Chapter 68 An invitation from Jing Tian

Chen Hongyu reported to Ye Xincheng:

"I secretly investigated Su Ye's tax situation. He did not evade taxes. He did not miss any tax that he should have paid."

Ye Xincheng was surprised:

"Have you investigated it clearly? This guy is so honest?"

Li Xiaocong was also in Ye Xincheng's office at this moment. He was also very surprised to learn that Su Ye did not evade taxes. After all, in the entertainment industry, evading taxes is considered a basic operation. Su Ye did not steal. He is stupid!


Chen Hongyu:

"I have investigated it thoroughly and I am not wrong."

Ye Xincheng said with some dissatisfaction:

"He didn't evade taxes. It seems that it won't work to threaten him with this matter." Li Xiaocong was very upset that he didn't get Su Ye. He thought about it and suddenly came up with a bad idea.

"Uncle Ye, people in the entertainment industry usually have a dishonest private life."

"As a public figure, celebrities will be banned if they are found to have an improper private life."

"If we can find evidence that Su Ye has an unruly private life, we can still catch him."

Ye Xincheng's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He nodded and praised:

"That's a good idea."

Chen Hongyu suddenly said:

"I was investigating Su Ye's tax situation and found two interesting things."

"What's interesting?" Ye Xincheng asked.

Chen Hongyu:

"Su Ye likes to invest recklessly."

"Last time, he received 800 million yuan in funds for"Charlotte's Troubles", but within a few days, he lost 500 million yuan directly because of his reckless investment in stocks and futures."

(In fact, Su Ye used the money to buy items in the portable mall, because the portable mall would arrange a reasonable fund disappearance plan for Su Ye, so Chen Hongyu found out that Su Ye was investing blindly.)

"After the distribution of the profits from"The Richest Man in Xihong City" this time, Su Ye lost another 500 million due to blind investment."

Li Xiaocong couldn't help but complain when he heard this:

"This Su Ye is really a spendthrift. I am not as good at wasting money as him."

Ye Xincheng nodded in agreement.

Losing 500 million in one investment, even their Ye family can't afford to be so wasteful.

Ye Xincheng sighed:

"It seems that the little money Su Ye has will be squandered by him in no time."

Li Xiaocong:

"So, instead of letting him squander all the money, it is better to make money for our Wanda Pictures."

Ye Xincheng asked Chen Hongyu:

"Didn’t you say you found two interesting things? What’s the other one?"

Chen Hongyu said:

"Su Ye had previously spent nearly 560 million yuan in Shanghai to buy four luxury homes."

"However, only one luxury house has his own name on its property certificate."

"He gave the other three luxury houses to three different female stars."

Li Xiaocong heard this and asked quickly:

"Which three female stars are they?"

Chen Hongyu:

"They are Reba, Yang Mi and Bai Lu."

Yang Mi!" Li Xiaocong's face suddenly became a little ugly when he heard Yang Mi's name. He gave Yang Mi a mansion worth hundreds of millions for no reason. Even if he used his fart to think, he knew that the relationship between Su Ye and Yang Mi must be complicated. Ye Xincheng sighed again:

"This guy really spent a lot of money to pick up girls."

"Moreover, he bought houses for three women at the same time. He is really a playboy."

Li Xiaocong said coldly:

"Since he is a playboy, it will be easy for us to collect evidence of his immoral private life."I will definitely ruin your reputation!"

Li Xiaocong was secretly ruthless in his heart!

Ye Xincheng nodded and said excitedly:

"That's right. Once we get evidence of him having three affairs at the same time, we won't be afraid that he will be dishonest."

He told Chen Hongyu:

"I'll leave this to you."


The weather is getting colder and colder.

The New Year is getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere of the New Year on the street is getting stronger and stronger.

Bai Lu finally successfully terminated her contract with Huanyu Media.

She signed a contract to join Su Ye's studio.

Based on the information from another world, Su Ye also dug up an entertainment agent who will have great potential in the future - Xia Tianzhen.

He is responsible for promoting Bai Lu. Therefore, Bai Lu has become busy again during this period of time. Su Ye also regretfully ended the happiness of having three wives.


Just when Su Ye was waiting for the New Year

, He Li suddenly brought him some bad news.

"Director Su, the Film Bureau rejected the filming permit application for Crazy Stone.

Su Ye frowned and asked:

"Did the Film Bureau give any reason?"

He Li:

"The Film Bureau said that our script has too many bad guys and is suspected of promoting negative energy."

Su Ye couldn't help but have three black lines on his forehead.

This reason is too weird.

《Although there are many bad guys in"Crazy Stone"

, the protagonist is righteous.

In the end, justice triumphs over evil.

How could it promote negative energy?

