Chapter 69: Tough, fooling Jing Tian

Sure enough, Jing Tian was immediately moved when she learned that Su Ye was going to shoot a movie with a female lead.

A movie with a female lead means that the heroine will be the absolute center.

If she can star in this movie, coupled with Su Ye's ability to promote female stars, then no one will say that she is a vase anymore.

Moreover, Su Ye is going to invest 300 million in this movie.

It can be seen how much Su Ye values this movie.

Jing Tian was moved


The reason why Jing Tian chose Su Ye this time was because she saw Su Ye's magic in making female stars famous.

She was tired of netizens' ridicule.

She was also tired of"box office poison".","Can't be popular for ten thousand years","

She must prove to everyone that she can definitely become popular and she is not a vase.

Therefore, she must play the leading role in Su Ye's new film.


Jing Tian made up her mind and immediately asked Su Ye impatiently:

"Director Su, have you decided on the heroine for this movie?"

Su Ye pretended not to see Jing Tian's expectations and shook his head.

"It's not confirmed yet."

Jing Tian pursed her lips, and she did not hide her thoughts, and asked Su Ye directly:

"Director Su, what do you think of me? Am I suitable to play the leading role in this movie?"

She saw Su Ye looking at her, as if he was sizing her up.

Jing Tian quickly stood up from her seat and made a"Wing Chun, Ip Man" gesture to Su Ye.

A superhero movie must have fighting.

By the way,

I'll do a split for Director Su.

Jing Tian simply hugged her feet and easily lifted them above her head.

So straight!


Su Ye looked at Jing Tian's sweet and sweet posture.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch wildly.

He complained in his heart:

If the Chinese captain's ability is to make the enemy laugh to death.

Jing Tian is very qualified.

But, alas, who can blame her for her deep background.

The key is that she looks really good


Su Ye suddenly sighed, looking somewhat helpless:

"Unfortunately, no matter whether your image is suitable for the heroine of this movie or not, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to act in it."


Jing Tian put down her long sleeves and asked Su Ye with a puzzled look.

Her expression was a little anxious.

After all, this was her work to justify herself.

How could she not perform it!


Su Ye showed his acting skills like an actor, his eyes were lonely and helpless

"I had offended a big shot before, and he threatened to ban me."

"All the films in my studio cannot get the filming license"

"Just yesterday, a director from my studio was preparing to apply for a filming permit for a movie."

"As a result, the application was rejected by the Film Bureau for no reason."

"So, I am afraid that my film will not get a filming license."

"Even if you get lucky, I'm afraid it will be blocked when the movie is released in the future."When

Jing Tian learned the reason, the anxiety on her face disappeared in an instant.

Instead, she looked relaxed.

She said to Su Ye with confidence:

""It's just a small matter. Don't worry, I can help you solve it right away."

After saying that, she took out her mobile phone and made a call without waiting for Su Ye to speak.

When the call was connected, Jing Tian said directly without any politeness:

"Uncle Wu, I have a friend who has a movie," she suddenly covered the speaker of her mobile phone and whispered to Su Ye:

"What's the name of the movie that was stuck?"

Su Ye asked quickly:

"Crazy Stone."

Jing Tian put down the speaker of the mobile phone and said:

"The movie is called"Crazy Stone". I encountered some trouble when applying for a filming permit. Can Uncle Wu help me solve it?"

"OK, thank you Uncle Wu for your help."

After hanging up the phone,

Jing Tian said to Su Ye with a relaxed look:


Su Ye was ecstatic.

But he pretended to doubt Jing Tian's ability and questioned:

"Zundu is fake? It's so easy to solve? You know, the person who wants to ban me is very powerful, he is the president of Wanda Pictures."

Jing Tian looked at Su Ye's suspicious expression, and her mouth couldn't help but slightly raised, revealing a mysterious smile.

She looked like a domineering female president, full of confidence:

"Don't worry, it won't be long before you receive news that the license application for Crazy Stone has been approved."

She looked at Su Ye expectantly again and said:

"If I help you solve this problem, can you let me play the leading role in your new movie?"

Su Ye did not agree directly, but asked:

"Can you promise that you will obey me on the set?"

Jing Tian hesitated for a moment.

"I have a principle when filming, which is not to film kissing scenes or nude scenes. I also don't want to be too close to male actors."

"Apart from these three points, I can listen to you on everything else."

Su Ye said firmly:

"No, I want you to follow my instructions during the filming."

"Whether it is a kissing scene or a nude scene, you have to act the way I want you to act, no exceptions."

