Chapter 70 I'm not asking you to play a pervert.

Jing Tian scratched her hair in distress and said:

"It feels so hard!"

Su Ye quickly comforted:

"Don't be afraid of difficulties, I will teach you"

"Look into my eyes,"

Su Ye immediately activated the actor skill and displayed Liang Chaowei's eyes. He looked at Jing Tian with affection.

Jing Tian looked at Su Ye's deep and bright eyes and couldn't help but be a little crazy.

She felt that Su Ye's eyes had hooks.

They could seduce people's souls.

She actually felt love and emotion from Su Ye's eyes.

Being looked at by these emotional eyes, she felt that she could be melted by these eyes.


Su Ye stretched out a finger and gently lifted Jing Tian's chin.

Very cunning.

Very tender.

He said to Jing Tian in a magnetic voice:

"Just look at me with the same eyes, and then repeat the action just now."

Jing Tian looked at Su Ye infatuatedly.

Slowly kissed Su Ye.

Unable to hold back, she raised her head.

Su Ye:"……"

Although he wanted to teach Jing Tian a lesson, he was afraid of scaring the little princess.

He resisted the urge to teach her.


After Jing Tian finished kissing him,

Su Ye let go of Jing Tian's chin without any lingering feelings.

He praised Jing Tian in a businesslike manner:

"This time it was more perfect. You see, as long as you study hard, there is no acting skill that you can't learn."

Jing Tian was awakened from Su Ye's deep eyes when she heard this.

Thinking of the situation just now, her cheeks were hot. She was a little embarrassed.

She didn't expect that she would take the initiative to do a French beheading.

Oh my God, how could I be so bold?

However, she felt very happy and accomplished to get Su Ye's praise.

Su Ye praised"Three Two Seven" and his tone changed again.

"But you can do better."

"Teacher, teach me." Jing Tian was like a studious student, absorbing knowledge crazily.

Su Ye imparted the experience of the movie emperor:

"In addition to maintaining eye contact with me to let me feel your sincerity, you can also use body language"

"How to coordinate body language?"Jing Tian asked quickly.

Su Ye:

"For example, you can hug me or hold my face with your hands.

Jing Tian looked eager to try:

"Then I'll give it a try."

Su Ye:"……"

Seeing Jing Tian become so proactive, he immediately felt that his teaching goal had been achieved.


Then, Jing Tian tried again using the method Su Ye taught her.

She held Su Ye in her arms and kissed her affectionately.

This time,

Jing Tian herself felt that she seemed to be really in love with Su Ye.


Feeling Jing Tian's moving hands,

Su Ye was speechless.

This girl really can't act. I asked you to act affectionate, not to act a pervert!

However, after Jing Tian finished her performance,

Su Ye immediately praised Jing Tian generously:

"This time it was perfect. You should perform well and attentively like this in the future. You have acting skills."

Sister Guanyin, please forgive me.

It was not my intention to lie.


Jing Tian was almost moved to tears after receiving Su Ye's praise.

This was the first time someone said that she had acting skills.

Wow, so touching!

"It's all because of Teacher Su's good teaching. I think Teacher Su is better at teaching than our teachers at Beijing Film Academy."

Faced with Jing Tian's praise,

Su Ye deserved it.

"As long as my film can pass the review of the Film Bureau, I will immediately approve the project and invite you to be the leading actress."

Jing Tian said excitedly:

"Don't worry, your film will definitely be approved. By the way, what's the name of this film?"

Su Ye:

"Captain Huaguo——Avengers Pioneer"

"Why is there a subtitle?"Jing Tian was puzzled.

Su Ye explained:

"Didn't I want to make this movie into a series? In order to distinguish each"Captain China" in the future, I gave it a subtitle. I plan to call the second one"Winter Soldier"》"

Jing Tian saw that Su Ye had already chosen the name for the second part of"Captain of China", and she was completely convinced that Su Ye really wanted to make"Captain of China" into a series.

He was not fooling her.

Jing Tian was even more excited.

She secretly made up her mind in her heart.

She must act well in this movie.

Strive to make a comeback and live up to Su Ye's trust.


The two chatted for a while and exchanged WeChat accounts.

They also followed each other on Weibo and took a photo together.

Then they separated.

After Su Ye left,

Jing Tian suddenly reacted.

That, how could it be so confusing

? The first smell that I had maintained for more than 20 years is gone?

How did all this happen?

Recalling the scene where she took the initiative to kill Su Ye just now,

Jing Tian still found it incredible.

You know, according to her usual personality, she would never do such an outrageous behavior.