Su Ye could guess without thinking.

This was probably Ye Xincheng's revenge.

Sure enough, not long after,

Su Ye received a call from Ye Xincheng.

On the phone, Ye Xincheng pretended to care:

"I heard that the filming permit for the movie your studio was preparing was not approved?"

Su Ye said calmly:

"I know it was you who did it, why are you pretending?"

Seeing that Su Ye had guessed it, Ye Xincheng stopped pretending.

He said proudly:

"I have said that in the film and television industry, it is not possible to get by just because you have talent. If you want to get by in society, you have to rely on friends."

"As long as you agree to cooperate with us, I can immediately get a filming license for your studio's film."

"Even in the future, any movie produced by your studio will be given the green light in the review process."

���Ye said coldly:

"Did you call just to talk about this? If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

Seeing that Su Ye was still so arrogant and had no intention of giving in,

Ye Xincheng could not help but frown.

He warned:

"This is just a little trick. If you are stubborn, I guarantee that you and your studio will never be able to make a movie in the future."

Su Ye said disapprovingly:

"Really? I don't believe it."

Ye Xincheng said in a cold tone:

"Since you don't believe it, let's wait and see."

After hanging up the phone,

Ye Xincheng was so angry that he smashed the phone on the desk.

He originally thought that

Su Ye would definitely give in after learning this lesson.

Unexpectedly, Su Ye was still so stubborn.

"Tough, huh?"

"I have been holding your filming permit, let's see how you can make movies in the future."

After thinking for a while, he called Chen Hongyu again:

"How is the matter I asked you to do last time going?"

Chen Hongyu:

"I'm doing it. Su Ye lives in a high-end residential area with strict security, so it will take some effort."

Ye Xincheng urged:

"Hurry up, that guy is too arrogant. I want to see him kneeling in front of me, wagging his tail and begging for mercy."


Putting down the phone,

Su Ye looked very calm.

He did not show any anger or irritation because of Ye Xincheng's revenge.

Because he had long expected Ye Xincheng to retaliate. He also expected that Ye Xincheng might make things difficult for him in the film review.

After all, for him who has no background and no connections.

Ye Xincheng's manipulation of the film review is the most worry-free and labor-saving method.


Su Ye had already thought of a countermeasure.


Su Ye walked to the study room at an unhurried pace.

He took down a file bag from the bookshelf.

Inside the file was a stack of bound A4 papers.

On the cover of the A4 papers, the words"Captain of China - Pioneer of the Avengers" were printed in large letters.

This was a new script written by Su Ye.

It was adapted from"Captain of Eagle Sauce 1" on Earth.

In the adapted"Captain of China", Su Ye set the story in China.

All the main characters in the movie were replaced by Chinese.

(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) The key point is that Su Ye also replaced the protagonist"Captain of China" with a woman.

And this script is Su Ye's way out of the situation when facing Ye Xincheng's revenge.


After taking out the script,

Su Ye took out his phone.

On Weibo, he entered a name.

Weibo jumped to the page. An artistic photo of a woman who was extremely beautiful, had an oriental aesthetic, and had nearly perfect facial features appeared on the webpage. This person was a rich and beautiful woman.

It was rumored that her background was unfathomable. She was said to be unpopular no matter how much she was promoted. (abbj) She ruined the reputation of several well-known directors and made countless first-line male stars willing to play supporting roles. She was a box office poison - Jing Tian. According to Yang Mi. Jing Tian was also born in China's top ten


His background is not inferior to Ye Xincheng.

If Su Ye can get close to Jing Tian and eat Jing Tian's soft rice, then he won't have to worry about Ye Xincheng's suppression.

And the script of"Captain of China" was specially tailored for Jing Tian by Su Ye.

Don't you want to be in the entertainment industry?

Don't you claim that no matter how much you promote, you can't become popular?

Then let me promote you a few times.

I guarantee that you will become very popular!

Ye Xincheng wants to use"review" to block Su Ye.

But if this is Jing Tian's movie, Ye Xincheng can't block it!

Once"Captain of China" is filmed, he will get close to Jing Tian.

In the future, he will no longer be afraid of Ye Xincheng doing small things behind his back.

This coping method is perfect!

As for whether he can get close to Jing Tian...

Su Ye looked in the mirror.

He looked at his biceps.

Then he shook his 21 centimeters.

Is there anything else to say?

It will be a piece of cake.


Originally, Su Ye was going to wait until after the Chinese New Year to talk to Jing Tian about cooperation.

However, since Ye Xincheng had already started, he would no longer wait until after the Chinese New Year.

Su Ye opened the contacts on his phone and was about to call He Li to ask her to contact Jing Tian's studio.

Unexpectedly, a strange call came in at this time.