The reason why Su Ye is so tough is not that he really wants Jing Tian to shoot a kissing scene or a nude scene.

(The woman he likes will not let her shoot such scenes in the movie. If there are such scenes, they are also shot out of place) but he doesn't want to find an ancestor for himself when filming.

Su Ye watched the movies that Jing Tian had filmed before.

How bad the performance is, how bad it is.

How embarrassing it is, how embarrassing it is.

With Jing Tian's acting skills, if Su Ye is not tougher,

I am afraid that this"Captain of China" will become a garbage movie like other movies that Jing Tian has participated in.

Affect Su Ye's reputation.

This is something Su Ye absolutely does not allow to happen.

Therefore, he must be tough and must make Jing Tian, a young lady, absolutely obey his shooting orders.

Only in this way can he slowly train Jing Tian's acting skills.

So as to ensure the quality of"Captain of China".

If it is not for taking advantage of the situation, he really doesn't want to cooperate with such a young lady.

There are too many things!


Seeing Su Ye's tough attitude, Jing Tian was very hesitant.

You know, she is the daughter of a famous family. It is embarrassing to come out to film.

If she shoots kissing scenes and bed scenes, she will probably be laughed to death by celebrities in the circle and scolded to death by the elders at home.

However, she really doesn't want to be called"Jing Tian who can't be made popular"!

Jing Tian hesitated for a while, and she asked Su Ye tentatively:

"Are there many kissing scenes in your play?"

Su Ye:

"Very little."

Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and she asked again:

"Who is the actor who is filming the kissing scene with me?"

Su Ye:

"100% chance it's me"

"I agreed." Jing Tian blurted out.

Su Ye:"……"

Why are you so straightforward all of a sudden?

Sister, can you hide it?

Jing Tian seemed to feel that she agreed too readily.

She blushed and couldn't help but hide it. She said:

"I thought about it, as an actor, I should devote myself to art and not be shy."

Su Ye's mouth twitched and said:

"You don't need to sacrifice yourself for art."

Jing Tian blushed, feeling that Su Ye's words were a bit ambiguous.

However, she didn't think much about it, but asked Su Ye:

"Now that I have agreed to your request, can you let me play the leading role in your new film?"

Su Ye asked Jing Tian with some disbelief:

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"For example, if there is a mud puddle full of mud and I ask you to jump into it, can you really jump?"

"If I'm not satisfied with a shot, I have to repeat it for more than ten or twenty times, and you have no complaints?"

Jing Tian patted her chest confidently and said:

"Don't worry, I'm not a delicate princess, there's nothing I can't do."

Su Ye:

"To be honest, I'm still a little worried."

Jing Tian was anxious:

"I swear, is that okay? If I complain during filming, I will have pockmarks all over my face and pimples on the soles of my feet."

Su Ye blinked, and he looked at Jing Tian sincerely, and said in a serious tone:

"It’s not that I don’t believe you, but I’ve put a lot of effort into this new film." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Far more than"Charlotte" and"Tomato"》"

"I can even say that,"

"I filmed"Charlotte" and"Tomatoes" just to raise funds for this new film,"

Jing Tian's eyes lit up when she heard this. She became more and more eager for Su Ye's"masterpiece". Su Ye continued to fool around:

"I plan to make this movie into a series like 007"

"The first part is a success, and the second, third, and fourth parts will be released.……"

"Therefore, I want to strive for excellence."

"��The heroine of this movie is the absolute soul of the whole movie."

"Therefore, I have very high requirements for the heroine, and there can be no mistakes."

"Why did Reba and Bai Lu become famous after starring in my movie? It's because of my strict requirements."

The more Jing Tian listened, the more excited she became.

She felt that Su Ye's movie was definitely a big production.

It couldn't be missed.

And Su Ye was right.

If you want to become famous, you really have to be strict.

In the past, those directors were too concerned about her status and didn't dare to ask too much of her.

This led to her failure in every movie she starred in.

I can't make this mistake again.

Thinking of this, Jing Tian patted her chest.

Fortunately, it was real.

Otherwise, if it was fake, it would probably have failed.

She excitedly assured Su Ye:

"Director, you can rest assured. When we are shooting, if you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you tell me to pee standing up, I will never squat to poop."

Su Ye:"……"

I heard that Jing Tian's family is a big shot in the military.

Well, it's understandable that the little fairy speaks a little rudely.

Su Ye saw that Jing Tian had been successfully fooled.

He immediately prepared to close the net:

"How about this, to verify whether you can really do it, I will test you."

