Chapter 71: The Sorrow of a Dog Licking

Yang Mi was so angry that she twisted Su Ye's ears fiercely.

She said fiercely:

"Explain to me what self-knowledge means? Am I a terrible actor? Am I not worthy of starring in a blockbuster movie?"

Su Ye quickly covered his chest, looking as if an arrow had shot through his heart:

"Alas, I promised him, but he suddenly changed his mind."

"The greatest pain in the world is to be stabbed in the back by the person closest to you."


My heart is so cold."……"

She suddenly regretted it.

Wasn't it just Su Ye

's complaints? Why am I angry?

I did such a"heinous" thing, but Su Ye was not angry.

This is what magnanimity is!

I am called Da Mi Mi!

Your magnanimity is not even as good as a man's!

Yang Mi quickly let go of Su Ye's ears, blew air into Su Ye's ears, and apologized:

"Baby, I was wrong. I will never twist your ears again."

Su Ye:"Do you really know you were wrong?"

Yang Mi:"I really know you were wrong."

Su Ye:

"Then why did Wanda Pictures hire you?"

Yang Mi said honestly:

"Because the producer of this movie is Li Xiaocong, the idiot we met on the plane last time. He was the one who contacted me first."

Li Xiaocong:"……"

Thank you!

Su Ye:

"It seems that he has not given up on you."

Yang Mi comforted Su Ye:

"Don't worry, he is so ugly, I don't like him. He is just a bootlicker. I acted in the movie, and he can go wherever it is cool."

Su Ye saw that Yang Mi actually disliked Li Xiaocong so much.

He couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Li Xiaocong in his heart.

He is the son of the richest man.

He didn't expect to be regarded as a bootlicker, stupid.

Alas, who can he like anyone else, but he actually likes a face control.

Isn't this asking for trouble?

After all, the face value is exactly what Li Xiaocong doesn't have.

Su Ye asked curiously:

"His father is the richest man, how could you not be tempted?"

Yang Mi said disapprovingly:

"So what if he’s the richest man?"

"His father is the richest man, but he is not the richest man"

"If I date him, will his father be willing to give me tens or hundreds of billions?"

"Even if his father is willing to give him some money, I will probably have to keep my head down and be a respectful and obedient daughter-in-law every day."

"But I'm not a pleasing person at all"

"So, don't be ridiculous. The son of the richest man has no appeal to me at all."

"Especially, he is so ugly!"

After hearing Yang Mi's words,

Su Ye couldn't help but give Yang Mi a thumbs up.

He praised sincerely:

"I would like to call you - fresh in the world. You see things too clearly."

There are many female stars in the entertainment industry who want to marry into a wealthy family.

They want to fly up to the tree and become a phoenix.

However, after marrying into a wealthy family, these female stars are often looked down upon by their in-laws. In order to please their in-laws, many female stars are even willing to be used as reproductive tools.

They can get so many rewards for having a child.

They live without dignity.

To be honest, these female stars are simply incomparable to Yang Mi.


Seeing Su Ye's praise, Yang Mi couldn't help but smile:

"In fact, there is another very important reason that I didn’t tell you."

"What's the reason?"Su Ye asked curiously.

Yang Mi touched Su Ye's perfect face and said with emotion:

"After I have you, no one else can catch my eye anymore"

"When I see other men now, I can't help but compare them with you."

"But no one can compare to her in terms of appearance, talent, or endurance."

"Even, there are very few people who can compare to one tenth of you."

"You said, with you here, how can I be interested in others?"

Su Ye was a little dumbfounded and said:

"You're also comparing endurance? How high has the grassland above my head grown?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes at Su Ye and said calmly:

"I haven’t eaten pork, but have I seen a pig run?"

"Can we girls communicate with each other?"

"I heard from Zhao Ruoxin and Zheng Jia that the most powerful person they encountered could only deal damage continuously for more than half an hour."

"And you, I would like to call it a perpetual motion machine."

Su Ye heard this and couldn't help showing a smug expression on his face.

A man's greatest achievement is not how much money he makes or how much power he holds.

It's when a woman says he's great.

Yang Mi suddenly thought of something and suddenly showed a sly smile on her face.

"Zhao Ruoxin and Zheng Jia have been coveting you for a long time and have been asking me to set you up."

"Do you want me to connect with you? I heard that old women can relieve heat."

Su Ye shook his head quickly and said:

"Don't do that. I'm not someone who doesn't care about food."

Seeing Su Ye's disgusted look, Yang Mi couldn't help but feel a little worried:

"If I get old in the future, will you dislike me?"

"No." Su Ye answered straightforwardly.

