Nearly a thousand zombies were located in front of Chen Yu, operating various cannons in close cooperation.

One of the zombies fired the cannon almost as soon as it was loaded.

A corpse general wearing a helmet next to him asked:"Did you really take aim and fire?"

"Just take a look, there's only such a small area in total, so many of us can cover them all with just a few shots."

"That seems to be the case. Get out of the way, let me have a shot too.……"


Ten minutes ago.

The air defense headquarters on the third underground floor of the Tianshui base.

Chu Gaoshan looked at the trembling subordinates in front of him and cursed:

"What a bunch of rubbish! They even let people touch the door of their house, and they only discovered it!"

Then he looked at a man with scars on his face and asked:

"Scarface Buddha, tell me what's going on?"

The man named Scarface Buddha trembled and hurriedly explained:

"The commander didn't know something. The movement of those people was too fast. Our people were wiped out by them before we even sent any signal. It seems that these people should have been targeting our people for a long time. I suspect it was done by Shangjing."

"Only mutants have this ability, and it was most likely sent by that bitch Wang Haijing!"Chu Gaoshan squinted at the Scarface Buddha and asked coldly,"Are they carrying heavy weapons?"

"Not really. According to the video, there are only a few of them"

""Where is the person in charge of monitoring the camp?" Chu Gaoshan asked.

Scarface Buddha turned his head and looked outside the door, shouting:

"Bring people up!"

Not long after, a very drunk man was dragged up.

However, when the man saw Chu Gaoshan in front of him, he had already sobered up and hurriedly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy:

"Commander... I deserve to die!"

Chu Gaoshan slowly walked in front of the man, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"You don’t have to die ten thousand times, just one death is enough."

After that, he punched the man's head.

The blood spurted out and splashed all over the people around him.

Chu Gaoshan looked at the others and said concisely:"Let all departments prepare for battle!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Everyone did not dare to neglect and hurriedly ran out to prepare for the battle.

But at this moment, an explosion sounded over the base.

The overwhelming shells fell on the Tianshui base like raindrops, directly destroying the 20-centimeter-thick titanium alloy protective layer on the ground. Every hole was torn open.

Some of the soldiers who were guarding the outside of the base were destroyed by the shells before they could dodge. Unfortunately, some officers tried to fly their planes to escape, but they were hit more densely than raindrops before they even took off. The shell hit

"What's going on? Why did they come up so quickly?"Chu Gaoshan asked in surprise when he heard the sound of the cannon.

He originally thought that even if the camp was lost, it would take some time for the enemy to attack, enough for him to do a good job of defense. He didn't expect it to be so fast.

But at this moment , a man wearing glasses holding a tablet ran in in a panic.

"Report to the commander! Something big happened!"

"Come on, what's the matter?"Chu Gaoshan asked anxiously.

"Monitoring shows that a large number of heavy weapons suddenly appeared in the camps around our base, including aircraft carriers! That's what they fired at us!"

After hearing this, the scar-faced Buddha gave the man with glasses a slap in the face.

"Damn it, you fucking idiot! Can an aircraft carrier be driven on land? Why didn't you say that the aircraft carrier can also fly planes?"

"it is true!"The man with glasses handed over the tablet with some grievance,"If you don't believe me, take a look at the video for yourself."

Scar-faced Buddha snatched the tablet and handed it to Chu Gaoshan respectfully.

Chu Gaoshan glanced at the video, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

A large number of artillery carts suddenly appeared in the camp. There is a large aircraft carrier that looks to be 200 meters long.

Countless fighter jets rise from the deck and plunge into the sky diagonally.

"This...what on earth is going on? Where did those gun carriages come from? Also, why do aircraft carriers appear on land? Did they fall from the sky?"

Others had never seen this kind of situation before and didn't know how to deal with it.

At this moment, another sergeant ran in and said at a loss:

"Commander, all the soldiers and weapons outside our base have been blown to pieces in less than three seconds!

The first floor of the base has also been blown flat!

If this continues, our air raid shelter will be lost!"

Chu Gaoshan sat helplessly on the chair, thinking about how to deal with it.

After a while, a ruthless look flashed across Chu Gaoshan's face, and he looked at the people around him and said:

"You must fight me out at all costs!"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. They were all stunned.

Scarface bit the bullet and said in a low voice:"Commander, it's not that we don't want to fight out, it's because there's already a lot of artillery fire outside, and we don't dare to. Get out!"

"Don't dare? Then there is only a dead end……"

Chu Gaoshan grabbed Scarface Buddha and bit his neck with his sharp teeth.

Scarface Buddha died before he could even scream.

At the same time, Chu Gaoshan's face turned into a teddy bear, greedily sucking Scarface Buddha's blood.

Seeing this, the others did not dare to stay for a moment and shouted loudly:

"Run, the commander has killed someone!"

Of course Chu Gaoshan didn't give them a chance to escape.

He snapped his fingers, and six large vicious dogs suddenly rushed out of the door. The head of a man running at the front split open instantly and turned into a bloody man. The monster with a big mouth.

His hand also disappeared, replaced by countless tentacles covered with mucus, which entangled one of the vicious dogs.

The other vicious dogs were not afraid, but pounced on it and bit it together. A monster.

After a while, the monster was eaten cleanly.

Then, the vicious dog rushed towards the others.


Screams came and went, filling the entire command center.

But Chu Gaoshan's face seemed to be full of excitement.

"If I devour everyone in the base, it should help me reach level six! Wang Haijing, you originally wanted to kill me, but unexpectedly you helped me unintentionally. It's best to make the artillery fire more intense, so as to make these people more frightened and desperate.……"

A few minutes later, there was no more movement in the room.

After Chu Gaoshan dealt with the senior leaders of the headquarters, he led six bloody vicious dogs out of the headquarters.

After that, the entire Tianshui base was in a sea of blood and corpses.

Of course, most of the people were not killed by the shells, but died at the hands of Chu Gaoshan.

However, Chu Gaoshan still did not reach level 6.

"It's almost there……"

Chu Gaoshan frowned and looked at the corpse on the ground, then looked in the direction of the main hall, and the corners of his bloody mouth curled up slightly.

"I almost forgot my former mistress……"

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