0 Asking for flowers

Jing Tian continued to take pictures of her breasts:

""The director will test me, but I will never frown."

Su Ye looked at Jing Tian's confident look.

He smiled secretly in his heart.

His face remained calm.

He pointed at his face calmly and said:

"Let me test your kissing scene. Kiss me passionately and I'll see if you can do it."

Oh my god!

Hearing Su Ye's request, the confident Jing Tian was dumbfounded. Is this a test?

She wondered if Su Ye was taking advantage of her.

However, thinking that Su Ye was so handsome and his expression was so calm, Jing Tian denied her own guess.

After all , who would dare to take advantage of her? It should be Su Ye testing my determination.

In order to get rid of the title of the queen of bad movies, I must stand the test.

I can't let Su Ye down.

Anyway, I have to kiss Su Ye when filming.

It doesn't matter if I rehearse in advance.

Come on, Jing Tian, you can do it.

Thinking of this, Jing Tian immediately plucked up the courage and came to Su Ye.

She wanted to kiss Su Ye.

However, she opened her mouth, but she couldn't muster up the courage to kiss him.

After all, this was her first time kissing someone else.

"No, don't force it."Su Ye said arrogantly. He looked like if you don't kiss me, I don't want to be kissed by you.

"Who said I can't do it?"

Jing Tian subconsciously retorted.

She was afraid of being provoked.

"Um, could you please close your eyes?"

"No way." Su Ye will not indulge the bad habits of the eldest lady.

Jing Tian saw that Su Ye was not willing to give in at all.

She believed more and more that this was Su Ye testing her.

So, she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet.

I'm going to fight!


Jing Tian's cheeks had turned into a dyeing workshop.

Su Ye was very excited, but his expression seemed very disgusted.

"I asked you to kiss her passionately, not to show you how to slam the switch with your mouth."

Jing Tian felt a little wronged.

She didn't even have the first kiss.

And this guy was still not satisfied.

It was so infuriating.


Jing Tian couldn't get angry.

After all, she was just shy just now, and she really didn't perform the feeling of"passion".

Forget it, they had already kissed for the first time, so there was no need to worry too much about the second time.

Jing Tian took a deep breath, and tried to make her expression look more affectionate.

Then she kissed Su Ye on the cheek.

"What about now?"

After the kiss, Jing Tian asked Su Ye if he was satisfied.

If this scene was seen by others,

I'm afraid they would lose two of their molars in shock.

I can only say that

Su Ye is too good!


Su Ye's expression was no longer as arrogant as before.

He said in a gentle tone:

"Now it's a little better than before."

"However, her expression still looked a little stiff, which is commonly known as a paralyzed face.

Jing Tian looked a little embarrassed.

Not counting the Internet trolls, this was the first time someone said she had a paralyzed face in front of her.

Su Ye is really strict! He is definitely not comparable to those other directors who only say yes and no. Jing Tian is already looking forward to starring in Su Ye's movie.


When she saw Su Ye saying that her expression was stiff, she immediately defended herself:

"But I think I am already very affectionate."

Su Ye looked at Jing Tian, with a teacher-like look, and patiently instructed Jing Tian:

"Deep affection should be expressed with eyes"

"You don't even dare to look me in the eye. You say you love me deeply, but who would believe your performance?"

Jing Tian's eyes lit up when she heard this.

She felt that what Su Ye said made sense.

She was indeed guilty just now and didn't dare to look Su Ye in the eye.

"Then I'll try again."

Su Ye was very satisfied with Jing Tian's performance.

She knew that she had taken the initiative to kill herself.

Not bad, she still had to continue to fool people.


Jing Tian adjusted her mood, she looked at Su Ye affectionately, and then kissed Su Ye's mouth.

Kissing on the cheek still couldn't show deep affection.

So, Jing Tian simply chose the mouth.

She has learned to draw inferences from one example.



After Jing Tian finished kissing,

Su Ye pursed his lips and immediately praised Jing Tian:

"This time, the performance was very good, and there was a deep feeling."

After receiving Su Ye's praise,

Jing Tian suddenly felt the satisfaction of getting a perfect score in the exam when she was in elementary school.

So excited


Su Ye changed his tone,

"There are still some shortcomings."

""What's the problem?" Jing Tian asked hurriedly.

There was no dissatisfaction in her tone, only a strong desire for knowledge.

Su Ye:

"Affectionate eyes do not mean that your eyes will keep flashing."

"It is to make your eyes full of the other person, to express your true feelings through your eyes."

I love you: I love you

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