After listening to the system's prompt tone, Chen Yu was stunned.

The system just said not to bring creatures contaminated by the fog into another world.

What is fog?

What does it mean to be a creature tainted by the mist?

In doubt, Chen Yu glanced at the long-haired corpse emperor who had lost his fighting ability.

I saw that it exuded a rotten and evil aura, which was very different from Atu, who was also the Corpse Emperor.

It seemed as if it had been buried in a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood for decades, its body was highly decomposed, and then it crawled out from inside.

Especially the black mist, which seems to be affected by it just by looking at it.

Although Chen Yu was not affected by it, he was still full of questions.

Could it be that the black mist on the long-haired corpse emperor is the mist the system calls?

What kind of power does this fog have?

Chen Yu decisively gave up the idea of bringing the long-haired corpse emperor into another world.

If the black mist on it really erodes the other world, it might bring devastating disasters to the other world.

"Since you can't bring it into another world, let's try to bind it."

Chen Yu tried to bind the long-haired corpse emperor again.

It turned out that it seemed to have a mysterious power that was fighting against his own system.

"It seems that this fog is very strange."

It was the first time that Chen Yu was so serious, and it was also the first time that he felt that he had really met his opponent.

At the side, Atu, who was tied into a rice dumpling, saw that Chen Yu was in a daze, and said with some embarrassment:

"Master, please save me!

Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh:"Ah Tu, how come you can't even defeat the Corpse Emperor?"

Ah Tu said with a sad look on his face:"Master, I don't know either." This corpse emperor is very evil, and that damn old man actually attacked me sneakily."

Chen Yu shook his head and was about to activate his superpower to untie the metal rope from A Tu's body.

At this moment, the dwarf on the side suddenly launched an attack on Chen Yu.

He shook his fingers vigorously, and a large number of metal fragments flew towards Chen Yu..

Looking carefully, there is a strange-shaped ring on the dwarf's finger, and the metal around it seems to be controlled by it.

"Master, beware, this little thing can control metal objects!"A Tu hurriedly shouted to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu had noticed this dwarf for a long time, but he had never paid attention to it.

Now that he saw that it could control metal, he said with some seriousness:

"Oh? So you are also a metal-type mutant? But you are still far behind me!"

After saying that, Chen Yu directly activated his [Metal Control] ability.

In an instant, the metals immediately changed direction and hit the dwarf.

The dwarf was startled and hurriedly waved his fingers vigorously.

However, the metals only shook in the air and continued to fly towards the dwarf.

" is this possible? Could it be that my magnetic ring has failed?"

After a brief moment of astonishment, the dwarf immediately ran towards the cave.

At this moment, bang!

Countless metals collided together, making a harsh sound.

Then all the metals fell on the dwarf and crushed him. However,

Chen Yu kept controlling his strength so as not to crush the dwarf to death.

The dwarf trapped in the metal pile could not move no matter how hard he struggled.

"let me go!"

The dwarf couldn't help but roar.

At the same time, the same black mist as the long-haired corpse emperor also appeared on his body. It was more dense and cold.

After trying for half a day, the dwarf still could not gain control of the metal and could not break free. Restraint.

He simply gave up struggling and laughed strangely.

"Jie Jie Jie……"

The dwarf suddenly became crazy, and a large amount of cold black mist emitted from his body.

At the same time, the metal pressing against his body began to loosen.

"Did my mother let you move?"

Chen Yu was slightly angry and threw a small thunderbolt at him.


The dwarf was hit by lightning and screamed.

The black mist seemed to be afraid of lightning and ran away instantly.


It seemed that the thunder and lightning could restrain the black mist.

Chen Yu directly activated his [Space Domain], intending to prevent it from escaping.

However, the black mist seemed to be out of control at all and continued to run away into the distance.

"There's something wrong with this black mist!"

Chen Yu almost didn't hesitate, and used less than 10% of his strength to throw a larger thunder and lightning.


The black mist completely dissipated amidst a burst of screams.

Chen Yu walked over, dragged the dwarf out of the metal pile, and strangled the latter's throat.

"Don't... don't kill me! Please spare my life, sir.……"The dwarf kept struggling on his feet, squeezing out a few pleas for mercy from his throat.

The dwarves speak a very ancient foreign language.

However, relying on the language system, it was automatically converted into easy-to-understand Daxia dialect.

Chen Yu couldn't help but take a closer look at the strange dwarf in front of him.

Judging from his appearance alone, this person looks a bit like a surface person from Blue Star.

It’s just that he is short in stature and has thick limbs. He is more like a smaller version of a strong man.

"I really didn’t expect that there are still human beings under the surface of the earth? Could it be that he has the same ability to escape from the earth as Ah Tu?"

Chen Yu opened the [God's Eye].

At the same time, the detailed information of the dwarf emerged.

【Name: Labdo】

【Race: Earth Center Moko Tribe】

【Age: 135】

【Abilities: None】


Damn it!

This guy named Labudo is 135 years old?

He actually lived longer than the oldest person on Blue Star!

And judging from this person's condition, it seems that he has not yet fully reached his twilight years.

If he were to live until death, wouldn't he be able to live to be 200 years old?

Moreover, as the system just said, he actually has no powers.……

"How did you end up living underground?"Chen Yu directly asked the doubts in his heart.

Labuduo coughed, then bared his teeth and said:

"I am Labuduo, a Moko tribesman from the center of the earth. We, the Moko tribe, have always lived in the center of the earth, and we came here to build a passage from the center of the earth to the surface."

Speaking of this, Labuduo pointed to his neck and signaled Chen Yu to relax.

Of course, Chen Yu would not let go of this weird Moko tribesman easily.

Although this person has no supernatural powers, he can control it like a foreigner. Metal, this is really incredible.

After carefully looking at Labudo, Chen Yu finally discovered the clue. Just now, Labudo had been playing with his right index finger.

There was a very sophisticated-looking ring on it.

Needless to say, this ring must be unusual.

Chen Yu began to analyze the ring carefully.

【Ring name: Magnetic ring】

【Function: Wearing the magnetic ring on your hand, you can control the surrounding metal through your thoughts and finger movements. Each use time is 10 minutes and the charging time is 3 hours. ]

Chen Yu took the magnetic ring and threw Labudo to the ground.

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