After a few seconds, Chen Yu actually achieved control over Labudo!

The system prompt sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully binding a Mocha tribe member."

At the same time, Labudo respectfully walked to Chen Yu, knelt on the ground and said:

"Master, my subordinate Labudo is at your disposal.……"

"Get up."Chen Yu waved his hand towards Labudo, and then asked,"To what extent have your passages been repaired?"

Labuduo raised his head and replied:"Back to the master, most of the work on our tunnel has been completed. According to the plan, it will be possible to reach the surface directly from the center of the earth in one month."

"You shouldn't be the only ones working on such a big project, right? Where are the others?"

"The master is wise, and we are indeed not the only ones building the passage. We are the advance team, coming here in advance to build a transfer base station."

After hearing this, Chen Yu used [God's Eye] to look around and found that the surrounding area indeed seemed to have just been developed.

There were various equipment placed in those caves, which seemed to be equipment for energy and supplies.

When he saw the metal pieces above his head, Chen Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

He tried to send a signal to Hongyi and others on the ground.

No wonder

I couldn't receive the message from Ah Tu. It turned out that these metals can block the signal.

Seeing Chen Yu staring at the metal above his head, Labu hurriedly explained:

"Master, this is a shielding device developed by us inner-earth people. It can shield any form of signals, even brain waves. The purpose of our doing this is to prevent humans on the surface from discovering our existence."

"I see."

No wonder Ah Tu lost contact at that time. It turned out that he was cut off from the signal.

This is enough to show that the technological level of the people in the center of the earth cannot be underestimated.

After being amazed, Chen Yu glanced at the zombies on the ground and asked with some doubts,

"There's another thing I don't quite understand. Since these zombies can be teleported directly from the surface to the center of the earth, why can't they be teleported from the center of the earth to the ground again?"

"this……"Labuduo shook his head, sighed and said,"We have been thinking about this problem, but we have never found the answer."

Chen Yu frowned slightly and thought about this matter carefully.

It seems that when those zombies entered the center of the earth, they seemed to have achieved"space travel" under the influence of some kind of force.

But this kind of space travel is not like your own ability to travel freely.

More like a one-way shuttle.

This means that the zombies can pass directly from the surface to the center of the earth, but they cannot return to the ground directly and need to use other methods.

This is actually similar to those"wormholes" in science fiction movies that can travel through the universe.

Some wormholes are one-way, and some are two-way.

Chen Yu no longer struggled with this issue, looked at Labuduo and said:

"From now on, you can monitor the mysterious actions of the people in the center of the earth for me."

"Yes, Master!" Labdu hesitated for a moment and said with some entanglement,"But in my current state, it will be easy for Guimi to find that I no longer have Guimi."

"That's true."Chen Yu held his chin and thought for a moment, and finally thought of a way

"Didn't you say that there are many strangers among your tribe? Then you should find a way to join them. By staying with them, you might be able to temporarily avoid the mysterious pursuit."

Labudo said excitedly:

"Hey, why didn’t I think of that? The master is still wise. But what if I get discovered by the Mysteries before I find them?"

"Then you can only ask for blessings."Chen Yu patted Labudo's shoulder and comforted him,"But don't worry, you have been bound by me. You should not be corroded by the mystery. At most, you will be killed by them."

Laputo bared his teeth and said hesitantly:

"This subordinate begs the master to give me the magnetic ring, so that I can have a life-saving skill. Otherwise, if I am discovered by the secret, I will have no choice but to die."

"oh? Can the magnetic ring also deal with the mysterious?"Chen Yu asked in surprise.

Labuduo shook his head and said:"That's not possible, but it can be used to deal with the zombies controlled by them.

In addition, it seems that the mysterious should be afraid of electricity, and there are many energy batteries in the cave. When the time comes, I will tie the batteries to my body and connect a few exposed wires.

If Wei Mi dares to approach me, I will give myself a break and they will not dare to approach me again.

Chen Yu handed the magnetic ring back to Labudo and asked casually:"Did you develop this magnetic ring?""

"Yes Master. However, the internal structure of this magnetic ring is extremely complex, and there are only three of them in the entire group. My status in the clan is not low, and I have to perform important tasks, so I am lucky enough to get the right to use the magnetic ring."

"So that's it. Chen Yu glanced at the direction of the cave and changed the subject,"Since there are other people in the passage, how do you get back to the center of the earth?""

"I can rely on snakes and rats to get back"

"What is a snake rat?"Chen Yu asked doubtfully.

He had heard of the term"a nest of snakes and rats", but he had never heard of snakes and rats.

Could it be that they are a species unique to the center of the earth?

Labudo looked in the direction of the cave and shook his finger..

Not long after, several rat-headed and snake-tailed monsters quickly crawled out of the cave, pointing at the monsters and saying:

"Master, these are the snake rats I just told you about. They are a kind of ground-burrowing robot rats developed by our inner-earth people. When I return to the center of the earth from the passage, I first let them explore the path ahead. If I encounter people, I will burrow into the ground to avoid them in advance.

Ah Tu suddenly froze when he saw the snake rat in front of him, and then cursed:"Damn, it turns out this thing is a robot rat. I was led here by this ghost just now.""

Labuduo said with some embarrassment:"This little brother is really sorry, we don't know each other without fighting."

A Tu coldly snorted, then looked at the snakes and rats and said,"This little thing burrows into the ground very fast. Get some for me to play with some other time."

"It's easy to talk about. I must prepare a few more for my little brother.……"Labrador complimented.

Chen Yu glanced at the zombies on the ground, and then said to the two of them:

"Ah Tu, Labdu, you two should throw these bodies into the lava and clean up the scene, so that they can be discovered later."

"Yes, master!"

The two hurriedly began to clean up the zombies lying on the ground.


The zombie corpses were thrown into the magma one by one, making a sound like barbecue.

After all the corpses were processed, Chen Yu was afraid that if time went by, other secrets would arise. Suspicious, he waved his hand towards Labudo and said:

"Labuduo, hurry up and return to the center of the earth. If you have any situation, report to me."

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