A man with such high emotional intelligence like him would definitely not give a wrong answer.

Yang Mi:

"You are lying. You even dislike Zheng Jia and Zhao Ruoxin. If my skin had wrinkles and my breasts were sagging, I don’t believe you would still like me."

Su Ye explained:

"I don't dislike them,……"

Yang Mi angrily interrupted Su Ye's explanation:

"Well, I didn't expect you to not be so careful about eating such an old woman, you scumbag!"

Su Ye:"……I actually don't like food. Didn't I just reject your matchmaking?"

Yang Mi said sadly:

"You actually abstain from certain foods. It seems that when I get old, you will definitely have to abstain from certain foods too."

Su Ye:"……"

Who am I?

Where am I?

What happened to the Earth's magnetic field just now?

He finally knew that women are unreasonable creatures.

Even if he is a man with high emotional intelligence, he has to admit defeat!


Yang Mi thought about how Su Ye would avoid eating in the future, and how Su Ye would run to find the little girl in the future.

She became more and more angry.

She couldn't help but bite Su Ye in hatred.

She wanted to teach this scumbag who loves new things and hates old things a lesson in advance.


When Su Ye saw Yang Mi turning into a dog, a thousand horses suddenly ran through his mind. Why was he so angry about something that didn't exist ? In order to avoid being bitten off, Su Ye quickly changed the subject and said:

"Actually, my next movie is also going to be a science fiction movie."

"You want to make a science fiction film too?" Yang Misong said, looking surprised.

As expected, his attention was diverted.

Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said:

"I am also planning to invest 300 million in this movie."

Yang Mi's mouth turned into a"0" shape.

Soon, she recovered from the shock, and then she complained to Su Ye without any hesitation:

"Investing 300 million, are you crazy?"

Su Ye said calmly:

"I'm not crazy. This movie requires a lot of special effects and various explosions, so it's quite expensive."

Yang Mi saw that Su Ye was serious and didn't seem to be joking, so she asked in confusion:

"Why don't you shoot comedy films, which you are good at? Instead of shooting thankless science fiction films?"

Su Ye thought to himself. With Jing Tian's acting skills, it would be a disaster if she were to act in a comedy. Only commercial films like popcorn don't require high acting skills, and Jing Tian can barely adapt. Of course, Su Ye certainly couldn't tell the truth to Yang Mi. He made up an excuse and said:


I am tired of making comedy films, and I want to try a different genre.

"But the risk is still too great for an investment of 300 million.

Su Ye comforted him:

"Don't worry, I'm sure."

Yang Mi suddenly remembered something and said:

"By the way, how can you make a movie if you can’t even get a filming license?"

"Otherwise, you should just give in to Ye Xincheng. A man should be able to bend and stretch."

Su Ye said calmly:

"I will never give in to Ye Xincheng, and he can't use the license to pressure me, it won't work on me." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yang Mi said speechlessly:

"All the films from your studio were rejected, and you call that useless?"

"Ding-ling-ling," just at this moment, Su Ye's cell phone suddenly rang.

Su Ye took it and looked.

It was He Li calling.

"Sister He, what's the matter?"

He Li's voice sounded very excited:


Director Su, good news. The head of the Film Bureau just called and said that the filming permit for Crazy Stone has been issued."……"

Su Ye had expected this, so his expression appeared very calm:

"I see"


He Li put down the phone.

She was very surprised.

She didn't expect that Su Ye could resolve the crisis so quickly. Moreover, it was very unusual that the head of the Film Bureau called to tell her about this matter. After all, it was just a filming license for a movie, and the head didn't need to ask about it personally. Didn't Su Ye have a background? How did he get this done? He Li was very curious. After thinking about it, He Li made a phone call.


Yang Mi also heard the conversation between Su Ye and He Li.

She was also very surprised.

"《Didn't Crazy Stone say that the content violated the rules? Why is it all of a sudden fine? What's going on?"

Su Ye put down his phone and said calmly:

"I said, Ye Xincheng's trick won't work on me."

Yang Mi looked at Su Ye curiously, as if she was meeting Su Ye for the first time:


Tell me honestly, how did you do it?

"Didn’t I tell you that I met a rich woman and asked her to help me get it done?"

Yang Mi said helplessly:

"Stop joking, okay? I really want to know."

Su Ye saw that Yang Mi still didn't believe it, so he couldn't help but laugh:

"I'm really not kidding."

However, seeing Su Ye's playful smile,

Yang Mi still didn't believe it.

She was about to say something else.

But at this moment, her cell phone rang.

Yang Mi took the phone and looked at it, and her expression suddenly became a little guilty.

Su Ye glanced at it.

It turned out to be He Li calling.