Oh my God,

Su Ye is really poisonous!

If mom and dad knew about this,

I'm afraid they would break Su Ye's legs!



On his way to the garage, Su Ye suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He couldn't help but stand up his collar, then shrank his neck and muttered:


It 's really cold outside.

"Well sweet mouth is sweet"

"This name is well chosen."


"Ding-ling-ling,"Ding-ling-ling," Su Ye was driving the U8 back to Overseas Chinese Town.

Suddenly, he received a call from Yang Mi.

"I heard that the film that your studio was going to produce was rejected when applying for a filming permit?"

Su Ye:

"Auntie, tell me honestly, did you place spies around me


"At this time, you can still joke, it seems that you are not in a hurry at all."

Su Ye said lightly:

"It's just a small matter, there's no need to rush."

Now that Jing Tian has been dealt with, Su Ye is in a very good mood.

"Small matter?"

Yang Mi slapped her forehead speechlessly.

"Brother, you are not naive enough to think that the application was rejected because of the problem with the content of the movie, right?"

Su Ye said calmly:

"I'm not that naive. I know it was Wanda Pictures behind this."

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment.

"Now that you know, why are you not in a hurry?"

Su Ye:


I've already said, it 's just a small problem, there's no need to worry.

"Since it is a small problem, do you have any solution?"

Su Ye teased Yang Mi and said:

"I am going to abandon my aunt and find a rich woman who is more powerful and influential, and let the new rich woman protect me."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"I'm serious, please don't joke with me, okay?"

Su Ye said with a smile:

"I am serious too."

He did find a new rich woman.

But Yang Mi didn't believe it:

"If you can find such a powerful rich woman, please protect me in the future."

Su Ye:

"Don't worry, I'm a nostalgic person. Even if I marry into a rich family, I will still take care of you."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"You have ruined the idiom."

Su Ye smiled evilly:

"What about you? Have you been played badly?"

Yang Mi:"……"

After a pause, she continued:

"It has been completely broken for a long time!"

Su Ye:"……"

He just wanted to say that Sister Mi was really good.

Just a few words made Su Ye change his mind about going back to his own home.

"Where is Auntie now? I figured it out"

Yang Mi:

"I'm in the villa now. If you've figured it out, come over. I have something to tell you." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Ye said with a smile:

"Have you come to terms with it?"

Yang Mi's tone was a little strange:

"I guess so."

Su Ye:

"Wash your face thoroughly both front and back."

Yang Mi said leisurely:

"It's already cleaned."

Su Ye turned the steering wheel and rushed towards Yang Mi's villa. He stepped on the accelerator


On the way to Yang Mi's villa,

Su Ye suddenly thought of something.

That is, he had promised Yang Mi that Yang Mi would play the heroine in the new film.

And he had already accepted Yang Mi's bribe.

But now, he promised the heroine of the new film to Jing Sha Bai Tian.

What should he do?

Thinking of this,

Su Ye suddenly felt a headache.

He was a little afraid to go to Yang Mi's villa.

However, thinking that Yang Mi had already washed up.

Forget it, he would have to face it sooner or later.

It would be better to have a big meal first, and then endure the anger!


Su Ye came to the villa he bought for Yang Mi.

As soon as he entered the villa, he was stunned.

He saw Yang Mi wearing a set of Tang Dynasty palace clothing.

It emphasized the characteristics of Tang Dynasty court clothing.

It also reflected the characteristics of Yang Mi's nickname.���

"You are……"

Su Ye was just about to ask Yang Mi what was wrong.

However, at this moment,

Yang Mi imitated the palace maid and ran to Su Ye in small steps.

You know, people with good figures run.

But they have the leap of faith!

Yang Mi ran to Su Ye in small steps.

Then she bowed to Su Ye:

"Your Majesty, you are back? I will take off your shoes for you."

After saying that, she knelt on the ground and really took off Su Ye's shoes.

Su Ye looked at Yang Mi's respectful look.

Then he looked at the surrounding buildings.


It is a modern style.

It should not have been traveled through time again.

""My beloved, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Mi didn't explain.

She put Su Ye's shoes away, then took Su Ye's hand and came to the sofa.

She asked Su Ye to sit down, and then said coquettishly:

"Your Majesty is busy with state affairs all day long, so let your concubine Wan Ji help your Majesty relieve his fatigue."

After saying that, she began to relieve Su Ye's fatigue.

Well, it was really relieved.

She let Su Ye lean on her.

She rubbed Su Ye's temples, pressed his shoulders and back...

She also fed Su Ye imported wine and grape peaches.

