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Hirano was stunned.

His Minotaur was dead, and Qiu Shen just teleported over?

Others didn't expect that it would take so long for Chen Yiqiu's Olaf to teleport over to support. It was really a bit surprising.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Aya Hirano was also very clear at this time.

Sometimes Chen Yiqiu has his own unique considerations when playing games. Maybe his late teleport is also a hidden murderous intention?

It's really hard to say!

Bottom lane.

At this time, Pawn sent a barrel of explosives to himself to speed up.

After def's Jinx triggered his passive, they all chased forward.


"Olaf of the Autumn God is here!"

"Home Guardian activates the ultimate skill, and the speed is very fast!"

On the live screen, it can be clearly seen that Chen Yiqiu's Olaf has Home Guardian and activates the ultimate skill, and the speed is so fast.

And the blood-red appearance is very scary.

When the EDG people saw this Olaf, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. This mad dog that suddenly jumped out instantly scared them a little. At this time, the EDG people were pounding Taobao Quan's barrel. If the barrel was not tanky enough, he would have been dead long ago.

But now, EDG can't help but distract a little on Olaf.

Olaf's momentum is really scary.

Chen Yiqiu didn't care about anything and rushed over and threw an axe directly.

It hit three people directly!

The five people in the EDG wave bottom lane were crowded, and they were relatively concentrated. They had no way to stop Chen Yiqiu's Olaf from coming like this.

Chasing my teammates, right? I'll give you an axe!

Come and taste this thunder strike!

Chase my teammates!

Chase my teammates!


Chen Yiqiu didn't know what he did, but at this time he rushed directly into the crowd, killed Annie, and immediately threw an axe at Jinx.

The others had been slowed down and couldn't catch up with their teammates. Only Jinx ran the fastest and was the most arrogant.

He must be beaten! What

's the positioning?

It's fancy, right?

Mad dog Olaf is not kidding you, you move fast, I'm faster than you, I'll beat him if I stick to him!


"The damage of Olaf with red and blue buffs is too exaggerated!"

"Killing Annie also triggered Black Cleaver's passive, directly increasing the movement speed and slashing like crazy."

Wawa was stunned!

After this Olaf rushed in, the formation of the five EDG players was instantly disrupted. They had to pour all their damage on Olaf.

Try as much as possible to kill Olaf directly.

Otherwise, this Olaf might be here to fight five directly.

Look at the EDG lineup, which is full of squishy.

The key now is that they have almost used up their skills before, and Olaf's entry at this time makes them particularly uncomfortable.

Taobao Quan came back to his senses and took a look.

What the hell?

Qiu Shen is so powerful!

After Lulu finished turning into a sheep, Taobao Quan's Gragas, who was already seriously injured, turned around and confronted the two after his E skill was ready, which directly resulted in the factory manager's Ekko and Pawn Captain being unable to deal damage to the half-blood Olaf.

"Wei Shen, Wei Shen, turn around and fight quickly!"


Hirano Aya was immediately excited.

He immediately called out to Wei Shen and Imp.

The power of Mad Dog Olaf at this time was simply explosive. DG had used up many skills before, and now faced with Olaf who made Black Cleaver + Armor Boots, he was very powerless.

Immediately, Hirano Aya understood Chen Yiqiu's send.

Qiu Shen is Qiu Shen!

Even this, he could calculate it.

Looking back, this wave of late is a classic operation.

Originally, Wei Shen and Imp were planning to retreat, but when they saw Olaf rushing in, he killed Annie with an axe, and directly made Deft's Jinx unable to harvest instantly.

Deft was desperate!

Being stuck with Olaf's red buff and being beaten like this, he watched his blood volume drop.

Flashing back and retreating.

Pulling away and moving! He was hit by another axe!

Deft was even more desperate!

This Olaf chased him and saw him pick up the axe and throw it at him. def only felt that his Jinx was being slowed down, slowed down, and was being slowed down by the axe.


Why does this Olaf have so many axes? def's screen went black!

After being slowed down continuously, Olaf rushed forward and killed his Jinx in a few hits.

