make a choice.

Def made a helpless choice.

In the second game, EG did not draw Titan.

Instead, they drew Olaf, Diana, and Captain. def didn't choose Jinx or Annie. When he saw LGD chose Titan, he picked Corki. It had already come to this. He picked a hero with displacement. He couldn't be hooked again, right?

Seeing the BP in the second game of the finals, LGD fans were a little silly.

Before, they all thought that deft's shadow on Qiu Shen's Titan was a joke, because no one could tell if it was true. Now seeing deft pick Corki, it has explained everything.

Jinx and Annie have no displacement, but Corki has a very strong displacement ability. def really has a psychological shadow on Chen Yiqiu's top lane Titan.

However... the second match of the finals. def's premonition was quite accurate.

His Corki seemed to be repeating a similar plot in the previous game in the team battle, regardless of whether he used the W skill to move.

Chen Yiqiu's top lane Titan was always able to accurately hit the target in the team battle.

All kinds of hits and forced landings. def was a little crazy.

He had played two games in the finals so far, which made him very depressed, and even extremely uncomfortable. In the second match of the summer finals, LGD still won the final victory.

At the end of the first game, many viewers were still arguing about Chen Yiqiu's Olaf double axes, but after the second game.

Many of them began to change the topic.

For example, they gave advice to deft, on what kind of hero he should choose so that he would not be targeted by Qiu Shen. Some also tried to find a way for EDG to BP in order to fight against the devil Chen Yiqiu.

EDG fans were anxious to do this.

LGD fans were smiling and"helping".

Those who were not LGD fans or E fans were just watching the fun.


"If it comes to match point, EDG will be in trouble."

"There is really no way to deal with the top laner Qiu Shen."

It's the third game of the finals.

Even Miller is a little worried for EDG.

In the finals, they were almost completely beaten by LGD. EDG even looked a little embarrassed. You know, they are the champions of the spring season. They are also the champions of the MSI mid-season invitational.

It's really a bit uncomfortable to come to the summer finals and play like this.

EDG fans are already heartbroken.

"Indeed it is!"

"In the first game, EG targeted Qiu Shen in the early stage, but still couldn't stop him. In the second game, they didn't deliberately target him, but still let Titan play a big role in the team battle."

Su Xiaoyan continued Miller's words.

Now there are too many problems facing EDG. This team won the 2014 Spring and Summer Championships, plus this year's Spring Championship.

It seems that their dream of winning the fourth LPL championship may be ended by LGD.


"I just got the news that EDG's top laner has made a substitution. Koro is out, and AmaingJ is in."

At this time ,

Wawa suddenly announced a very important news.

In the two games, if the top laner can't win, DG will directly choose to make a substitution. The substitute top laner AJ is the hope of EDG.

If AJ can't fight against Chen Yiqiu, then EDG itself will have no way out.

"With this personnel change, let’s see what EDG does next!"

"Maybe AJ can change some of EDG's tactics after he comes on the court. Sometimes, changing people can produce some different results."

Miller said calmly.

Hearing this news, he can still look forward to it.

It is difficult for EDG to remain unchanged, but if there is a change, maybe a miracle will happen.

The audience in the live broadcast room were very happy when they heard this.

"Qiu Shen just needs to continue to fill in that diary, and now another top laner who is seeking his own death has appeared"

"The name A is impressive, but the ability is just average."

"Here comes a worse player, and it’s a match point game, what’s the point?"

"EDG was also desperate, and even sent AJ to the game."


Barrage area.

After changing the topic, everyone began to focus on the game, but it can be seen that many viewers do not recognize A's strength.

Compared to Koro, AJ may not be that strong in everyone's mind.

But no matter what, the next game is already the most critical match point.

If LGD can win, then they will win this year's LPL Summer Championship and also get a place in this year's S5 World Championship.

If EDG can win, then there are still a dozen games to come.

In general, it's crucial!


Backstage lounge.

After winning two games in a row, the teammates were very excited, even the female boss was the same. Winning these two games was indeed quite beneficial for LGD. They had already taken the absolute initiative in the finals.

But Chen Yiqiu was a little unhappy.

They beat OG 3-0, IG 3-0, and now if they beat EDG 3-0 in the finals, it would be too much.

He thought that LGD was not strong enough, and it felt that God was giving him a lot of favor in the first two games. I won't say much about Olaf in the first game. In the second game, the teammates were still joking at the beginning that Chen Yiqiu's Titan would hook Deft infinitely, and he didn't take it seriously, but in the real game, it was really like that.

It was poisonous!

The key point is that Chen Yiqiu didn't play so well with the Titan hero when playing against other teams, but he played like a god when playing against EDG.

It was as if Deft was born to eat his Titan hook.

Under such circumstances, it was hard to lose.

Now the third game is coming.

If they win the summer championship again, this LGD will really expand like crazy. Chen Yiqiu didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

If it becomes a foreshadowing of the world game at that time, it would be very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Chen Yiqiu was also very entangled.

He even thought about whether he should not play in the third game and let A play. It would be better to lose a game so as not to let his teammates be so optimistic.

But... what if he loses a game and loses all the next ones?

His own strength is not enough, and he relies entirely on his incredible luck to play the game.

God knows if he can still have such good luck in the future. Chen Yiqiu is more and more worried in his heart as he wins one game after another. The more he wins, the more worried he is.

He even can't help but think.

Has his luck run out?

This game's luck is so incredible, then what about the next one? It's really hard to say whether there will be more.


"Yiqiu, what are you still daydreaming about?"

"Hurry up and get ready, the next match point game is coming."

When Chen Yiqiu was still in a daze, coach Feng Ge came over and interrupted his various strange thoughts.

Come to think of it.

The coach did not allow him to not play. In such a crucial game, suddenly not playing may even cause a bigger storm.

Shaking his head,

Chen Yiqiu did not think about it any more.

At this time, he began to discuss the next BP with his teammates and prepare for the match point game.

At this time, Chen Yiqiu also learned about the news of EDG's substitution.


In my impression, AJ seems to be very strong when playing top single Titan._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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