"Yes, Master! Labudo promises to complete the tasks assigned by Master!" Labudo straightened his back and replied.

Chen Yu turned to look at Ah Tu again:"Ah Tu, you should also level up in my different world. Now you and Xiaoying are only at level six."

Ah Tu's eyes filled with excitement, and he knelt down on the ground and wiped a He shed tears and said:

"Master, I didn't expect that you would take the risk to come to this place for Atu, and you would keep giving me resources to upgrade. Ah Tu was really touched……"

Before Ah Tu could finish speaking, Chen Yu directly took him into a different world.

This guy has a glib tone, and I'm really afraid that he will say such words about his promise to me again.

After turning on the [Space Domain], Chen Yu began to fly towards the ground.

At the same time, he is also thinking about future plans.

The best choice at the moment is to arrange for other people and then slowly explore the people and mysteries of the earth.

After all, he had finally managed to cultivate several zombies and a powerful zombie army, but he could no longer let the mystery steal his home.

Soon, Chen Yu returned to the ground.

At this time, Hongyi and others were cleaning up the Tianshui base, seemingly looking for traces of Atu.

After seeing Chen Yu coming to the ground, everyone hurriedly gathered around.

Hongyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Chen Yu was not injured.

"Master, have you found Ah Tu?"

"Um."Chen Yu glanced at everyone and said seriously,"Let's go back to Doomsday Manor first."

Everyone was taken into a different world before they could react.

Chen Yu put away the others and all the aircraft and cannons, and then quickly flew towards the Doomsday Manor...

Chen Yu soon arrived at the door of the Doomsday Manor. At this time

, the ladies of the manor, led by Jiang Xueer, were planting various flowers, plants and trees at the entrance of the manor.

Even Xiao Hui was participating, leading the army of mice to dig holes and scatter seeds.

This was a happy scene. In this lifeless apocalypse, it does make people feel better.

In addition, an iron sign was erected at the door of the manor with the words"Happy Manor" written on it.

I just mentioned it this time, but I didn't expect the girls to do it very neatly.

After seeing Chen Yu, a girl threw down the tools in her hands and shouted:

"Look, the man of our house is back……"

The girls looked in the direction of the voice, and dropped their work and rushed towards Chen Yu.

Their eager eyes were like seeds waiting to be watered.

Chen Yu coughed lightly and changed the subject:

"Well done you guys! Let’s take care of our manor from now on. After months of fighting and killing, it's time to enjoy it."

Chen Yu walked to an open space and released nearly 20,000 zombies.

After a year of training and the baptism of a war, the temperament of these zombies had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Looking around, the zombie army They stood neatly, with an inviolable dignity. In addition

, the zombies in different areas had different weapons.

Armored vehicles, tanks, etc., and even helicopters!

These weapons and equipment are just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to these zombies and weapons, the power of the 8 zombies is even more exaggerated.

Hoshino Sakurako, Datou, Atu, Watanabe Yui)

You must know that even though nearly half a year has passed since the end of the world, it is difficult to see even a corpse king in the entire Great Xia, let alone one that is taller than the corpse king. Two levels of zombies appeared!

When the girls saw the extremely majestic zombie army, they couldn't help but admire:

"I didn’t expect that Brother Yu would subdue so many zombies after not seeing him for so many days!"

"Yes, and there are so many weapons, it is simply unrivaled."

"I do think those zombie farmers are good at farming."

After Chen Yu released the people and zombies in the different world, he felt a lot more relaxed instantly.

After thinking about it, he told Xiao Ying, Da Tou and Atu on the side:

"From now on, the three of you will cooperate with Xiao Hui and be responsible for protecting the safety of the base. Don't let anyone blow up the base again."

Xiaoying straightened up and said respectfully:

"Don't worry, Master, I have now changed from Eagle King to Eagle Lord, and my combat power has surpassed that of a fighter jet! Not to mention the American F25, even the F250 can still be beaten by it. Ah

Tu also said excitedly:

"During this period, Yingsang and I worked hard to upgrade every day in the different world, and I lived up to my master's expectations of me.

Master, Ah Tu is not afraid of hardship or tiredness, he can still persevere.

It would be best for me to break through again and see what realm is above the Corpse Lord.……"

Chen Yu rolled his eyes at Ah Tu and said speechlessly:

"Do you know how much mental energy it takes for me to slow down time in another world? Also, do you think the crystals you upgraded grew from the ground?"

The eight corpses, as well as the seventh-level Doctor Li and others, all consumed a large amount of crystals.

If it were not for the"optimization" of the island country and the rice country, the crystals would not be enough.

Of course A Tu knew what Chen Yu meant, and he laughed and said:"Master, I'm just talking casually, don't take it seriously.……"

"Okay, you guys go down and contact me if you need anything."

"Yes, master!"

A Tu immediately got into the ground and disappeared.

When Xiao Hui saw this, he couldn't help but secretly sighed:

"This little devil's escape speed is amazing!……"

Xiao Hui's eyes rolled around, and then he pointed at a huge mouse behind him.

"You follow Brother Atu and monitor the situation underground together. Remember, let me know if there is any trouble!"

"Yes, Brother Gray!"

The mouse led a group of younger brothers and followed the traces left by Ah Tu.

Then Xiao Hui approached the little eagle again and said with a smile:

"Brother Ying, my biggest dream in this life, Xiao Hui, is to fly into the sky. I did conquer a lot of bats as my subordinates, but they were too weak to carry me. How about you take me on a flight?"

The little eagle flapped its wings boldly, turned its head and said:

"No problem, come on up."

Xiao Hui was stunned, and then excitedly jumped on Xiaoying's back.

"Got it!"

The little eagle bared its teeth and smiled, and flew into the sky with a"swish" sound.

Hong Yi looked up at the little eagle and Xiao Hui, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Master, now everyone in the sky and the sea is ours."

"yes……"Chen Yu looked into the distance with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and then murmured to himself,

"It's a pity, God doesn't want me to be idle. After hearing this

, Hongyi asked doubtfully:"Master, what did you just say?""

"nothing."Chen Yu gently touched Hong Yi's smooth face and said with an evil look on his face,

"I said I won't be able to take any time off tonight.……"

The red-clothed girl trembled and said with a red face:

"Doesn’t Hong Yi just obey his master’s orders?……"

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