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"Damn, this Olaf is so powerful!"

"When I saw Qiu Shen's Olaf teleport and sprint to the ground, I knew that EDG had been sentenced to death in this teamfight."

"It shows how terrifying the man teleported by the Home Guard is. It feels like this is almost becoming the signature skill of the God of Autumn."

"This is obviously the way to play the top tree, but Qiu Shen was forced to complete the trick"

"DFT I don't want to see Qiu Shen anymore. I feel like he's been traumatized."


The audience in the live broadcast room were all very happy with the comments. This was especially true for LGD's Si.

It was hard to believe that Olaf, who was at a disadvantage in the early stage, was actually reversed by Qiu Shen so strongly. It was simply astonishing.

Of course, what was even more shocking was that Olaf's lethality to the enemy's back row was too outrageous under the premise of having certain equipment.

Kill the gods who stand in his way, and kill the Buddhas who stand in his way.


On the field.

After winning this team battle, LGD not only pushed down EDG's second tower in the bottom lane, but also demolished the highland tower in the bottom lane. If it was just the crystal, it would not be possible to demolish it.

Because EDG's people had already resurrected at this time, it would obviously be a bit dangerous to demolish it again.

However, for LGD, getting such an advantage is quite enough. Destroying the highland tower in the bottom lane is quite critical for them.

And for EDG, it is a bit fatal.

In this game itself, they were already at a big disadvantage, and now they have destroyed the highland tower all the way, which is even more uncomfortable.

There is a bigger problem in front of EDG.

That is, they can no longer stop Olaf from entering the field. This hero's mindless cutting of the back row is not something EDG can stop.

At this time.

Chen Yiqiu Olaf returned to the city.

A wave of three kills also made Chen Yiqiu a little happy.

And now he really felt the super charm of Olaf's mad dog entering the field. At this time, he was thinking about buying the blue shield pieces first.

But he changed his mind. Chen Yiqiu bought the small pieces of justice and glory first.

The current version of Glory of Justice is not like the turtle-like running later. The Glory of Justice of this period can run very fast with bulky heroes like the big tree.

Even if Chen Yiqiu's Olaf does not teleport with Home Guard, if he has Glory of Justice and activates the ultimate move, the effect is almost comparable to that of Home Guard.

It is enough to be able to do this.

In the game.

At this time, the two sides entered the normal laning again.

After the little dragon refreshed, Taobao continued to control the third little dragon and continued to occupy the absolute advantage on the field. The current economic gap between the two sides caused EDG to not dare to fight the little dragon.

The only choice is to continue to hide


"EDG is now close to 8,000 economy."

"In this game, although the current version of Captain was very strong, he was somewhat restricted by LGD."

Looking at the situation on the field, Wawa said

"LGD started using the Captain at the beginning, so they naturally have their own response strategy"

"In this game, using Yasuo to counter Gangplank played a certain role."

From the perspective of the game.

Wei's Yasuo is indeed more effective than Gangplank.

But one thing that must be mentioned is that the reason why Wei was able to suppress Pawn's Gangplank was not because of the advantage he gained in the laning phase, but because Wei's support got two kills.

As a result, the two mid laners were actually a bit unequal.

And Wei's Yasuo also got a lot of team resources.

From the perspective of laning alone, putting aside other advantages, Pawn's Gangplank is actually not Wei's Yasuo at all, but EDG's other lines did not perform well.

This really has something to do with Pawn.

LGD continued to not give EDG any chances, and after leading the troops, they gathered together to destroy EDG's bottom lane highland crystal.

If they could destroy all the lanes, it would be easier for LGD to operate.

It was 20 minutes.

The big dragon refreshed.

The hero, Captain, was really taking off from now on, because at this time, Captain was already very powerful in terms of level. After reaching level 13, the gunpowder barrel decay rate accelerated. This could give Pawn more room to operate.

But... at this time, LGD seemed to have taken an absolute advantage, but Hirano Aya was extremely anxious at this time, and every minute was very important. Want to gain an advantage.

Having seen the power of Captain Chen Yiqiu, he is a little worried that Pawn will grow up and become powerful in the late game.

It is really hard to say what will happen in the team battle at that time.

