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"Now EDG has started to have a certain combat effectiveness."

"EDG was completely proactive in looking for opportunities at this time, otherwise LGD's jungle invasion during this period would quickly widen the economic gap between the two sides."


Miller was also talking while looking at the situation on the field.

LGD was indeed invading EDG's jungle area crazily.

Captain Paw has three items?

Def Jinx shoes plus electric knife?

But for LGD, they are never afraid of these things, and they don't consider whether the opponent's lineup and heroes are in a strong period.

Just compete with one hand operation.

This is also the reason why many LD fans like them.

Even if there is only a little chance, this team dares to fight and fight, no kidding, just go up and start.

The key is that they can win while being reckless.

This is the most awesome.

On the field.

Teammates attracted firepower in the red half jungle area. At this time, Chen Yiqiu continued to lead the line of soldiers to the second tower of EDG's top lane, and then turned around and rushed into the jungle area of the factory manager.

As a fan, you messed with me like this in the early stage of this game.

Now I come to your jungle area to brush some wild monsters, right?

Toad, got it.

Blue buff, also brushed.

This feeling is really cool!

"God Qiu, please take my red half area as well!"

"I don't have time to go back!"

Taobao Quan said to Chen Yiqiu in the team voice.

At this time, Taobao Quan had been in the red half jungle area of the factory, and he and Hirano Aya's Minotaur were protecting the push of Wei Shen in the middle and Imp in the bottom lane. The upper half of the red half jungle area was their own, and if they didn't brush it, time would pass.

However, Taobao Quan was really a little worried. Qiu Shen had a precedent. If he was given the jungle economy, he would not refuse it directly. If it was Wei Shen, he would not be polite.

"No problem!"

Chen Yiqiu agreed happily.

When he heard this, Taobao Quan even felt like he was relieved.

Others, including Wei Shen, could not go back to brush, because they were very likely to fight in the jungle when they invaded the ED jungle. Pawn was a hero with strong jungle combat power.

Once Wei Shen's Yasuo walked away, the opponent might directly attack.

But Chen Yiqiu's Olaf was different.

He had a teleport in hand.

EDG's red half jungle area was full of LGD's wards, ready to support the front at any time.

In the past, Chen Yiqiu knew that it was really useless for him to take too much economy and resources, and he couldn't play a big role at all.

But this game was different.

No one would be afraid of Olaf when he used his ultimate.

Just have a hand!

He can definitely deal damage by rushing directly to the back row. Under this situation, Chen Yiqiu really hopes to get more resources to quickly synthesize some equipment.

In addition, he was targeted a bit miserably in the early stage. He had already died twice in this game, and he urgently needed to develop.

He really wanted to eat the resources that his teammates didn't want.

Even the red buff was taken!

In a short period of time, the money for returning to the city in this wave is not small, so Chen Yiqiu directly bought cloth shoes.

Black Cleaver + Armor Shoes, Olaf has these two pieces of equipment, and his combat effectiveness in the early stage is enough. He can directly rush to the opponent's back row.

"Now that Qiu Shen has the Home Guard, Captain Tietou can start!"

""Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu heard Taobao Quan said anxiously.

What the hell?

My Home Guardian is not enchanted yet?

How come there is a Home Guardian?


"This time, Hirano Aya's Minotaur went straight behind, trying to force an attack under the second tower in the bottom lane?"

On the live screen, it can already be seen at this time.

After LGD gathered a wave, they began to push forward in the bottom lane with Imp's Kog'Maw. At this time, the EDG team was defending the tower.

Hirano Aya's Minotaur was already directly ready to attack!

Chen Yiqiu……

"Damn, these guys, are they deliberately letting me get the resources and waiting for me to get the Home Guard?"

Thinking of Taobao Quan's words, Chen Yiqiu was convinced.

His teammates had already forced the game, and there was nothing he could do.

Quick enchantment: Home Guard.

Why can't the enchantment be done?

Not enough money?


Chen Yiqiu was immediately embarrassed, he was actually a little short of money!

At this moment, he saw the gold coins jumping to 460.461, but the Home Guard required 475, but now his teammates were already charging into battle.

He was still hesitating in the fountain.

Chen Yiqiu panicked immediately.

This wave might directly pit his teammates to death.

"I don't have enough money to enchant the Home Guard!" Chen

Yiqiu shouted anxiously.


"Captain! Captain!"

"Captain Seconds!"

"Kill the captain first!"


Inside LGD, Hirano Aya was already yelling.

They probably couldn't hear what Chen Yiqiu said, and even if they did, it would be useless because these two people rushed in.


"Wei Shen has arrived on horseback, does EDG dare to accept the challenge?"

"If they are forced to retreat directly, LGD can continue to push down a defensive tower."

What Miller said is indeed LGD's current strategy.

