In the main hall at this time, the woman with scars all over her body was hiding in the corner of the cage in fear.

The sound of shells above her head made her cover her ears tightly.

"Damn it! What exactly is going on? Why are there so many gunshots! Could it be that that bitch has too many enemies and someone is looking for him?"

The woman looked at the open iron door of the cage and bit her lip hard.

As long as she took advantage of the chaos to escape, she would be able to avoid the pain of her flesh and blood and even regain her freedom.

But she did not dare to take a step forward..

Because she knew what would happen if she was discovered by Chu Gaoshan.

At this moment, Chu Gaoshan came to the hall.

The woman's whole body started to tremble uncontrollably, and even her teeth chattered as she walked to the cage. In front, he looked down at the woman and said:

"I wanted to torture you for a while before eating you, but it seems I don’t have the chance anymore."

The woman retreated all the way back until she reached the iron cage.

"My dear Beibei... have you forgotten the happy time we had together? I treat you like my own son.……"

"shut up!"Chu Gaoshan's teeth clenched involuntarily, and he said fiercely,"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. You will become the nourishment for my upgrade in a while.……"

After saying that, he rushed forward.

The woman full of hatred, fear, and despair became the last stepping stone on Chu Gaoshan's road to advancement.

A few minutes later, Chu Gaoshan finally reached level six.

"Haha... I'm finally level 6!"Chu Gaoshan looked at the six vicious dogs beside him, tilted his head and murmured,"After feeding you six for so many days, it's time to sacrifice your bodies."

While speaking, Chu Gaoshan pounced on six more vicious dogs...

On the other side, the headquarters of the Shangjing Region also exploded.

It turned out that the satellite system destroyed by the United States had just been repaired.

This is a sign of the current internal and external troubles. This is great news for Shangjing.

In the future, Shangjing will not only be able to closely monitor the dynamics of the other two regions, but also be able to detect the actions of other countries in a timely manner.

In addition, it will be more accurate in the event of future wars.

Just when everyone was immersed in joy, a staff member ran into the headquarters in a panic.

"Report, bad! A large-scale war broke out at Tianshui Base in Jiangnan Region!"

After Wang Haijing heard this, his eyebrows that were arched just now suddenly frowned, and he shouted nervously while running towards the door:

"Come with me and have a look!"

After a brief moment of shock, the other senior executives in the room immediately followed.

They soon arrived at the satellite monitoring center and stared at a huge satellite ultra-clear image display screen.

It can be clearly seen from the display screen that the Tianshui base has been completely submerged by artillery fire at this time, which looks very spectacular.

A man adjusted his glasses and shouted in shock:

"Damn, someone is actually attacking the Tianshui base!"

Others also echoed:

"Who did this? Never heard of such a powerful force in Daxia?"

"Looking at the density of artillery shells, you wouldn’t dare to light up the New Year’s fireworks, right?"

"Heaven and earth, who on earth vented such evil breath for us to go to Beijing? Do you dare to go crazy again after watching Chu Gou?"

Wang Haijing, who had been staring at the screen, did not show the same excitement as others, but her face became even more ugly.

She pointed to a certain point on the screen and said seriously:

"Zoom in here."

The staff hurriedly zoomed in on the point pointed by Wang Haijing.

Everyone held their breath and stared carefully at the point that kept zooming in.

When the point almost filled the entire screen, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This... is this an aircraft carrier?!"

"Who on earth could move an aircraft carrier onto land? Is this something a human can do?"

"Look, there are actually fighter jets on the deck. It looks like the most advanced F25 stealth bomber in the United States!"

"This aircraft carrier doesn't look like it belongs to our country. Could it be that it also belongs to the United States?"

"Look at how those soldiers are dressed, they are definitely American soldiers!"

After Wang Haijing saw the weapons and soldiers' attire clearly, she suddenly turned back and cursed:

"What the hell are you doing for food? The enemy is all in front of you, but you haven't noticed the enemy entering the country?"

"Report to the commander!"A middle-aged man with a Chinese character on his face replied,

"We haven’t found any large-scale enemy influx recently. Could these people not be Americans?"

Another person also echoed:

"Yes, Commander, it is impossible for such a large-scale enemy to escape our eyes. What's more, there are so many heavy weapons."

Wang Haijing also felt that this matter was a bit strange, and couldn't help but said to herself:

"So how did these Americans enter Daxia? Also, how did they transport this aircraft carrier to land?"

And just as everyone was staring at the screen and talking, a soldier hurried in without knocking on the door.

"commander! The people we sent to the island country just sent a message saying that there is no longer a person who can breathe on the land of the island country! Not even the zombies can move!"

""What did you say?" Wang Haijing grabbed the soldier by the collar,"Say it again!"

The soldier lowered his head and met a pair of beautiful eyes, but he did not dare to look directly into her eyes. He swallowed his saliva and said word by word:"I said... the island country has been destroyed! Both the people and the zombies are gone!"

"Report!"Another soldier also ran in and said with a shocked look,"I just got the news that almost all the aircraft carriers, ships and fighter jets in the United States have disappeared, as if they disappeared out of thin air! The rest are mostly ordinary people and low-level zombies……"

After everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

One of the two countries was destroyed, and the other lost most of its combat effectiveness. It is unlikely no matter how you look at it, right?

Is this something that humans can do?

From the corner of Wang Haijing's eyes, she inadvertently saw a blurry figure in the corner of the screen.

"That is?"

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, pointed at the corner of the screen and shouted:

"Zoom in on that person!"

As the blurry figure enlarged, everyone realized that it was actually a person suspended in mid-air.

Although they couldn't see clearly, they could tell it was a man.

" is this possible? This man can actually fly?"

"Damn it, what kind of fucking power is this, so awesome?"

"Could this man be the American Superman?"

After Wang Haijing saw the figure, she was no longer surprised. She turned to the person behind her and said:

"Go and call Chu Xia over!"

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