Labrador looked at his magnetic ring helplessly, squatting on the ground and breathing heavily.

Chen Yu put the magnetic ring away and continued to ask:"What do you mean by the passage to the ground just now?"

Labudo simply sat on the ground and slowly explained:

"This has to start with a disaster that the Moko tribe encountered a few months ago.

One day, a young man in his 80s among our tribe suddenly got a strange disease.

He suddenly became extremely manic and always spoke strange language.

Later, everyone who came into contact with the young man became like him.

We thought they had some infectious disease, but it was not until later that we discovered that they were infected by an unknown creature that lived in the mist.

We call this kind of creature mysterious, and it is they who asked my people to build a passage from the center of the earth to the surface."

Hearing this, Chen Yu thought of the black mist just now, and asked:

"The fog you are talking about, is it the black mist that exists on your body?"

"Can you see them? No���How can you see them with just your eyes?" Labdu asked in surprise.

"Not only can I see them, but I know they are no longer in your body."

"What did you say?"

Labuduo sat up directly and closed his eyes.

After a while, Labuduo said excitedly:

"The mystery in me has indeed disappeared! It turns out that the mystery is not invincible!"

La Budo burst into tears, and a smile that looked like he had regained a new lease of life appeared on his ravaged face.

After calming down, La Budo carefully recalled everything just now, and finally came to a conclusion: the secret behind him was

After thinking about this, Labudo suddenly knelt down in front of Chen Yu and begged loudly :

"Please, sir, save our people! Otherwise, our people will be completely eroded by the fog.……"

Chen Yu said coldly:

"What does your people have to do with me? Let’s continue talking about the mystery."

Labudo calmed down and knew what he should do at this time, so he honestly told everything he knew.

"In fact, I don’t know what the mystery is. But I know one thing, mysterious beings live in the fog, or are parasitic in the bodies of people and zombies."

Chen Yu glanced at Labudo's eyes and knew that he was not lying.

Of course, there was no need for him to lie about this kind of thing.

So he continued to ask:

"Also eroded by mystery, why is it that the zombie almost completely lost consciousness, but you can still maintain your original consciousness?"

Labu Duo pondered for a moment, and then explained:

"That's because the influence of the mystery on the host is related to the strength of the mystery itself on the one hand, and the strength and mental strength of the host on the other hand.

The spiritual power of my people is much stronger than that of zombies. The secret has limited control over us and cannot completely erase our consciousness.

The Corpse Emperor was eroded by Mystery when it was only at level one, so it has completely lost its sense of autonomy and has become a puppet whose body is possessed by Mystery."

When Chen Yu heard this, he fell into deep thought again.

From this point of view, these zombies in front of him are actually the zombies that disappeared on the surface.

But how did they disappear?

Is it also related to the mystery?

Chen Yu glanced at the zombies on the ground. The zombies who lost their fighting ability continued to ask:

"How did these zombies appear underground?"

"Not long after we were invaded by the mystery, these zombies suddenly appeared in the center of the earth. I suspect that they should be brought about by those mysterious things. As for how it was brought, I don't know."

"Then won't these zombies bite you?"

"They only bite those who are not corrupted by the mystery"

"Are there any of you people in the center of the earth who have not been eroded?"Chen Yu continued to ask

"Yes, most of those who have not been corroded are some powerful strangers. Their mental power is very strong, enough to fight against those secrets."Speaking of this, Labuduo suddenly sighed and continued,

"However, we, the people and zombies who have been corrupted by the mysteries, have been forced to hunt them down. In fact, we don't want to do this, but those mysteries have been forcing us to kill our compatriots."

Chen Yu didn't expect that there were still earth people and mysteries underground.

It seems that this world is far from as simple as he thought.

Especially these mysteries, they are absolutely powerful, so much so that the other world is afraid of being polluted by them. Just when Chen Yu was lost in thought, the long-haired corpse king who had been lying on the ground struggled to get up and wanted to launch a sneak attack on Chen Yu.

"Humph, you still want to sneak attack me? In my [space domain], no disturbance can be hidden from my eyes."

Chen Yu originally wanted to keep this corpse emperor as his subordinate, but now it seems that there is no need.

After all, its body has been eroded by the mystery, and it is really unsafe to keep it around.

Chen Yu moved his fingers slightly, and said The lightning directly hit the long-haired corpse emperor's Tianling Cap, and the corpse emperor , who was already seriously injured, was killed.

As the corpse emperor died, the black mist surrounding it suddenly started to struggle in pain.

Waves of indescribable screams could still be heard, and the person's scalp was numb.

After a moment, the black fog completely dissipated.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yu said to Ah Tu beside him.

"Ah Tu, take down all the zombie crystals and give them to me."

"Yes, master!"

Atu quickly took out the crystal and sent it to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu analyzed the parameters of the crystal and found that these crystals were not much different from the crystals he had absorbed before.

Then he took out the smallest crystal and tried to put it into the alien world.

This time, the system beep did not appear again.

As expected, with the disappearance of the mystery, these crystals were very clean, so

Chen Yu could collect all the crystals. Space, and began to think about how to deal with the man in the center of the earth.

Taking him away might lead to more information about the people in the center of the earth, but the reason why he came here would also be exposed, which would cause trouble for him. Unnecessary trouble.

The best way is to completely control him and then let him return to his tribe.

Then how to control him?

Chen Yu suddenly thought of the first thing he had obtained when he rescued Ji Ruola. Two rewards: Permanent control of any creature.

This ability is similar to binding zombies, but the range of options is much wider, including the Earth-centered person in front of you.

"Let's give it a try first, and if it doesn't work, take him away."

Chen Yu opened his [Eye of God] and began to try to control the Earth Man in front of him.

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