"Who are you looking for?"Su Ye asked.

A pleasant female voice sounded from the phone:

"Hello, Director Su, my name is Jing Tian. Please forgive me for calling you."


Hearing the other party's name,

Su Ye couldn't help but blink in surprise.

Is it such a coincidence?

Could this be the legendary telepathy?

Su Ye suppressed his surprise and asked calmly:


Hello Jing Tian , what can I do for you?

"It's a little inconvenient to talk about this over the phone. Can Director Su come out for a while? Let's talk while we eat."

Su Ye:

"Are you treating me?"

Jing Tian was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily:

"Don't worry, I'll"


An hour later, in a private restaurant,

Su Ye saw Jing Tian in person.

Jing Tian wore a white mink coat with a fluorescent green sweater underneath.

She wore black pencil pants and a pair of white boots.

Although she was in the east, she still couldn't hide her graceful figure.

Her facial features were even more exquisite than in the photos.


When Su Ye was looking at Jing Tian, Jing Tian was also looking at Su Ye.

Seeing Su Ye's facial features and figure,

Jing Tian's eyes, as clear as autumn water, could not help but flash a trace of surprise.

In the past, she had seen many handsome and romantic men.

But it was the first time she saw someone as handsome as Su Ye. In Su Ye, she saw the handsomeness of a young man and the masculinity of a soldier.

This was a peerless handsome man who combined masculinity and scholarliness.

I was a little greedy!


Although Su Ye was looking at Jing Tian, he did not hesitate at all.

He stretched out his hand and greeted Jing Tian:

"Hello, Jing Tian."

Seeing this, Jing Tian immediately stood up and shook hands with Su Ye:

"Director Su, you���"

Very soft, very cunning.

Su Ye naturally let go of Jing Tian's hand.

Appearing polite.

Jing Tian was very polite and enthusiastic.

She greeted Su Ye:

"Director Su, please sit down and drink some soup first to warm your body. The weather is too cold.

While speaking, she took the initiative to scoop a spoonful of black chicken soup for Su Ye.

"Thank you."

Su Ye took a sip.

It was neither salty nor bland, warm, and not bad.

Seeing Su Ye finish the chicken soup,

Jing Tian pointed to a bowl of sea cucumber and fish maw soup and said:

"This sea cucumber and fish maw soup is not bad, you should try it."

Seeing the sea cucumber,

Su Ye couldn't help but think of the Chinese national football team.

I wonder if I will become a weakling after eating it?


Jing Tian saw Su Ye suddenly laughing at the sea cucumber, and couldn't help but asked curiously:

"What are you laughing at?"

Su Ye:

"When I saw the sea cucumber, I thought of a joke and couldn't help laughing."

"What's the joke? Tell me if it's funny or not."

Jing Tian held her face with both hands, opened her big, lively eyes, and looked at Su Ye curiously. Su Ye was worried that Jing Tian couldn't understand the meaning of the national football team. So he told a joke about sea cucumbers again.

"Once, I went to a restaurant and ordered a plate of sea cucumber fried rice for 88 yuan."

"As a result, the fried rice came, but I didn't see any sea cucumber in it."

"So I asked the service officer why there was only rice but no sea cucumber in the sea cucumber fried rice?"

"The waiter said that their chef is called Sea Cucumber, so the rice they cook is called Sea Cucumber Fried Rice."

""Puff! Hahaha,"

Jing Tian laughed out loud after hearing Su Ye's joke.

She held her belly and laughed:

"Haha, this joke is so funny"

"Director Su is indeed a comedy master, the jokes he tells are so classic"

"Ouch, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard."

Su Ye saw Jing Tian laughing so hard that her body shook with laughter. He was very proud in his heart, but he said modestly:

"I have only made two movies, so the title of comedy master is a bit exaggerated."

Jing Tian shook his head and said:

"It's not an exaggeration at all. I've watched both of your movies. They are so funny. I think they can be ranked in the top ten domestic comedy films."

Su Ye:


You flatter me so much that I almost blush.

"Everything I said was true. By the way, Director Su, do you have any plans to shoot the next movie?"

Su Ye's heart moved, and he guessed the purpose of Jing Tian's discovery.

Su Ye nodded and said:

"I do have plans to shoot the next movie. The script has already been written."

Jing Tian heard this, and her bright eyes became even brighter.

She asked curiously:

"What kind of movie will Director Su make next? Is it also a comedy?"

Su Ye shook his head and said:

"It's not a comedy. My next movie is going to be a sci-fi movie with a female lead. I'm going to invest 300 million."

"I want to learn the Hollywood model and create a superhero movie that belongs to our country."

This is a movie with a heroine, with an investment of 300 million.

Are you tempted?

Su Ye is deliberately tempting.

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