Let Su Ye experience the royal life in the palace.


Su Ye looked at Yang Mi busying around and being well-behaved. He immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

The last time Yang Mi was so well-behaved was when she didn't want to play in"The Richest Man in Xihong City" and was going to play in"The Vanishing Bullet".

What is Yang Mi doing this time?


Four hours later.

Su Ye asked Yang Mi in his arms:

"Tell me, what bad things did you do behind my back?"

Yang Mi said with a guilty conscience:

"You have to promise first that you will not get angry, lose your temper, or ignore me, for my hard work."

Su Ye saw that Yang Mi had given him so many precautions. He felt a bad premonition in his heart.

However, he still comforted Yang Mi:

"Don't worry, I'm not angry except for the fact that you cheated on me."

Yang Mi heard this and hit Su Ye:

"Who do you take me for?"

"Now that I have you, let’s not talk about whether I still have the energy to cheat on you."

"Even if they have strength, I still don't like them."

Su Ye was very proud when he heard this:

"If it's not stealing, then what's going on?"

Yang Mi lowered her head and whispered:

"Wanda Pictures is going to shoot a science fiction blockbuster with a total investment of 300 million. They invited Chen Ge to be the director and wanted me to be the leading actress... that," her voice became even smaller.

"Well, I agreed. Maybe I won't have time to shoot your movie."

So that's what happened.

Su Ye was overjoyed.

Originally, he was worried about how to explain to Yang Mi that she couldn't act in the new movie.

Unexpectedly, he was sleepy and the pillow was delivered.

Yang Mi didn't want to act anymore.

However, although Su Ye was ecstatic, he had a look of loss on his face.

"Alas, this is the second time you have abandoned me."

"Moreover, the other party is my enemy."

"My heart is so cold."

Yang Mi heard this and tried to please him while explaining:

"��I wanted to abandon you on purpose."

"Wanda Films gave too much."

"The cast of this movie they invested in is so luxurious"

"The investment amount exceeds 300 million."

"The first science fiction special effects blockbuster in China."

"The director is actually Lao Mouzi,"

"There are many top stars joining"

"I really don't want to give up such a luxurious resource."

"Baby, please don't blame me, okay?"

"I will make it up to you."

Yang Mi said as she acted coquettishly in Su Ye's arms.

Su Ye endured the torture in his arms.

He looked up at the sky and acted with a sad face:

"Auntie, you disappoint me so much."

"Originally, I thought that the feelings between us were witnessed by heaven and earth, and the sun and moon could testify to our love."

"I didn't expect that I would be so vulnerable in the face of interests."

Well, should I squeeze out a few tears? To set off the atmosphere?

Su Ye thought in his heart

Yang Mi saw Su Ye so disappointed.

Her heart felt like it was stabbed by a needle.

She suddenly felt that she was really worthless.

Su Ye was so good to her. He reserved the heroine role in every play for her.

But she broke her promise every time.

Su Ye even bought her a villa.

Yang Mi suddenly made up her mind and said to Su Ye:

"I have decided. I will not act in Wanda's movie anymore. I will act in your movie. I was wrong this time. Honey, please don't be angry, okay?……"


Su Ye saw that Yang Mi had changed her mind.

He really wanted to slap himself twice. He had overacted.

If Yang Mi really stopped acting, wouldn't that be stupid?

Su Ye quickly tried to smooth things over.

"Well, originally, I was very angry."

"You always break the promise even though we have agreed on it. What a pity,"

Su Ye looked at Yang Mi and said affectionately:

"Unfortunately, I still can't hate you. So, you should go and act in Wanda's movie. I can't let you give up such a good resource because of me."

Yang Mi was so moved when she heard this.

She hugged Su Ye and burst into tears:

"Baby, you are so good to me."

"In the future, if you want to learn something, just tell me and I will give it to you without reservation."

Su Ye was overjoyed when he heard this.

He nodded quickly and said:

"It's settled then, no regrets allowed."

Yang Mi was afraid that if she said it too late, she would change her mind.

Yang Mi saw that Su Ye was so sad just now, but now she was impatient.

This made her a little confused. Was this emotion changing too fast?

Could I be being tricked by him?

Su Ye noticed Yang Mi's puzzled expression, and he quickly changed the subject, saying:

"Well, since Wanda Pictures has invested so much in this movie, why did they think of inviting you to be the heroine?"

Yang Mi was a little unconvinced when she heard it:

"Why can't you invite me? I'm so famous and my acting is so good, isn't it natural to invite me to be the heroine?"

Su Ye said helplessly:

"Auntie, can we have some self-awareness?".

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