Labrador asked slightly worriedly:"Master, are you really going to the Dark Valley?"


"Well, let me tell you the specific location and some information I learned."

Labuduo told Chen Yu everything about the Dark Valley.

"Without further ado, let’s hurry up and get on our way."Chen Yu said to everyone.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took everyone into a different world.

And he himself also concealed his whereabouts and quickly flew towards the Dark Valley.

Fortunately, the area of the center of the earth is much smaller than the surface.

All of them The total area is not as large as that of Daxia.

So Chen Yu quickly came to the Dark Valley.

Suspended in mid-air, Chen Yu found that the Dark Valley was a veritable dangerous place with all kinds of strange and tall plants growing there. The entire canyon was covered with airtight, like a dead pool of ink.

Chen Yu released everyone from the other world and said in a deep voice:"The Dark Valley has arrived. Labudo, you and your tribe lead the way."

"Yes, master."

Labudo knew that he could share the field of vision with Chen Yu, so he walked into the darkness without fear.

Anyway, the darkness was like day in front of Chen Yu's [God's Eye].

Chen Yu did this after careful consideration He knows that he is too powerful, and those who are aware of the danger may retreat without fighting.

On the other hand, these earth-centered people are the targets they have been pursuing, so they use the earth-centered people to lure out the mystery. It couldn't be more appropriate.

Of course, it's okay for the Earth-centered people to be invaded by the mystery.

As long as the mystery doesn't completely erode the last trace of their will, their own lightning can completely dispel the mystery.

Except for Labudo, the other Earth-center dwarves looked at them. The bottomless black canyon made them take a few steps back.

The fear of the dark valley seemed to be innate to them, but they knew that they couldn't retreat even if they wanted to. Secret.

Only by following Chen Yu can they survive.

In the end, they followed Labudo and walked into the dark valley.

, the pangolin beast walked quickly to Chen Yu and raised its tail in the air.

At the same time, the tip of its tail emitted a strong light, illuminating a large area in the dark valley like a bright flashlight. He stopped him and said,"Don’t turn on the light! The pangolin turned off the light on its tail and asked with some confusion:"Master, you can't see the road after turning off the light.""

"In a moment I will share my vision with you, and you will be able to see the road clearly through my vision."

The pangolin beast shared the field of view with Chen Yu with a suspicious look on his face.

Sure enough, everything in the dark valley suddenly became extremely clear.

Even the scene behind the stone underground and the core of the earth plants could be seen

"Master, isn’t this amazing?"The pangolin beast couldn't help but cry out.

"Sandshrew, remember not to turn on the lights at will, lest you attract mysterious attention"

"Yes, master.

Then, the pangolin beast lay on the ground and said respectfully:"Master, how about I be your mount?""

"Okay, in this case I can also hide you."

Now Chen Yu's [Invisibility] power has become stronger.

Not only the clothes and items in contact with Chen Yu can become invisible.

Even people who have contact with Chen Yu can become invisible.

Chen Yu jumped up , jumped on the back of the pangolin, and then waved to the four people in red.

Seeing this, Chen Yu jumped on the back of the pangolin in excitement.

Chen Yu looked at Elisa again and said in a deep voice. :"Elesa, come up too."

Elesa was stunned, then followed the direction of the sound and found the pangolin beast, and jumped in front of Chen Yu excitedly

"Thank you, Master……"

Chen Yu was not polite, and took it into his arms like a child to play with it.

This little thing is quite fun.

I guess I won't get tired of playing with it for a whole day.

Elisa"endured" Chen Yu's bullying, but her heart was beating hard.

She thought: Master is too open, right?

There are so many people here.

Some of them are my relatives and friends. It would be embarrassing for others to see them.

The key is that the war is imminent. Is it really okay to not take the secret seriously?

But fortunately, it is pitch dark here, and Chen Yu can do anything to her.

Elisa felt someone's hand close to her body, as if counting the number of cigarettes.

The cigarettes were placed in her underwear. How could the master do this?

However, this is quite exciting.

Elisa closed her eyes slightly, and her head involuntarily leaned on Chen Yu's chest.

Seeing that everyone was sitting firmly, the sandalbone hurriedly took steps and ran quickly towards the depths of the dark valley.

The dwarf heard the footsteps behind him, knowing that Chen Yu was catching up, and hurriedly quickened his pace.

Unfortunately, their steps were too small, and they had to use their special powers to avoid being caught up by the mole.

After a long time, Chen Yu suddenly ordered,"Stop!"

The mole stood forward with all four legs, leaned back, and braked suddenly.

The red-clothed girl sitting behind Chen Yu was caught off guard and bumped into Chen Yu's back.

It was soft and pretty good.

And Elisa, who was in the front, almost flew out due to inertia.

Fortunately, Chen Yu grabbed the gown buckled at two key points in time and pulled her back.

Elisa's face was slightly red.

She bit her small lips, turned around and asked,"Master, why did we stop? Did we find those secrets?"

Chen Yu moved his wrist and replied,"Yes, the core area of the Dark Valley is in front, and it is also the base camp of the secrets.

I just saw that it was full of secrets.

But it's really strange that I didn't encounter a single secret along the way."

Elisa frowned, calmed down her excitement and asked,"Does the secret in the Dark Valley only live in the core area?"

"It's very possible, there seems to be something here that attracts them."

While the two were communicating, Chen Yu suddenly discovered that a large wave of mysterious things were rushing towards the dwarves in the center of the earth.

Not long after, a scream suddenly came from the front.

Chen Yu glanced ahead and said loudly:"Turn on the lights!"

The pangolin understood the idea, and hurriedly pointed its tail forward, emitting a huge light.

Everyone finally saw it clearly this time.

Most of the earth dwarves in front had been eroded by the mystery, and they became like mad dogs and pounced on the people around them.

Chen Yu fiercely As soon as the ground stepped on the back of the mountain beast, he came to those mysterious things in one step.


Following Chen Yu's low shout, an extremely huge power grid fell down, covering everyone inside.

"Damn it, we've fallen into a trap!"A mysterious and powerful stranger suddenly appeared and shouted loudly.


The other ghosts also reacted and hurriedly prepared to escape.

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