He finally understood why Yang Mi always knew about his studio's affairs at the first time.


Wanda Pictures.

Ye Xincheng was discussing the new film with Li Xiaocong, Zhang Ling, and Chen Hongyu.

At this time,

Ye Xincheng received a call.

After hanging up the phone,

Ye Xincheng's expression suddenly became very gloomy. He looked like he was cuckolded.

Li Xiaocong saw this and couldn't help but ask with concern:

"What's wrong with Mr. Ye?"

Ye Xincheng said with an unhappy look:

"Someone from the Film Bureau called and said that Jing Tian had someone call the Film Bureau and asked it to approve the filming license application for Su Ye Studio's new film."

"He also asked the Film Bureau not to deliberately embarrass Su Ye in the future. Damn it,"

Ye Xincheng couldn't help but curse:

"When did this pretty boy hook up with Jing Tian?"

Li Xiaocong didn't expect that

Su Ye could get through Jing Tian's relationship.

You know, Jing Tian is the only granddaughter of the current head of the Wang family in the southwest.

Both her parents hold important positions.

Jing Tian has been loved by the head of the Wang family since she was a child. She is regarded as the apple of the eye by the entire Wang family.

Her status is far beyond the comparison of Ye Xincheng, a descendant of a collateral family.

If Su Ye really hooked up with Jing Tian,

Ye Xincheng would never dare to use despicable methods to swallow up Su Ye's studio.

Could it be that

Jing Tian was also fascinated by Su Ye, this pretty boy?

So she helped Su Ye?

Yes, it must be like this.

Otherwise, Jing Tian would not help Su Ye for no reason.

Damn, can being handsome really allow you to do whatever you want?

Li Xiaocong has never been so jealous of someone as now.


Zhang Ling said regretfully:

"It seems that the method of forcing Su Ye to submit through the review is not feasible."

Ye Xincheng asked Chen Hongyu with dissatisfaction:"I asked you to secretly take pictures of Su Ye, but there is no progress?"

Chen Hongyu felt Ye Xincheng's dissatisfaction, and he quickly said:

"There is progress. I have bribed a staff member of the community. It won't take long to install the hidden camera equipment in Su Ye's home."

Ye Xincheng's face looked a little better:

"Move as fast as possible. Didn't he hook up with Jing Tian? As long as I send Jing Tian the video of him flirting with other women, I don't believe Jing Tian can help him."

Li Xiaocong heard this and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes:

"If Jing Tian finds out that Su Ye is a scumbag, even if Jing Tian doesn't care, Jing Tian's parents and the head of the Wang family will probably not let Su Ye off easily."

Ye Xincheng nodded and said:

"Let him be proud for a while, I will make him fall harder in the future."


The end of the year is approaching.

The movie"Worry-free Grocery Store" starring Reba is about to premiere.

During this period, almost all online and offline advertisements for"Worry-free Grocery Store" are online and offline.

Reba and several other leading actors of"Worry-free Grocery Store" are also running announcements across the country, frantically promoting this new drama.

Because this movie is adapted from a well-known novel, fans are looking forward to it.


On the first day of the Lunar New Year

《The Worry-Free Grocery Store was officially released.

As a result, after the premiere, the movie was wildly complained by the entire network.

Netizens complained that the plot of the movie was changed badly.

Complained about the acting skills of several leading actors, it was embarrassing.

Complained that the director was very capable, and he could shoot a piece of shit according to the classic.

Among them,

Reba was scolded the most by netizens.

Because Reba had a brilliant performance in"Charlotte's Troubles" before, and was regarded by netizens as a rare traffic flower with acting skills.

And Reba's agency has also been creating a"powerful" persona for Reba.

As a result, as soon as"The Worry-Free Grocery Store" came out,

Reba's acting persona collapsed directly.

Therefore, the more ridicule Reba received, the more


Reba had high hopes for this movie.

However, when she saw the comments from netizens, she was immediately emo.

Early in the morning, she hid in her bed alone and called Su Ye to cry.

"Wow, I acted very seriously, why is the result so bad? What went wrong?"

"Many netizens criticized me, saying that I put all my energy into participating in commercial performances and variety shows, and that I was not serious about acting and had no artistic ethics."

"But I was serious!" Su Ye felt heartbroken when he heard Reba crying. He quickly comforted her:

"Don't cry. If a movie is badly made, it is actually the director's responsibility. It has nothing to do with the actors."

"The actors are not acting according to the director's requirements."


"But I watched the movie and I really didn’t act well. I felt a little embarrassed watching it myself."……"

This girl is still somewhat self-aware

"If you don't act well, learn slowly."Su Ye could only try to comfort her.

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