For LGD's lineup, it will hardly give EDG a chance to breathe, especially when the double C equipment is good and the top laner Chen Yiqiu's Olaf has explosive combat power.

They want to fight with EDG even more.

However, EG has always wanted to avoid fighting. If it drags it to the later stage, it will be very beneficial for EDG's lineup.

"Hirano Aya flashes into the field with her bull head!"

"Knock it away first!"

"Use the ultimate skill and knock him back."

On the live screen, it can be seen that Hirano Aya has already rushed under the tower, and the Minotaur uses the ultimate skill to directly withstand the damage of the defense tower.

Captain Paw uses the ultimate skill under the tower.

One is to clear the soldiers, and the other is to deal damage and protection.

But at this time, he was knocked back by the Minotaur. Imp killed Pawn with a few hits and reduced his health. If it weren't for Orange's flash, Pawn would still be at low health.

Taobao Quan's Gragas entered the field and rushed in with the E skill.

Then he was dumbfounded!

"Damn, I didn’t get to offend the captain!"

Originally, in this wave, Taobao Quan wanted to cooperate with Hirano Aya's Minotaur to blow up Gangplank, and then let Wei Shen's Yasuo, who arrived, use his ultimate to kill him instantly.

But unexpectedly, Paw quickly dodged with Orange and Flash.

However, Gragas hit Meiko's Annie.

Wei Shen's Yasuo was a step late and failed to follow up with the attack of Minotaur on Gangplank.

He could only settle for the next best thing.

This wave, LGD originally wanted to start a team fight against EDG's double C, but made a mistake. Now they can only face Annie, who is a stable control point of EDG. If they can kill the auxiliary instantly, it will be very easy for LGD to fight in the team.

A wind wall prevented others from helping Annie.

Compared with Chen Yiqiu's Yasuo, Wei Shen's Yasuo is obviously much more normal, and the release of the wind wall is also quite accurate, and even the timing is very good.

Imp Zui began to stand on the edge of the ultimate move to output.


Koro Lulu was already teleporting and directly chose EDG's second tower in the bottom lane and was about to fall.

EDG's choice in this wave was also very wise.

They did not directly counterattack, but defended and counterattacked.


"Lulu used her ultimate, Meiko's Annie's health was raised, but she didn't die instantly."

"Annie is using her ultimate!"

The most embarrassing thing happened now.

After the coordination errors between Hirano Aya and Taobao Quan, it seemed to lead to a series of vicious cycles. At this time, Imp was stuck by the factory manager and couldn't follow Wei Shen's output to hit Annie.

Suddenly, he couldn't kill her in seconds.

"It's going to explode!"

""Retreat, retreat! Sell, sell!"

Upon seeing this, Hirano Aya took the initiative to ask to sell herself. Although they had already beaten EDG's Gangplank and Annie to a pulp, they couldn't continue fighting in the current situation.

Otherwise, their health would be blown up.

Hirano Aya's Minotaur had no flash now, so he could only use his ultimate to resist the attack under the tower and cover the others to retreat.

Wei Shen and Taobao Quan had already given up the fight.

After failing to kill Annie in seconds, the two immediately wanted to run away. Wei Shen was the first to give up his flash.


Lulu turned into a sheep.

Taobao Quan's Gragas was in great pain. He was a step slower and didn't give up his flash in time, and was hit by Gangplank's double barrel.

In the current situation, it seemed that even he couldn't escape.

EDG players began to chase out of the tower.

When the audience saw this, they were still wondering where Qiu Shen was. The team fight had already started, but LGD was fighting four against five? Why hadn't the real god of war in everyone's mind appeared yet?


Lulu teleported down, but Qiu Shen didn't?

A series of questions made many people want to ask questions.

The director's camera turned around.

Only then did he see Chen Yiqiu's Olaf teleport to the bush on the left side of DG's red buff.

Chen Yiqiu's scalp was numb at this moment.

Kog's mouth was less than half health.

Gragas was about to die.

The key and more terrifying thing was that Deft's Jinx had activated his passive because of Hirano Aya's Minotaur being killed, which would greatly increase his attack speed and movement speed.

LGD was harvested!

Chen Yiqiu was also very anxious.

Damn, he was the one who took the blame this time. If he had noticed the lack of gold coins earlier, he could have reminded his teammates in time.

Now it's too late.

What can he do?

Chen Yiqiu thought, since he was the one who took the blame this time, he should protect his teammates and retreat!

Wei Shen's Yasuo and Imp's Big Mouth are obviously more important than himself.

On the live broadcast screen.

At this time, you can see that a mad dog with two axes in his hands rushed out.


PS: I usually update in the afternoon and evening, and try to update as much as possible. I need to do other things during the day. Sometimes, writing may not be enough to support myself and my family. I'm shameless and ask for another wave of automatic updates.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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