These secrets are not completely consistent with the secrets that originally invaded Labudo's body.

They seem to already have physical shadows, and their existence can be observed without the help of [God's Eye].

So ordinary people can see them too.

However, they do not yet have complete entities.

At this moment, they lingered on the body of the dwarf in the center of the earth, looking very ferocious and terrifying.

When Chen Yu saw that those mysterious people wanted to leave after realizing the danger, he said with a joking face:"You want to run? Ask my thunder and lightning first if they agree!"

As he spoke, he gently moved his fingers and instantly connected the huge power grid. Shrunk to the size of a basketball court.

In front of the thunder and lightning like a dragnet, thousands of panicked Mysteries hurriedly looked for weak parts of the power grid.

However, after hitting the wall one after another, they finally discovered that the network was very uniform and dense.

Just enough to trap them in it.

A mysterious figure suspended in mid-air said in despair:"Damn it, they are trying to catch a turtle in an urn, we can't escape!"

"Let me try it!"

A secret that has invaded the body of the dwarf in the center of the earth controls the dwarf in the center of the earth to run out.

Under the control of the secret, the dwarf in the center of the earth was bounced back when it touched the power grid.

After the lightning strike, the dwarf in the center of the earth began to wake up gradually Come here, efforts and secrets are fighting for control of the body

"hateful! This thunder and lightning is no ordinary thunder and lightning, it seems that the sky can defeat us!"A secret continued to invade the body of the dwarf in the center of the earth while saying to his companions,

"Hurry up and ask Mr. Guijiang to come for support, otherwise we will all have to answer here!"

After hesitating for a moment, the companion chose to leave the body of the dwarf in the center of the earth, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Well, that Weird chose to self-destruct?"

Chen Yu was slightly surprised when he saw the Weird suddenly disappear.

He had noticed the Weird a long time ago and knew that it could transmit messages.

But he didn't expect it to rely on self-destruction to transmit messages.

In the crowd, Labdu also saw the scene just now.

He was the only one of the dwarves who was not attacked by Weird.

Because those bound by Chen Yu can resist the erosion of Weird.

After thinking for a moment, Labdu looked at the tribesmen who had lost some consciousness and commanded loudly:

"Everyone, listen to my command and hit the lightning! This is the only way to drive the mystery out of your body."Everyone shuddered involuntarily when they saw the electric net that illuminated the night like day.

If this thing is electrified, it can drive out the mystery.

But you have to be too careful, right?

This method of killing one thousand enemies and injuring eight hundred of your own, no one dared to try it easily.

"Fuck, are you afraid of Kumba? Master, please hold back, I won’t kill you with electricity!"

It's just that despite Labuduo shouting, no one did what Labudo said.

Even his son Lakasi was no exception.

When Labudu got anxious, he grabbed Lakasi's head and Crash into the lightning beside the electricity

"You kid, come and set an example for everyone!"

"Dad, don’t, don’t, don’t!"

La Kasi wanted to escape, but it was too late. La Budo threw him directly onto the lightning.


The sound made by the thunder and lightning when it comes into contact with the skin makes people's scalp numb.

"ah! It hurts!"

As a scream came, Lakasi squatted on the ground, breathing heavily.

There was a smell of barbecue all over his body.

However, the mystery that invaded his body was also driven out. Outside the body. The other dwarves in the earth couldn't help but be shocked.

Damn, is this the legendary electric shock therapy?

Although this method is cruel, it has to be said that it is quite effective.

, relying on his last bit of willpower, he slammed into the thunder and lightning.

The unconscious dwarves were also thrown onto the thunder and lightning. All the mysterious screams came and went. They had no choice but to leave the body of the dwarves in the center of the earth.

They did not dare to stay here and hurriedly looked for a breakthrough, trying to break out of the lightning encirclement and struggling like little fishes in a fishing net, but to no avail. He was covered in bruises.

Chen Yu didn't expect that Labu Duo was quite smart and knew how to use the power of thunder and lightning. After thinking for a moment, Chen Yu looked back at Hong Yi and others and said. Go in and see if you can kill those mysterious ones.


"Yes, master."Hong Yi and others walked towards the power grid.

Chen Yu waved his hand, tore a hole in the net, and put Hong Yi and others in.

Then he closed it again.

Hong Yi raised a thunderbolt in his hand. , took the lead and rushed forward, only to see the thunder and lightning hit a mysterious person with great accuracy, completely obliterating him.

"Master, my thunder and lightning are also effective!"Hongyi shouted excitedly behind him.

"Well done."Chen Yu praised.

After becoming a zombie, Hong Yi's [Thunder and Lightning Confinement] can not only imprison the target, but also has great lethality.

Although [Thunder and Lightning Confinement] is essentially different from Chen Yu's [Thunderstorm], the power is also far different..

But Hong Yi used 70% to 80% of his power, which was enough to kill those weak secrets.

Chen Yu only wanted to trap the secrets for Hong Yi and others to practice, and did not kill them. Kill those secrets.

Seeing that Hongyi had solved one of the secrets, the little Loli used her [Double Blade Whirlwind Slash].

In an instant, her petite body spun rapidly like a top.

"Try the power of my double swords!"

The two long knives shone with a cold light, like fans, so fast that even the afterimages were blurred.

The next second, the long knives slashed at the mysterious bodies without entities, and actually chopped the black mist into pieces. Two halves.

The black mist struggled to come together.

"Hum, let me see which one is faster, you or my knife!"

The little Loli continued to spin at a faster speed, smashing the secrets into pieces.

The secrets that could no longer be put together completely disappeared in mid-air.

Chen Yu smiled and nodded, saying in his heart: It is exactly as he guessed.

These secrets have gradually begun to take shape, and more powerful weapons can also deal with them.

After killing one of the secrets, the little Loli waved to Hong Yi behind her:"Sister Hong Yi, can we two cooperate?"

"Oh, how do we cooperate?" Red asked in confusion.

"Attach lightning to my swords so that they can be harvested like a lawn mower."

"This method is good. But can you withstand my lightning?"

"Hehe, your thunder and lightning don't matter. My master always uses [thunderstorm] when chatting with me. It makes me feel like I'm going to heaven every time. I'm almost immune to ordinary lightning now……"

The little Loli blinked her big eyes and said shyly.

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