So the sooner the game ends, the better.

Delaying it, especially after 25 minutes, the lineup will not be so favorable for LGD.

Therefore, as long as there is a chance, Hirano Aya is crazy about starting a team fight.

Before, he would still be a little concerned about the damage of the defense tower. Now LGD has this advantage and can rush up and make a wave, even if it gives away heads.

Full of confidence!

After this game, Deft will be very uncomfortable.

22 minutes.

LGD forces a teamfight at the dragon.

They had already taken the third dragon before, and the attributes of this dragon can be a very good enhancement for LGD to fight the big dragon.

All jungle damage increased by 15%.

EDG came over.


Def saw the mad dog again, driving the Glory of Justice and coming at him, still slowing down, slowing down, and slowing down again, as if dft saw countless axes, constantly smashing towards him.

Even if he occasionally dodged one, he couldn't dodge the next one.


Seeing his screen go black, DFT complained again.


25 minutes.

Def saw the mad dog again, and he was too lazy to complain.

28 minutes.

Def saw the mad dog again, and he calmed down.

29 minutes.

Finally, the game was over.

Def let out a long sigh. Although the game was lost, it was great not to see Olaf's mad dog, and he didn't have to endure the torture of being terrified when a team fight started.


"Congratulations to LGD for winning the first game of the finals"

"Congratulations to LGD!"

"Congratulations to LGD!"

In the commentary booth, Wawa, Miller, and Su Xiaoyan collectively congratulated each other when they saw DG's crystal explode.

"LGD played very well in this game. They were a little bit disadvantageous in the early stage, but later on, Qiu Shen made a 1V3 under the tower in the top lane and directly caused the ED to explode."

"After that, they could never get up again."

After congratulating them, Wawa roughly summarized the whole process of the game.

In a sense, the top lane was indeed the key turning point of the game.

That wave allowed Chen Yiqiu's Olaf to get a kill and an assist, and also allowed Wei Shen's Yasuo to get two kills and take off directly.

As a result, it was difficult for EDG to deal with LGD's top and middle points.

In the end, losing the first game was also a natural result.

However, the barrage area of the game at this time.

The audience in the live broadcast room was hyped because of this.

"That Qiu Shen is definitely cheating. How could Olaf have two axes? Look at his team fights later. Every time he has two or three axes constantly smashing."

"Damn, it's true, there are several axes every time"

"No wonder Deft's Jinx couldn't move at all, being slowed down by the axe"

"Furious? He lost but still refused to accept it. Is Qiu Shen the kind of person who needs to cheat?"

"EDG fans are really amazing!"


Because of this, the bullet screen area of the live broadcast room has now become a sea of debate.

Regardless of netizens, they expressed great surprise and doubts about Chen Yiqiu's Olaf's continuous throwing of axes, and many people even directly defined it as cheating.

Of course, there are also many netizens who support Chen Yiqiu.

And here.

Before the game was over, Shen Chao had already entered the League of Legends to try it himself.

Since the beginning of the professional competition, some people have commented that Shen Chao is a player who really uses his brain to play the game. Maybe with the increase of age and the decline of competitive state.

The game was played very ordinary, but Shen Chao's understanding and awareness of the game are absolutely in place.

Otherwise, he would not be respected by many netizens as a real spoiler commentator.

In fact.

As early as the wave of LGD's forced team fight in the bottom lane, he had already noticed this. Olaf was throwing and picking up axes continuously, and his movements were too coherent. It can even be clearly seen from the replay.

There are several moments when Olaf can see two axes on the ground.

Double-axe Olaf!

Shen Chao had heard of it before, but had never seen anyone do it in rank. However, in the final of the summer season tonight, he saw this strange operation on Chen Yiqiu's Olaf.

At this moment, he directly started a game of his own, and before the next game started, Shen Chao���He tried it a little.

It was hard to succeed at first.

But after Shen Chao really started to make some CD reduction equipment and speed up his hand as much as possible, he gradually saw a magical scene.


PS Thank you for your subscription. I also saw many friends who rewarded this book. Thank you for your support, especially the Wasteland Years, The Dust Settles, and Krypton Does Not Change Destiny.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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