"Okay, you have to be careful!"

After Hongyi said that, he attached his [Thunder and Lightning Imprisonment] to the little Loli's double swords.

Two long knives entwined with thunder and lightning spun rapidly towards the mysterious group.

Dong Wushuang saw that Hong Yi and Xiao Loli had each killed a mysterious creature, and rushed forward with a long knife unwilling to be outdone.

At the same time, he shouted to Hong Yi:"Hong Yi, also give me some thunder and lightning on my sword.""

"Wushuang, have you also been baptized by the Master's [Thunderstorm]?"Hong Yi asked in surprise.

"Not really."Dong Wushuang's eyes were a little disappointed, and then he raised his long knife and said with a smile,"But the handle of the knife in my hand is insulated."

"Well then." Hong Yi no longer hesitated and attached lightning to the long sword.

In this way, a long sword that could easily kill ordinary Guimi was successfully made.

Seeing this, Guimi, who was hiding in the corner, said depressedly with tears in his eyes:"Damn, each of you is carrying sparks and lightning all the way, can't you leave us a way to live?"

"Stop talking nonsense and give me a knife!"

Dong Wushuang raised the knife above his head and rushed towards the secret. The muscles on his chest and arms were exposed, and he looked very sexy.


The long knife with an explosive sound directly split the secret into two halves.

Then, with a few cuts, the mystery was solved cleanly.

The three death-like beauties were killed indiscriminately in the mystery group.

"Damn it, let's work together to attack the female zombie in red clothes! She's the one who always electrocutes us!"

The weird ones knew they couldn't hide, so they simply gave up hiding and attacked the zombie in red clothes together.

However, these weird methods were relatively simple and could only erode the consciousness of the zombie in red clothes.

After trying countless times, these weird ones were surprised to find that their attacks had no effect on the zombie in red clothes.

A weird one said in surprise:"Something's wrong! This zombie in red clothes is much stronger than ordinary zombies!"

"Is it because her level is too high?"Another one asked secretly.

"Probably not. She seems to be as resistant to our mysterious erosion as the short old man."

"Then let’s try that little loli again……"

The ghosts tried a lot, but finally found that they could not attack Hong Yi and others.

They were completely desperate and could only watch their companions being killed one by one.

After a while, more than half of the thousands of ghosts were killed.

The remaining ghosts ran to another corner.

Dabai saw this and smiled and said,"Where do you want to go?"

The moment the ghosts heard this, they felt as if they were controlled by some force.

Some of them actually stopped where they were, swaying like a wisp of mist in the wind.

"What's going on? Why did I feel like I was being controlled just now?"

"Me too...it's strange. We usually control others, but why are we being controlled today?"

"Look at Lao Liu, why is it running towards the thunder and lightning like a fool?"

"Something's wrong, we must have been seduced by that woman with rabbit ears!"

"Damn it, that bunny girl is too strong, right? Can even our secrets enchant us?"


Seeing Dabai's charm, even Chen Yu was a little surprised.

He didn't expect this rabbit to be so powerful.

I remember when she was only level 2, she could charm a level 4 big head.

Now she is level 7, and her charm ability is even more terrifying.

Chen Yu was relieved and looked back at the battlefield.

After the unilateral massacre by Hongyi and others, the remaining Guimi shrank in the corner like a deflated ball, and no longer had the courage to resist.

"Why hasn't General Gui arrived yet?"

"Yes, are we all going to die here today?"

"I'm not willing to give in! We, the incomparably powerful Mysteries, will actually die in the hands of humans and zombies!"

Just when Wei Mi fell into despair, a huge black shadow flew over quickly in the distance.

"Look, it’s General Gui!"

"Haha, Master Gui must have heard our call for help and came here with his people!"

"Great, we are saved!"

The secrets suddenly cheered, as if they had been saved.

Chen Yu looked at the leader of the black shadows and raised his eyebrows:"Are you the secret general? I didn’t expect you would actually dare to come.

The general looked down at Chen Yu and said in a hoarse voice,"How do you know I am the general?""

"I know every move and every conversation of your men."

"Since you know I'm a trickster, why don't you quickly put away your lightning? Otherwise, I will be rude to you!"

"Really? Then let's have a clink.……"

Chen Yu didn't tolerate the ghost general at all, and threw out a lightning bolt out of nowhere.


A thick and strong lightning bolt rushed towards the black shadow slowly.

The ghost general dodged and quickly moved aside.

But the unlucky ones were the other ghosts.

The black fog was quickly split into two halves under the effect of lightning.

Some ghosts died on the spot in the black fog.

The rest also hid on both sides and stared at Chen Yu fiercely.

It seemed to be saying: Boy, you can't afford to play, you really don't have martial ethics!

Seeing that Chen Yu started fighting without saying a word, the ghost general said sternly:"Boy, you dare to hurt my men, take your life!"

As he spoke, a long spear suddenly appeared in the ghost general's hand.

This spear is more than two meters long, as thick as a girl's calf, and exudes black mist all over its body.

There are countless heads of Mocha children on the spear, opening their mouths ferociously and swallowing.

Elisa, who had been watching the battle on the back of the mole, recognized that the child on the long sword was the child of her own people.

She gritted her teeth and looked at the Guijiang, then turned around and asked:"Master, let me meet this damn Guijiang!"

Chen Yu shook his head and refused decisively:"No, this Guijiang is much more powerful than ordinary Guimi, you can't beat it."

The facts are indeed as Chen Yu said.

This Guijiang has already formed a physical body.

Low-level Guimi can only cause damage to the target by invading the consciousness of the creature.

And the Guijiang with a physical body can not only carry out mental attacks, but also physical attacks.

After hearing this, Elisa's body trembled a little:"But they killed my people, and even the newborn babies were not spared!"

"You're just going to die in vain. Remember, your life belongs to me now."Chen Yu said calmly.

Elisa looked at the trickster unwillingly, her teeth chattering.

However, she knew that no one could blame her. If she wanted to blame, she could only blame herself for not being strong enough.

"Master, please let me meet them for a while!"

The pangolin, which has always been used as a mount, volunteered to deal with the treacherous general.

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