He is still a little confused and even unwilling to accept it. It is obvious that his Jinx should be harvested this time, but now he has no way to do it.

Looking at the ID above Olaf's head, LGDcmy. deft was in a state of confusion at this time.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart :

"It's this bastard again!"


"Wei Shen and Imp now turn around and attack!"

"EDG is now at level three or four, and the bottom lane is going to be very dangerous."

If Jinx is killed

, it will be fatal to EDG's current team. However, Pawn's Gangplank is still capable of fighting. His explosive barrel hurts Olaf a lot.


Pawn is also a little helpless.

Just now when Olaf was chasing Jinx, he was hit hard by Gragas, and was slowed down by the low-health Gragas. Imp's big mouth turned around and hit him with his ultimate.

Pawn's Gangplank's health is not healthy.

This time it hurts even more.

He wants to deal damage, but he is a little powerless.

Gangplank is a terrifying hero in the current version, but once this hero is restricted, it is also very easy to die suddenly, which is also very uncomfortable. What

Zz1t's Ekko and Kor's Lulu can do at this time is even more limited.

These two heroes have a bit of a one-wave flavor, especially K. After his three rings are hit, all that's left is to play around and wait for the CD of Q skill.

EDG is now facing the double team of LGD.

God of War Yasuo stepped forward and moved back, and also cooperated to deal damage.

Paw's Gangplank had already used his flash before.

Although he still used two barrels to kill Taobao Quan's Gragas at the last moment, he was also killed by Wei Shen's Yasuo.

The remaining Zz11's Ekko and Lulu could only retreat in a hurry.

But could they escape?




"EDG had no way to escape this wave. Olaf with double buffs came into the game and instantly looked like a god descending from heaven."


"The Heavenly Dog has descended to earth!"

"It was really deadly. He almost beat all five EDG players by himself."

"Of course, EDG had run out of skills at this time and was in a state of endgame, so they had no resistance to Olaf's entry."

Miller was explaining.

At this time on the field.

Olaf's axe plus the slowdown of the red buff made the two people miserable. Even if they used flash, they were still chased to the tower and finally Imp's big mouth vomited and killed one.

Another one, Chen Yiqiu got the kill.


Triple kill!

Mad dog Olaf got a triple kill.

And EDG was directly wiped out.

"This game feels like it's over. If Olaf wasn't restricted in the early stages, let him rush to the back row."

"There is no way to win!"

Su Xiaoyan followed up.

A 2-for-5 exchange has already given LGD an absolute advantage. At this moment, they even began to push the bottom lane tower.

The director's replay only showed the absolute deterrent power of Olaf's entry, which made the EDG team look desperate, but they had no way out.

However... at this time, Shen Chao noticed a super detail of Olaf's axe.

Although it was a flash of the lens, Shen Chao was keen to capture this point, and even surprised him again and again, thinking about going back and giving it a try.


After this wave,

EDG fans sighed helplessly.

As expected, EDG failed to restrict Qiu Shen in the early stage, and now they have begun to pay a painful price. The bottom lane killed Olaf under the tower, and I thought this game would make Qiu Shen's Olaf silent.

I never expected that.

The top lane failed again, but he rose again.

Facing this guy, it really takes perfection, otherwise once you give him a little chance, he will stand up quickly.

Look at him later. He just squatted in the bush and killed KRO's Lulu.

Now this wave of fountain teleportation, a wave of three kills made EDG directly beaten to a team wipe.

How to play with him?

And here.

Chen Yiqiu looked at his Olaf, a little handsome!

Originally, he only wanted to teleport over to protect his teammates in this wave, but he didn't expect that he got a triple kill after a random fight, which surprised Chen Yiqiu.

Take another look at the record, 52-4 is even cooler!

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu even thanked 1ooper in his heart. Although Olaf was a bit miserable in the early stage, Chen Yiqiu could feel it.

This hero is so powerful in team battles.

He rushes in and hits whoever he wants.

The opponent has no way to deal with him.

Olaf is a hero that suits me, Chen Yiqiu.

_Please download Feilu Xiao to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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